Реализована отрисовка и убраны TODO

This commit is contained in:
Никита Потапов 2023-09-11 18:56:04 +04:00
parent 6f727fae32
commit ff8673a9fd
2 changed files with 179 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace ProjectStormtrooper
/// <summary>
/// Высота прорисовки
/// </summary>
private readonly int _stormtrooperHeight = 60;
private readonly int _stormtrooperHeight = 110;
/// <summary>
/// Инициализация свойств
/// </summary>
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ namespace ProjectStormtrooper
Color additionalColor, bool rockets, bool bombs,
int width, int height)
// TODO: продумать проверки
if (width < _stormtrooperWidth && height < _stormtrooperHeight)
return false;
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ namespace ProjectStormtrooper
/// <param name="y">Координата Y</param>
public void SetPosition(int x, int y)
// TODO: изменение X и Y
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
@ -116,7 +114,6 @@ namespace ProjectStormtrooper
// Вниз
case DirectionType.Down:
// TODO: Продумать логику
if (_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight + EntityStormtrooper.Step <= _pictureHeight)
_startPosY += (int)EntityStormtrooper.Step;
@ -131,7 +128,6 @@ namespace ProjectStormtrooper
// Вправо
case DirectionType.Right:
// TODO: Продумать логику
if (_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth + EntityStormtrooper.Step <= _pictureWidth)
_startPosX += (int)EntityStormtrooper.Step;
@ -149,9 +145,183 @@ namespace ProjectStormtrooper
// TODO: прорисовка объекта
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
g.FillRectangle(brush, _startPosX, _startPosY, _stormtrooperWidth, _stormtrooperHeight);
Pen penBlack = new Pen(Color.Black);
Brush brushBlack = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
Brush brushBodyColor = new SolidBrush(EntityStormtrooper.BodyColor);
Brush brushAdditionalColor = new SolidBrush(EntityStormtrooper.AdditionalColor);
// Ширина фюзеляжа
int bodyWidth = _stormtrooperHeight / 9;
// Рисуем бомбы
if (EntityStormtrooper.Bombs)
Point[] pointsBombTail = {
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 8 + bodyWidth * 3 - 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperHeight / 3 + bodyWidth / 2),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 8 + bodyWidth * 3 + 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperHeight / 3 + bodyWidth / 2 - 5),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 8 + bodyWidth * 3 + 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperHeight / 3 + bodyWidth / 2 + 5),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 8 + bodyWidth * 3 - 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperHeight / 3 + bodyWidth / 2)
g.FillPolygon(brushAdditionalColor, pointsBombTail);
g.DrawPolygon(penBlack, pointsBombTail);
for (int i = 0; i < pointsBombTail.Length; i++)
Point p = pointsBombTail[i];
p.Y = _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight - (p.Y - _startPosY);
pointsBombTail[i] = p;
g.FillPolygon(brushAdditionalColor, pointsBombTail);
g.DrawPolygon(penBlack, pointsBombTail);
_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 8,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperHeight / 3,
bodyWidth * 3,
_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 8,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperHeight / 3,
bodyWidth * 3,
_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 8,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2 + _stormtrooperHeight / 3,
bodyWidth * 3,
_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 8,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2 + _stormtrooperHeight / 3,
bodyWidth * 3,
// Рисуем ракеты
if (EntityStormtrooper.Rockets)
int rocketWidth = bodyWidth * 4;
int rocketHeight = bodyWidth / 2;
Brush brushRed = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
Point[] rocketCockPit = {
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5 - rocketHeight,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth - bodyWidth / 2 + rocketHeight / 2),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth - bodyWidth / 2),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth - bodyWidth / 2 + rocketHeight)
Point[] rocketTail = {
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5 - rocketHeight + rocketWidth - 10,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth - bodyWidth / 2 + rocketHeight / 2),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5 + rocketWidth,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth * 2 + rocketHeight / 2),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5 + rocketWidth,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth - bodyWidth / 2 + rocketHeight + bodyWidth / 2 - rocketHeight / 2)
g.FillPolygon(brushRed, rocketCockPit);
g.DrawPolygon(penBlack, rocketCockPit);
g.FillPolygon(brushBlack, rocketTail);
g.DrawPolygon(penBlack, rocketTail);
for (int i = 0; i < rocketCockPit.Length; i++)
Point p = rocketCockPit[i];
p.Y = _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight - (p.Y - _startPosY);
rocketCockPit[i] = p;
for (int i = 0; i < rocketTail.Length; i++)
Point p = rocketTail[i];
p.Y = _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight - (p.Y - _startPosY);
rocketTail[i] = p;
g.FillPolygon(brushRed, rocketCockPit);
g.DrawPolygon(penBlack, rocketCockPit);
g.FillPolygon(brushBlack, rocketTail);
g.DrawPolygon(penBlack, rocketTail);
_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth - bodyWidth / 2,
_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth - bodyWidth / 2,
_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 + bodyWidth / 2 + bodyWidth / 2,
_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 - _stormtrooperWidth / 5,
_startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 + bodyWidth / 2 + bodyWidth / 2,
// Рисуем нос
Point[] pointsCockPit = {
new Point(_startPosX, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 8, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 8, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 + bodyWidth / 2)
g.FillPolygon(brushBlack, pointsCockPit);
// Рисуем крылья
Point[] pointsWings = {
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2, _startPosY),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 + _stormtrooperWidth / 15, _startPosY),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 + _stormtrooperWidth / 6, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 + _stormtrooperWidth / 15, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 2 , _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight)
g.FillPolygon(brushBodyColor, pointsWings);
g.DrawPolygon(penBlack, pointsWings);
// Рисуем хвостовое оперение
Point[] pointsTail = {
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - _stormtrooperHeight / 3),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth - _stormtrooperWidth / 8, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - _stormtrooperHeight / 8),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth - _stormtrooperWidth / 8, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 + _stormtrooperHeight / 8),
new Point(_startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 + _stormtrooperHeight / 3)
g.FillPolygon(brushBodyColor, pointsTail);
g.DrawPolygon(penBlack, pointsTail);
// Рисуем фюзеляж
g.FillRectangle(brushBodyColor, _startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 8, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2, _stormtrooperWidth - _stormtrooperWidth / 8, bodyWidth);
g.DrawRectangle(penBlack, _startPosX + _stormtrooperWidth / 8, _startPosY + _stormtrooperHeight / 2 - bodyWidth / 2, _stormtrooperWidth - _stormtrooperWidth / 8, bodyWidth);

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace ProjectStormtrooper
/// <summary>
/// Шаг перемещения
/// </summary>
public double Step => (double)Speed * 500 / Weight;
public double Step => (double)Speed * 250 / Weight;
/// <summary>
/// Инициализация полей объекта-класса штурмовика
/// </summary>