2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"<p style=\"margin: 15px;\">\n",
"<li>Выбрать входные и выходные переменные.</li>\n",
"<li>Выполнить настройку параметров лингвистических переменных: определить\n",
"количество термов, типов и параметров функций принадлежности</li>\n",
"<li>Сформировать базу нечетких правил.</li>\n",
"<li>Выполнить оценку качества полученной нечеткой системы</li>\n",
"cell_type": "code",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"execution_count": 140,
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"metadata": {},
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>\n",
"RangeIndex: 5110 entries, 0 to 5109\n",
"Data columns (total 12 columns):\n",
" # Column Non-Null Count Dtype \n",
"--- ------ -------------- ----- \n",
" 0 id 5110 non-null int64 \n",
" 1 gender 5110 non-null object \n",
" 2 age 5110 non-null float64\n",
" 3 hypertension 5110 non-null int64 \n",
" 4 heart_disease 5110 non-null int64 \n",
" 5 ever_married 5110 non-null object \n",
" 6 work_type 5110 non-null object \n",
" 7 Residence_type 5110 non-null object \n",
" 8 avg_glucose_level 5110 non-null float64\n",
" 9 bmi 4909 non-null float64\n",
" 10 smoking_status 5110 non-null object \n",
" 11 stroke 5110 non-null int64 \n",
"dtypes: float64(3), int64(4), object(5)\n",
"memory usage: 479.2+ KB\n",
"id 0\n",
"gender 0\n",
"age 0\n",
"hypertension 0\n",
"heart_disease 0\n",
"ever_married 0\n",
"work_type 0\n",
"Residence_type 0\n",
"avg_glucose_level 0\n",
"bmi 0\n",
"smoking_status 0\n",
"stroke 0\n",
"dtype: int64\n"
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"source": [
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import skfuzzy.control as control\n",
"import skfuzzy as fuzzy\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"# считаем данные и поределим входные и выходные переменные\n",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"data = pd.read_csv(\"./csv/option4.csv\")\n",
"data['bmi'] = data['bmi'].fillna(data['bmi'].mean())\n",
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"<p style=\"margin: 15px;\">\n",
"Так как мы предсказываем инсульт, то входными переменными будут самые, пожалуй, важные критерии - возраст, уровень с а х а р а в крови, ИМТ, гипертония (е е наличие/отсутствие) и сердечный приступ (тоже е г о наличие/отсутствие)<br><br>а вот ВЫходной переменной будет, естесственно, сам инсульт (наличие/отсутствие)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"execution_count": 141,
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"age = control.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 101, 1), 'age') # возраст от 0 до 100 с шагом 1 год и т.д.\n",
"glucose = control.Antecedent(np.arange(50, 301, 1), 'glucose')\n",
"bmi = control.Antecedent(np.arange(10, 50, 0.1), 'bmi')\n",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"hypertension = control.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 0.1), 'hypertension')\n",
"heart_disease = control.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 2, 0.1), 'heart_disease')\n",
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"# а теперь выходная переменная (Consequent)\n",
"stroke_risk = control.Consequent(np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1), 'stroke_risk')"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"<p style=\"margin: 15px; text-align: center;\">\n",
"<p style=\"margin: 15px;\">\n",
"теперь самое время определить нечеткие переменные, которые сложатся... в лингвистические\n",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"cell_type": "code",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"execution_count": 142,
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
2025-02-26 17:38:35 +04:00
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"d:\\code\\mai\\labs\\AIM-PIbd-31-Bakalskaya-E-D\\lab_7\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\skfuzzy\\control\\fuzzyvariable.py:125: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown\n",
" fig.show()\n"
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"data": {
"image/png": "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
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"image/png": "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
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"image/png": "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
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
"data": {
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"image/png": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAjcAAAGyCAYAAAAYveVYAAAAOnRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBNYXRwbG90bGliIHZlcnNpb24zLjEwLjAsIGh0dHBzOi8vbWF0cGxvdGxpYi5vcmcvlHJYcgAAAAlwSFlzAAAPYQAAD2EBqD+naQAAULlJREFUeJzt3Qd4lFXWB/B/egHSISEhIYQeSqiBBBBcUbAg6KcUpaqw61pQdAVWgRVXEVcRC4qwKGABLAgWBBHpCTWAiHTSCJAQSCG9zHzPvTHZBAKkzMyd953/73nGZCbvzJx5GTMn955zr53RaDSCiIiISCfsVQdAREREZEpMboiIiEhXmNwQERGRrjC5ISIiIl1hckNERES6wuSGiIiIdIXJDREREekKkxsiIiLSFSY3REREpCs2l9yIBZmzs7PlVyIiItIfpcnNtm3bMGTIEAQGBsLOzg5r1qy56X22bNmCbt26wcXFBa1atcLSpUtr9ZxXrlyBp6en/EpERET6ozS5yc3NRUREBBYsWFCj4+Pj43H33Xfj1ltvxcGDB/HMM8/gsccew4YNG8weKxEREWmDnbVsnClGbr799lsMGzbsusdMnToVP/74I37//feK20aOHInMzEysX7++Rs8jpqTEyE1WVhY8PDxMEjsRERFZD0doSGxsLAYOHFjltkGDBskRnOspLCyUl8rJjXDsfDYimdwQ2Tbxt13Me0DsAsBQojoaIrqZF05Dd8nNhQsX4O/vX+U2cV0kLPn5+XBzc7vmPnPmzMHLL798ze0P/Xc35o4E/q97M7PGTERWqiAbWPt34Oj3QLexgFdz1RERkYloKrmpi+nTp2PKlCkV10UiFBwcjLs7BeC5rw4hLikDM4eEw8XRQWmcRGRBaUeBVaOBnDRgxOdA+3tUR0REtprcBAQEIDU1tcpt4rqonalu1EYQXVXicrVXhnVCVLtMzFx7BL+fy8aHD3dDoFf1j0FEOnL4a+C7pwDvUGDiZsCvleqISKcMBgNKS0tVh6Epjo6Osga33o8DDYmKisK6deuq3LZx40Z5e12MjAxBeKAHHv8sDve8twPvjuyKvq39TBQtEVmV0mLg5xnA7g+BTg8CQ94BnBuojop0SPTpiKaVvLw81aFojkhsGjduLJMczXZL5eTk4NSpU/L7rl27Yt68ebLN28fHByEhIXJKKSUlBcuXL69oBe/YsSOeeOIJPPLII/j111/x9NNPyw4qUVhc126py7lFmLzyAHaeSsdzd7TF4/1bwt6+/pkjEVmJ7PPAV+OBlH3AoDlA5ETxW1R1VKRTooNXJDbiM8bZ2dkkIxG2wGg0IiMjAw4ODvD19a3XeVOa3IgF+UQyc7Vx48bJxfnGjx+PhIQEeVzl+zz77LP4448/0KxZM8yYMUMeV1PXawUvNRjxzi8n8O6vpzCwvT/eGh4BTzcnE7xKIlIqYQfw1QTA3gF4cBkQ0kt1RKTzqSjR/CI+Xxo2bKg6HM0RzUEiwRHNQiLJ0fw6N5Zys3VuNh1NxbOrDsK7gTMWju6O9k3ZLk6kSeJXW+z7wMZZQPNo4IGPgYZNVEdFOldcXIyLFy/Cz89PjtpQ7RQVFSE9PV1OTTk51X2Aweb2lrqZ29r744en+sHd2RH3fbAT3x44qzokIqqtwivAV+OAn18Cop4AxqxhYkMWxakoteeNyU01Qnzd8e3fo3F3p0A8u+oQZqz5HUUlBtVhEVFNXDwOLP4LcOpXYPhy4I5XAAdN9U4QUT0xubkOVycHvPlgZ7x6X0es2puM4R/F4nxWvuqwiOhGfl8NLLoVsLMHJm0GwoeqjohIMwYMGHDDFf+1hMnNTYbHHu7VHF/+LQpp2QW4590diDmVrjosIqquzXv9dODrCUDbwcBjmwC/1qqjIiJFmNzUQJdgL/zwdD9ZXDx6yW58uOW0bFkjIitw5QKwbAiwZxEweC7wf0sAF3apENkyJjc15NPAGcseicTfB7TC3PXH8NdP9yO7oFh1WES2LTEG+OgW4HI8MP5HoPffuH4NkQmIduyxY8fC29sb7u7uuPPOO3Hy5En5M/HHvehm+vrrryuO79KlC5o2bVpxfceOHXJ3AFULGTK5qQUHezs8P6gtFo/tgdgzlzD0/Z04dqFsl3EisnSb9wJg6T2Abyvgr9uAkN6qoyLSjfHjx2Pfvn347rvvEBsbKxOau+66S7a6i5KNW265pWINOpEIHT16VK5Rc+zYMXnb1q1b0bNnT5kYqcAWgjq4Pdwf3z/ZF3/7bD/uWxCDOfd3wrCuQarDIrKdNm+xN9SRb4GoJ4GB/wIcuOAmWbf8olKcvphj0eds2bgh3JxrvxCeGKERSc3OnTsRHR0tb/v888/lptNr1qzBgw8+KIuPP/roI/mzbdu2yV0GxP6PIuFp166d/Nq/f3+owuSmjkL9GuDbv/fBi98exjOrDuJAUgZevDsczo4cDCMym4snynbzzk4pW224wzDVERHViEhsxB6GlvTDU33RMciz1vcTozBib6devf63mrfYDqFt27byZ4JIXCZPniwXLBSjNCLZKU9uHn30UcTExOCFF16AKkxu6kFkxGKbhq7NvTH7+yM4nJKFDx7ujgBPV9WhEenPkTXA2icAj6Cy3bwbt1EdEVGtRlFEsmHp5zSXTp06yX0gRWIjLq+++qpMbubOnYu9e/fK6avyUR8VmNzUk5h7HNO7OToEeuCJz8Xu4tvx7qiuiG7J3cWJTKK0BPhlVtlWCuHDgKHvAy6NVEdFVOs/husyiqJC+/btUVJSgt27d1ckKJcuXcLx48cRHh5e8dnXr18/rF27FkeOHEHfvn1lfU1hYaGcrurRowcaNGig7DVwDsVEuoV4y6y8jX8jjP7vbizcynZxonq7kgosvxfY9SEw6DXgwaVMbIjMrHXr1hg6dCgmTpwou54OHTqE0aNHIygoSN5eTkxFrVixQnZKiU1C7e3tZaGxqM9RWW8jMLkxId+GLlj+SCT+2r8lXv/pGJ74Ik7uNk5EdZB6pKzN+9IpYPwPZXtEsc2byCI++eQTdO/eHffccw+ioqLkH+vr1q2rspmlSGBKS0tlklNOfH/1bSpwV3Az+f7QOTy14gD+O7YHBob7m+15iHTrixF/JjY/Ao0CVEdDVKtdweu7q7WtKjbR+ePIjZkMiQiUKxsvjUlQHQqR9lw+A5zYAPSZzMSGiGqNyY0ZTegTih2n0nEy9YrqUIi0Zc9/ATcvoNODqiMhIg1icmNGd3ZsisaNXLAslqM3RDVWmAMc+BToNg5wclMdDRFpEJMbMxIL+j3cKwSr41KQlc99qIhq5LeVQFEO0PMx1ZEQkUYxuTGzh3qFoLjUgK/2JasOhcj6if6G3R8B7e4BvIJVR0NEGsXkxsyaNHLF3Z2aYnlsItvCiW7mzGYg/QTQ66+qIyEiDWNyYwHj+7RA0uU8bDmepjoUIuu2exHg3xFo3kd1JESkYUxuLEC0hEewLZzoxi7HAyfWA5GTuFgfEdULkxsLmRAdiu0n03EqjW3hRNXay/ZvIjINJjcWclenpvBr6IJlMYmqQyGyzvbvuD/bv53dVUdDZJMGDBiAZ5555ro/F5tlrlmzpsaPt2XLFnmfzMxMWBqTGwu3hX8TdxbZBWwLJ6rit1VA0RWg56OqIyGi6zh//jzuvPNOaAGTGwt6uKIt/KzqUIissP37bsArRHU0RHQdAQEBcHFxgRYwubGgJh6ucnpqeWwCDGwLJypzZguQfhyIZPs3kWoGgwEvvPACfHx8ZDLzr3/967rTUjExMejSpQtcXV3Ro0cP+TNxzMGDB6s85v79++XP3d3dER0djePHj5v9dTC5sbDx0aFIvJSHLSfYFk4k7VkENOkAhPZVHQmRzVu2bBkaNGiA3bt344033sDs2bOxcePGa47Lzs7GkCFD0KlTJ8TFxeGVV17B1KlTq33MF198EW+99Rb27dsHR0dHPPLII2Z/HY5mfwaqomuINyKaeeKTnQn4Szt/1eEQqW//Pv4TMOQdtn+TvhXllS1QaUl+bWpdoN+5c2fMmjVLft+6dWu8//772LRpE26//fY
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"image/png": "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
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
"image/png": "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
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"source": [
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"# возраст\n",
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"age['young'] = fuzzy.zmf(age.universe, 0, 30)\n",
"age['middle'] = fuzzy.trapmf(age.universe, [18, 20, 30, 40])\n",
"age['old'] = fuzzy.trapmf(age.universe, [40, 50, 60, 70])\n",
"age['aged'] = fuzzy.smf(age.universe, 60, 100) \n",
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"# с а х а р \n",
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"glucose['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(glucose.universe, 50, 80)\n",
"glucose['normal'] = fuzzy.trapmf(glucose.universe, [70, 80, 90, 100])\n",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"glucose['high'] = fuzzy.smf(glucose.universe, 100, 300)\n",
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"# ИМТ\n",
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"bmi['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(bmi.universe, 0, 19)\n",
"bmi['normal'] = fuzzy.trimf(bmi.universe, [18, 20, 25])\n",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"bmi['high'] = fuzzy.smf(bmi.universe, 25, 50)\n",
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"# гипертония\n",
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
"hypertension['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(hypertension.universe, 0, 0.6)\n",
"hypertension['high'] = fuzzy.smf(hypertension.universe, 0.4, 1.0)\n",
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
"# пердечный сриступ\n",
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
"heart_disease['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(heart_disease.universe, 0, 0.6)\n",
"heart_disease['high'] = fuzzy.smf(heart_disease.universe, 0.4, 1.0)\n",
"#риск инсульта\n",
"stroke_risk['low'] = fuzzy.zmf(stroke_risk.universe, 0, 0.4)\n",
"stroke_risk['medium'] = fuzzy.trimf(stroke_risk.universe, [0.3, 0.5, 0.7])\n",
"stroke_risk['high'] = fuzzy.smf(stroke_risk.universe, 0.6, 1.0)\n",
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
"cell_type": "markdown",
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"metadata": {},
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
"source": [
"<p style=\"margin: 15px;\">\n",
"а теперь формируем базу нечетких правил :D\n",
" .blur-text {\n",
" filter: blur(3px);\n",
" transition: filter 0.3s ease-in-out;\n",
" cursor: pointer;\n",
" }\n",
" .blur-text.clear {\n",
" filter: blur(0);\n",
" }\n",
"<p class=\"blur-text\" onclick=\"this.classList.toggle('clear')\" style=\"margin: 15px;\">\n",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
" ну.... с написанием правил мне чат гпт помог, ну а что, у меня 5 входных переменных... я не знала, на что наткнусь, когда дойду до этого момента, поэтому... спасибо чату\n",
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"cell_type": "code",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"execution_count": 143,
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"metadata": {},
2025-02-26 22:41:13 +04:00
"outputs": [],
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
"source": [
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"rules = []\n",
"ages = ['young', 'middle', 'old', 'aged']\n",
"hypertension_levels = ['low', 'high']\n",
"glucose_levels = ['low', 'normal', 'high']\n",
"bmi_levels = ['low', 'normal', 'high']\n",
"heart_disease_levels = ['low', 'high']\n",
"for ag in ages:\n",
" for hl in hypertension_levels:\n",
" for gl in glucose_levels:\n",
" for bm in bmi_levels:\n",
" for hd in heart_disease_levels:\n",
" # Определяем уровень риска\n",
" if ag in ['aged', 'old'] and hl == 'high' and gl == 'high' and bm == 'high' and hd == 'high':\n",
" risk = 'high'\n",
" elif ag in ['middle', 'old'] and hl == 'high' and gl == 'high' and bm in ['normal', 'high']:\n",
" risk = 'high'\n",
" elif ag == 'young' and hl == 'low' and gl == 'low' and bm == 'low' and hd == 'low':\n",
" risk = 'low'\n",
" elif gl == 'normal' and bm == 'normal' and hd == 'low':\n",
" risk = 'low'\n",
" elif ag == 'middle' and hl == 'low' and gl == 'low' and bm == 'low':\n",
" risk = 'low'\n",
" else:\n",
" risk = 'medium'\n",
" \n",
" # Создаем правило\n",
" rule = control.Rule(\n",
" age[ag] & hypertension[hl] & glucose[gl] & bmi[bm] & heart_disease[hd],\n",
" stroke_risk[risk]\n",
" )\n",
" rules.append(rule)\n"
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"cell_type": "code",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"execution_count": 144,
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"metadata": {},
2025-02-26 17:38:35 +04:00
"outputs": [
2025-02-26 22:41:13 +04:00
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"d:\\code\\mai\\labs\\AIM-PIbd-31-Bakalskaya-E-D\\lab_7\\.venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\skfuzzy\\control\\controlsystem.py:135: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown\n",
" fig.show()\n"
2025-02-26 17:38:35 +04:00
"data": {
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"image/png": "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
2025-02-26 17:38:35 +04:00
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
"source": [
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"stroke_ctrl = control.ControlSystem(\n",
" rules\n",
"stroke_simulation = control.ControlSystemSimulation(stroke_ctrl)\n",
2025-02-26 22:41:13 +04:00
2025-02-26 17:29:35 +04:00
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
2025-02-26 17:38:35 +04:00
"cell_type": "code",
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"execution_count": 145,
2025-02-26 17:38:35 +04:00
"metadata": {},
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" Antecedents \n",
"Antecedent: age = 72\n",
" - young : 0.0\n",
" - middle : 0.0\n",
" - old : 0.0\n",
" - aged : 0.18\n",
"Antecedent: hypertension = 1\n",
" - low : 0.0\n",
" - high : 1.0\n",
"Antecedent: glucose = 220\n",
" - low : 0.0\n",
" - normal : 0.0\n",
" - high : 0.6799999999999999\n",
"Antecedent: bmi = 30\n",
" - low : 0.0\n",
" - normal : 0.0\n",
" - high : 0.08000000000000002\n",
"Antecedent: heart_disease = 0\n",
" - low : 1.0\n",
" - high : 0.0\n",
" Rules \n",
"RULE #0:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #1:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #2:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #3:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #4:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #5:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #6:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #7:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #8:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #9:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #10:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #11:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #12:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #13:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #14:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #15:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #16:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #17:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #18:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #19:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #20:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #21:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #22:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #23:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #24:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #25:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #26:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #27:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #28:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #29:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #30:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #31:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #32:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #33:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #34:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #35:\n",
" IF (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[young] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[young] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #36:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #37:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #38:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #39:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #40:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #41:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #42:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #43:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #44:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #45:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #46:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #47:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #48:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #49:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #50:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #51:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #52:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #53:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #54:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #55:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #56:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #57:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #58:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #59:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #60:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #61:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #62:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #63:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #64:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #65:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #66:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #67:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #68:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[high] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #69:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[high] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #70:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[high] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #71:\n",
" IF (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[middle] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[middle] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[high] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #72:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #73:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #74:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #75:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #76:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #77:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #78:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #79:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #80:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #81:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #82:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #83:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #84:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #85:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #86:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #87:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #88:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #89:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #90:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #91:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #92:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #93:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #94:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #95:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #96:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #97:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #98:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #99:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #100:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #101:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #102:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #103:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #104:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[high] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #105:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[high] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #106:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[high]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[high] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #107:\n",
" IF (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[old] : 0.0\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[old] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[high] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #108:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #109:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #110:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #111:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #112:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #113:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #114:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #115:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #116:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #117:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #118:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #119:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #120:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #121:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #122:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #123:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #124:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #125:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[low] : 0.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[low]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #126:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #127:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #128:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #129:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #130:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #131:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[low] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[low]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #132:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #133:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #134:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[low]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[low] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #135:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #136:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #137:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[normal]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #138:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #139:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[low] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[low]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #140:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #141:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[normal] : 0.0\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[normal]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.0\n",
"RULE #142:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] THEN stroke_risk[medium]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[low] : 1.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[low] = 0.08000000000000002\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[medium] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
"RULE #143:\n",
" IF (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] THEN stroke_risk[high]\n",
"\tAND aggregation function : fmin\n",
"\tOR aggregation function : fmax\n",
" Aggregation (IF-clause):\n",
" - age[aged] : 0.18\n",
" - hypertension[high] : 1.0\n",
" - glucose[high] : 0.6799999999999999\n",
" - bmi[high] : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" - heart_disease[high] : 0.0\n",
" (((age[aged] AND hypertension[high]) AND glucose[high]) AND bmi[high]) AND heart_disease[high] = 0.0\n",
" Activation (THEN-clause):\n",
" stroke_risk[high] : 0.0\n",
" Intermediaries and Conquests \n",
"Consequent: stroke_risk = 0.49999999999999994\n",
" low:\n",
" Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0\n",
" medium:\n",
" Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.08000000000000002\n",
" high:\n",
" Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0\n",
"source": [
"from pprint import pprint\n",
"def fuzzy_pred(row):\n",
" stroke_simulation.input[\"age\"] = row[\"age\"]\n",
" stroke_simulation.input[\"glucose\"] = row[\"avg_glucose_level\"]\n",
" stroke_simulation.input[\"bmi\"] = row[\"bmi\"]\n",
" stroke_simulation.input[\"hypertension\"] = row[\"hypertension\"]\n",
" stroke_simulation.input[\"heart_disease\"] = row[\"heart_disease\"]\n",
" stroke_simulation.compute()\n",
" return stroke_simulation.output[\"stroke_risk\"]\n",
"stroke_simulation.input[\"age\"] = 72\n",
"stroke_simulation.input[\"glucose\"] = 220\n",
"stroke_simulation.input[\"bmi\"] = 30\n",
"stroke_simulation.input[\"hypertension\"] = 1\n",
"stroke_simulation.input[\"heart_disease\"] = 0\n",
"stroke_predict = stroke_simulation.output[\"stroke_risk\"]\n",
"# result = data.copy()\n",
"# result = result.sample(frac=0.01)\n",
"# result[\"stroke_predicted\"] = result.apply(fuzzy_pred, axis=1)\n",
"# # result[\"stroke_predicted\"] = result['stroke'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x> 0.5 else 0, axis=1)\n",
"# print(result.head())"
2025-02-26 17:38:35 +04:00
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 147,
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"metadata": {},
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"MAE: 0.4596\n",
"MSE: 0.2265\n",
"RMSE: 0.4760\n",
"R² Score: -3.0918\n"
"source": [
"from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error, r2_score\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"# Создаем копию данных и прогнозируем значения\n",
"result = data.copy()\n",
"result = result.sample(frac=0.01) # Берем 1% данных для теста\n",
"result[\"stroke_predicted\"] = result.apply(fuzzy_pred, axis=1)\n",
"# Истинные и предсказанные значения\n",
"y_true = result[\"stroke\"]\n",
"y_pred = result[\"stroke_predicted\"]\n",
"# Вычисляем метрики\n",
"mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)\n",
"mse = mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)\n",
"rmse = np.sqrt(mse)\n",
"r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_pred)\n",
"# Выводим результаты\n",
"print(f\"MAE: {mae:.4f}\") # ближе к 0 - лучше\n",
"print(f\"MSE: {mse:.4f}\") # ближе к 0 - лучше\n",
"print(f\"RMSE: {rmse:.4f}\") # тоже\n",
"print(f\"R² Score: {r2:.4f}\") # а тут ближе к 1 - лучше"
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"cell_type": "markdown",
2025-02-26 16:44:48 +04:00
"metadata": {},
2025-03-01 01:32:13 +04:00
"source": [
"#### ну короче... противоречивые результаты, но в основном они говорят о том, что модель данная - такое с е б е . в чем я, собственно, не знаю, согласна или нет... по показателям людей здесь и правда мог бы быть инсульт, ведь риск е г о развития есть, а если вероятность е г о развития больше 0,2 вроде, то это высокая вероятность уже... короче сложно такие задачи решать с помощью нечетких переменных"
2025-02-16 22:17:42 +04:00
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