414 KiB
414 KiB
- Выбрать входные и выходные переменные.
- Выполнить настройку параметров лингвистических переменных: определить количество термов, типов и параметров функций принадлежности
- Сформировать базу нечетких правил.
- Выполнить оценку качества полученной нечеткой системы
In [140]:
import pandas as pd
import skfuzzy.control as control
import skfuzzy as fuzzy
import numpy as np
# считаем данные и поределим входные и выходные переменные
data = pd.read_csv("./csv/option4.csv")
data['bmi'] = data['bmi'].fillna(data['bmi'].mean())
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 5110 entries, 0 to 5109 Data columns (total 12 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 5110 non-null int64 1 gender 5110 non-null object 2 age 5110 non-null float64 3 hypertension 5110 non-null int64 4 heart_disease 5110 non-null int64 5 ever_married 5110 non-null object 6 work_type 5110 non-null object 7 Residence_type 5110 non-null object 8 avg_glucose_level 5110 non-null float64 9 bmi 4909 non-null float64 10 smoking_status 5110 non-null object 11 stroke 5110 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(3), int64(4), object(5) memory usage: 479.2+ KB id 0 gender 0 age 0 hypertension 0 heart_disease 0 ever_married 0 work_type 0 Residence_type 0 avg_glucose_level 0 bmi 0 smoking_status 0 stroke 0 dtype: int64
Так как мы предсказываем инсульт, то входными переменными будут самые, пожалуй, важные критерии - возраст, уровень сахара в крови, ИМТ, гипертония (ее наличие/отсутствие) и сердечный приступ (тоже его наличие/отсутствие)
а вот ВЫходной переменной будет, естесственно, сам инсульт (наличие/отсутствие)
In [141]:
age = control.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 101, 1), 'age') # возраст от 0 до 100 с шагом 1 год и т.д.
glucose = control.Antecedent(np.arange(50, 301, 1), 'glucose')
bmi = control.Antecedent(np.arange(10, 50, 0.1), 'bmi')
hypertension = control.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 0.1), 'hypertension')
heart_disease = control.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 0.1), 'heart_disease')
# а теперь выходная переменная (Consequent)
stroke_risk = control.Consequent(np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1), 'stroke_risk')
теперь самое время определить нечеткие переменные, которые сложатся... в лингвистические
In [142]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# возраст
age['young'] = fuzzy.zmf(age.universe, 0, 30)
age['middle'] = fuzzy.trapmf(age.universe, [18, 20, 30, 40])
age['old'] = fuzzy.trapmf(age.universe, [40, 50, 60, 70])
age['aged'] = fuzzy.smf(age.universe, 60, 100)
# сахар
glucose['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(glucose.universe, 50, 80)
glucose['normal'] = fuzzy.trapmf(glucose.universe, [70, 80, 90, 100])
glucose['high'] = fuzzy.smf(glucose.universe, 100, 300)
bmi['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(bmi.universe, 0, 19)
bmi['normal'] = fuzzy.trimf(bmi.universe, [18, 20, 25])
bmi['high'] = fuzzy.smf(bmi.universe, 25, 50)
# гипертония
hypertension['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(hypertension.universe, 0, 0.6)
hypertension['high'] = fuzzy.smf(hypertension.universe, 0.4, 1.0)
# пердечный сриступ
heart_disease['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(heart_disease.universe, 0, 0.6)
heart_disease['high'] = fuzzy.smf(heart_disease.universe, 0.4, 1.0)
#риск инсульта
stroke_risk['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(stroke_risk.universe, 0, 0.4)
stroke_risk['medium'] = fuzzy.trimf(stroke_risk.universe, [0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
stroke_risk['high'] = fuzzy.smf(stroke_risk.universe, 0.6, 1.0)
d:\code\mai\labs\AIM-PIbd-31-Bakalskaya-E-D\lab_7\.venv\Lib\site-packages\skfuzzy\control\fuzzyvariable.py:125: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown fig.show()
а теперь формируем базу нечетких правил :D
ну.... с написанием правил мне чат гпт помог, ну а что, у меня 5 входных переменных... я не знала, на что наткнусь, когда дойду до этого момента, поэтому... спасибо чату
In [143]:
rules = []
ages = ['young', 'middle', 'old', 'aged']
hypertension_levels = ['low', 'high']
glucose_levels = ['low', 'normal', 'high']
bmi_levels = ['low', 'normal', 'high']
heart_disease_levels = ['low', 'high']
for ag in ages:
for hl in hypertension_levels:
for gl in glucose_levels:
for bm in bmi_levels:
for hd in heart_disease_levels:
# Определяем уровень риска
if ag in ['aged', 'old'] and hl == 'high' and gl == 'high' and bm == 'high' and hd == 'high':
risk = 'high'
elif ag in ['middle', 'old'] and hl == 'high' and gl == 'high' and bm in ['normal', 'high']:
risk = 'high'
elif ag == 'young' and hl == 'low' and gl == 'low' and bm == 'low' and hd == 'low':
risk = 'low'
elif gl == 'normal' and bm == 'normal' and hd == 'low':
risk = 'low'
elif ag == 'middle' and hl == 'low' and gl == 'low' and bm == 'low':
risk = 'low'
risk = 'medium'
# Создаем правило
rule = control.Rule(
age[ag] & hypertension[hl] & glucose[gl] & bmi[bm] & heart_disease[hd],
In [144]:
stroke_ctrl = control.ControlSystem(
stroke_simulation = control.ControlSystemSimulation(stroke_ctrl)
d:\code\mai\labs\AIM-PIbd-31-Bakalskaya-E-D\lab_7\.venv\Lib\site-packages\skfuzzy\control\controlsystem.py:135: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown fig.show()
In [145]:
from pprint import pprint
def fuzzy_pred(row):
stroke_simulation.input["age"] = row["age"]
stroke_simulation.input["glucose"] = row["avg_glucose_level"]
stroke_simulation.input["bmi"] = row["bmi"]
stroke_simulation.input["hypertension"] = row["hypertension"]
stroke_simulation.input["heart_disease"] = row["heart_disease"]
return stroke_simulation.output["stroke_risk"]
stroke_simulation.input["age"] = 72
stroke_simulation.input["glucose"] = 220
stroke_simulation.input["bmi"] = 30
stroke_simulation.input["hypertension"] = 1
stroke_simulation.input["heart_disease"] = 0
stroke_predict = stroke_simulation.output["stroke_risk"]
# result = data.copy()
# result = result.sample(frac=0.01)
# result["stroke_predicted"] = result.apply(fuzzy_pred, axis=1)
# # result["stroke_predicted"] = result['stroke'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x> 0.5 else 0, axis=1)
# print(result.head())
============= Antecedents ============= Antecedent: age = 72 - young : 0.0 - middle : 0.0 - old : 0.0 - aged : 0.18 Antecedent: hypertension = 1 - low : 0.0 - high : 1.0 Antecedent: glucose = 220 - low : 0.0 - normal : 0.0 - high : 0.6799999999999999 Antecedent: bmi = 30 - low : 0.0 - normal : 0.0 - high : 0.08000000000000002 Antecedent: heart_disease = 0 - low : 1.0 - high : 0.0 ======= Rules ======= RULE #0: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #1: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #2: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #3: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #4: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #5: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #6: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #7: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #8: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #9: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #10: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #11: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #12: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #13: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #14: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #15: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #16: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #17: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #18: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #19: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #20: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #21: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #22: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #23: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #24: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #25: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #26: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #27: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #28: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #29: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #30: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #31: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #32: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #33: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #34: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #35: IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[young] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #36: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #37: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #38: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #39: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #40: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #41: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #42: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #43: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #44: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #45: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #46: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #47: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #48: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #49: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #50: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #51: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #52: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #53: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #54: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #55: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #56: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #57: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #58: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #59: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #60: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #61: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #62: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #63: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #64: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #65: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #66: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #67: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #68: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[high] : 0.0 RULE #69: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[high] : 0.0 RULE #70: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[high] : 0.0 RULE #71: IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[middle] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[high] : 0.0 RULE #72: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #73: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #74: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #75: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #76: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #77: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #78: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #79: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #80: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #81: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #82: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #83: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #84: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #85: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #86: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #87: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #88: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #89: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #90: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #91: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #92: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #93: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #94: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #95: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #96: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #97: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #98: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #99: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #100: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #101: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #102: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #103: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #104: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[high] : 0.0 RULE #105: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[high] : 0.0 RULE #106: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[high] : 0.0 RULE #107: IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[old] : 0.0 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[high] : 0.0 RULE #108: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #109: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #110: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #111: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #112: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #113: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #114: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #115: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #116: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #117: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #118: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #119: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #120: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #121: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #122: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #123: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #124: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #125: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[low] : 0.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #126: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #127: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #128: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #129: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #130: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #131: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[low] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #132: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #133: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #134: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[low] : 0.0 RULE #135: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #136: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #137: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[normal] : 0.0 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #138: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #139: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[low] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #140: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #141: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[normal] : 0.0 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0 RULE #142: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[low] : 1.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.08000000000000002 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[medium] : 0.08000000000000002 RULE #143: IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high] AND aggregation function : fmin OR aggregation function : fmax Aggregation (IF-clause): - age[aged] : 0.18 - hypertension[high] : 1.0 - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999 - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002 - heart_disease[high] : 0.0 (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0 Activation (THEN-clause): stroke_risk[high] : 0.0 ============================== Intermediaries and Conquests ============================== Consequent: stroke_risk = 0.49999999999999994 low: Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0 medium: Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.08000000000000002 high: Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0 0.49999999999999994
In [147]:
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error, r2_score
import numpy as np
# Создаем копию данных и прогнозируем значения
result = data.copy()
result = result.sample(frac=0.01) # Берем 1% данных для теста
result["stroke_predicted"] = result.apply(fuzzy_pred, axis=1)
# Истинные и предсказанные значения
y_true = result["stroke"]
y_pred = result["stroke_predicted"]
# Вычисляем метрики
mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
mse = mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)
rmse = np.sqrt(mse)
r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_pred)
# Выводим результаты
print(f"MAE: {mae:.4f}") # ближе к 0 - лучше
print(f"MSE: {mse:.4f}") # ближе к 0 - лучше
print(f"RMSE: {rmse:.4f}") # тоже
print(f"R² Score: {r2:.4f}") # а тут ближе к 1 - лучше
MAE: 0.4596 MSE: 0.2265 RMSE: 0.4760 R² Score: -3.0918