Laba2 Base PIbd-22 Kalyshev Y V #2

Zyzf wants to merge 2 commits from Laba2 into Laba1
No description provided.
eegov was assigned by Zyzf 2023-02-21 13:11:35 +04:00
Zyzf added 2 commits 2023-02-21 13:11:36 +04:00
eegov was unassigned by Zyzf 2023-02-21 13:11:41 +04:00
Zyzf requested review from eegov 2023-02-21 13:11:47 +04:00
eegov approved these changes 2023-03-01 10:49:35 +04:00
eegov left a comment

Зачтено с понижением балла(ов)

Зачтено с понижением балла(ов)
@ -0,0 +79,4 @@
private OrderViewModel GetViewModel(Order order)
var viewModel = order.GetViewModel;
foreach (var manufacture in source.Manufactures)

Значение можно получить через LINQ-запрос

Значение можно получить через LINQ-запрос
eegov closed this pull request 2023-03-01 10:49:42 +04:00

Pull request closed

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2 Participants
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Reference: Zyzf/PIbd-22_Kalyshev_Y_V_BlacksmithWorkshop_Base#2
No description provided.