diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientCreateRoute.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientCreateRoute.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index c999838..0000000
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientCreateRoute.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.ComponentModel;
-using System.Data;
-using System.Drawing;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using System.Windows.Forms;
-namespace ZooView
- public partial class ClientCreateRoute : Form
- {
- public ClientCreateRoute()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- }
- }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientRoutes.Designer.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientRoutes.Designer.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 352f576..0000000
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientRoutes.Designer.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-namespace ZooView
- partial class ClientRoutes
- {
- ///
- /// Required designer variable.
- ///
- private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
- ///
- /// Clean up any resources being used.
- ///
- /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
- protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
- {
- if (disposing && (components != null))
- {
- components.Dispose();
- }
- base.Dispose(disposing);
- }
- #region Windows Form Designer generated code
- ///
- /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
- /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
- ///
- private void InitializeComponent()
- {
- dataGridView1 = new DataGridView();
- RouteId = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- RouteName = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- RouteCost = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- DateStart = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- DateFinish = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- buttonAddRoute = new Button();
- buttonUpdateRoute = new Button();
- buttonRouteDelete = new Button();
- buttonRoutePay = new Button();
- RouteStatus = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)dataGridView1).BeginInit();
- SuspendLayout();
- //
- // dataGridView1
- //
- dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
- dataGridView1.Columns.AddRange(new DataGridViewColumn[] { RouteId, RouteName, RouteCost, DateStart, DateFinish, RouteStatus });
- dataGridView1.Location = new Point(12, 3);
- dataGridView1.Name = "dataGridView1";
- dataGridView1.RowTemplate.Height = 25;
- dataGridView1.Size = new Size(484, 435);
- dataGridView1.TabIndex = 1;
- //
- // RouteId
- //
- RouteId.HeaderText = "id";
- RouteId.Name = "RouteId";
- RouteId.Visible = false;
- //
- // RouteName
- //
- RouteName.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
- RouteName.HeaderText = "Название";
- RouteName.Name = "RouteName";
- //
- // RouteCost
- //
- RouteCost.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
- RouteCost.HeaderText = "Стоимость";
- RouteCost.Name = "RouteCost";
- //
- // DateStart
- //
- DateStart.HeaderText = "Дата начала";
- DateStart.Name = "DateStart";
- //
- // DateFinish
- //
- DateFinish.HeaderText = "Дата окончания";
- DateFinish.Name = "DateFinish";
- //
- // buttonAddRoute
- //
- buttonAddRoute.Location = new Point(507, 27);
- buttonAddRoute.Name = "buttonAddRoute";
- buttonAddRoute.Size = new Size(129, 37);
- buttonAddRoute.TabIndex = 2;
- buttonAddRoute.Text = "Добавить";
- buttonAddRoute.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- //
- // buttonUpdateRoute
- //
- buttonUpdateRoute.Location = new Point(508, 97);
- buttonUpdateRoute.Name = "buttonUpdateRoute";
- buttonUpdateRoute.Size = new Size(129, 37);
- buttonUpdateRoute.TabIndex = 3;
- buttonUpdateRoute.Text = "Изменить";
- buttonUpdateRoute.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- //
- // buttonRouteDelete
- //
- buttonRouteDelete.Location = new Point(507, 161);
- buttonRouteDelete.Name = "buttonRouteDelete";
- buttonRouteDelete.Size = new Size(129, 37);
- buttonRouteDelete.TabIndex = 4;
- buttonRouteDelete.Text = "Удалить";
- buttonRouteDelete.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- //
- // buttonRoutePay
- //
- buttonRoutePay.Location = new Point(508, 220);
- buttonRoutePay.Name = "buttonRoutePay";
- buttonRoutePay.Size = new Size(129, 37);
- buttonRoutePay.TabIndex = 5;
- buttonRoutePay.Text = "Оплатить";
- buttonRoutePay.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- //
- // RouteStatus
- //
- RouteStatus.HeaderText = "Статус оплаты";
- RouteStatus.Name = "RouteStatus";
- //
- // Routes
- //
- AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 15F);
- AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
- ClientSize = new Size(649, 450);
- Controls.Add(buttonRoutePay);
- Controls.Add(buttonRouteDelete);
- Controls.Add(buttonUpdateRoute);
- Controls.Add(buttonAddRoute);
- Controls.Add(dataGridView1);
- Name = "Routes";
- Text = "Routes";
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)dataGridView1).EndInit();
- ResumeLayout(false);
- }
- #endregion
- private DataGridView dataGridView1;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn RouteId;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn RouteName;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn RouteCost;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn DateStart;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn DateFinish;
- private Button buttonAddRoute;
- private Button buttonUpdateRoute;
- private Button buttonRouteDelete;
- private Button buttonRoutePay;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn RouteStatus;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientRoutes.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientRoutes.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index a58cb4c..0000000
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientRoutes.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.ComponentModel;
-using System.Data;
-using System.Drawing;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using System.Windows.Forms;
-namespace ZooView
- public partial class ClientRoutes : Form
- {
- public ClientRoutes()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- }
- }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormClientMain.Designer.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormClientMain.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b587fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormClientMain.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+namespace ZooView
+ partial class FormClientMain
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (disposing && (components != null))
+ {
+ components.Dispose();
+ }
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ }
+ #region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ private void InitializeComponent()
+ {
+ menuStrip1 = new MenuStrip();
+ создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
+ оплатитьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
+ получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
+ вДокументToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
+ наПочтуToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
+ button1 = new Button();
+ button2 = new Button();
+ menuStrip1.SuspendLayout();
+ SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // menuStrip1
+ //
+ menuStrip1.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem, оплатитьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem, получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem });
+ menuStrip1.Location = new Point(0, 0);
+ menuStrip1.Name = "menuStrip1";
+ menuStrip1.Size = new Size(800, 24);
+ menuStrip1.TabIndex = 0;
+ menuStrip1.Text = "menuStrip1";
+ //
+ // создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem
+ //
+ создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem.Name = "создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem";
+ создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(116, 20);
+ создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Создать маршрут";
+ создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem.Click += создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem_Click;
+ //
+ // оплатитьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem
+ //
+ оплатитьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem.Name = "оплатитьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem";
+ оплатитьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(125, 20);
+ оплатитьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Оплатить маршрут";
+ //
+ // получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem
+ //
+ получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { вДокументToolStripMenuItem, наПочтуToolStripMenuItem });
+ получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem.Name = "получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem";
+ получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(106, 20);
+ получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Получить отчет";
+ //
+ // вДокументToolStripMenuItem
+ //
+ вДокументToolStripMenuItem.Name = "вДокументToolStripMenuItem";
+ вДокументToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(136, 22);
+ вДокументToolStripMenuItem.Text = "В документ";
+ //
+ // наПочтуToolStripMenuItem
+ //
+ наПочтуToolStripMenuItem.Name = "наПочтуToolStripMenuItem";
+ наПочтуToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(136, 22);
+ наПочтуToolStripMenuItem.Text = "На почту";
+ //
+ // button1
+ //
+ button1.Location = new Point(156, 186);
+ button1.Name = "button1";
+ button1.Size = new Size(75, 23);
+ button1.TabIndex = 1;
+ button1.Text = "button1";
+ button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // button2
+ //
+ button2.Location = new Point(510, 192);
+ button2.Name = "button2";
+ button2.Size = new Size(75, 23);
+ button2.TabIndex = 2;
+ button2.Text = "button2";
+ button2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // FormClientMain
+ //
+ AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 15F);
+ AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
+ ClientSize = new Size(800, 450);
+ Controls.Add(button2);
+ Controls.Add(button1);
+ Controls.Add(menuStrip1);
+ MainMenuStrip = menuStrip1;
+ Name = "FormClientMain";
+ Text = "FormClientMain";
+ menuStrip1.ResumeLayout(false);
+ menuStrip1.PerformLayout();
+ ResumeLayout(false);
+ PerformLayout();
+ }
+ #endregion
+ private MenuStrip menuStrip1;
+ private ToolStripMenuItem создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem;
+ private ToolStripMenuItem оплатитьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem;
+ private ToolStripMenuItem получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem;
+ private ToolStripMenuItem вДокументToolStripMenuItem;
+ private ToolStripMenuItem наПочтуToolStripMenuItem;
+ private Button button1;
+ private Button button2;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormClientMain.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormClientMain.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc4b7b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormClientMain.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+using ZooView;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+namespace ZooView
+ public partial class FormClientMain : Form
+ {
+ public FormClientMain()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ private void создатьМаршрутToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ var service = Program.ServiceProvider?.GetService(typeof(FormRoutes));
+ if (service is FormRoutes form)
+ {
+ form.ShowDialog();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientRoutes.resx b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormClientMain.resx
similarity index 72%
rename from git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientRoutes.resx
rename to git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormClientMain.resx
index fca3d87..a0623c8 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientRoutes.resx
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormClientMain.resx
@@ -117,42 +117,6 @@
System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
17, 17
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserve.Designer.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserve.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1161eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserve.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+namespace ZooView
+ partial class FormPreserve
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (disposing && (components != null))
+ {
+ components.Dispose();
+ }
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ }
+ #region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ private void InitializeComponent()
+ {
+ this.labelName = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
+ this.textBoxName = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
+ this.textBoxCost = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
+ this.labelCost = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
+ this.buttonSave = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
+ this.buttonCancel = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
+ this.SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // labelName
+ //
+ this.labelName.AutoSize = true;
+ this.labelName.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 7);
+ this.labelName.Name = "labelName";
+ this.labelName.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(62, 15);
+ this.labelName.TabIndex = 0;
+ this.labelName.Text = "Название:";
+ //
+ // textBoxName
+ //
+ this.textBoxName.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(86, 7);
+ this.textBoxName.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.textBoxName.Name = "textBoxName";
+ this.textBoxName.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(275, 23);
+ this.textBoxName.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // textBoxCost
+ //
+ this.textBoxCost.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(86, 32);
+ this.textBoxCost.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.textBoxCost.Name = "textBoxCost";
+ this.textBoxCost.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(122, 23);
+ this.textBoxCost.TabIndex = 3;
+ //
+ // labelCost
+ //
+ this.labelCost.AutoSize = true;
+ this.labelCost.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 32);
+ this.labelCost.Name = "labelCost";
+ this.labelCost.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(38, 15);
+ this.labelCost.TabIndex = 2;
+ this.labelCost.Text = "Цена:";
+ //
+ // buttonSave
+ //
+ this.buttonSave.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(143, 72);
+ this.buttonSave.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.buttonSave.Name = "buttonSave";
+ this.buttonSave.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(96, 26);
+ this.buttonSave.TabIndex = 4;
+ this.buttonSave.Text = "Сохранить";
+ this.buttonSave.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this.buttonSave.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ButtonSave_Click);
+ //
+ // buttonCancel
+ //
+ this.buttonCancel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(245, 72);
+ this.buttonCancel.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel";
+ this.buttonCancel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(97, 26);
+ this.buttonCancel.TabIndex = 5;
+ this.buttonCancel.Text = "Отмена";
+ this.buttonCancel.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this.buttonCancel.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ButtonCancel_Click);
+ //
+ // FormComponent
+ //
+ this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(7F, 15F);
+ this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
+ this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(373, 106);
+ this.Controls.Add(this.buttonCancel);
+ this.Controls.Add(this.buttonSave);
+ this.Controls.Add(this.textBoxCost);
+ this.Controls.Add(this.labelCost);
+ this.Controls.Add(this.textBoxName);
+ this.Controls.Add(this.labelName);
+ this.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.Name = "FormComponent";
+ this.Text = "Компонент";
+ this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.FormComponent_Load);
+ this.ResumeLayout(false);
+ this.PerformLayout();
+ }
+ #endregion
+ private Label labelName;
+ private TextBox textBoxName;
+ private TextBox textBoxCost;
+ private Label labelCost;
+ private Button buttonSave;
+ private Button buttonCancel;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserve.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserve.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..366ed42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserve.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using ZooContracts.BindingModels;
+using ZooContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts;
+using ZooContracts.SearchModels;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+using ZooContracts.BuisnessLogicsContracts;
+namespace ZooView
+ public partial class FormPreserve : Form
+ {
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ private readonly IPreserveLogic _logic;
+ private int? _id;
+ public int Id { set { _id = value; } }
+ public FormPreserve(ILogger logger, IPreserveLogic logic)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ _logger = logger;
+ _logic = logic;
+ }
+ private void FormComponent_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (_id.HasValue)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation("Получение компонента");
+ var view = _logic.ReadElement(new PreserveSearchModel
+ {
+ Id = _id.Value
+ });
+ if (view != null)
+ {
+ textBoxName.Text = view.PreserveName;
+ textBoxCost.Text = view.PreservePrice.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Ошибка получения компонента");
+ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxName.Text))
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show("Заполните название", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ return;
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Сохранение компонента");
+ try
+ {
+ var model = new PreserveBindingModel
+ {
+ Id = _id ?? 0,
+ PreserveName = textBoxName.Text,
+ PreservePrice = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxCost.Text)
+ };
+ var operationResult = _id.HasValue ? _logic.Update(model) : _logic.Create(model);
+ if (!operationResult)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Ошибка при сохранении. Дополнительная информация в логах.");//При обновлении, может быть, тоже ошибка появиться..
+ }
+ MessageBox.Show("Сохранение прошло успешно", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
+ DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
+ Close();
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Ошибка сохранения компонента");
+ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
+ Close();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserve.resx b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserve.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f298a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserve.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserves.Designer.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserves.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d839677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserves.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+namespace ZooView
+ partial class FormPreserves
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (disposing && (components != null))
+ {
+ components.Dispose();
+ }
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ }
+ #region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ private void InitializeComponent()
+ {
+ this.dataGridView = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView();
+ this.ToolsPanel = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel();
+ this.buttonRef = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
+ this.buttonDel = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
+ this.buttonUpd = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
+ this.buttonAdd = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.dataGridView)).BeginInit();
+ this.ToolsPanel.SuspendLayout();
+ this.SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // dataGridView
+ //
+ this.dataGridView.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
+ this.dataGridView.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false;
+ this.dataGridView.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
+ this.dataGridView.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
+ this.dataGridView.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 2);
+ this.dataGridView.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.dataGridView.Name = "dataGridView";
+ this.dataGridView.ReadOnly = true;
+ this.dataGridView.RowHeadersWidth = 51;
+ this.dataGridView.RowTemplate.Height = 29;
+ this.dataGridView.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(519, 360);
+ this.dataGridView.TabIndex = 0;
+ //
+ // ToolsPanel
+ //
+ this.ToolsPanel.Controls.Add(this.dataGridView);
+ this.ToolsPanel.Controls.Add(this.buttonRef);
+ this.ToolsPanel.Controls.Add(this.buttonDel);
+ this.ToolsPanel.Controls.Add(this.buttonUpd);
+ this.ToolsPanel.Controls.Add(this.buttonAdd);
+ this.ToolsPanel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1);
+ this.ToolsPanel.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.ToolsPanel.Name = "ToolsPanel";
+ this.ToolsPanel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(675, 364);
+ this.ToolsPanel.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // buttonRef
+ //
+ this.buttonRef.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(528, 155);
+ this.buttonRef.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.buttonRef.Name = "buttonRef";
+ this.buttonRef.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(110, 27);
+ this.buttonRef.TabIndex = 3;
+ this.buttonRef.Text = "Обновить";
+ this.buttonRef.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this.buttonRef.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ButtonRef_Click);
+ //
+ // buttonDel
+ //
+ this.buttonDel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(528, 107);
+ this.buttonDel.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.buttonDel.Name = "buttonDel";
+ this.buttonDel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(110, 27);
+ this.buttonDel.TabIndex = 2;
+ this.buttonDel.Text = "Удалить";
+ this.buttonDel.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this.buttonDel.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ButtonDel_Click);
+ //
+ // buttonUpd
+ //
+ this.buttonUpd.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(528, 58);
+ this.buttonUpd.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.buttonUpd.Name = "buttonUpd";
+ this.buttonUpd.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(110, 27);
+ this.buttonUpd.TabIndex = 1;
+ this.buttonUpd.Text = "Изменить";
+ this.buttonUpd.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this.buttonUpd.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ButtonUpd_Click);
+ //
+ // buttonAdd
+ //
+ this.buttonAdd.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(528, 13);
+ this.buttonAdd.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.buttonAdd.Name = "buttonAdd";
+ this.buttonAdd.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(110, 27);
+ this.buttonAdd.TabIndex = 0;
+ this.buttonAdd.Text = "Добавить";
+ this.buttonAdd.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ this.buttonAdd.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ButtonAdd_Click);
+ //
+ // FormComponents
+ //
+ this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(7F, 15F);
+ this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
+ this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(673, 361);
+ this.Controls.Add(this.ToolsPanel);
+ this.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ this.Name = "FormComponents";
+ this.Text = "Компоненты";
+ this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.FormComponents_Load);
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.dataGridView)).EndInit();
+ this.ToolsPanel.ResumeLayout(false);
+ this.ResumeLayout(false);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ private DataGridView dataGridView;
+ private Panel ToolsPanel;
+ private Button buttonRef;
+ private Button buttonDel;
+ private Button buttonUpd;
+ private Button buttonAdd;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserves.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserves.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb5b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserves.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using ZooContracts.BindingModels;
+using ZooContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+using ZooContracts.BuisnessLogicsContracts;
+namespace ZooView
+ public partial class FormPreserves : Form
+ {
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ private readonly IPreserveLogic _logic;
+ public FormPreserves(ILogger logger, IPreserveLogic logic)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ _logger = logger;
+ _logic = logic;
+ }
+ private void FormComponents_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ private void LoadData()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var list = _logic.ReadList(null);
+ if (list != null)
+ {
+ dataGridView.DataSource = list;
+ dataGridView.Columns["Id"].Visible = false;
+ dataGridView.Columns["PreserveName"].AutoSizeMode =
+ DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Загрузка компонентов");
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Ошибка загрузки компонентов");
+ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
+ MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ var service = Program.ServiceProvider?.GetService(typeof(FormPreserve));
+ if (service is FormPreserve form)
+ {
+ if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
+ {
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonUpd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (dataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
+ {
+ var service = Program.ServiceProvider?.GetService(typeof(FormPreserve));
+ if (service is FormPreserve form)
+ {
+ form.Id =
+ Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value);
+ if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
+ {
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (dataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
+ {
+ if (MessageBox.Show("Удалить запись?", "Вопрос",
+ MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
+ {
+ int id =
+ Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value);
+ _logger.LogInformation("Удаление компонента");
+ try
+ {
+ if (!_logic.Delete(new PreserveBindingModel
+ {
+ Id = id
+ }))
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Ошибка при удалении. Дополнительная информация в логах.");
+ }
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Ошибка удаления компонента");
+ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка",
+ MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonRef_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserves.resx b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserves.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f298a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormPreserves.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientCreateRoute.Designer.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoute.Designer.cs
similarity index 70%
rename from git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientCreateRoute.Designer.cs
rename to git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoute.Designer.cs
index ace2011..5b698ef 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientCreateRoute.Designer.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoute.Designer.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
namespace ZooView
- partial class ClientCreateRoute
+ partial class FormRoute
/// Required designer variable.
@@ -28,78 +28,93 @@
private void InitializeComponent()
- buttonSave = new Button();
- buttonCancel = new Button();
- groupBoxPreserves = new GroupBox();
+ labelName = new Label();
+ textBoxName = new TextBox();
+ labelPrice = new Label();
+ textBoxPrice = new TextBox();
+ groupBoxComponents = new GroupBox();
buttonRef = new Button();
buttonDel = new Button();
buttonAdd = new Button();
dataGridView = new DataGridView();
- textBoxPrice = new TextBox();
- labelPrice = new Label();
- textBoxName = new TextBox();
- labelName = new Label();
+ buttonCancel = new Button();
+ buttonSave = new Button();
id = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- Preserve = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- Price = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- groupBoxPreserves.SuspendLayout();
+ Component = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
+ groupBoxComponents.SuspendLayout();
- // buttonSave
+ // labelName
- buttonSave.Location = new Point(231, 316);
- buttonSave.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
- buttonSave.Name = "buttonSave";
- buttonSave.Size = new Size(110, 26);
- buttonSave.TabIndex = 13;
- buttonSave.Text = "Сохранить";
- buttonSave.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ labelName.AutoSize = true;
+ labelName.Location = new Point(14, 11);
+ labelName.Name = "labelName";
+ labelName.Size = new Size(65, 15);
+ labelName.TabIndex = 0;
+ labelName.Text = "Название: ";
- // buttonCancel
+ // textBoxName
- buttonCancel.Location = new Point(347, 316);
- buttonCancel.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
- buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel";
- buttonCancel.Size = new Size(110, 26);
- buttonCancel.TabIndex = 12;
- buttonCancel.Text = "Отмена";
- buttonCancel.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ textBoxName.Location = new Point(98, 9);
+ textBoxName.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ textBoxName.Name = "textBoxName";
+ textBoxName.Size = new Size(246, 23);
+ textBoxName.TabIndex = 1;
- // groupBoxPreserves
+ // labelPrice
- groupBoxPreserves.Controls.Add(buttonRef);
- groupBoxPreserves.Controls.Add(buttonDel);
- groupBoxPreserves.Controls.Add(buttonAdd);
- groupBoxPreserves.Controls.Add(dataGridView);
- groupBoxPreserves.Location = new Point(-4, 66);
- groupBoxPreserves.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
- groupBoxPreserves.Name = "groupBoxPreserves";
- groupBoxPreserves.Padding = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
- groupBoxPreserves.Size = new Size(562, 239);
- groupBoxPreserves.TabIndex = 11;
- groupBoxPreserves.TabStop = false;
- groupBoxPreserves.Text = "Заповедники";
+ labelPrice.AutoSize = true;
+ labelPrice.Location = new Point(14, 38);
+ labelPrice.Name = "labelPrice";
+ labelPrice.Size = new Size(73, 15);
+ labelPrice.TabIndex = 2;
+ labelPrice.Text = "Стоимость: ";
+ //
+ // textBoxPrice
+ //
+ textBoxPrice.Location = new Point(98, 38);
+ textBoxPrice.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ textBoxPrice.Name = "textBoxPrice";
+ textBoxPrice.Size = new Size(135, 23);
+ textBoxPrice.TabIndex = 3;
+ //
+ // groupBoxComponents
+ //
+ groupBoxComponents.Controls.Add(buttonRef);
+ groupBoxComponents.Controls.Add(buttonDel);
+ groupBoxComponents.Controls.Add(buttonAdd);
+ groupBoxComponents.Controls.Add(dataGridView);
+ groupBoxComponents.Location = new Point(10, 63);
+ groupBoxComponents.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ groupBoxComponents.Name = "groupBoxComponents";
+ groupBoxComponents.Padding = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ groupBoxComponents.Size = new Size(562, 239);
+ groupBoxComponents.TabIndex = 4;
+ groupBoxComponents.TabStop = false;
+ groupBoxComponents.Text = "Компоненты";
// buttonRef
- buttonRef.Location = new Point(439, 146);
+ buttonRef.Location = new Point(439, 158);
buttonRef.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
buttonRef.Name = "buttonRef";
buttonRef.Size = new Size(110, 26);
buttonRef.TabIndex = 4;
buttonRef.Text = "Обновить";
buttonRef.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonRef.Click += ButtonRef_Click;
// buttonDel
- buttonDel.Location = new Point(439, 89);
+ buttonDel.Location = new Point(439, 118);
buttonDel.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
buttonDel.Name = "buttonDel";
buttonDel.Size = new Size(110, 26);
buttonDel.TabIndex = 3;
buttonDel.Text = "Удалить";
buttonDel.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonDel.Click += ButtonDel_Click;
// buttonAdd
@@ -110,6 +125,7 @@
buttonAdd.TabIndex = 1;
buttonAdd.Text = "Добавить";
buttonAdd.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonAdd.Click += ButtonAdd_Click;
// dataGridView
@@ -118,7 +134,7 @@
dataGridView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;
dataGridView.BackgroundColor = Color.White;
dataGridView.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
- dataGridView.Columns.AddRange(new DataGridViewColumn[] { id, Preserve, Price });
+ dataGridView.Columns.AddRange(new DataGridViewColumn[] { id, Component });
dataGridView.Location = new Point(5, 20);
dataGridView.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
dataGridView.Name = "dataGridView";
@@ -128,39 +144,27 @@
dataGridView.Size = new Size(416, 215);
dataGridView.TabIndex = 0;
- // textBoxPrice
+ // buttonCancel
- textBoxPrice.Location = new Point(84, 41);
- textBoxPrice.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
- textBoxPrice.Name = "textBoxPrice";
- textBoxPrice.Size = new Size(135, 23);
- textBoxPrice.TabIndex = 10;
+ buttonCancel.Location = new Point(361, 313);
+ buttonCancel.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel";
+ buttonCancel.Size = new Size(110, 26);
+ buttonCancel.TabIndex = 5;
+ buttonCancel.Text = "Отмена";
+ buttonCancel.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonCancel.Click += ButtonCancel_Click;
- // labelPrice
+ // buttonSave
- labelPrice.AutoSize = true;
- labelPrice.Location = new Point(0, 41);
- labelPrice.Name = "labelPrice";
- labelPrice.Size = new Size(73, 15);
- labelPrice.TabIndex = 9;
- labelPrice.Text = "Стоимость: ";
- //
- // textBoxName
- //
- textBoxName.Location = new Point(84, 12);
- textBoxName.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
- textBoxName.Name = "textBoxName";
- textBoxName.Size = new Size(246, 23);
- textBoxName.TabIndex = 8;
- //
- // labelName
- //
- labelName.AutoSize = true;
- labelName.Location = new Point(0, 14);
- labelName.Name = "labelName";
- labelName.Size = new Size(65, 15);
- labelName.TabIndex = 7;
- labelName.Text = "Название: ";
+ buttonSave.Location = new Point(245, 313);
+ buttonSave.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ buttonSave.Name = "buttonSave";
+ buttonSave.Size = new Size(110, 26);
+ buttonSave.TabIndex = 6;
+ buttonSave.Text = "Сохранить";
+ buttonSave.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonSave.Click += ButtonSave_Click;
// id
@@ -170,35 +174,30 @@
id.ReadOnly = true;
id.Visible = false;
- // Preserve
+ // Component
- Preserve.HeaderText = "Заповедник";
- Preserve.MinimumWidth = 6;
- Preserve.Name = "Preserve";
- Preserve.ReadOnly = true;
+ Component.HeaderText = "Компонент";
+ Component.MinimumWidth = 6;
+ Component.Name = "Component";
+ Component.ReadOnly = true;
- // Price
- //
- Price.HeaderText = "Цена";
- Price.MinimumWidth = 6;
- Price.Name = "Price";
- Price.ReadOnly = true;
- //
- // CreateRoute
+ // FormRoute
AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 15F);
AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
- ClientSize = new Size(554, 355);
+ ClientSize = new Size(599, 347);
- Controls.Add(groupBoxPreserves);
+ Controls.Add(groupBoxComponents);
- Name = "CreateRoute";
- Text = "Создание маршрута";
- groupBoxPreserves.ResumeLayout(false);
+ Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ Name = "FormRoute";
+ Text = "Изделие";
+ Load += FormCanned_Load;
+ groupBoxComponents.ResumeLayout(false);
@@ -206,19 +205,18 @@
- private Button buttonSave;
- private Button buttonCancel;
- private GroupBox groupBoxPreserves;
+ private Label labelName;
+ private TextBox textBoxName;
+ private Label labelPrice;
+ private TextBox textBoxPrice;
+ private GroupBox groupBoxComponents;
private Button buttonRef;
private Button buttonDel;
private Button buttonAdd;
private DataGridView dataGridView;
+ private Button buttonCancel;
+ private Button buttonSave;
private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn id;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Preserve;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Price;
- private TextBox textBoxPrice;
- private Label labelPrice;
- private TextBox textBoxName;
- private Label labelName;
+ private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Component;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoute.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoute.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0ea952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoute.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using ZooContracts.BindingModels;
+using ZooContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts;
+using ZooContracts.SearchModels;
+using ZooDataModels.Models;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+namespace ZooView
+ public partial class FormRoute : Form
+ {
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ private readonly IRouteLogic _logic;
+ private int? _id;
+ private Dictionary _RoutePreserves;
+ public int Id { set { _id = value; } }
+ public FormRoute(ILogger logger, IRouteLogic logic)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ _logger = logger;
+ _logic = logic;
+ _RoutePreserves = new Dictionary();
+ }
+ private void FormCanned_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (_id.HasValue)
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation("Загрузка маршрута");
+ try
+ {
+ var view = _logic.ReadElement(new RouteSearchModel
+ {
+ Id = _id.Value
+ });
+ if (view != null)
+ {
+ textBoxName.Text = view.RouteName;
+ textBoxPrice.Text = view.RoutePrice.ToString();
+ _RoutePreserves = view.RoutePreserves ?? new
+ Dictionary();
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Ошибка загрузки изделия");
+ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
+ MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void LoadData()
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation("Загрузка компонент изделия");
+ try
+ {
+ if (_RoutePreserves != null)
+ {
+ dataGridView.Rows.Clear();
+ foreach (var pc in _RoutePreserves)
+ {
+ dataGridView.Rows.Add(new object[] { pc.Key, pc.Value.PreserveName });
+ }
+ textBoxPrice.Text = CalcPrice().ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Ошибка загрузки компонент изделия");
+ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
+ MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ var service = Program.ServiceProvider?.GetService(typeof(FormRoutePreserves));
+ if (service is FormRoutePreserves form)
+ {
+ if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
+ {
+ if (form.PreserveModel == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Добавление нового заповедника:{ PreserveName}", form.PreserveModel.PreserveName);
+ if (_RoutePreserves.ContainsKey(form.Id))
+ {
+ _RoutePreserves[form.Id] = (form.PreserveModel
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _RoutePreserves.Add(form.Id, (form.PreserveModel
+ ));
+ }
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonUpd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (dataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
+ {
+ var service = Program.ServiceProvider?.GetService(typeof(FormRoutePreserves));
+ if (service is FormRoutePreserves form)
+ {
+ int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value);
+ form.Id = id;
+ if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
+ {
+ if (form.PreserveModel == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Изменение компонента:{ PreserveName}", form.PreserveModel.PreserveName);
+ _RoutePreserves[form.Id] = (form.PreserveModel);
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (dataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
+ {
+ if (MessageBox.Show("Удалить запись?", "Вопрос", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ _logger.LogInformation("Удаление компонента:{ PreserveName}-{ Count}", dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value);
+ _RoutePreserves?.Remove(Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value));
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка",
+ MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonRef_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ private void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxName.Text))
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show("Заполните название", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxPrice.Text))
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show("Заполните цену", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_RoutePreserves == null || _RoutePreserves.Count == 0)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show("Заполните компоненты", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ return;
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Сохранение изделия");
+ try
+ {
+ var model = new RouteBindingModel
+ {
+ Id = _id ?? 0,
+ ClientId=1,
+ RouteName = textBoxName.Text,
+ RoutePrice = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxPrice.Text),
+ RoutePreserves = _RoutePreserves
+ };
+ var operationResult = _id.HasValue ? _logic.Update(model) :
+ _logic.Create(model);
+ if (!operationResult)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Ошибка при сохранении. Дополнительная информация в логах.");
+ }
+ MessageBox.Show("Сохранение прошло успешно", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
+ DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
+ Close();
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Ошибка сохранения изделия");
+ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
+ Close();
+ }
+ private double CalcPrice()
+ {
+ double price = 0;
+ foreach (var elem in _RoutePreserves)
+ {
+ price += ((elem.Value?.PreservePrice ?? 0));
+ }
+ return Math.Round(price * 1.1, 2);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientCreateRoute.resx b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoute.resx
similarity index 100%
rename from git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ClientCreateRoute.resx
rename to git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoute.resx
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutePreserves.Designer.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutePreserves.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5516ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutePreserves.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+namespace ZooView
+ partial class FormRoutePreserves
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (disposing && (components != null))
+ {
+ components.Dispose();
+ }
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ }
+ #region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ private void InitializeComponent()
+ {
+ labelComponent = new Label();
+ comboBoxComponent = new ComboBox();
+ buttonCancel = new Button();
+ buttonSave = new Button();
+ SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // labelComponent
+ //
+ labelComponent.AutoSize = true;
+ labelComponent.Location = new Point(10, 7);
+ labelComponent.Name = "labelComponent";
+ labelComponent.Size = new Size(72, 15);
+ labelComponent.TabIndex = 0;
+ labelComponent.Text = "Заповедник";
+ //
+ // comboBoxComponent
+ //
+ comboBoxComponent.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
+ comboBoxComponent.FormattingEnabled = true;
+ comboBoxComponent.Location = new Point(104, 7);
+ comboBoxComponent.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ comboBoxComponent.Name = "comboBoxComponent";
+ comboBoxComponent.Size = new Size(235, 23);
+ comboBoxComponent.TabIndex = 1;
+ //
+ // buttonCancel
+ //
+ buttonCancel.Location = new Point(253, 70);
+ buttonCancel.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel";
+ buttonCancel.Size = new Size(86, 31);
+ buttonCancel.TabIndex = 4;
+ buttonCancel.Text = "Отмена";
+ buttonCancel.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonCancel.Click += ButtonCancel_Click;
+ //
+ // buttonSave
+ //
+ buttonSave.Location = new Point(168, 70);
+ buttonSave.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ buttonSave.Name = "buttonSave";
+ buttonSave.Size = new Size(79, 31);
+ buttonSave.TabIndex = 5;
+ buttonSave.Text = "Сохранить";
+ buttonSave.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonSave.Click += ButtonSave_Click;
+ //
+ // FormRoutePreserves
+ //
+ AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 15F);
+ AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
+ ClientSize = new Size(373, 110);
+ Controls.Add(buttonSave);
+ Controls.Add(buttonCancel);
+ Controls.Add(comboBoxComponent);
+ Controls.Add(labelComponent);
+ Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
+ Name = "FormRoutePreserves";
+ Text = "Заповедник маршрута";
+ ResumeLayout(false);
+ PerformLayout();
+ }
+ #endregion
+ private Label labelComponent;
+ private ComboBox comboBoxComponent;
+ private Button buttonCancel;
+ private Button buttonSave;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutePreserves.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutePreserves.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aab974b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutePreserves.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+using ZooContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts;
+using ZooContracts.ViewModels;
+using ZooDataModels.Models;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+using ZooContracts.BuisnessLogicsContracts;
+namespace ZooView
+ public partial class FormRoutePreserves : Form
+ {
+ private readonly List? _list;
+ public int Id
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxComponent.SelectedValue);
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ comboBoxComponent.SelectedValue = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public IPreserveModel? PreserveModel
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (_list == null)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ foreach (var elem in _list)
+ {
+ if (elem.Id == Id)
+ {
+ return elem;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public FormRoutePreserves(IPreserveLogic logic)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ _list = logic.ReadList(null);
+ if (_list != null)
+ {
+ comboBoxComponent.DisplayMember = "PreserveName";
+ comboBoxComponent.ValueMember = "Id";
+ comboBoxComponent.DataSource = _list;
+ comboBoxComponent.SelectedItem = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ if (comboBoxComponent.SelectedValue == null)
+ {
+ MessageBox.Show("Выберите компонент", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ return;
+ }
+ DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
+ Close();
+ }
+ private void ButtonCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
+ Close();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutePreserves.resx b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutePreserves.resx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af32865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutePreserves.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.Designer.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.Designer.cs
index 0a1b8c7..7170ad5 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.Designer.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.Designer.cs
@@ -1,191 +1,148 @@
-namespace JurasicZoo
+namespace ZooView
- partial class FormRoutes
- {
- ///
- /// Required designer variable.
- ///
- private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
+ partial class FormRoutes
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Required designer variable.
+ ///
+ private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
- ///
- /// Clean up any resources being used.
- ///
- /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
- protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
- {
- if (disposing && (components != null))
- {
- components.Dispose();
- }
- base.Dispose(disposing);
- }
+ ///
+ /// Clean up any resources being used.
+ ///
+ /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (disposing && (components != null))
+ {
+ components.Dispose();
+ }
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ }
- #region Windows Form Designer generated code
+ #region Windows Form Designer generated code
- ///
- /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
- /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
- ///
- private void InitializeComponent()
- {
- menuStrip1 = new MenuStrip();
- справочникиToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
- заповедникиToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
- отчетыToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
- выводВdocToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
- выводВxlxToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
- отправитьНаПочтуToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
- dataGridView1 = new DataGridView();
- checkedListBoxPreserves = new CheckedListBox();
- RouteId = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- Preserves = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- Datestart = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- DateFinish = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- Status = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
- buttonUpd = new Button();
- menuStrip1.SuspendLayout();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)dataGridView1).BeginInit();
- SuspendLayout();
- //
- // menuStrip1
- //
- menuStrip1.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { справочникиToolStripMenuItem, отчетыToolStripMenuItem });
- menuStrip1.Location = new Point(0, 0);
- menuStrip1.Name = "menuStrip1";
- menuStrip1.Size = new Size(876, 24);
- menuStrip1.TabIndex = 0;
- menuStrip1.Text = "menuStrip1";
- //
- // справочникиToolStripMenuItem
- //
- справочникиToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { заповедникиToolStripMenuItem });
- справочникиToolStripMenuItem.Name = "справочникиToolStripMenuItem";
- справочникиToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(94, 20);
- справочникиToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Справочники";
- //
- // заповедникиToolStripMenuItem
- //
- заповедникиToolStripMenuItem.Name = "заповедникиToolStripMenuItem";
- заповедникиToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(180, 22);
- заповедникиToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Заповедники";
- //
- // отчетыToolStripMenuItem
- //
- отчетыToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { выводВdocToolStripMenuItem, выводВxlxToolStripMenuItem, отправитьНаПочтуToolStripMenuItem });
- отчетыToolStripMenuItem.Name = "отчетыToolStripMenuItem";
- отчетыToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(60, 20);
- отчетыToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Отчеты";
- //
- // выводВdocToolStripMenuItem
- //
- выводВdocToolStripMenuItem.Name = "выводВdocToolStripMenuItem";
- выводВdocToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(183, 22);
- выводВdocToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Вывод в .doc";
- //
- // выводВxlxToolStripMenuItem
- //
- выводВxlxToolStripMenuItem.Name = "выводВxlxToolStripMenuItem";
- выводВxlxToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(183, 22);
- выводВxlxToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Вывод в .xlsx";
- //
- // отправитьНаПочтуToolStripMenuItem
- //
- отправитьНаПочтуToolStripMenuItem.Name = "отправитьНаПочтуToolStripMenuItem";
- отправитьНаПочтуToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(183, 22);
- отправитьНаПочтуToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Отправить на почту";
- //
- // dataGridView1
- //
- dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
- dataGridView1.Columns.AddRange(new DataGridViewColumn[] { RouteId, Preserves, Datestart, DateFinish, Status });
- dataGridView1.Location = new Point(12, 27);
- dataGridView1.Name = "dataGridView1";
- dataGridView1.RowTemplate.Height = 25;
- dataGridView1.Size = new Size(728, 331);
- dataGridView1.TabIndex = 1;
- //
- // checkedListBoxPreserves
- //
- checkedListBoxPreserves.FormattingEnabled = true;
- checkedListBoxPreserves.Location = new Point(746, 27);
- checkedListBoxPreserves.Name = "checkedListBoxPreserves";
- checkedListBoxPreserves.Size = new Size(120, 94);
- checkedListBoxPreserves.TabIndex = 2;
- //
- // RouteId
- //
- RouteId.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
- RouteId.HeaderText = "Номер маршрута";
- RouteId.Name = "RouteId";
- //
- // Preserves
- //
- Preserves.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
- Preserves.HeaderText = "Заповедники";
- Preserves.Name = "Preserves";
- //
- // Datestart
- //
- Datestart.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
- Datestart.HeaderText = "Дата начала";
- Datestart.Name = "Datestart";
- //
- // DateFinish
- //
- DateFinish.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
- DateFinish.HeaderText = "Дата окончание";
- DateFinish.Name = "DateFinish";
- //
- // Status
- //
- Status.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
- Status.HeaderText = "Статус оплаты";
- Status.Name = "Status";
- //
- // buttonUpd
- //
- buttonUpd.Location = new Point(746, 273);
- buttonUpd.Name = "buttonUpd";
- buttonUpd.Size = new Size(118, 51);
- buttonUpd.TabIndex = 3;
- buttonUpd.Text = "Обновить";
- buttonUpd.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
- //
- // FormRoutes
- //
- AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 15F);
- AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
- ClientSize = new Size(876, 370);
- Controls.Add(buttonUpd);
- Controls.Add(checkedListBoxPreserves);
- Controls.Add(dataGridView1);
- Controls.Add(menuStrip1);
- MainMenuStrip = menuStrip1;
- Name = "FormRoutes";
- Text = "Маршруты";
- menuStrip1.ResumeLayout(false);
- menuStrip1.PerformLayout();
- ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)dataGridView1).EndInit();
- ResumeLayout(false);
- PerformLayout();
- }
+ ///
+ /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
+ /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
+ ///
+ private void InitializeComponent()
+ {
+ buttonAddRoute = new Button();
+ buttonUpdateRoute = new Button();
+ buttonRouteDelete = new Button();
+ buttonRoutePay = new Button();
+ menuStrip1 = new MenuStrip();
+ получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
+ dataGridView = new DataGridView();
+ создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
+ menuStrip1.SuspendLayout();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)dataGridView).BeginInit();
+ SuspendLayout();
+ //
+ // buttonAddRoute
+ //
+ buttonAddRoute.Location = new Point(507, 27);
+ buttonAddRoute.Name = "buttonAddRoute";
+ buttonAddRoute.Size = new Size(129, 37);
+ buttonAddRoute.TabIndex = 2;
+ buttonAddRoute.Text = "Добавить";
+ buttonAddRoute.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonAddRoute.Click += buttonAddRoute_Click;
+ //
+ // buttonUpdateRoute
+ //
+ buttonUpdateRoute.Location = new Point(508, 97);
+ buttonUpdateRoute.Name = "buttonUpdateRoute";
+ buttonUpdateRoute.Size = new Size(129, 37);
+ buttonUpdateRoute.TabIndex = 3;
+ buttonUpdateRoute.Text = "Изменить";
+ buttonUpdateRoute.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonUpdateRoute.Click += buttonUpdateRoute_Click;
+ //
+ // buttonRouteDelete
+ //
+ buttonRouteDelete.Location = new Point(507, 161);
+ buttonRouteDelete.Name = "buttonRouteDelete";
+ buttonRouteDelete.Size = new Size(129, 37);
+ buttonRouteDelete.TabIndex = 4;
+ buttonRouteDelete.Text = "Удалить";
+ buttonRouteDelete.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ buttonRouteDelete.Click += buttonRouteDelete_Click;
+ //
+ // buttonRoutePay
+ //
+ buttonRoutePay.Location = new Point(508, 220);
+ buttonRoutePay.Name = "buttonRoutePay";
+ buttonRoutePay.Size = new Size(129, 37);
+ buttonRoutePay.TabIndex = 5;
+ buttonRoutePay.Text = "Оплатить";
+ buttonRoutePay.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
+ //
+ // menuStrip1
+ //
+ menuStrip1.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] { получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem, создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem });
+ menuStrip1.Location = new Point(0, 0);
+ menuStrip1.Name = "menuStrip1";
+ menuStrip1.Size = new Size(649, 24);
+ menuStrip1.TabIndex = 6;
+ menuStrip1.Text = "menuStrip1";
+ //
+ // получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem
+ //
+ получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem.Name = "получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem";
+ получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(106, 20);
+ получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Получить отчет";
+ //
+ // dataGridView
+ //
+ dataGridView.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
+ dataGridView.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false;
+ dataGridView.BackgroundColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight;
+ dataGridView.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
+ dataGridView.Location = new Point(12, 27);
+ dataGridView.Name = "dataGridView";
+ dataGridView.ReadOnly = true;
+ dataGridView.RowTemplate.Height = 25;
+ dataGridView.Size = new Size(489, 398);
+ dataGridView.TabIndex = 7;
+ //
+ // создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem
+ //
+ создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem.Name = "создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem";
+ создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem.Size = new Size(128, 20);
+ создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Создать заповедник";
+ создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem.Click += создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem_Click;
+ //
+ // FormRoutes
+ //
+ AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 15F);
+ AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
+ ClientSize = new Size(649, 450);
+ Controls.Add(dataGridView);
+ Controls.Add(buttonRoutePay);
+ Controls.Add(buttonRouteDelete);
+ Controls.Add(buttonUpdateRoute);
+ Controls.Add(buttonAddRoute);
+ Controls.Add(menuStrip1);
+ MainMenuStrip = menuStrip1;
+ Name = "FormRoutes";
+ Text = "Routes";
+ menuStrip1.ResumeLayout(false);
+ menuStrip1.PerformLayout();
+ ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)dataGridView).EndInit();
+ ResumeLayout(false);
+ PerformLayout();
+ }
- #endregion
- private MenuStrip menuStrip1;
- private ToolStripMenuItem справочникиToolStripMenuItem;
- private ToolStripMenuItem заповедникиToolStripMenuItem;
- private ToolStripMenuItem отчетыToolStripMenuItem;
- private ToolStripMenuItem выводВdocToolStripMenuItem;
- private ToolStripMenuItem выводВxlxToolStripMenuItem;
- private ToolStripMenuItem отправитьНаПочтуToolStripMenuItem;
- private DataGridView dataGridView1;
- private CheckedListBox checkedListBoxPreserves;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn RouteId;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Preserves;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Datestart;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn DateFinish;
- private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Status;
- private Button buttonUpd;
- }
+ #endregion
+ private Button buttonAddRoute;
+ private Button buttonUpdateRoute;
+ private Button buttonRouteDelete;
+ private Button buttonRoutePay;
+ private MenuStrip menuStrip1;
+ private ToolStripMenuItem получитьОтчетToolStripMenuItem;
+ private DataGridView dataGridView;
+ private ToolStripMenuItem создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.cs
index d96d059..2ceee50 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,86 @@
-namespace JurasicZoo
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Data;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+using ZooContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts;
+namespace ZooView
- public partial class FormRoutes : Form
- {
- public FormRoutes()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- }
- }
+ public partial class FormRoutes : Form
+ {
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ private readonly IRouteLogic _logic;
+ public FormRoutes(ILogger logger, IRouteLogic logic)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ _logger = logger;
+ _logic = logic;
+ }
+ private void FormCanneds_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ private void LoadData()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var list = _logic.ReadList(null);
+ if (list != null)
+ {
+ dataGridView.DataSource = list;
+ dataGridView.Columns["Id"].Visible = false;
+ dataGridView.Columns["RoutePreserves"].Visible = false;
+ dataGridView.Columns["RouteName"].AutoSizeMode =
+ DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Загрузка маршрутов");
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(ex, "Ошибка загрузки маршрутов");
+ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
+ }
+ }
+ private void buttonAddRoute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ var service = Program.ServiceProvider?.GetService(typeof(FormRoute));
+ if (service is FormRoute form)
+ {
+ if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
+ {
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void buttonUpdateRoute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ }
+ private void buttonRouteDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ }
+ private void создатьЗаповедникToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ var service = Program.ServiceProvider?.GetService(typeof(FormPreserves));
+ if (service is FormPreserves form)
+ {
+ if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
+ {
+ LoadData();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.resx b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.resx
index b1cfa50..a0623c8 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.resx
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/FormRoutes.resx
@@ -120,34 +120,4 @@
17, 17
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
- True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/Program.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/Program.cs
index b246e26..579cebf 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/Program.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/Program.cs
@@ -1,17 +1,66 @@
-namespace JurasicZoo
+using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using ZooBusinessLogic.BusinessLogic;
+using ZooContracts.BindingModels;
+using ZooContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts;
+using ZooContracts.StorageContracts;
+using ZooDataBaseImplement.Implements;
+using System;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design;
+using ZooView;
+using ZooContracts.BuisnessLogicsContracts;
+namespace ZooView
- internal static class Program
- {
- ///
- /// The main entry point for the application.
- ///
- [STAThread]
- static void Main()
- {
- // To customize application configuration such as set high DPI settings or default font,
- // see https://aka.ms/applicationconfiguration.
- ApplicationConfiguration.Initialize();
- Application.Run(new FormRoutes());
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ internal static class Program
+ {
+ private static ServiceProvider? _serviceProvider;
+ public static ServiceProvider? ServiceProvider => _serviceProvider;
+ ///
+ /// The main entry point for the application.
+ ///
+ [STAThread]
+ static void Main()
+ {
+ // To customize application configuration such as set high DPI settings or default font,
+ // see https://aka.ms/applicationconfiguration.
+ ApplicationConfiguration.Initialize();
+ var services = new ServiceCollection();
+ ConfigureServices(services);
+ _serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
+ Application.Run(_serviceProvider.GetRequiredService());
+ }
+ private static void ConfigureServices(ServiceCollection services)
+ {
+ services.AddLogging(option =>
+ {
+ option.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Information);
+ });
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ZooView.csproj b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ZooView.csproj
index e82dbb3..9053a30 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ZooView.csproj
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/JurasicZoo/ZooView.csproj
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooBusinessLogic/BusinessLogic/RouteLogic.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooBusinessLogic/BusinessLogic/RouteLogic.cs
index b7c4f51..62a9afa 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooBusinessLogic/BusinessLogic/RouteLogic.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooBusinessLogic/BusinessLogic/RouteLogic.cs
@@ -35,6 +35,22 @@ namespace ZooBusinessLogic.BusinessLogic
_logger.LogInformation("ReadList. Count:{Count}", list.Count);
return list;
+ public RouteViewModel? ReadElement(RouteSearchModel model)
+ {
+ if (model == null)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("ReadElement.RouteName:{RouteName}.Id:{ Id}", model.RouteName, model.Id);
+ var element = _routeStorage.GetElement(model);
+ if (element == null)
+ {
+ _logger.LogWarning("ReadElement element not found");
+ return null;
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("ReadElement find. Id:{Id}", element.Id);
+ return element;
+ }
public bool Create(RouteBindingModel model)
@@ -46,6 +62,27 @@ namespace ZooBusinessLogic.BusinessLogic
return true;
+ public bool Update(RouteBindingModel model)
+ {
+ CheckModel(model);
+ if (_routeStorage.Update(model) == null)
+ {
+ _logger.LogWarning("Update operation failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public bool Delete(RouteBindingModel model)
+ {
+ CheckModel(model, false);
+ _logger.LogInformation("Delete. Id:{Id}", model.Id);
+ if (_routeStorage.Delete(model) == null)
+ {
+ _logger.LogWarning("Delete operation failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
public bool CheckRoutePay(RouteBindingModel model, RouteStatus status)
@@ -69,8 +106,7 @@ namespace ZooBusinessLogic.BusinessLogic
return CheckRoutePay(model, RouteStatus.Оплачен);
- private void CheckModel(RouteBindingModel model, bool withParams =
- true)
+ private void CheckModel(RouteBindingModel model, bool withParams = true)
if (model == null)
@@ -82,14 +118,21 @@ namespace ZooBusinessLogic.BusinessLogic
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RouteName))
- throw new ArgumentNullException("Нет названия маршрута",
- nameof(model.RouteName));
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("Нет названия изделия", nameof(model.RouteName));
if (model.RoutePrice <= 0)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("Стоимость маршрута должна быть >0", nameof(model.RoutePrice));
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("Цена изделия должна быть больше 0", nameof(model.RoutePrice));
+ }
+ _logger.LogInformation("Canned. RouteName:{RouteName}.Price:{Price}.Id: { Id}", model.RouteName, model.RoutePrice, model.Id);
+ var element = _routeStorage.GetElement(new RouteSearchModel
+ {
+ RouteName = model.RouteName
+ });
+ if (element != null && element.Id != model.Id)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Изделие с таким названием уже есть");
- _logger.LogInformation("Route. RouteName:{RouteName}.RoutePrice:{ RoutePrice} Id: { Id}", model.RouteName, model.RoutePrice, model.Id);
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooClientApp/Controllers/HomeController.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooClientApp/Controllers/HomeController.cs
index 6cf2e43..49b5a53 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooClientApp/Controllers/HomeController.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooClientApp/Controllers/HomeController.cs
@@ -1,32 +1,159 @@
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Diagnostics;
using ZooClientApp.Models;
+using ZooContracts.BindingModels;
+using ZooContracts.ViewModels;
namespace ZooClientApp.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public HomeController(ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;
public IActionResult Index()
- return View();
+ if (APIClient.Client == null)
+ {
+ return Redirect("~/Home/Enter");
+ }
+ return
+ View(APIClient.GetRequest>($"api/main/getroutes?clientId={APIClient.Client.Id}"));
+ [HttpGet]
public IActionResult Privacy()
- return View();
+ if (APIClient.Client == null)
+ {
+ return Redirect("~/Home/Enter");
+ }
+ return View(APIClient.Client);
- [ResponseCache(Duration = 0, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None, NoStore = true)]
+ [HttpPost]
+ public void Privacy(string login, string password, string fio)
+ {
+ if (APIClient.Client == null)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Вы как суда попали? Суда вход только авторизованным");
+ }
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(login) ||
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fio))
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Введите логин, пароль и ФИО");
+ }
+ APIClient.PostRequest("api/client/updatedata", new
+ ClientBindingModel
+ {
+ Id = APIClient.Client.Id,
+ ClientFIO = fio,
+ EMail = login,
+ Password = password
+ });
+ APIClient.Client.ClientFIO = fio;
+ APIClient.Client.Email = login;
+ APIClient.Client.Password = password;
+ Response.Redirect("Index");
+ }
+ [ResponseCache(Duration = 0, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None,
+ NoStore = true)]
public IActionResult Error()
- return View(new ErrorViewModel { RequestId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier });
+ return View(new ErrorViewModel
+ {
+ RequestId =
+ Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier
+ });
+ }
+ [HttpGet]
+ public IActionResult Enter()
+ {
+ return View();
+ }
+ [HttpPost]
+ public void Enter(string login, string password)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(login) ||
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Введите логин и пароль");
+ }
+ APIClient.Client =
+ APIClient.GetRequest($"api/client/login?login={login}&password={password}");
+ if (APIClient.Client == null)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Неверный логин/пароль");
+ }
+ Response.Redirect("Index");
+ }
+ [HttpGet]
+ public IActionResult Register()
+ {
+ return View();
+ }
+ [HttpPost]
+ public void Register(string login, string password, string fio)
+ {
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(login) ||
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fio))
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Введите логин, пароль и ФИО");
+ }
+ APIClient.PostRequest("api/client/register", new
+ ClientBindingModel
+ {
+ ClientFIO = fio,
+ EMail = login,
+ Password = password
+ });
+ Response.Redirect("Enter");
+ return;
+ }
+ [HttpGet]
+ public IActionResult Create()
+ {
+ ViewBag.Canneds =
+ APIClient.GetRequest>("api/main/getcannedlist");
+ return View();
+ }
+ [HttpPost]
+ public void Create(int canned, int count)
+ {
+ if (APIClient.Client == null)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Вы как суда попали? Суда вход только авторизованным");
+ }
+ if (count <= 0)
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Количество и сумма должны быть больше 0");
+ }
+ APIClient.PostRequest("api/main/createorder", new
+ RouteBindingModel
+ {
+ ClientId = APIClient.Client.Id
+ });
+ Response.Redirect("Index");
+ }
+ [HttpPost]
+ public double Calc(int count, int canned)
+ {
+ var prod =
+ APIClient.GetRequest($"api/main/getcanned?cannedId={canned}"
+ );
+ return count * (prod?.PreservePrice ?? 1);
+ }
+ [HttpGet]
+ public IActionResult Mails()
+ {
+ if (APIClient.Client == null)
+ {
+ return Redirect("~/Home/Enter");
+ }
+ return View();
+ //return View(APIClient.GetRequest>($"api/client/getmessages?clientId={APIClient.Client.Id}"));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/BindingModels/RouteBindingModel.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/BindingModels/RouteBindingModel.cs
index 8c3b466..9851953 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/BindingModels/RouteBindingModel.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/BindingModels/RouteBindingModel.cs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace ZooContracts.BindingModels
public RouteStatus Status { get; set; } = RouteStatus.Неоплачен;
public DateTime DateStart { get; set; }
public DateTime DateFinish { get; set; }
- public Dictionary RoutePreserves
+ public Dictionary RoutePreserves
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/BusinessLogicsContracts/IRouteLogic.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/BusinessLogicsContracts/IRouteLogic.cs
index de5cd79..88f06fa 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/BusinessLogicsContracts/IRouteLogic.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/BusinessLogicsContracts/IRouteLogic.cs
@@ -13,7 +13,11 @@ namespace ZooContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts
public interface IRouteLogic
List? ReadList(RouteSearchModel? model);
+ RouteViewModel? ReadElement(RouteSearchModel model);
bool Create(RouteBindingModel model);
+ bool Update(RouteBindingModel model);
+ bool Delete(RouteBindingModel model);
bool CheckRoutePay(RouteBindingModel model,RouteStatus status);
bool RouteWasPaid(RouteBindingModel model);
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/ViewModels/RouteViewModel.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/ViewModels/RouteViewModel.cs
index 1ab8dbf..f1a5669 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/ViewModels/RouteViewModel.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooContracts/ViewModels/RouteViewModel.cs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ using ZooDataModels.Models;
namespace ZooContracts.ViewModels
- public class RouteViewModel
+ public class RouteViewModel : IRouteModel
public int Id { get; set; }
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace ZooContracts.ViewModels
public DateTime DateStart { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Дата окончания")]
public DateTime DateFinish { get; set; }
- public Dictionary Preserves
+ public Dictionary RoutePreserves
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Implements/PreserveStorage.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Implements/PreserveStorage.cs
index 2f59fda..484aa7e 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Implements/PreserveStorage.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Implements/PreserveStorage.cs
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ZooContracts.BindingModels;
using ZooContracts.SearchModels;
+using ZooContracts.StorageContracts;
using ZooContracts.ViewModels;
using ZooDataBaseImplement.Models;
namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Implements
- public class PreserveStorage
+ public class PreserveStorage :IPreserveStorage
public List GetFullList()
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Implements/RouteStorage.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Implements/RouteStorage.cs
index 8c49ef9..93f44b7 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Implements/RouteStorage.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Implements/RouteStorage.cs
@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Implements
public RouteViewModel? Insert(RouteBindingModel model)
using var context = new ZooDatabase();
- var newCanned = Route.Create(context, model);
- if (newCanned == null)
+ var newRoute = Route.Create(context, model);
+ if (newRoute == null)
return null;
- context.Routes.Add(newCanned);
+ context.Routes.Add(newRoute);
- return newCanned.GetViewModel;
+ return newRoute.GetViewModel;
public RouteViewModel? Update(RouteBindingModel model)
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Implements
+ route.UpdateComponents(context, model);
return route.GetViewModel;
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240428140917_InitialCreate.Designer.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240530120856_InitialCreate.Designer.cs
similarity index 97%
rename from git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240428140917_InitialCreate.Designer.cs
rename to git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240530120856_InitialCreate.Designer.cs
index 9b9d55d..f639dc1 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240428140917_InitialCreate.Designer.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240530120856_InitialCreate.Designer.cs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ using ZooDataBaseImplement;
namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
- [Migration("20240428140917_InitialCreate")]
+ [Migration("20240530120856_InitialCreate")]
partial class InitialCreate
@@ -142,9 +142,6 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
- b.Property("Count")
- .HasColumnType("int");
@@ -155,6 +152,8 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
+ b.HasIndex("RouteID");
@@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
b.HasOne("ZooDataBaseImplement.Models.Route", "Route")
- .HasForeignKey("PreserveID")
+ .HasForeignKey("RouteID")
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240428140917_InitialCreate.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240530120856_InitialCreate.cs
similarity index 95%
rename from git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240428140917_InitialCreate.cs
rename to git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240530120856_InitialCreate.cs
index 9916061..14ea651 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240428140917_InitialCreate.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/20240530120856_InitialCreate.cs
@@ -92,8 +92,7 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
Id = table.Column(type: "int", nullable: false)
.Annotation("SqlServer:Identity", "1, 1"),
RouteID = table.Column(type: "int", nullable: false),
- PreserveID = table.Column(type: "int", nullable: false),
- Count = table.Column(type: "int", nullable: false)
+ PreserveID = table.Column(type: "int", nullable: false)
constraints: table =>
@@ -105,8 +104,8 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
principalColumn: "Id",
onDelete: ReferentialAction.Cascade);
- name: "FK_RoutePreserves_Routes_PreserveID",
- column: x => x.PreserveID,
+ name: "FK_RoutePreserves_Routes_RouteID",
+ column: x => x.RouteID,
principalTable: "Routes",
principalColumn: "Id",
onDelete: ReferentialAction.Cascade);
@@ -122,6 +121,11 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
table: "RoutePreserves",
column: "PreserveID");
+ migrationBuilder.CreateIndex(
+ name: "IX_RoutePreserves_RouteID",
+ table: "RoutePreserves",
+ column: "RouteID");
name: "IX_Routes_ClientId",
table: "Routes",
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/ZooDatabaseModelSnapshot.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/ZooDatabaseModelSnapshot.cs
index 88d64c2..253d970 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/ZooDatabaseModelSnapshot.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Migrations/ZooDatabaseModelSnapshot.cs
@@ -139,9 +139,6 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
- b.Property("Count")
- .HasColumnType("int");
@@ -152,6 +149,8 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
+ b.HasIndex("RouteID");
@@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Migrations
b.HasOne("ZooDataBaseImplement.Models.Route", "Route")
- .HasForeignKey("PreserveID")
+ .HasForeignKey("RouteID")
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Models/Route.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Models/Route.cs
index 7a94946..8787746 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Models/Route.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Models/Route.cs
@@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Models
public DateTime DateStart { get; private set; }
public DateTime DateFinish { get; private set; }
- private Dictionary? _routepreserves =
+ private Dictionary? _routePreserves =
- public Dictionary RoutePreserves
+ public Dictionary RoutePreserves
- if (_routepreserves == null)
+ if (_routePreserves == null)
- _routepreserves = Preserves
+ _routePreserves = Preserves
.ToDictionary(recRP => recRP.PreserveID, recRP =>
- (recRP.Preserve as IPreserveModel, recRP.Count));
+ (recRP.Preserve as IPreserveModel));
- return _routepreserves;
+ return _routePreserves;
- [ForeignKey("PreserveID")]
+ [ForeignKey("RouteID")]
public virtual List Preserves { get; set; } = new();
public static Route Create(ZooDatabase context, RouteBindingModel model)
@@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Models
DateFinish = model.DateFinish,
Preserves = model.RoutePreserves.Select(x => new RoutePreserve
- Preserve = context.Preserves.First(y => y.Id == x.Key),
- Count = x.Value.Item2
+ Preserve = context.Preserves.First(y => y.Id == x.Key)
@@ -67,6 +66,8 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Models
+ RouteName = model.RouteName;
+ RoutePrice = model.RoutePrice;
Status = model.Status;
DateStart = model.DateStart;
DateFinish = model.DateFinish;
@@ -83,5 +84,28 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Models
DateStart= DateStart,
+ public void UpdateComponents(ZooDatabase context,
+ RouteBindingModel model)
+ {
+ var routePreserves = context.RoutePreserves.Where(rec =>
+ rec.RouteID == model.Id).ToList();
+ if (routePreserves != null && routePreserves.Count > 0)
+ { // удалили те, которых нет в модели
+ context.RoutePreserves.RemoveRange(routePreserves.Where(rec
+ => !model.RoutePreserves.ContainsKey(rec.PreserveID)));
+ context.SaveChanges();
+ }
+ var route = context.Routes.First(x => x.Id == Id);
+ foreach (var pc in model.RoutePreserves)
+ {
+ context.RoutePreserves.Add(new RoutePreserve
+ {
+ Route = route,
+ Preserve = context.Preserves.First(x => x.Id == pc.Key)
+ });
+ context.SaveChanges();
+ }
+ _routePreserves = null;
+ }
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Models/RoutePreserve.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Models/RoutePreserve.cs
index ffd091d..a7a052f 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Models/RoutePreserve.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/Models/RoutePreserve.cs
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ namespace ZooDataBaseImplement.Models
public int RouteID { get; set; }
public int PreserveID { get; set; }
- [Required]
- public int Count { get; set; }
public virtual Preserve Preserve { get; set; } = new();
public virtual Route Route { get; set; } = new();
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/ZooDataBaseImplement.csproj b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/ZooDataBaseImplement.csproj
index d6bb1f9..a44b9bc 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/ZooDataBaseImplement.csproj
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataBaseImplement/ZooDataBaseImplement.csproj
@@ -19,4 +19,8 @@
diff --git a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataModels/Models/IRouteModel.cs b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataModels/Models/IRouteModel.cs
index 5bc8d7f..318acea 100644
--- a/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataModels/Models/IRouteModel.cs
+++ b/git/JurasicZoo/ZooDataModels/Models/IRouteModel.cs
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ namespace ZooDataModels.Models
RouteStatus Status { get; }
DateTime DateStart { get; }
DateTime DateFinish { get; }
- Dictionary RoutePreserves{ get; }
+ Dictionary RoutePreserves{ get; }