Никита Потапов a1830c3724 Закончил работу с FeatureTools
Произвел нормализацию;
Использовал категориальное и One Hot кодирование;
Разбил на выборки и аугментировал;
Обучил модель и исследовал результаты обучения;
2024-12-01 11:09:12 +04:00

336 KiB
Raw Blame History

Вариант 2. Показатели сердечных заболеваний

In [248]:
from typing import Any
from math import ceil

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from imblearn.over_sampling import ADASYN, SMOTE
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Загрузим данные из датасета

In [249]:
df = pd.read_csv('csv\\heart_2022_no_nans.csv')

Посмотрим общие сведения о датасете

In [250]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 246022 entries, 0 to 246021
Data columns (total 40 columns):
 #   Column                     Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------                     --------------   -----  
 0   State                      246022 non-null  object 
 1   Sex                        246022 non-null  object 
 2   GeneralHealth              246022 non-null  object 
 3   PhysicalHealthDays         246022 non-null  float64
 4   MentalHealthDays           246022 non-null  float64
 5   LastCheckupTime            246022 non-null  object 
 6   PhysicalActivities         246022 non-null  object 
 7   SleepHours                 246022 non-null  float64
 8   RemovedTeeth               246022 non-null  object 
 9   HadHeartAttack             246022 non-null  object 
 10  HadAngina                  246022 non-null  object 
 11  HadStroke                  246022 non-null  object 
 12  HadAsthma                  246022 non-null  object 
 13  HadSkinCancer              246022 non-null  object 
 14  HadCOPD                    246022 non-null  object 
 15  HadDepressiveDisorder      246022 non-null  object 
 16  HadKidneyDisease           246022 non-null  object 
 17  HadArthritis               246022 non-null  object 
 18  HadDiabetes                246022 non-null  object 
 19  DeafOrHardOfHearing        246022 non-null  object 
 20  BlindOrVisionDifficulty    246022 non-null  object 
 21  DifficultyConcentrating    246022 non-null  object 
 22  DifficultyWalking          246022 non-null  object 
 23  DifficultyDressingBathing  246022 non-null  object 
 24  DifficultyErrands          246022 non-null  object 
 25  SmokerStatus               246022 non-null  object 
 26  ECigaretteUsage            246022 non-null  object 
 27  ChestScan                  246022 non-null  object 
 28  RaceEthnicityCategory      246022 non-null  object 
 29  AgeCategory                246022 non-null  object 
 30  HeightInMeters             246022 non-null  float64
 31  WeightInKilograms          246022 non-null  float64
 32  BMI                        246022 non-null  float64
 33  AlcoholDrinkers            246022 non-null  object 
 34  HIVTesting                 246022 non-null  object 
 35  FluVaxLast12               246022 non-null  object 
 36  PneumoVaxEver              246022 non-null  object 
 37  TetanusLast10Tdap          246022 non-null  object 
 38  HighRiskLastYear           246022 non-null  object 
 39  CovidPos                   246022 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(6), object(34)
memory usage: 75.1+ MB
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
PhysicalHealthDays 246022.0 4.119026 8.405844 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 30.00
MentalHealthDays 246022.0 4.167140 8.102687 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 30.00
SleepHours 246022.0 7.021331 1.440681 1.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 24.00
HeightInMeters 246022.0 1.705150 0.106654 0.91 1.63 1.70 1.78 2.41
WeightInKilograms 246022.0 83.615179 21.323156 28.12 68.04 81.65 95.25 292.57
BMI 246022.0 28.668136 6.513973 12.02 24.27 27.46 31.89 97.65

Получим информацию о пустых значениях в колонках датасета

In [251]:
def get_null_columns_info(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
    Возвращает информацию о пропущенных значениях в колонках датасета
    w = []
    df_len = len(df)

    for column in df.columns:
        column_nulls = df[column].isnull()
        w.append([column, column_nulls.any(), column_nulls.sum() / df_len])

    null_df = DataFrame(w).rename(columns={0: "Column", 1: "Has Null", 2: "Null Percent"})

    return null_df
In [252]:
Column Has Null Null Percent
0 State False 0.0
1 Sex False 0.0
2 GeneralHealth False 0.0
3 PhysicalHealthDays False 0.0
4 MentalHealthDays False 0.0
5 LastCheckupTime False 0.0
6 PhysicalActivities False 0.0
7 SleepHours False 0.0
8 RemovedTeeth False 0.0
9 HadHeartAttack False 0.0
10 HadAngina False 0.0
11 HadStroke False 0.0
12 HadAsthma False 0.0
13 HadSkinCancer False 0.0
14 HadCOPD False 0.0
15 HadDepressiveDisorder False 0.0
16 HadKidneyDisease False 0.0
17 HadArthritis False 0.0
18 HadDiabetes False 0.0
19 DeafOrHardOfHearing False 0.0
20 BlindOrVisionDifficulty False 0.0
21 DifficultyConcentrating False 0.0
22 DifficultyWalking False 0.0
23 DifficultyDressingBathing False 0.0
24 DifficultyErrands False 0.0
25 SmokerStatus False 0.0
26 ECigaretteUsage False 0.0
27 ChestScan False 0.0
28 RaceEthnicityCategory False 0.0
29 AgeCategory False 0.0
30 HeightInMeters False 0.0
31 WeightInKilograms False 0.0
32 BMI False 0.0
33 AlcoholDrinkers False 0.0
34 HIVTesting False 0.0
35 FluVaxLast12 False 0.0
36 PneumoVaxEver False 0.0
37 TetanusLast10Tdap False 0.0
38 HighRiskLastYear False 0.0
39 CovidPos False 0.0

Получим информацию о выбросах

In [253]:
def get_numeric_columns(df: DataFrame) -> list[str]:
    Возвращает список числовых колонок
    return list(filter(lambda column: pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(df[column]), df.columns))
In [254]:
def get_outliers_info(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
    Возаращает информацию о выбросах в числовых колонках датасета
    data = {
        "Column": [],
        "Has Outliers": [],
        "Outliers Count": [],
        "Min Value": [],
        "Max Value": [],
        "Q1": [],
        "Q3": []

    info = DataFrame(data)

    for column in get_numeric_columns(df):
        Q1: float = df[column].quantile(0.25)
        Q3: float = df[column].quantile(0.75)
        IQR: float = Q3 - Q1

        lower_bound: float = Q1 - 1.5 * IQR
        upper_bound: float = Q3 + 1.5 * IQR

        outliers: DataFrame = df[(df[column] < lower_bound) | (df[column] > upper_bound)]
        outlier_count: int = outliers.shape[0]

        info.loc[len(info)] = [column, outlier_count > 0, outlier_count, df[column].min(), df[column].max(), Q1, Q3]

    return info

Посмотрим данные по выбросам

In [255]:
outliers_info = get_outliers_info(df)
Column Has Outliers Outliers Count Min Value Max Value Q1 Q3
0 PhysicalHealthDays True 38810 0.00 30.00 0.00 3.00
1 MentalHealthDays True 32714 0.00 30.00 0.00 4.00
2 SleepHours True 3488 1.00 24.00 6.00 8.00
3 HeightInMeters True 830 0.91 2.41 1.63 1.78
4 WeightInKilograms True 5940 28.12 292.57 68.04 95.25
5 BMI True 7563 12.02 97.65 24.27 31.89
In [256]:
def visualize_outliers(df: DataFrame) -> None:
    Генерирует диаграммы BoxPlot для числовых колонок датасета
    columns = get_numeric_columns(df)
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
    rows: int = ceil(len(columns) / 3)
    for index, column in enumerate(columns, 1):
        plt.subplot(rows, 3, index)
        plt.boxplot(df[column], vert=True, patch_artist=True)
        plt.title(f"Диаграмма размахов\n\"{column}\"")

Визуализируем выбросы с помощью диаграмм

In [257]:
No description has been provided for this image
In [258]:
def remove_outliers(df: DataFrame, columns: list[str]) -> DataFrame:
    Устраняет выбросы в заданных колонках:
    задает значениям выше максимального значение максимума, ниже минимального - значение минимума
    for column in columns:
        Q1: float = df[column].quantile(0.25)
        Q3: float = df[column].quantile(0.75)
        IQR: float = Q3 - Q1

        lower_bound: float = Q1 - 1.5 * IQR
        upper_bound: float = Q3 + 1.5 * IQR

        df[column] = df[column].apply(lambda x: lower_bound if x < lower_bound else upper_bound if x > upper_bound else x)
    return df

Удаляем выбросы

In [259]:
outliers_columns = list(outliers_info[outliers_info["Has Outliers"] == True]["Column"])
df = remove_outliers(df, outliers_columns)

Снова получим данные о выбросах

In [260]:
Column Has Outliers Outliers Count Min Value Max Value Q1 Q3
0 PhysicalHealthDays False 0 0.000 7.500 0.00 3.00
1 MentalHealthDays False 0 0.000 10.000 0.00 4.00
2 SleepHours False 0 3.000 11.000 6.00 8.00
3 HeightInMeters False 0 1.405 2.005 1.63 1.78
4 WeightInKilograms False 0 28.120 136.065 68.04 95.25
5 BMI False 0 12.840 43.320 24.27 31.89

Видим, что выбросов не осталось - проверим через диаграммы

In [261]:
No description has been provided for this image

Нормализация числовых признаков

In [262]:
from sklearn import preprocessing
In [263]:
min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()

df_norm = df.copy()

numeric_columns = get_numeric_columns(df)

for column in numeric_columns:
    norm_column = column + "Norm"
    df_norm[norm_column] = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(
        df_norm[column].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1)

df_norm = df_norm.drop(columns=numeric_columns)

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
PhysicalHealthDaysNorm 246022.0 0.253306 0.385378 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.400000 1.0
MentalHealthDaysNorm 246022.0 0.244973 0.378598 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.400000 1.0
SleepHoursNorm 246022.0 0.501124 0.165569 0.0 0.375000 0.500000 0.625000 1.0
HeightInMetersNorm 246022.0 0.500401 0.176240 0.0 0.375000 0.491667 0.625000 1.0
WeightInKilogramsNorm 246022.0 0.510963 0.186742 0.0 0.369818 0.495901 0.621891 1.0
BMINorm 246022.0 0.513599 0.194556 0.0 0.375000 0.479659 0.625000 1.0

Конструирование признаков

Автоматическое конструирование признаков с помощью фреймворка FeatureTools

In [264]:
import featuretools as ft
In [266]:
# Преобразуем датасет с помощью фремйворка

entity_set = ft.EntitySet().add_dataframe(df_norm, "df", make_index=True, index="id")

feature_matrix, feature_defs = ft.dfs(

feature_matrix: DataFrame
feature_defs: list[ft.Feature]
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
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d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
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d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
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d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
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d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
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d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
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d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
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d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\woodwork\type_sys\ UserWarning: Could not infer format, so each element will be parsed individually, falling back to `dateutil`. To ensure parsing is consistent and as-expected, please specify a format.
d:\code\AIM-PIbd-31-Potapov-N-S\lab_3\.venv\Lib\site-packages\featuretools\synthesis\ UserWarning: Only one dataframe in entityset, changing max_depth to 1 since deeper features cannot be created

Выполняем категориальное и унитарное кодирование признаков с помощью FeatureTools

In [267]:
# Сгенерируем новые признаки

feature_matrix_enc, features_enc = ft.encode_features(feature_matrix, feature_defs)
feature_matrix_enc.to_csv("./csv/generated_features.csv", index=False)

print("Было признаков:", len(feature_defs))
print("Стало признаков:", len(features_enc))
print(*features_enc, sep='\n')
Было признаков: 40
Стало признаков: 99
<Feature: State = Washington>
<Feature: State = Maryland>
<Feature: State = Minnesota>
<Feature: State = Ohio>
<Feature: State = New York>
<Feature: State = Texas>
<Feature: State = Florida>
<Feature: State = Kansas>
<Feature: State = Wisconsin>
<Feature: State = Maine>
<Feature: State is unknown>
<Feature: Sex = Female>
<Feature: Sex = Male>
<Feature: Sex is unknown>
<Feature: GeneralHealth = Very good>
<Feature: GeneralHealth = Good>
<Feature: GeneralHealth = Excellent>
<Feature: GeneralHealth = Fair>
<Feature: GeneralHealth = Poor>
<Feature: GeneralHealth is unknown>
<Feature: LastCheckupTime = Within past year (anytime less than 12 months ago)>
<Feature: LastCheckupTime = Within past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago)>
<Feature: LastCheckupTime = Within past 5 years (2 years but less than 5 years ago)>
<Feature: LastCheckupTime = 5 or more years ago>
<Feature: LastCheckupTime is unknown>
<Feature: PhysicalActivities>
<Feature: RemovedTeeth = None of them>
<Feature: RemovedTeeth = 1 to 5>
<Feature: RemovedTeeth = 6 or more, but not all>
<Feature: RemovedTeeth = All>
<Feature: RemovedTeeth is unknown>
<Feature: HadHeartAttack>
<Feature: HadAngina>
<Feature: HadStroke>
<Feature: HadAsthma>
<Feature: HadSkinCancer>
<Feature: HadCOPD>
<Feature: HadDepressiveDisorder>
<Feature: HadKidneyDisease>
<Feature: HadArthritis>
<Feature: HadDiabetes = No>
<Feature: HadDiabetes = Yes>
<Feature: HadDiabetes = No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes>
<Feature: HadDiabetes = Yes, but only during pregnancy (female)>
<Feature: HadDiabetes is unknown>
<Feature: DeafOrHardOfHearing>
<Feature: BlindOrVisionDifficulty>
<Feature: DifficultyConcentrating>
<Feature: DifficultyWalking>
<Feature: DifficultyDressingBathing>
<Feature: DifficultyErrands>
<Feature: SmokerStatus = Never smoked>
<Feature: SmokerStatus = Former smoker>
<Feature: SmokerStatus = Current smoker - now smokes every day>
<Feature: SmokerStatus = Current smoker - now smokes some days>
<Feature: SmokerStatus is unknown>
<Feature: ECigaretteUsage = Never used e-cigarettes in my entire life>
<Feature: ECigaretteUsage = Not at all (right now)>
<Feature: ECigaretteUsage = Use them some days>
<Feature: ECigaretteUsage = Use them every day>
<Feature: ECigaretteUsage is unknown>
<Feature: ChestScan>
<Feature: RaceEthnicityCategory = White only, Non-Hispanic>
<Feature: RaceEthnicityCategory = Hispanic>
<Feature: RaceEthnicityCategory = Black only, Non-Hispanic>
<Feature: RaceEthnicityCategory = Other race only, Non-Hispanic>
<Feature: RaceEthnicityCategory = Multiracial, Non-Hispanic>
<Feature: RaceEthnicityCategory is unknown>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 65 to 69>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 60 to 64>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 70 to 74>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 55 to 59>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 50 to 54>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 75 to 79>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 80 or older>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 40 to 44>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 45 to 49>
<Feature: AgeCategory = Age 35 to 39>
<Feature: AgeCategory is unknown>
<Feature: AlcoholDrinkers>
<Feature: HIVTesting>
<Feature: FluVaxLast12>
<Feature: PneumoVaxEver>
<Feature: TetanusLast10Tdap = No, did not receive any tetanus shot in the past 10 years>
<Feature: TetanusLast10Tdap = Yes, received tetanus shot but not sure what type>
<Feature: TetanusLast10Tdap = Yes, received Tdap>
<Feature: TetanusLast10Tdap = Yes, received tetanus shot, but not Tdap>
<Feature: TetanusLast10Tdap is unknown>
<Feature: HighRiskLastYear>
<Feature: CovidPos = No>
<Feature: CovidPos = Yes>
<Feature: CovidPos = Tested positive using home test without a health professional>
<Feature: CovidPos is unknown>
<Feature: PhysicalHealthDaysNorm>
<Feature: MentalHealthDaysNorm>
<Feature: SleepHoursNorm>
<Feature: HeightInMetersNorm>
<Feature: WeightInKilogramsNorm>
<Feature: BMINorm>

Разобьем данные на выборки

In [277]:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
In [ ]:
prepared_dataset = feature_matrix_enc

target_column = "HadHeartAttack"

X = prepared_dataset.drop(columns=[target_column])  
Y = prepared_dataset[target_column]  

# Обучающая выборка
X_train, X_temp, Y_train, Y_temp = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2, random_state=None, stratify=y)

# Тестовая и контрольная выборки
X_test, X_control, Y_test, Y_control = train_test_split(X_temp, Y_temp, test_size=0.5, random_state=None, stratify=Y_temp)

print("Размеры выборок:")
print(f"Обучающая выборка: {X_train.shape}")
print(f"Тестовая выборка: {X_test.shape}")
print(f"Контрольная выборка: {X_control.shape}")
Размеры выборок:
Обучающая выборка: (196817, 98)
Тестовая выборка: (24602, 98)
Контрольная выборка: (24603, 98)
In [317]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Подсчет количества объектов каждого класса
class_counts = y.value_counts()

class_counts_dict = class_counts.to_dict()

keys = list(class_counts_dict.keys())
vals = list(class_counts_dict.values())

keys[keys.index(True)] = "Был приступ"
keys[keys.index(False)] = "Не было приступа"

# Визуализация, vals)
plt.title(f"Распределение классов\n\"{target_column}\"")
False    232587
True      13435
Name: count, dtype: int64
No description has been provided for this image
In [325]:
from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler

def oversample(X: DataFrame, Y: Series, sampling_strategy=0.5) -> tuple[DataFrame, Series]:
    sampler = RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy=sampling_strategy)
    x_over, y_over = sampler.fit_resample(X, Y)
    return x_over, y_over 

def undersample(X: DataFrame, Y: Series, sampling_strategy=1) -> tuple[DataFrame, Series]:
    sampler = RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=sampling_strategy)
    x_over, y_over = sampler.fit_resample(X, Y)
    return x_over, y_over
In [327]:
print("Данные до аугментации в обучающей выборке")

X_train_samplied, Y_train_samplied = X_train, Y_train

# X_train_samplied, Y_train_samplied = oversample(X_train_samplied, Y_train_samplied)
X_train_samplied, Y_train_samplied = undersample(X_train_samplied, Y_train_samplied)
print("Данные после аугментации в обучающей выборке")
Данные до аугментации в обучающей выборке
False    186069
True      10748
Name: count, dtype: int64

Данные после аугментации в обучающей выборке
False    10748
True     10748
Name: count, dtype: int64
In [349]:
def show_distribution(df: Series, column_name="") -> None:
        colors=['lightblue', 'pink'],
        explode=(0, 0.05)
    plt.title("Распределение классов" + (f"\n\"{column_name}\"" if column_name else ""))

show_distribution(Y_train_samplied, column_name=target_column)
No description has been provided for this image

Обучение модели

In [356]:
import time
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, f1_score, confusion_matrix, classification_report
import seaborn as sns
In [352]:
model = RandomForestClassifier()

start_time = time.time(), Y_train)

train_time = time.time() - start_time
In [353]:
Y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
Y_pred_proba = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
In [360]:
# Метрики
roc_auc = roc_auc_score(Y_test, Y_pred_proba)
f1 = f1_score(Y_test, Y_pred)

conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(Y_test, Y_pred)
class_report = classification_report(Y_test, Y_pred)

# Вывод результатов
print(f'Время обучения модели: {train_time:.2f} секунд')
print(f'ROC-AUC: {roc_auc:.2f}')
print(f'F1-Score: {f1:.2f}')
print('Матрица ошибок:')
print('Отчет по классификации:')

# Визуализация матрицы ошибок
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
    xticklabels=['Нет приступа', 'Был приступ'],
    yticklabels=['Нет приступа', 'Был приступ']
plt.title('Матрица ошибок')
plt.xlabel('Предсказанный класс')
plt.ylabel('Истинный класс')
Время обучения модели: 51.06 секунд
ROC-AUC: 0.87
F1-Score: 0.23
Матрица ошибок:
[[23151   108]
 [ 1155   188]]
Отчет по классификации:
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

       False       0.95      1.00      0.97     23259
        True       0.64      0.14      0.23      1343

    accuracy                           0.95     24602
   macro avg       0.79      0.57      0.60     24602
weighted avg       0.94      0.95      0.93     24602

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