Владимир Данилов 83490711d5 отчет
2023-12-19 20:23:11 +04:00

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lodash-id Build Status NPM version

lodash-id makes it easy to manipulate id-based resources with lodash or lowdb

  • getById
  • insert
  • upsert
  • updateById
  • updateWhere
  • replaceById
  • removeById
  • removeWhere
  • createId


# with lodash
npm install lodash lodash-id --save

# with lowdb
npm install lowdb lodash-id --save

Note lodash-id is also compatible with underscore


In the API examples, we're assuming db to be:

const db = {
  posts: [
    {id: 1, body: 'one', published: false},
    {id: 2, body: 'two', published: true}
  comments: [
    {id: 1, body: 'foo', postId: 1},
    {id: 2, body: 'bar', postId: 2}

getById(collection, id)

Finds and returns document by id or undefined.

const post = _.getById(db.posts, 1)

insert(collection, document)

Adds document to collection, sets an id and returns created document.

const post = _.insert(db.posts, { body: 'New post' })

If the document already has an id, and it is the same as an existing document in the collection, an error is thrown.

_.insert(db.posts, { id: 1, body: 'New post' })
_.insert(db.posts, { id: 1, title: 'New title' }) // Throws an error

upsert(collection, document)

Adds document to collection, sets an id and returns created document.

const post = _.upsert(db.posts, { body: 'New post' })

If the document already has an id, it will be used to insert or replace.

_.upsert(db.posts, { id: 1, body: 'New post' })
_.upsert(db.posts, { id: 1, title: 'New title' })
_.getById(db.posts, 1) // { id: 1, title: 'New title' }

updateById(collection, id, attrs)

Finds document by id, copies properties to it and returns updated document or undefined.

const post = _.updateById(db.posts, 1, { body: 'Updated body' })

updateWhere(collection, whereAttrs, attrs)

Finds documents using _.where, updates documents and returns updated documents or an empty array.

// Publish all unpublished posts
const posts = _.updateWhere(db.posts, { published: false }, { published: true })

replaceById(collection, id, attrs)

Finds document by id, replaces properties and returns document or undefined.

const post = _.replaceById(db.posts, 1, { foo: 'bar' })

removeById(collection, id)

Removes document from collection and returns it or undefined.

const comment = _.removeById(db.comments, 1)

removeWhere(collection, whereAttrs)

Removes documents from collection using _.where and returns removed documents or an empty array.

const comments = _.removeWhere(db.comments, { postId: 1 })


Overwrite it if you want to use another id property.

_.id = '_id'

createId(collectionName, doc)

Called by lodash-id when a document is inserted. Overwrite it if you want to change id generation algorithm.

_.createId = (collectionName, item) => `${collectionName}-${item.prop}-${Date.now()}`


See details changes for each version in the release notes.


MIT - Typicode 🌵