wanabeunique 97bf2ecbdc new lab
2025-03-01 10:16:23 +04:00

395 KiB
Raw Blame History

Создание лингвистических переменных

Входные X: task и target Выходные Y: need

In [28]:
import numpy as np
from skfuzzy import control as ctrl

task  = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 100, 1), "task")
target = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 100, 1), "target")
need = ctrl.Consequent(np.arange(0, 130, 1), "need")

Формирование нечетких переменных для лингвистических переменных и их визуализация

In [29]:
import skfuzzy as fuzz

task["less"] = fuzz.zmf(task.universe, 20, 60)
task["ok"] = fuzz.trapmf(task.universe, [10, 30, 60, 80])
task["more"] = fuzz.smf(task.universe, 60, 80)

target["less"] = fuzz.zmf(target.universe, 20, 60)
target["ok"] = fuzz.trapmf(target.universe, [10, 30, 60, 80])
target["more"] = fuzz.smf(target.universe, 60, 80)

need["less"] = fuzz.zmf(need.universe, 0, 80)
need["ok"] = fuzz.trapmf(need.universe, [0, 60, 70, 90])
need["more"] = fuzz.smf(need.universe, 80, 110)
c:\TEMP_UNIVERSITY\mai\.venv\Lib\site-packages\skfuzzy\control\fuzzyvariable.py:125: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown
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No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

Формирование и визуализация базы нечетких правил

В случае ошибки необходимо в файле


удалить лишний отступ на 182 строке, должно быть:

if not matplotlib_present:
            raise ImportError("`ControlSystemVisualizer` can only be used "
                              "with `matplotlib` present in the system.")

        self.ctrl = control_system

        self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots()
In [30]:
rule1 = ctrl.Rule(task["less"] & target["more"], need["more"])
rule2 = ctrl.Rule(task["less"] & target["ok"], need["more"])
rule3 = ctrl.Rule(task["less"] & target["less"], need["less"])
rule4 = ctrl.Rule(task["ok"] & target["more"], need["more"])
rule5 = ctrl.Rule(task["ok"] & target["ok"], need["ok"])
rule6 = ctrl.Rule(task["ok"] & target["less"], need["less"])
rule7 = ctrl.Rule(task["more"] & target["more"], need["more"])
rule8 = ctrl.Rule(task["more"] & target["ok"], need["less"])
rule9 = ctrl.Rule(task["more"] & target["less"], need["less"])

(<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)
No description has been provided for this image

Создание нечеткой системы и добавление нечетких правил в базу знаний нечеткой системы

In [31]:
need_ctrl = ctrl.ControlSystem(

needs = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(need_ctrl)

Пример расчета выходной переменной influx на основе входных переменных level и flow

Система также формирует подробный журнал выполнения процесса нечеткого логического вывода

In [32]:
needs.input["task"] = 60
needs.input["target"] = 20
Antecedent: task                    = 60
  - less                            : 0.0
  - ok                              : 1.0
  - more                            : 0.0
Antecedent: target                  = 20
  - less                            : 1.0
  - ok                              : 0.5
  - more                            : 0.0

RULE #0:
  IF task[less] AND target[more] THEN need[more]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - task[less]                                             : 0.0
  - target[more]                                           : 0.0
                               task[less] AND target[more] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                need[more] : 0.0

RULE #1:
  IF task[less] AND target[ok] THEN need[more]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - task[less]                                             : 0.0
  - target[ok]                                             : 0.5
                                 task[less] AND target[ok] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                need[more] : 0.0

RULE #2:
  IF task[less] AND target[less] THEN need[less]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - task[less]                                             : 0.0
  - target[less]                                           : 1.0
                               task[less] AND target[less] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                need[less] : 0.0

RULE #3:
  IF task[ok] AND target[more] THEN need[more]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - task[ok]                                               : 1.0
  - target[more]                                           : 0.0
                                 task[ok] AND target[more] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                need[more] : 0.0

RULE #4:
  IF task[ok] AND target[ok] THEN need[ok]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - task[ok]                                               : 1.0
  - target[ok]                                             : 0.5
                                   task[ok] AND target[ok] = 0.5
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                  need[ok] : 0.5

RULE #5:
  IF task[ok] AND target[less] THEN need[less]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - task[ok]                                               : 1.0
  - target[less]                                           : 1.0
                                 task[ok] AND target[less] = 1.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                need[less] : 1.0

RULE #6:
  IF task[more] AND target[more] THEN need[more]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - task[more]                                             : 0.0
  - target[more]                                           : 0.0
                               task[more] AND target[more] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                need[more] : 0.0

RULE #7:
  IF task[more] AND target[ok] THEN need[less]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - task[more]                                             : 0.0
  - target[ok]                                             : 0.5
                                 task[more] AND target[ok] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                need[less] : 0.0

RULE #8:
  IF task[more] AND target[less] THEN need[less]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - task[more]                                             : 0.0
  - target[less]                                           : 1.0
                               task[more] AND target[less] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                                need[less] : 0.0

 Intermediaries and Conquests 
Consequent: need                     = 35.97074517705886
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 1.0
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.5
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0


Визуализация функции принадлежности для выходной переменной influx

Функция получена в процессе аккумуляции и используется для дефаззификации значения выходной переменной influx

In [33]:
No description has been provided for this image

Пример решения задачи регрессии на основе нечеткого логического вывода

Загрузка данных

In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
from utils import split_stratified_into_train_val_test
import numpy as np
import skfuzzy as fuzz
import skfuzzy.control as ctrl

# Загрузка и обработка данных
df = pd.read_csv("data/kc_house_data.csv")
df = df.drop(["id", "date", "lat", "long"], axis=1)
df = df.dropna()

# Разбиение на обучающую, валидационную и тестовую выборки
houses_train, X_val, houses_test, y_train, y_val, y_test = split_stratified_into_train_val_test(
    stratify_colname="zipcode",  # Стратификация по району

# Удаляем столбец стратификации
houses_train = houses_train.drop("zipcode", axis=1)
houses_test = houses_test.drop("zipcode", axis=1)

display("houses_train", houses_train)
display("houses_test", houses_test)
price bedrooms bathrooms sqft_living sqft_lot floors waterfront view condition grade sqft_above sqft_basement yr_built yr_renovated sqft_living15 sqft_lot15
9848 450000.0 2 2.00 1610 6160 2.0 0 0 4 8 1610 0 1977 0 1750 6305
3710 361000.0 3 1.50 1200 7236 1.0 0 0 3 7 1200 0 1975 0 1680 7800
16998 413000.0 4 1.00 1410 6000 1.0 0 0 3 7 810 600 1925 0 1500 4800
1968 490000.0 4 2.25 2020 85813 2.0 0 0 3 7 2020 0 1995 0 2120 85813
16407 333000.0 3 1.00 1050 7560 1.0 0 0 3 7 1050 0 1951 0 1490 7560
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
12454 229000.0 2 1.00 810 5100 1.0 0 0 3 6 810 0 1955 0 1500 5100
10242 279000.0 3 1.00 1520 8055 1.5 0 0 3 7 1520 0 1952 0 1560 8160
17115 182500.0 3 1.00 910 7194 1.0 0 0 4 7 910 0 1971 0 1530 7200
19205 695000.0 3 3.25 3080 12100 2.0 0 0 3 8 2080 1000 1984 0 2100 6581
12428 430000.0 3 1.00 1210 5200 1.0 0 0 3 6 1210 0 1941 0 890 5200

17290 rows × 16 columns

price bedrooms bathrooms sqft_living sqft_lot floors waterfront view condition grade sqft_above sqft_basement yr_built yr_renovated sqft_living15 sqft_lot15
8943 852600.0 4 2.50 3320 11901 2.0 0 0 5 9 2650 670 1977 0 2700 11114
16711 795000.0 3 2.75 1820 7517 1.0 0 0 3 9 1820 0 1997 0 2540 8035
4156 222000.0 3 1.75 1240 7560 1.0 0 0 3 8 1070 170 1967 0 1650 7560
20873 375000.0 6 2.25 3206 5793 2.0 0 0 3 7 3206 0 2012 0 2527 5804
6498 274950.0 3 2.25 1570 8767 1.0 0 0 3 7 1180 390 1990 0 1570 7434
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
21109 315000.0 2 2.25 1240 705 2.0 0 0 3 7 1150 90 2009 0 1240 750
13160 240000.0 2 1.00 1320 24319 1.0 0 0 3 7 1320 0 1966 0 1430 98445
3892 695500.0 5 2.75 2510 9180 1.0 0 1 4 8 1600 910 1975 0 2650 9780
15547 910000.0 3 2.00 2700 6120 1.0 0 0 4 8 1350 1350 1962 0 1700 4590
11770 1850000.0 5 3.25 3680 6060 2.0 0 0 5 9 2630 1050 1925 0 3050 5850

4323 rows × 16 columns

Инициализация лингвистических переменных и автоматическое формирование нечетких переменных

In [35]:
# Определение нечетких переменных
yr_built = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(1900, 2025, 1), "yr_built")
sqft_living = ctrl.Antecedent(houses_train["sqft_living"].sort_values().unique(), "sqft_living")

price = ctrl.Consequent(np.arange(houses_train["price"].min() // 1000, 
                                  houses_train["price"].max() // 1000, 1), "price")

# Размытие переменных
yr_built["old"] = fuzz.zmf(yr_built.universe, 1900, 2000)
yr_built["new"] = fuzz.smf(yr_built.universe, 1990, 2025)

sqft_living.automf(3, variable_type="quant")

price["very cheap"] = fuzz.trimf(price.universe, [0, 200, 400])
price["cheap"] = fuzz.trimf(price.universe, [300, 500, 800])
price["average"] = fuzz.trapmf(price.universe, [600, 900, 1500, 2500])
price["expensive"] = fuzz.trimf(price.universe, [2000, 3500, 5000])
price["very expensive"] = fuzz.smf(price.universe, 4000, 10000)
c:\TEMP_UNIVERSITY\mai\.venv\Lib\site-packages\skfuzzy\control\fuzzyvariable.py:125: UserWarning: FigureCanvasAgg is non-interactive, and thus cannot be shown
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

Нечеткие правила

In [36]:
# Создание правил
rule11 = ctrl.Rule(
    sqft_living["low"] & yr_built["old"],
    price["very cheap"],
rule12 = ctrl.Rule(
    sqft_living["average"] & yr_built["old"],
rule13 = ctrl.Rule(
    sqft_living["high"] & yr_built["old"],
rule21 = ctrl.Rule(
    sqft_living["low"] & yr_built["new"],
rule22 = ctrl.Rule(
    sqft_living["average"] & yr_built["new"],
rule23 = ctrl.Rule(
    sqft_living["high"] & yr_built["new"],
    price["very expensive"],

Создание нечеткой системы

In [37]:
fuzzy_rules = [

price_cntrl = ctrl.ControlSystem(fuzzy_rules)

sim = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(price_cntrl)

[IF sqft_living[low] AND yr_built[old] THEN price[very cheap]
 	AND aggregation function : fmin
 	OR aggregation function  : fmax,
 IF sqft_living[average] AND yr_built[old] THEN price[cheap]
 	AND aggregation function : fmin
 	OR aggregation function  : fmax,
 IF sqft_living[high] AND yr_built[old] THEN price[average]
 	AND aggregation function : fmin
 	OR aggregation function  : fmax,
 IF sqft_living[low] AND yr_built[new] THEN price[average]
 	AND aggregation function : fmin
 	OR aggregation function  : fmax,
 IF sqft_living[average] AND yr_built[new] THEN price[expensive]
 	AND aggregation function : fmin
 	OR aggregation function  : fmax,
 IF sqft_living[high] AND yr_built[new] THEN price[very expensive]
 	AND aggregation function : fmin
 	OR aggregation function  : fmax]

Пример использования полученной нечеткой системы

In [43]:
# Пример предсказания
sim.input["yr_built"] = 2016
sim.input["sqft_living"] = 1500
Antecedent: sqft_living             = 1500
  - low                             : 0.8173584905660377
  - average                         : 0.18264150943396226
  - high                            : 0.0
Antecedent: yr_built                = 2016
  - old                             : 0.0
  - new                             : 0.8677551020408163

RULE #0:
  IF sqft_living[low] AND yr_built[old] THEN price[very cheap]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - sqft_living[low]                                       : 0.8173584905660377
  - yr_built[old]                                          : 0.0
                        sqft_living[low] AND yr_built[old] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                         price[very cheap] : 0.0

RULE #1:
  IF sqft_living[average] AND yr_built[old] THEN price[cheap]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - sqft_living[average]                                   : 0.18264150943396226
  - yr_built[old]                                          : 0.0
                    sqft_living[average] AND yr_built[old] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                              price[cheap] : 0.0

RULE #2:
  IF sqft_living[high] AND yr_built[old] THEN price[average]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - sqft_living[high]                                      : 0.0
  - yr_built[old]                                          : 0.0
                       sqft_living[high] AND yr_built[old] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                            price[average] : 0.0

RULE #3:
  IF sqft_living[low] AND yr_built[new] THEN price[average]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - sqft_living[low]                                       : 0.8173584905660377
  - yr_built[new]                                          : 0.8677551020408163
                        sqft_living[low] AND yr_built[new] = 0.8173584905660377
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                            price[average] : 0.8173584905660377

RULE #4:
  IF sqft_living[average] AND yr_built[new] THEN price[expensive]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - sqft_living[average]                                   : 0.18264150943396226
  - yr_built[new]                                          : 0.8677551020408163
                    sqft_living[average] AND yr_built[new] = 0.18264150943396226
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                          price[expensive] : 0.18264150943396226

RULE #5:
  IF sqft_living[high] AND yr_built[new] THEN price[very expensive]
	AND aggregation function : fmin
	OR aggregation function  : fmax

  Aggregation (IF-clause):
  - sqft_living[high]                                      : 0.0
  - yr_built[new]                                          : 0.8677551020408163
                       sqft_living[high] AND yr_built[new] = 0.0
  Activation (THEN-clause):
                                     price[very expensive] : 0.0

 Intermediaries and Conquests 
Consequent: price                    = 2057.986185801524
  very cheap:
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.8173584905660377
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.18264150943396226
  very expensive:
    Accumulate using accumulation_max : 0.0


Функция для автоматизации вычисления целевой переменной Y на основе вектора признаков X

In [39]:
# Функция предсказания
def fuzzy_pred(row):
    sim.input["yr_built"] = row["yr_built"]
    sim.input["sqft_living"] = row["sqft_living"]
    return sim.output["price"]

Тестирование нечеткой системы на обучающей выборке

In [40]:
# Применение к обучающим данным
result_train = houses_train.copy()
result_train["PricePred"] = result_train.apply(fuzzy_pred, axis=1)

price bedrooms bathrooms sqft_living sqft_lot floors waterfront view condition grade sqft_above sqft_basement yr_built yr_renovated sqft_living15 sqft_lot15 PricePred
9848 450000.0 2 2.00 1610 6160 2.0 0 0 4 8 1610 0 1977 0 1750 6305 429.624194
3710 361000.0 3 1.50 1200 7236 1.0 0 0 3 7 1200 0 1975 0 1680 7800 428.207965
16998 413000.0 4 1.00 1410 6000 1.0 0 0 3 7 810 600 1925 0 1500 4800 310.375162
1968 490000.0 4 2.25 2020 85813 2.0 0 0 3 7 2020 0 1995 0 2120 85813 2752.148335
16407 333000.0 3 1.00 1050 7560 1.0 0 0 3 7 1050 0 1951 0 1490 7560 310.403184
17067 219950.0 3 1.50 1210 5200 1.0 0 0 5 6 1210 0 1969 0 1120 5200 398.865957
2304 290000.0 2 1.00 1340 9840 1.0 0 0 3 7 1340 0 1949 0 1610 8949 327.464832
16319 500000.0 2 1.00 1440 7130 1.0 0 2 3 7 1210 230 1948 0 1970 7130 331.587824
13758 1712500.0 3 3.25 2940 5432 3.0 0 3 4 10 2440 500 1978 0 4400 5500 430.289457
408 364950.0 4 2.50 1930 6957 2.0 0 0 3 8 1930 0 1995 0 2090 6996 2752.148335
19017 3800000.0 3 4.25 5510 35000 2.0 0 4 3 13 4910 600 1997 0 3430 45302 2769.489768
5736 600000.0 3 2.50 2320 52272 1.5 0 0 3 8 2320 0 1974 0 2200 52272 427.457268
2362 278000.0 3 1.00 860 7632 1.0 0 0 3 6 860 0 1920 0 890 7632 270.308711
17316 578550.0 3 2.50 2120 6602 2.0 0 0 4 8 2120 0 1989 0 2330 7795 435.688044
1713 300000.0 3 1.75 1280 12776 1.0 0 0 4 7 1280 0 1977 0 1680 11704 429.624194

Тестирование нечеткой системы на тестовой выборке

In [41]:
result_test = houses_test.copy()
result_test["PricePred"] = result_test.apply(fuzzy_pred, axis=1)
result_test["PricePred"] = result_test["PricePred"].apply(lambda x: x)

price bedrooms bathrooms sqft_living sqft_lot floors waterfront view condition grade sqft_above sqft_basement yr_built yr_renovated sqft_living15 sqft_lot15 PricePred
8943 852600.0 4 2.50 3320 11901 2.0 0 0 5 9 2650 670 1977 0 2700 11114 429.624194
16711 795000.0 3 2.75 1820 7517 1.0 0 0 3 9 1820 0 1997 0 2540 8035 2769.489768
4156 222000.0 3 1.75 1240 7560 1.0 0 0 3 8 1070 170 1967 0 1650 7560 390.429374
20873 375000.0 6 2.25 3206 5793 2.0 0 0 3 7 3206 0 2012 0 2527 5804 2579.862557
6498 274950.0 3 2.25 1570 8767 1.0 0 0 3 7 1180 390 1990 0 1570 7434 436.002078
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
21109 315000.0 2 2.25 1240 705 2.0 0 0 3 7 1150 90 2009 0 1240 750 2085.193978
13160 240000.0 2 1.00 1320 24319 1.0 0 0 3 7 1320 0 1966 0 1430 98445 391.519006
3892 695500.0 5 2.75 2510 9180 1.0 0 1 4 8 1600 910 1975 0 2650 9780 428.207965
15547 910000.0 3 2.00 2700 6120 1.0 0 0 4 8 1350 1350 1962 0 1700 4590 416.400374
11770 1850000.0 5 3.25 3680 6060 2.0 0 0 5 9 2630 1050 1925 0 3050 5850 407.777504

4323 rows × 17 columns

Оценка результатов на основе метрик для задачи регрессии

In [42]:
import math
from sklearn import metrics

rmetrics = {}

rmetrics["RMSE_train"] = math.sqrt(
    metrics.mean_squared_error(result_test["price"], result_test["PricePred"])
rmetrics["RMSE_test"] = math.sqrt(
    metrics.mean_squared_error(result_test["price"], result_test["PricePred"])
rmetrics["RMAE_test"] = math.sqrt(
    metrics.mean_absolute_error(result_test["price"], result_test["PricePred"])
rmetrics["R2_test"] = metrics.r2_score(
    result_test["price"], result_test["PricePred"]

{'RMSE_train': 649737.8258173236,
 'RMSE_test': 649737.8258173236,
 'RMAE_test': 736.5342738871541,
 'R2_test': -2.298493549806802}