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# @ant-design/cssinjs
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Component level cssinjs solution used in [ant.design](https://ant.design). It's a subset of [Emotion](https://emotion.sh/) with design token logic wrapper. Please feel free to use emotion directly if you want to find a web cssinjs solution. cssinjs related dep packages:
- stylis
- @emotion/hash
- @emotion/unitless
## Live Demo
## Install
npm install @ant-design/cssinjs
yarn add @ant-design/cssinjs
pnpm add @ant-design/cssinjs
## Development
npm install
npm start
## License
@ant-design/cssinjs is released under the MIT license.
## API
### StyleProvider
| Prop | Desc | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| autoClear | Clear inject style element when component remove. | boolean | false |
| cache | Config cssinjs cache entity. Only set when you need ssr to extract style on you own. | CacheEntity | - |
| hashPriority | Use `:where` selector to reduce hashId css selector priority | `'low' \| 'high'` | `'low'` |
| container | Tell cssinjs where to inject style in. | Element \| ShadowRoot | `document.head` |
| ssrInline | Component wil render inline `<style />` for fallback in SSR. Not recommend. | boolean | false |
| transformers | Transform css before inject in document. Please note that `transformers` do not support dynamic update | Transformer[] | - |
### createCache
return CacheEntity for StyleProvider.
### createTheme
Create theme object. When same algorithm provided, it will return same object.
### Design Token related API
Since `@ant-design/cssinjs` use strong constraints for cache hit performance, we recommend to view demo `basic.tsx` for usage and `animation.tsx` for animation usage.
## Transform
When you need transform CSSObject before inject style. You can use `transformers` to handle this:
```tsx | pure
import {
} from '@ant-design/cssinjs';
export default () => (
<StyleProvider transformers={[legacyLogicalPropertiesTransformer]}>
<MyApp />
Follow are the transform we provide:
#### legacyLogicalPropertiesTransformer
Convert logical properties to legacy properties. e.g. `marginBlockStart` to `marginTop`:
- inset
- margin
- padding
- border
#### px2remTransformer
Convert pixel units to rem units. [px2remTransformer.options](./src/transformers/px2rem.ts)