PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G-Lab1 #1

gaillard wants to merge 8 commits from lab1 into main
No description provided.
gaillard added 8 commits 2023-10-09 20:15:55 +04:00
This reverts commit 0a80ff07df26d5864adf04514763896cb28286cf.
This reverts commit 534e7be294703bff2b40b1b2556ec4c4c2a56d7e.
This reverts commit 3a34dff17055258d477d2886768384b3f246e9fa.
This reverts commit 704a27c3aaacce97c28f79d2bdd8277e33e74a12.
This reverts commit aaa540c662d3fe8041f67a8e076ca202f6385c6c.
gaillard requested review from eegov 2023-10-09 20:20:34 +04:00
gaillard changed title from PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G-Lab1 to WIP: PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G-Lab1 2023-10-09 21:19:53 +04:00
gaillard changed title from WIP: PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G-Lab1 to PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G-Lab1 2023-10-09 21:20:23 +04:00
gaillard changed title from PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G-Lab1 to WIP: PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G-Lab1 2023-10-09 21:20:59 +04:00
gaillard changed title from WIP: PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G-Lab1 to PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G-Lab1 2023-10-09 21:46:36 +04:00

Пулл оформлен не верно. Нет изменений, которые должны были быть внесены в рамках лабораторной работы

Пулл оформлен не верно. Нет изменений, которые должны были быть внесены в рамках лабораторной работы
eegov closed this pull request 2023-10-15 18:06:03 +04:00

Pull request closed

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2 Participants
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Reference: gaillard/PIbd-23_Nasyrov_A_G_AirplaneWithRadar_basic#1
No description provided.