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# rc-motion
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React lifecycle controlled motion library.
## Live Demo
## Install
## Example
import CSSMotion from 'rc-motion';
export default ({ visible }) => (
<CSSMotion visible={visible} motionName="my-motion">
{({ className, style }) => <div className={className} style={style} />}
## API
### CSSMotion
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| motionName | string | - | Config motion name, will dynamic update when status changed |
| visible | boolean | true | Trigger motion events |
| motionAppear | boolean | true | Use motion when appear |
| motionEnter | boolean | true | Use motion when enter |
| motionLeave | boolean | true | Use motion when leave |
| motionLeaveImmediately | boolean | - | Will trigger leave even on mount |
| motionDeadline | number | - | Trigger motion status change even when motion event not fire |
| removeOnLeave | boolean | true | Remove element when motion leave end |
| leavedClassName | string | - | Set leaved element className |
| onAppearStart | (HTMLElement, Event) => CSSProperties \| void; | - | Trigger when appear start, return style will patch to element |
| onEnterStart | (HTMLElement, Event) => CSSProperties \| void; | - | Trigger when enter start, return style will patch to element |
| onLeaveStart | (HTMLElement, Event) => CSSProperties \| void; | - | Trigger when leave start, return style will patch to element |
| onAppearActive | (HTMLElement, Event) => CSSProperties \| void; | - | Trigger when appear active, return style will patch to element |
| onEnterActive | (HTMLElement, Event) => CSSProperties \| void; | - | Trigger when enter active, return style will patch to element |
| onLeaveActive | (HTMLElement, Event) => CSSProperties \| void; | - | Trigger when leave active, return style will patch to element |
| onAppearEnd | (HTMLElement, Event) => boolean \| void; | - | Trigger when appear end, will not finish when return false |
| onEnterEnd | (HTMLElement, Event) => boolean \| void; | - | Trigger when enter end, will not finish when return false |
| onLeaveEnd | (HTMLElement, Event) => boolean \| void; | - | Trigger when leave end, will not finish when return false |
### CSSMotionList
extends all the props from [CSSMotion](#CSSMotion)
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| --------- | ----------------------------- | ------- | ----------------- |
| keys | React.Key[] | - | Motion list keys |
| component | string \| React.ComponentType | div | wrapper component |
## Development
npm install
npm start
## License
rc-motion is released under the MIT license.