  • Joined on 2024-01-30
LivelyPuer created branch lab2 in LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans 2024-11-19 00:15:35 +04:00
LivelyPuer pushed to lab2 at LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans 2024-11-19 00:15:35 +04:00
9648b4210d lab2 ready
LivelyPuer pushed to lab1 at LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans 2024-11-19 00:14:08 +04:00
b9b898380c lab 1 ready 100%
LivelyPuer pushed to lab1 at LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans 2024-11-19 00:06:05 +04:00
e8b8778e62 lab 1 ready
LivelyPuer pushed to lab1 at LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans 2024-11-18 23:50:12 +04:00
5c229cb2ff lab 1ready
LivelyPuer pushed to lab1 at LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans 2024-11-18 19:32:14 +04:00
ac3290f085 lab1 ready
LivelyPuer created pull request LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans#1 2024-11-09 03:07:29 +04:00
Pibd-24 Boyko_M.S. LabWork01
LivelyPuer pushed to lab1 at LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans 2024-11-09 03:06:15 +04:00
c4e6741777 lab1 ready
LivelyPuer created branch lab1 in LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans 2024-11-05 03:59:36 +04:00
LivelyPuer pushed to lab1 at LivelyPuer/PIBD14-Boyko-M.S.-GSM-Autotrans 2024-11-05 03:59:36 +04:00
b0b03748bb lab1 ready
LivelyPuer created pull request LivelyPuer/Pibd-14_Boyko_M.S._ElectroTran...#5 2024-06-17 12:50:31 +04:00
Pibd-14 Boyko_M.S. LabWork05 Hard
LivelyPuer created pull request LivelyPuer/Pibd-14_Boyko_M.S._ElectroTran...#4 2024-06-17 12:50:14 +04:00
Pibd-14 Boyko_M.S. LabWork04 Hard
LivelyPuer created branch lab5-develop in LivelyPuer/Pibd-14_Boyko_M.S._ElectroTran... 2024-06-17 12:48:46 +04:00
LivelyPuer pushed to lab5-develop at LivelyPuer/Pibd-14_Boyko_M.S._ElectroTran... 2024-06-17 12:48:46 +04:00
1b5f6fc87a ready
LivelyPuer pushed to lab4-develop at LivelyPuer/Pibd-14_Boyko_M.S._ElectroTran... 2024-06-17 11:39:44 +04:00
feb5eccc7f ready
LivelyPuer created branch lab4-develop in LivelyPuer/Pibd-14_Boyko_M.S._ElectroTran... 2024-06-17 11:39:44 +04:00
LivelyPuer created pull request LivelyPuer/PIBD14-BOYKO-M.S.SuperEasySupe...#10 2024-05-23 01:01:58 +04:00
PIBD-14 Boyko_M.S, LabWork08 Simple
LivelyPuer pushed to master at LivelyPuer/PIBD-14_Boyko_M_S_Cursach_DFS 2024-05-22 20:29:25 +04:00
60380d5262 Ready 1v
LivelyPuer pushed to master at LivelyPuer/PIBD-14_Boyko_M_S_Cursach_DFS 2024-05-22 00:02:19 +04:00
69ad981e94 Commit for DE
LivelyPuer created pull request LivelyPuer/Pibd-14_Boyko_M.S._ElectroTran...#3 2024-04-25 10:41:25 +04:00
Pibd-14 Boyko_M.S. LabWork02 Hard