414 KiB
Raw Blame History

  • Выбрать входные и выходные переменные.
  • Выполнить настройку параметров лингвистических переменных: определить количество термов, типов и параметров функций принадлежности
  • Сформировать базу нечетких правил.
  • Выполнить оценку качества полученной нечеткой системы

In [140]:
import pandas as pd
import skfuzzy.control as control
import skfuzzy as fuzzy
import numpy as np

# считаем данные и поределим входные и выходные переменные
data = pd.read_csv("./csv/option4.csv")

data['bmi'] = data['bmi'].fillna(data['bmi'].mean())
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 5110 entries, 0 to 5109
Data columns (total 12 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------             --------------  -----  
 0   id                 5110 non-null   int64  
 1   gender             5110 non-null   object 
 2   age                5110 non-null   float64
 3   hypertension       5110 non-null   int64  
 4   heart_disease      5110 non-null   int64  
 5   ever_married       5110 non-null   object 
 6   work_type          5110 non-null   object 
 7   Residence_type     5110 non-null   object 
 8   avg_glucose_level  5110 non-null   float64
 9   bmi                4909 non-null   float64
 10  smoking_status     5110 non-null   object 
 11  stroke             5110 non-null   int64  
dtypes: float64(3), int64(4), object(5)
memory usage: 479.2+ KB
id                   0
gender               0
age                  0
hypertension         0
heart_disease        0
ever_married         0
work_type            0
Residence_type       0
avg_glucose_level    0
bmi                  0
smoking_status       0
stroke               0
dtype: int64

Так как мы предсказываем инсульт, то входными переменными будут самые, пожалуй, важные критерии - возраст, уровень сахара в крови, ИМТ, гипертония (ее наличие/отсутствие) и сердечный приступ (тоже его наличие/отсутствие)

а вот ВЫходной переменной будет, естесственно, сам инсульт (наличие/отсутствие)

In [141]:
age = control.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 101, 1), 'age') # возраст от 0 до 100 с шагом 1 год и т.д.
glucose = control.Antecedent(np.arange(50, 301, 1), 'glucose')
bmi = control.Antecedent(np.arange(10, 50, 0.1), 'bmi')
hypertension = control.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 0.1), 'hypertension')
heart_disease = control.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 0.1), 'heart_disease')

# а теперь выходная переменная (Consequent)
stroke_risk = control.Consequent(np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1), 'stroke_risk')


теперь самое время определить нечеткие переменные, которые сложатся... в лингвистические

In [142]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# возраст
age['young'] = fuzzy.zmf(age.universe, 0, 30)
age['middle'] = fuzzy.trapmf(age.universe, [18, 20, 30, 40])
age['old'] = fuzzy.trapmf(age.universe, [40, 50, 60, 70])
age['aged'] = fuzzy.smf(age.universe, 60, 100)  

# сахар
glucose['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(glucose.universe, 50, 80)
glucose['normal'] = fuzzy.trapmf(glucose.universe, [70, 80, 90, 100])
glucose['high'] = fuzzy.smf(glucose.universe, 100, 300)

bmi['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(bmi.universe, 0, 19)
bmi['normal'] = fuzzy.trimf(bmi.universe, [18, 20, 25])
bmi['high'] = fuzzy.smf(bmi.universe, 25, 50)

# гипертония
hypertension['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(hypertension.universe, 0, 0.6)
hypertension['high'] = fuzzy.smf(hypertension.universe, 0.4, 1.0)

# пердечный сриступ
heart_disease['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(heart_disease.universe, 0, 0.6)
heart_disease['high'] = fuzzy.smf(heart_disease.universe, 0.4, 1.0)

#риск инсульта
stroke_risk['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(stroke_risk.universe, 0, 0.4)
stroke_risk['medium'] = fuzzy.trimf(stroke_risk.universe, [0.3, 0.5, 0.7])
stroke_risk['high'] = fuzzy.smf(stroke_risk.universe, 0.6, 1.0)

d:\code\mai\labs\AIM-PIbd-31-Bakalskaya-E-D\lab_7\.venv\Lib\site-packages\skfuzzy\control\fuzzyvariable.py:125: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

а теперь формируем базу нечетких правил :D

ну.... с написанием правил мне чат гпт помог, ну а что, у меня 5 входных переменных... я не знала, на что наткнусь, когда дойду до этого момента, поэтому... спасибо чату

In [143]:
rules = []

ages = ['young', 'middle', 'old', 'aged']
hypertension_levels = ['low', 'high']
glucose_levels = ['low', 'normal', 'high']
bmi_levels = ['low', 'normal', 'high']
heart_disease_levels = ['low', 'high']

for ag in ages:
    for hl in hypertension_levels:
        for gl in glucose_levels:
            for bm in bmi_levels:
                for hd in heart_disease_levels:
                    # Определяем уровень риска
                    if ag in ['aged', 'old'] and hl == 'high' and gl == 'high' and bm == 'high' and hd == 'high':
                        risk = 'high'
                    elif ag in ['middle', 'old'] and hl == 'high' and gl == 'high' and bm in ['normal', 'high']:
                        risk = 'high'
                    elif ag == 'young' and hl == 'low' and gl == 'low' and bm == 'low' and hd == 'low':
                        risk = 'low'
                    elif gl == 'normal' and bm == 'normal' and hd == 'low':
                        risk = 'low'
                    elif ag == 'middle' and hl == 'low' and gl == 'low' and bm == 'low':
                        risk = 'low'
                        risk = 'medium'
                    # Создаем правило
                    rule = control.Rule(
                        age[ag] & hypertension[hl] & glucose[gl] & bmi[bm] & heart_disease[hd],
In [144]:
stroke_ctrl = control.ControlSystem(

stroke_simulation = control.ControlSystemSimulation(stroke_ctrl)
d:\code\mai\labs\AIM-PIbd-31-Bakalskaya-E-D\lab_7\.venv\Lib\site-packages\skfuzzy\control\controlsystem.py:135: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown
No description has been provided for this image
In [145]:
from pprint import pprint

def fuzzy_pred(row):
    stroke_simulation.input["age"] = row["age"]
    stroke_simulation.input["glucose"] = row["avg_glucose_level"]
    stroke_simulation.input["bmi"] = row["bmi"]
    stroke_simulation.input["hypertension"] = row["hypertension"]
    stroke_simulation.input["heart_disease"] = row["heart_disease"]

    return stroke_simulation.output["stroke_risk"]

stroke_simulation.input["age"] = 72
stroke_simulation.input["glucose"] = 220
stroke_simulation.input["bmi"] = 30
stroke_simulation.input["hypertension"] = 1
stroke_simulation.input["heart_disease"] = 0

stroke_predict = stroke_simulation.output["stroke_risk"]

# result = data.copy()
# result = result.sample(frac=0.01)
# result["stroke_predicted"] = result.apply(fuzzy_pred, axis=1)
# # result["stroke_predicted"] = result['stroke'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x> 0.5 else 0, axis=1)

# print(result.head())
Antecedent: age                     = 72
  - young                           : 0.0
  - middle                          : 0.0
  - old                             : 0.0
  - aged                            : 0.18
Antecedent: hypertension            = 1
  - low                             : 0.0
  - high                            : 1.0
Antecedent: glucose                 = 220
  - low                             : 0.0
  - normal                          : 0.0
  - high                            : 0.6799999999999999
Antecedent: bmi                     = 30
  - low                             : 0.0
  - normal                          : 0.0
  - high                            : 0.08000000000000002
Antecedent: heart_disease           = 0
  - low                             : 1.0
  - high                            : 0.0

RULE #0:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #1:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #2:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #3:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #4:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #5:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #6:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #7:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #8:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #9:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #10:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #11:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #12:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #13:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #14:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #15:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #16:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #17:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #18:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #19:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #20:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #21:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #22:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #23:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #24:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #25:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #26:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #27:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #28:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #29:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #30:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #31:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #32:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #33:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #34:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #35:
  IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[young]                                             : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #36:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #37:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #38:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #39:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #40:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #41:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #42:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #43:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #44:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #45:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #46:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #47:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #48:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #49:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #50:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #51:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #52:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #53:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #54:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #55:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #56:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #57:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #58:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #59:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #60:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #61:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #62:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #63:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #64:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #65:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #66:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #67:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #68:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         stroke_risk[high] : 0.0

RULE #69:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         stroke_risk[high] : 0.0

RULE #70:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         stroke_risk[high] : 0.0

RULE #71:
  IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[middle]                                            : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         stroke_risk[high] : 0.0

RULE #72:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #73:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #74:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #75:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #76:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #77:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #78:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #79:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #80:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #81:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #82:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #83:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #84:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #85:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #86:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #87:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #88:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #89:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #90:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #91:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #92:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #93:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #94:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #95:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #96:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #97:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #98:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #99:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #100:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #101:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #102:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #103:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #104:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         stroke_risk[high] : 0.0

RULE #105:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         stroke_risk[high] : 0.0

RULE #106:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         stroke_risk[high] : 0.0

RULE #107:
  IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[old]                                               : 0.0
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         stroke_risk[high] : 0.0

RULE #108:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #109:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #110:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #111:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #112:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #113:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #114:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #115:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #116:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #117:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #118:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #119:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #120:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #121:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #122:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #123:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #124:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #125:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[low]                                      : 0.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #126:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #127:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #128:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #129:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #130:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #131:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[low]                                           : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #132:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #133:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #134:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          stroke_risk[low] : 0.0

RULE #135:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #136:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #137:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[normal]                                        : 0.0
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #138:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #139:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[low]                                               : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #140:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #141:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[normal]                                            : 0.0
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0

RULE #142:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[low]                                     : 1.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.08000000000000002
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                       stroke_risk[medium] : 0.08000000000000002

RULE #143:
  IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - age[aged]                                              : 0.18
  - hypertension[high]                                     : 1.0
  - glucose[high]                                          : 0.6799999999999999
  - bmi[high]                                              : 0.08000000000000002
  - heart_disease[high]                                    : 0.0
    (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         stroke_risk[high] : 0.0

 Intermediaries and Conquests 
Consequent: stroke_risk              = 0.49999999999999994
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.08000000000000002
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0

In [147]:
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error, r2_score
import numpy as np

# Создаем копию данных и прогнозируем значения
result = data.copy()
result = result.sample(frac=0.01)  # Берем 1% данных для теста
result["stroke_predicted"] = result.apply(fuzzy_pred, axis=1)

# Истинные и предсказанные значения
y_true = result["stroke"]
y_pred = result["stroke_predicted"]

# Вычисляем метрики
mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
mse = mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)
rmse = np.sqrt(mse)
r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_pred)

# Выводим результаты
print(f"MAE: {mae:.4f}") # ближе к 0 - лучше
print(f"MSE: {mse:.4f}") # ближе к 0 - лучше
print(f"RMSE: {rmse:.4f}") # тоже
print(f"R² Score: {r2:.4f}") # а тут ближе к 1 - лучше
MAE: 0.4596
MSE: 0.2265
RMSE: 0.4760
R² Score: -3.0918

ну короче... противоречивые результаты, но в основном они говорят о том, что модель данная - такое себе. в чем я, собственно, не знаю, согласна или нет... по показателям людей здесь и правда мог бы быть инсульт, ведь риск его развития есть, а если вероятность его развития больше 0,2 вроде, то это высокая вероятность уже... короче сложно такие задачи решать с помощью нечетких переменных