using MagicCarpetContracts.Exceptions; using MagicCarpetContracts.Extensions; using MagicCarpetContracts.Infrastructure; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MagicCarpetContracts.DataModels; public class EmployeeDataModel(string id, string fio, string email, string postId, DateTime birthDate, DateTime employmentDate, bool isDeleted) : IValidation { public string Id { get; private set; } = id; public string FIO { get; private set; } = fio; public string Email { get; private set; } = email; public string PostId { get; private set; } = postId; public DateTime BirthDate { get; private set; } = birthDate; public DateTime EmploymentDate { get; private set; } = employmentDate; public bool IsDeleted { get; private set; } = isDeleted; public void Validate() { if (Id.IsEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("Field Id is empty"); if (!Id.IsGuid()) throw new ValidationException("The value in the field Id is not a unique identifier"); if (FIO.IsEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("Field FIO is empty"); if (Email.IsEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("Field Email is empty"); if (!Regex.IsMatch(Email, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$")) throw new ValidationException("Field Email is not a valid email address"); if (PostId.IsEmpty()) throw new ValidationException("Field PostId is empty"); if (!PostId.IsGuid()) throw new ValidationException("The value in the field PostId is not a unique identifier"); if (BirthDate.Date > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-18).Date) throw new ValidationException($"Only adults can be hired (BirthDate = {BirthDate.ToShortDateString()})"); if (EmploymentDate.Date < BirthDate.Date) throw new ValidationException("The date of employment cannot be less than the date of birth"); if ((EmploymentDate - BirthDate).TotalDays / 365 < 18) throw new ValidationException($"Only adults can be hired (EmploymentDate - {EmploymentDate.ToShortDateString()}, BirthDate - {BirthDate.ToShortDateString()})"); } }