2024-11-09 23:02:45 +04:00

211 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

  1. Определить бизнес-цели Бизнес-цели: а. Прогнозирование цены страховки б. Оценка влияния данных страхователя на цену страховки
  1. Определить цели технического проета для каждой бизнес-цели а. Построить можедь, которая на основе данных страхователя будет предсказывать цену страховки б. Провести анализ для выявления факторов, которые наиболее сильно влияют на итоговую цену страховки
  1. Подготовка данных
In [592]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("../dataset.csv")

данных достаточно чтобы шумы усреднились

In [593]:
print("было ", df.shape[0])
for column in df.select_dtypes(include=['int', 'float']).columns:
    mean = df[column].mean()
    std_dev = df[column].std()
    print(column, mean, std_dev)
    lower_bound = mean - 3 * std_dev
    upper_bound = mean + 3 * std_dev
    df = df[(df[column] <= upper_bound) & (df[column] >= lower_bound)]
print("стало ", df.shape[0])
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
было  2772
age 39.10966810966811 14.081459420836477
bmi 30.70134920634921 6.1294486949652205
children 1.1026753434562546 1.2157555494600176
charges 13325.498588795157 12200.175109274192
стало  2710

были устранены выбросы, отобранные по правилу трех сигм

In [594]:
age         0
sex         0
bmi         0
children    0
smoker      0
region      0
charges     0
dtype: int64

Пропущенных значений нет

  1. Разбиение на выборки
In [595]:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

train_df, temp_df = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=52)
val_df, test_df = train_test_split(temp_df, test_size=0.5, random_state=52)

print(train_df.shape[0], val_df.shape[0], test_df.shape[0])
print(df.shape[0], train_df.shape[0] + val_df.shape[0] + test_df.shape[0])

test_df = test_df.reset_index(drop=True)
val_df = val_df.reset_index(drop=True)
train_df = train_df.reset_index(drop=True)
1897 406 407
2710 2710

данные были разделены на обучающую (70%), контрольную (15%) и тестовую (15%) выборки

  1. Оценка сбалансированности выборок
In [596]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

def draw(data, title):
    sns.histplot(data['charges'], kde=True)
draw(train_df, 'Распределение цен в обучающей выборке')
draw(val_df, 'Распределение цен в контрольной выборке')
draw(test_df, 'Распределение цен в тестовой выборке')
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

6,7. Конструирование признаков

In [597]:

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
import numpy as np

encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse_output=False, drop="first")

encoded_values = encoder.fit_transform(train_df[["smoker", "sex", "region", "children"]])
encoded_columns = encoder.get_feature_names_out(["smoker", "sex", "region", "children"])
encoded_values_df = pd.DataFrame(encoded_values, columns=encoded_columns)
train_df = pd.concat([train_df, encoded_values_df], axis=1)

encoded_values = encoder.fit_transform(test_df[["smoker", "sex", "region", "children"]])
encoded_columns = encoder.get_feature_names_out(["smoker", "sex", "region", "children"])
encoded_values_df = pd.DataFrame(encoded_values, columns=encoded_columns)
test_df = pd.concat([test_df, encoded_values_df], axis=1)

encoded_values = encoder.fit_transform(val_df[["smoker", "sex", "region", "children"]])
encoded_columns = encoder.get_feature_names_out(["smoker", "sex", "region", "children"])
encoded_values_df = pd.DataFrame(encoded_values, columns=encoded_columns)
val_df = pd.concat([val_df, encoded_values_df], axis=1)

['southwest' 'southeast' 'northwest' 'northeast']
[0 1 3 2 4]
Index(['age', 'sex', 'bmi', 'children', 'smoker', 'region', 'charges',
       'smoker_yes', 'sex_male', 'region_northwest', 'region_southeast',
       'region_southwest', 'children_1', 'children_2', 'children_3',
Index(['age', 'sex', 'bmi', 'children', 'smoker', 'region', 'charges',
       'smoker_yes', 'sex_male', 'region_northwest', 'region_southeast',
       'region_southwest', 'children_1', 'children_2', 'children_3',
Index(['age', 'sex', 'bmi', 'children', 'smoker', 'region', 'charges',
       'smoker_yes', 'sex_male', 'region_northwest', 'region_southeast',
       'region_southwest', 'children_1', 'children_2', 'children_3',

Было совершено унитарное кодирование признаков Пол (sex), Курильщик (smoker) и Регион (region). Полученные признаки были добавлены в исходный сет.

In [598]:
print('age', min(df['age']), max(df['age']))
#print('charges', min(df['charges']), max(df['charges']))
print('bmi', min(df['bmi']), max(df['bmi']))

labels_age = ['young', 'middle-aged', 'old']
labels_bmi = ['underweight', 'normal weight', 'overweight']
#labels_charges = ['low_charges', 'medium_charges', 'high_charges']

hist_age, bins_age = np.histogram(test_df['age'], bins = [0, 27, 45, 100])
age_df = pd.concat([test_df['age'], pd.cut(test_df['age'], list(bins_age), labels = labels_age)], axis=1)
test_df['age_category'] = pd.cut(test_df['age'], bins=bins_age, labels=labels_age)

hist_bmi, bins_bmi = np.histogram(test_df['bmi'], bins = [0, 18.5, 25, 100])
bmi_df = pd.concat([test_df['bmi'], pd.cut(test_df['bmi'], list(bins_bmi), labels = labels_bmi)], axis=1)
test_df['bmi_category'] = pd.cut(test_df['bmi'], bins=bins_bmi, labels=labels_bmi)

hist_age, bins_age = np.histogram(train_df['age'], bins = [0, 27, 45, 100])
age_df = pd.concat([train_df['age'], pd.cut(train_df['age'], list(bins_age), labels = labels_age)], axis=1)
train_df['age_category'] = pd.cut(train_df['age'], bins=bins_age, labels=labels_age)

hist_bmi, bins_bmi = np.histogram(train_df['bmi'], bins = [0, 18.5, 25, 100])
bmi_df = pd.concat([train_df['bmi'], pd.cut(train_df['bmi'], list(bins_bmi), labels = labels_bmi)], axis=1)
train_df['bmi_category'] = pd.cut(train_df['bmi'], bins=bins_bmi, labels=labels_bmi)

hist_age, bins_age = np.histogram(val_df['age'], bins = [0, 27, 45, 100])
age_df = pd.concat([val_df['age'], pd.cut(val_df['age'], list(bins_age), labels = labels_age)], axis=1)
val_df['age_category'] = pd.cut(val_df['age'], bins=bins_age, labels=labels_age)

hist_bmi, bins_bmi = np.histogram(val_df['bmi'], bins = [0, 18.5, 25, 100])
bmi_df = pd.concat([val_df['bmi'], pd.cut(val_df['bmi'], list(bins_bmi), labels = labels_bmi)], axis=1)
val_df['bmi_category'] = pd.cut(val_df['bmi'], bins=bins_bmi, labels=labels_bmi)

category_counts = val_df['bmi_category'].value_counts()
category_counts = test_df['bmi_category'].value_counts()
category_counts = train_df['bmi_category'].value_counts()
age 18 64
bmi 15.96 49.06
overweight       335
normal weight     66
underweight        5
Name: count, dtype: int64
overweight       332
normal weight     70
underweight        5
Name: count, dtype: int64
overweight       1543
normal weight     324
underweight        30
Name: count, dtype: int64

Была выполнена дискретизация числовых признаков Индекс массы тела (bmi) и Возраст (age)

In [599]:
train_df['parent_yes'] = train_df['children'] > 0
train_df['parent_yes'] = train_df['parent_yes'].map({True: 1.0, False: 0.0})

test_df['parent_yes'] = test_df['children'] > 0
test_df['parent_yes'] = test_df['parent_yes'].map({True: 1.0, False: 0.0})

val_df['parent_yes'] = val_df['children'] > 0
val_df['parent_yes'] = val_df['parent_yes'].map({True: 1.0, False: 0.0})

0     1.0
1     1.0
2     0.0
3     0.0
4     1.0
5     0.0
6     0.0
7     0.0
8     1.0
9     1.0
10    0.0
11    0.0
12    1.0
13    0.0
14    0.0
15    0.0
16    1.0
17    1.0
18    1.0
19    0.0
Name: parent_yes, dtype: float64
0     1.0
1     1.0
2     0.0
3     1.0
4     0.0
5     1.0
6     0.0
7     0.0
8     1.0
9     0.0
10    1.0
11    1.0
12    0.0
13    0.0
14    0.0
15    1.0
16    1.0
17    0.0
18    1.0
19    1.0
Name: parent_yes, dtype: float64
0     1.0
1     0.0
2     1.0
3     1.0
4     1.0
5     0.0
6     0.0
7     1.0
8     0.0
9     1.0
10    0.0
11    1.0
12    1.0
13    0.0
14    1.0
15    1.0
16    1.0
17    0.0
18    0.0
19    1.0
Name: parent_yes, dtype: float64

Был выполнен ручной синтез признака Родитель, на основе того, есть ли дети у страхователя или нет

In [600]:
from sklearn import preprocessing

scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
test_df['age_norm'] = scaler.fit_transform(test_df[['age']])
train_df['age_norm'] = scaler.fit_transform(train_df[['age']])
val_df['age_norm'] = scaler.fit_transform(val_df[['age']])
0    0.695652
1    0.500000
2    0.239130
3    0.565217
4    0.978261
5    0.304348
6    0.847826
7    0.630435
8    0.804348
9    0.173913
Name: age_norm, dtype: float64
0    0.586957
1    0.413043
2    0.847826
3    0.956522
4    0.521739
5    0.869565
6    0.021739
7    0.130435
8    0.565217
9    0.500000
Name: age_norm, dtype: float64
0    0.217391
1    0.173913
2    0.760870
3    0.108696
4    0.326087
5    0.065217
6    0.282609
7    0.260870
8    0.152174
9    0.565217
Name: age_norm, dtype: float64

Было выполнено маштабирование признака Возраст (age) на основе нормировки.

In [601]:
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
train_df['age_stand'] = scaler.fit_transform(train_df[['age']])
test_df['age_stand'] = scaler.fit_transform(test_df[['age']])
val_df['age_stand'] = scaler.fit_transform(val_df[['age']])
0    0.414950
1   -0.153961
2    1.268317
3    1.623887
4    0.201608
5    1.339431
6   -1.434012
7   -1.078443
8    0.343836
9    0.130494
Name: age_stand, dtype: float64
0    0.727622
1    0.101529
2   -0.733262
3    0.310226
4    1.631978
5   -0.524564
6    1.214583
7    0.518924
8    1.075451
9   -0.941960
Name: age_stand, dtype: float64
0   -0.766548
1   -0.907530
2    0.995731
3   -1.119003
4   -0.414092
5   -1.259986
6   -0.555074
7   -0.625565
8   -0.978021
9    0.361310
Name: age_stand, dtype: float64

Было выполнено маштабирование признака Возраст (age) на основе стандартизации.

  1. Использование Featuretools
In [602]:
import featuretools as ft

es = ft.EntitySet(id='insurance')

es = es.add_dataframe(dataframe_name="insurance_data", dataframe=df, index='index')

agg_primitives = ["sum", "mean", "median", "std", "max", "min", "count"]
trans_primitives = ["add_numeric", "multiply_numeric", "divide_numeric", "subtract_numeric"]

feature_matrix, feature_defs = ft.dfs(
c:\ulstu\mii\AIM-PIbd-31-Barsukov-P-O\aimenv\Lib\site-packages\featuretools\entityset\entityset.py:1733: UserWarning: index index not found in dataframe, creating new integer column
c:\ulstu\mii\AIM-PIbd-31-Barsukov-P-O\aimenv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\utils.py:33: UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
c:\ulstu\mii\AIM-PIbd-31-Barsukov-P-O\aimenv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\utils.py:33: UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
c:\ulstu\mii\AIM-PIbd-31-Barsukov-P-O\aimenv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\utils.py:33: UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
c:\ulstu\mii\AIM-PIbd-31-Barsukov-P-O\aimenv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\utils.py:33: UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
c:\ulstu\mii\AIM-PIbd-31-Barsukov-P-O\aimenv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\utils.py:33: UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
c:\ulstu\mii\AIM-PIbd-31-Barsukov-P-O\aimenv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\utils.py:33: UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
c:\ulstu\mii\AIM-PIbd-31-Barsukov-P-O\aimenv\Lib\site-packages\featuretools\synthesis\deep_feature_synthesis.py:169: UserWarning: Only one dataframe in entityset, changing max_depth to 1 since deeper features cannot be created
c:\ulstu\mii\AIM-PIbd-31-Barsukov-P-O\aimenv\Lib\site-packages\featuretools\synthesis\dfs.py:321: UnusedPrimitiveWarning: Some specified primitives were not used during DFS:
  agg_primitives: ['count', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'min', 'std', 'sum']
This may be caused by a using a value of max_depth that is too small, not setting interesting values, or it may indicate no compatible columns for the primitive were found in the data. If the DFS call contained multiple instances of a primitive in the list above, none of them were used.
  warnings.warn(warning_msg, UnusedPrimitiveWarning)
age sex bmi children smoker region charges age + bmi age + charges age + children ... age * children bmi * charges bmi * children charges * children age - bmi age - charges age - children bmi - charges bmi - children charges - children
0 19 female 27.900 0 True southwest 16884.92400 46.900 16903.92400 19.0 ... 0.0 471089.379600 0.00 0.0000 -8.900 -16865.92400 19.0 -16857.02400 27.900 16884.92400
1 18 male 33.770 1 False southeast 1725.55230 51.770 1743.55230 19.0 ... 18.0 58271.901171 33.77 1725.5523 -15.770 -1707.55230 17.0 -1691.78230 32.770 1724.55230
2 28 male 33.000 3 False southeast 4449.46200 61.000 4477.46200 31.0 ... 84.0 146832.246000 99.00 13348.3860 -5.000 -4421.46200 25.0 -4416.46200 30.000 4446.46200
3 33 male 22.705 0 False northwest 21984.47061 55.705 22017.47061 33.0 ... 0.0 499157.405200 0.00 0.0000 10.295 -21951.47061 33.0 -21961.76561 22.705 21984.47061
4 32 male 28.880 0 False northwest 3866.85520 60.880 3898.85520 32.0 ... 0.0 111674.778176 0.00 0.0000 3.120 -3834.85520 32.0 -3837.97520 28.880 3866.85520
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2705 47 female 45.320 1 False southeast 8569.86180 92.320 8616.86180 48.0 ... 47.0 388386.136776 45.32 8569.8618 1.680 -8522.86180 46.0 -8524.54180 44.320 8568.86180
2706 21 female 34.600 0 False southwest 2020.17700 55.600 2041.17700 21.0 ... 0.0 69898.124200 0.00 0.0000 -13.600 -1999.17700 21.0 -1985.57700 34.600 2020.17700
2707 19 male 26.030 1 True northwest 16450.89470 45.030 16469.89470 20.0 ... 19.0 428216.789041 26.03 16450.8947 -7.030 -16431.89470 18.0 -16424.86470 25.030 16449.89470
2708 23 male 18.715 0 False northwest 21595.38229 41.715 21618.38229 23.0 ... 0.0 404157.579557 0.00 0.0000 4.285 -21572.38229 23.0 -21576.66729 18.715 21595.38229
2709 54 male 31.600 0 False southwest 9850.43200 85.600 9904.43200 54.0 ... 0.0 311273.651200 0.00 0.0000 22.400 -9796.43200 54.0 -9818.83200 31.600 9850.43200

2710 rows × 37 columns

Были сконструированы признаки с помощью Featuretools

In [603]:
train_X = train_df.drop("charges", axis=1)
train_Y = train_df['charges']

test_X = test_df.drop("charges", axis=1)
test_Y = test_df['charges']

val_X = val_df.drop("charges", axis=1)
val_Y = val_df['charges']

train_X = train_X.drop(['smoker', 'sex', 'region', 'age_category', 'bmi_category'], axis=1)
test_X = test_X.drop(['smoker', 'sex', 'region', 'age_category', 'bmi_category'], axis=1)
val_X = val_X.drop(['smoker', 'sex', 'region', 'age_category', 'bmi_category'], axis=1)


from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import time 
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score

model = LinearRegression()

start_time = time.time()
model.fit(train_X, train_Y)
train_time = time.time() - start_time

val_predictions = model.predict(val_X)
mse = mean_squared_error(val_Y, val_predictions)
r2 = r2_score(val_Y, val_predictions)

print(train_time, mse, r2)

plt.scatter(val_Y, val_predictions, alpha=0.5)
plt.plot([val_Y.min(), val_Y.max()], [val_Y.min(), val_Y.max()], 'k--', lw=1)
plt.xlabel('Фактическая цена')
plt.ylabel('Прогнозируемая цена')
Index(['age', 'bmi', 'children', 'smoker_yes', 'sex_male', 'region_northwest',
       'region_southeast', 'region_southwest', 'children_1', 'children_2',
       'children_3', 'children_4', 'parent_yes', 'age_norm', 'age_stand'],
0.02249455451965332 33039788.648656577 0.7496335938888106
Text(0, 0.5, 'Прогнозируемая цена')
No description has been provided for this image

Обученная модель довольно точно предсказывает цены ниже двух тысяч, для цен более двух тысяч модель занижает или завышает цены