2024-09-28 10:36:43 +04:00

196 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

Работа с NumPy

In [1]:
import numpy as np

matrix = np.array([[4, 5, 0], [9, 9, 9]])
print("matrix = \n", matrix, "\n")

tmatrix = matrix.T
print("tmatrix = \n", tmatrix, "\n")

vector = np.ravel(matrix)
print("vector = \n", vector, "\n")

tvector = np.reshape(vector, (6, 1))
print("tvector = \n", tvector, "\n")

list_matrix = list(matrix)
print("list_matrix = \n", list_matrix, "\n")

str_matrix = str(matrix)
print("matrix as str = \n", str_matrix, "\n")

print("matrix type is", type(matrix), "\n")

print("vector type is", type(vector), "\n")

print("list_matrix type is", type(list_matrix), "\n")

print("str_matrix type is", type(str_matrix), "\n")

formatted_vector = "; ".join(map(str, vector))

print("formatted_vector = \n", formatted_vector, "\n")
matrix = 
 [[4 5 0]
 [9 9 9]] 

tmatrix = 
 [[4 9]
 [5 9]
 [0 9]] 

vector = 
 [4 5 0 9 9 9] 

tvector = 

list_matrix = 
 [array([4, 5, 0]), array([9, 9, 9])] 

matrix as str = 
 [[4 5 0]
 [9 9 9]] 

matrix type is <class 'numpy.ndarray'> 

vector type is <class 'numpy.ndarray'> 

list_matrix type is <class 'list'> 

str_matrix type is <class 'str'> 

formatted_vector = 
 4; 5; 0; 9; 9; 9 

Работа с Pandas DataFrame


Работа с данными - чтение и запись CSV

In [3]:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("data/healthcare-dataset-stroke-data.csv", index_col="id")


Работа с данными - основные команды

In [20]:


clear_df = df.drop(["heart_disease", "ever_married", "Residence_type"], axis=1)

sorted_df = clear_df.sort_values(by="age")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 5110 entries, 9046 to 44679
Data columns (total 11 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------             --------------  -----  
 0   gender             5110 non-null   object 
 1   age                5110 non-null   float64
 2   hypertension       5110 non-null   int64  
 3   heart_disease      5110 non-null   int64  
 4   ever_married       5110 non-null   object 
 5   work_type          5110 non-null   object 
 6   Residence_type     5110 non-null   object 
 7   avg_glucose_level  5110 non-null   float64
 8   bmi                4909 non-null   float64
 9   smoking_status     5110 non-null   object 
 10  stroke             5110 non-null   int64  
dtypes: float64(3), int64(3), object(5)
memory usage: 608.1+ KB
                    count        mean        std    min     25%     50%  \
age                5110.0   43.226614  22.612647   0.08  25.000  45.000   
hypertension       5110.0    0.097456   0.296607   0.00   0.000   0.000   
heart_disease      5110.0    0.054012   0.226063   0.00   0.000   0.000   
avg_glucose_level  5110.0  106.147677  45.283560  55.12  77.245  91.885   
bmi                4909.0   28.893237   7.854067  10.30  23.500  28.100   
stroke             5110.0    0.048728   0.215320   0.00   0.000   0.000   

                      75%     max  
age                 61.00   82.00  
hypertension         0.00    1.00  
heart_disease        0.00    1.00  
avg_glucose_level  114.09  271.74  
bmi                 33.10   97.60  
stroke               0.00    1.00  
       gender   age  hypertension      work_type  avg_glucose_level   bmi  \
9046     Male  67.0             0        Private             228.69  36.6   
51676  Female  61.0             0  Self-employed             202.21   NaN   
31112    Male  80.0             0        Private             105.92  32.5   
60182  Female  49.0             0        Private             171.23  34.4   
1665   Female  79.0             1  Self-employed             174.12  24.0   

        smoking_status  stroke  
9046   formerly smoked       1  
51676     never smoked       1  
31112     never smoked       1  
60182           smokes       1  
1665      never smoked       1  
       gender   age  hypertension      work_type  avg_glucose_level   bmi  \
18234  Female  80.0             1        Private              83.75   NaN   
44873  Female  81.0             0  Self-employed             125.20  40.0   
19723  Female  35.0             0  Self-employed              82.99  30.6   
37544    Male  51.0             0        Private             166.29  25.6   
44679  Female  44.0             0       Govt_job              85.28  26.2   

        smoking_status  stroke  
18234     never smoked       0  
44873     never smoked       0  
19723     never smoked       0  
37544  formerly smoked       0  
44679          Unknown       0  
       gender   age  hypertension work_type  avg_glucose_level   bmi  \
47350  Female  0.08             0  children             139.67  14.1   
29955    Male  0.08             0  children              70.33  16.9   
22877    Male  0.16             0  children             114.71  17.4   
41500    Male  0.16             0  children              69.79  13.0   
8247     Male  0.16             0  children             109.52  13.9   

      smoking_status  stroke  
47350        Unknown       0  
29955        Unknown       0  
22877        Unknown       0  
41500        Unknown       0  
8247         Unknown       0  
       gender   age  hypertension      work_type  avg_glucose_level   bmi  \
38829  Female  82.0             0        Private              59.32  33.2   
25510    Male  82.0             0  Self-employed             111.81  19.8   
27705  Female  82.0             0  Self-employed              88.60  32.5   
40163  Female  82.0             1        Private             222.52   NaN   
64778    Male  82.0             0        Private             208.30  32.5   

        smoking_status  stroke  
38829     never smoked       1  
25510  formerly smoked       0  
27705          Unknown       0  
40163  formerly smoked       0  
64778          Unknown       1  

Работа с данными - работа с элементами

In [19]:


print(df.loc[9046, "gender"])

print(df.loc[9046:53882, ["gender", "bmi"]])



print(df.iloc[3:5, 0:2])

print(df.iloc[[3, 4], [0, 1]])
9046     36.6
51676     NaN
31112    32.5
60182    34.4
1665     24.0
18234     NaN
44873    40.0
19723    30.6
37544    25.6
44679    26.2
Name: bmi, Length: 5110, dtype: float64
gender                          Male
age                             67.0
hypertension                       0
heart_disease                      1
ever_married                     Yes
work_type                    Private
Residence_type                 Urban
avg_glucose_level             228.69
bmi                             36.6
smoking_status       formerly smoked
stroke                             1
Name: 9046, dtype: object
       gender   bmi
9046     Male  36.6
51676  Female   NaN
31112    Male  32.5
60182  Female  34.4
1665   Female  24.0
56669    Male  29.0
53882    Male  27.4
       gender   age  hypertension  heart_disease ever_married      work_type  \
9046     Male  67.0             0              1          Yes        Private   
51676  Female  61.0             0              0          Yes  Self-employed   
31112    Male  80.0             0              1          Yes        Private   

      Residence_type  avg_glucose_level   bmi   smoking_status  stroke  
9046           Urban             228.69  36.6  formerly smoked       1  
51676          Rural             202.21   NaN     never smoked       1  
31112          Rural             105.92  32.5     never smoked       1  
gender                          Male
age                             67.0
hypertension                       0
heart_disease                      1
ever_married                     Yes
work_type                    Private
Residence_type                 Urban
avg_glucose_level             228.69
bmi                             36.6
smoking_status       formerly smoked
stroke                             1
Name: 9046, dtype: object
       gender   age
60182  Female  49.0
1665   Female  79.0
       gender   age
60182  Female  49.0
1665   Female  79.0

Работа с данными - отбор и группировка

In [26]:
s_values = df["gender"].unique()

s_total = 0
for s_value in s_values:
    count = df[df["gender"] == s_value].shape[0]
    s_total += count
    print(s_value, "count =", count)
print("Total count = ", s_total)

print(df.groupby(["ever_married", "avg_glucose_level"]).size().reset_index(name="Count"))  # type: ignore
['Male' 'Female' 'Other']
Male count = 2115
Female count = 2994
Other count = 1
Total count =  5110
     ever_married  avg_glucose_level  Count
0              No              55.12      1
1              No              55.25      1
2              No              55.34      1
3              No              55.35      1
4              No              55.39      1
...           ...                ...    ...
4445          Yes             263.56      1
4446          Yes             267.60      1
4447          Yes             267.61      1
4448          Yes             267.76      1
4449          Yes             271.74      1

[4450 rows x 3 columns]

Визуализация - Исходные данные

In [27]:
data = df[["gender", "age", "bmi"]].copy()
data.dropna(subset=["bmi"], inplace=True)
       gender   age   bmi
9046     Male  67.0  36.6
31112    Male  80.0  32.5
60182  Female  49.0  34.4
1665   Female  79.0  24.0
56669    Male  81.0  29.0
...       ...   ...   ...
14180  Female  13.0  18.6
44873  Female  81.0  40.0
19723  Female  35.0  30.6
37544    Male  51.0  25.6
44679  Female  44.0  26.2

[4909 rows x 3 columns]

Визуализация - Сводка пяти чисел

No description has been provided for this image
In [28]:
def q1(x):
    return x.quantile(0.25)

# median = quantile(0.5)
def q2(x):
    return x.quantile(0.5)

def q3(x):
    return x.quantile(0.75)

def iqr(x):
    return q3(x) - q1(x)

def low_iqr(x):
    return max(0, q1(x) - 1.5 * iqr(x))

def high_iqr(x):
    return q3(x) + 1.5 * iqr(x)

quantiles = data[["gender", "age"]].groupby(["gender"]).aggregate(["min", q1, q2, "median", q3, "max"])

iqrs = data[["gender", "age"]].groupby(["gender"]).aggregate([low_iqr, iqr, high_iqr])

data.boxplot(column="age", by="gender")
          min    q1    q2 median    q3   max
Female   0.08  26.0  44.0   44.0  60.0  82.0
Male     0.08  21.0  45.0   45.0  60.5  82.0
Other   26.00  26.0  26.0   26.0  26.0  26.0
       low_iqr   iqr high_iqr
Female     0.0  34.0   111.00
Male       0.0  39.5   119.75
Other     26.0   0.0    26.00
<Axes: title={'center': 'age'}, xlabel='gender'>
No description has been provided for this image

Визуализация - Гистограмма

In [29]:
data.plot.hist(column=["age"], bins=80)
<Axes: ylabel='Frequency'>
No description has been provided for this image

Визуализация - Точечная диаграмма

In [41]:
df.plot.scatter(x="age", y="gender")

df.plot.scatter(x="smoking_status", y="age")
<Axes: xlabel='smoking_status', ylabel='age'>
No description has been provided for this image
No description has been provided for this image

Визуализация - Столбчатая диаграмма

In [34]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plot = (
        ["Residence_type", "ever_married"]
    .unstack()  # Преобразование таблицы для корректной визуализации
        color=["pink", "green"], figsize=(10, 6)

plot.legend(["Never married", "Ever married"], title="Marital Status")
plot.set_title("Распределение по типу проживания и статусу брака", fontsize=16)
plot.set_xlabel("Тип проживания", fontsize=12)
plot.set_ylabel("Количество", fontsize=12)

# Показать диаграмму
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Визуализация - Временные ряды

In [36]:
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.dates as md

ts = pd.read_csv("data/dollar.csv")
ts["date"] = ts.apply(lambda row: datetime.strptime(row["my_date"], "%d.%m.%Y"), axis=1)


plot = ts.plot.line(x="date", y="my_value")
plot.tick_params(axis="x", labelrotation=90)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 243 entries, 0 to 242
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------       --------------  -----         
 0   my_date      243 non-null    object        
 1   my_value     243 non-null    float64       
 2   bullet       2 non-null      object        
 3   bulletClass  2 non-null      object        
 4   label        2 non-null      object        
 5   date         243 non-null    datetime64[ns]
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 11.5+ KB
        my_date  my_value bullet bulletClass label       date
0    28.03.2023   76.5662    NaN         NaN   NaN 2023-03-28
1    31.03.2023   77.0863    NaN         NaN   NaN 2023-03-31
2    01.04.2023   77.3233    NaN         NaN   NaN 2023-04-01
3    04.04.2023   77.9510    NaN         NaN   NaN 2023-04-04
4    05.04.2023   79.3563    NaN         NaN   NaN 2023-04-05
..          ...       ...    ...         ...   ...        ...
238  20.03.2024   92.2243    NaN         NaN   NaN 2024-03-20
239  21.03.2024   92.6861    NaN         NaN   NaN 2024-03-21
240  22.03.2024   91.9499    NaN         NaN   NaN 2024-03-22
241  23.03.2024   92.6118    NaN         NaN   NaN 2024-03-23
242  26.03.2024   92.7761    NaN         NaN   NaN 2024-03-26

[243 rows x 6 columns]
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