2025-02-07 18:42:54 +04:00

180 KiB
Raw Blame History

In [ ]:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("../data/kc_house_data.csv")
df = df[~df['bedrooms'].between(10, 34)]

Out[ ]:
Index(['id', 'date', 'price', 'bedrooms', 'bathrooms', 'sqft_living',
       'sqft_lot', 'floors', 'waterfront', 'view', 'condition', 'grade',
       'sqft_above', 'sqft_basement', 'yr_built', 'yr_renovated', 'zipcode',
       'lat', 'long', 'sqft_living15', 'sqft_lot15'],

Определим входные и выходные переменные

Входные Х: col_bedrooms(кол-во спален) и sqft_living(жилплощадь)

Выходные Y: price(цена дома)

Создадим лингвистические переменные

In [120]:
import skfuzzy as fuzz
from skfuzzy import control as ctrl

col_bedrooms = ctrl.Antecedent(df["bedrooms"].sort_values(), "col_bedrooms")
sqft_living = ctrl.Antecedent(df["sqft_living"].sort_values(), "sqft_living")
price = ctrl.Consequent(df["price"].sort_values(), "price")

Формирование нечетких переменных для лингвистических переменных и их визуализация

In [121]:
col_bedrooms['low'] = fuzz.zmf(col_bedrooms.universe, 0,4)
col_bedrooms['medium'] = fuzz.trapmf(col_bedrooms.universe, [1, 4, 5, 8])
col_bedrooms['high'] = fuzz.trimf(col_bedrooms.universe, [5,9,9])

sqft_living['low'] = fuzz.zmf(sqft_living.universe, 0, 6000)
sqft_living['medium'] = fuzz.trapmf(sqft_living.universe, [3400, 5500, 7800, 9640])
sqft_living['high'] = fuzz.trimf(sqft_living.universe, [8000, 13540,13540])

# price['low'] = fuzz.zmf(price.universe, 0, 2000000)
# price['medium'] = fuzz.trapmf(price.universe, [2000000, 3000000, 4000000, 5500000])
# price['high'] = fuzz.smf(price.universe, 5000000, 7700000)
price.automf(5, variable_type="quant")
d:\Study\3 курс 5 семестр\AIM\AIM-PIbd-31-Yakovlev-M-G\kernel\Lib\site-packages\skfuzzy\control\fuzzyvariable.py:125: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

Формирование и визуализация базы нечетких правил

In [122]:
#col_bedrooms sqft_living price
rule1 = ctrl.Rule(col_bedrooms['low'] & sqft_living['low'], price['lower'])
rule2 = ctrl.Rule(col_bedrooms['low'] & sqft_living['medium'], price['low'])
rule3 = ctrl.Rule(col_bedrooms['low'] & sqft_living['high'], price['average'])
rule4 = ctrl.Rule(col_bedrooms['medium'] & sqft_living['low'], price['lower'])
rule5 = ctrl.Rule(col_bedrooms['medium'] & sqft_living['medium'], price['average'])
rule6 = ctrl.Rule(col_bedrooms['medium'] & sqft_living['high'], price['high'])
rule7 = ctrl.Rule(col_bedrooms['high'] & sqft_living['low'], price['average'])
rule8 = ctrl.Rule(col_bedrooms['high'] & sqft_living['medium'], price['high'])
rule9 = ctrl.Rule(col_bedrooms['high'] & sqft_living['high'], price['higher'])

(<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)
No description has been provided for this image

Создание нечеткой системы и добавление нечетких правил в базу знаний нечеткой системы

In [123]:
price_ctrl = ctrl.ControlSystem(

prices = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(price_ctrl)

Пример расчета выходной переменной price на основе входных переменных col_bedrooms и sqft_living

In [124]:
prices.input['col_bedrooms'] = 3
prices.input['sqft_living'] = 2570
Antecedent: col_bedrooms            = 3
  - low                             : 0.125
  - medium                          : 0.6666666666666666
  - high                            : 0.0
Antecedent: sqft_living             = 2570
  - low                             : 0.6330611111111111
  - medium                          : 0.0
  - high                            : 0.0

RULE #0:
  IF col_bedrooms[low] AND sqft_living[low] THEN price[lower]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - col_bedrooms[low]                                      : 0.125
  - sqft_living[low]                                       : 0.6330611111111111
                    col_bedrooms[low] AND sqft_living[low] = 0.125
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                              price[lower] : 0.125

RULE #1:
  IF col_bedrooms[low] AND sqft_living[medium] THEN price[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - col_bedrooms[low]                                      : 0.125
  - sqft_living[medium]                                    : 0.0
                 col_bedrooms[low] AND sqft_living[medium] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                price[low] : 0.0

RULE #2:
  IF col_bedrooms[low] AND sqft_living[high] THEN price[average]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - col_bedrooms[low]                                      : 0.125
  - sqft_living[high]                                      : 0.0
                   col_bedrooms[low] AND sqft_living[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                            price[average] : 0.0

RULE #3:
  IF col_bedrooms[medium] AND sqft_living[low] THEN price[lower]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - col_bedrooms[medium]                                   : 0.6666666666666666
  - sqft_living[low]                                       : 0.6330611111111111
                 col_bedrooms[medium] AND sqft_living[low] = 0.6330611111111111
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                              price[lower] : 0.6330611111111111

RULE #4:
  IF col_bedrooms[medium] AND sqft_living[medium] THEN price[average]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - col_bedrooms[medium]                                   : 0.6666666666666666
  - sqft_living[medium]                                    : 0.0
              col_bedrooms[medium] AND sqft_living[medium] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                            price[average] : 0.0

RULE #5:
  IF col_bedrooms[medium] AND sqft_living[high] THEN price[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - col_bedrooms[medium]                                   : 0.6666666666666666
  - sqft_living[high]                                      : 0.0
                col_bedrooms[medium] AND sqft_living[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                               price[high] : 0.0

RULE #6:
  IF col_bedrooms[high] AND sqft_living[low] THEN price[average]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - col_bedrooms[high]                                     : 0.0
  - sqft_living[low]                                       : 0.6330611111111111
                   col_bedrooms[high] AND sqft_living[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                            price[average] : 0.0

RULE #7:
  IF col_bedrooms[high] AND sqft_living[medium] THEN price[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - col_bedrooms[high]                                     : 0.0
  - sqft_living[medium]                                    : 0.0
                col_bedrooms[high] AND sqft_living[medium] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                               price[high] : 0.0

RULE #8:
  IF col_bedrooms[high] AND sqft_living[high] THEN price[higher]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - col_bedrooms[high]                                     : 0.0
  - sqft_living[high]                                      : 0.0
                  col_bedrooms[high] AND sqft_living[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                             price[higher] : 0.0

 Intermediaries and Conquests 
Consequent: price                    = 773008.5246688315
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.6330611111111111
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0


Тестирование нечеткой системы

In [125]:
def fuzzy_pred(row):
    prices.input['col_bedrooms'] = row['bedrooms']
    prices.input['sqft_living'] = row['sqft_living']
    return prices.output['price']

res = df[['bedrooms', 'sqft_living', 'price']].head(100)

res['Pred'] = res.apply(fuzzy_pred, axis=1)

bedrooms sqft_living price Pred
0 3 1180 221900.0 7.633710e+05
1 3 2570 538000.0 7.730085e+05
2 2 770 180000.0 8.163228e+05
3 4 1960 604000.0 7.342715e+05
4 3 1680 510000.0 7.633710e+05
5 4 5420 1225000.0 3.907144e+06
6 3 1715 257500.0 7.633710e+05
7 3 1060 291850.0 7.633710e+05
8 3 1780 229500.0 7.633710e+05
9 3 1890 323000.0 7.633710e+05
10 3 3560 662500.0 2.194984e+06
11 2 1160 468000.0 8.163228e+05
12 3 1430 310000.0 7.633710e+05
13 3 1370 400000.0 7.633710e+05
14 5 1810 530000.0 7.282272e+05

Оценка результатов на основе метрик для задачи регрессии

In [126]:
import math
from sklearn import metrics

rmetrics = {}
rmetrics["RMSE"] = math.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(res['price'], res['Pred']))
rmetrics["RMAE"] = math.sqrt(metrics.mean_absolute_error(res['price'], res['Pred']))
rmetrics["R2"] = metrics.r2_score(res['price'], res['Pred'])

{'RMSE': 648551.3362363386,
 'RMAE': 675.5893884070558,
 'R2': -3.582200641088188}