This commit is contained in:
Nikita Potapov 2022-11-27 11:31:05 +04:00
parent 024c9f863b
commit b3a579a55d
10 changed files with 280 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 244 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 249 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 254 B

Resources/30px_arrow_up.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 257 B

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
package src;
public enum Direction {

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
package src;
import java.awt.*;
public class DrawingBoat {
public EntityBoat Boat;
private float _startPosX;
private float _startPosY;
private int _pictureWidth = 0;
private int _pictureHeight = 0;
private final int _boatWidth = 100;
private final int _boatHeight = 40;
public void Init(int speed, float weight, Color bodyColor) {
Boat = new EntityBoat();
Boat.Init(speed, weight, bodyColor);
public void SetPosition(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
if (x > 0 && x < width - _boatWidth && y > 0 && y < height - _boatHeight) {
_startPosX = x;
_startPosY = y;
_pictureWidth = width;
_pictureHeight = height;
public void MoveTransport(Direction direction) {
if (_pictureWidth == 0 || _pictureHeight == 0) {
switch (direction) {
case Right:
if (_startPosX + _boatWidth + Boat.Step < _pictureWidth) {
_startPosX += Boat.Step;
case Left:
if (_startPosX - Boat.Step > 0) {
_startPosX -= Boat.Step;
case Up:
if (_startPosY - Boat.Step > 0) {
_startPosY -= Boat.Step;
case Down:
if (_startPosY + _boatHeight + Boat.Step < _pictureHeight) {
_startPosY += Boat.Step;
public void DrawTransport(Graphics g)
if (_startPosX < 0 || _startPosY < 0
|| _pictureHeight == 0 || _pictureWidth == 0)
// todo доделать прорисовку
// SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Boat.BodyColor);
// PointF[] bodyPoints = new PointF[5];
// bodyPoints[0] = new PointF(_startPosX, _startPosY);
// bodyPoints[1] = new PointF(_startPosX + _boatWidth - _boatWidth / 4, _startPosY);
// bodyPoints[2] = new PointF(_startPosX + _boatWidth, _startPosY + _boatHeight / 2);
// bodyPoints[3] = new PointF(_startPosX + _boatWidth - _boatWidth / 4, _startPosY + _boatHeight);
// bodyPoints[4] = new PointF(_startPosX, _startPosY + _boatHeight);
// // Отрисовка корпуса лодки
// g.FillPolygon(brush, bodyPoints);
// g.DrawPolygon(Pens.Black, bodyPoints);
// // Отрисовка головы лодки
// g.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, _startPosX + _boatWidth / 8, _startPosY + _boatHeight / 8,
// _boatWidth / 2, _boatHeight - _boatHeight / 4);
// g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, _startPosX + _boatWidth / 8, _startPosY + _boatHeight / 8,
// _boatWidth / 2, _boatHeight - _boatHeight / 4);
public void ChangeBorders(int width, int height) {
_pictureWidth = width;
_pictureHeight = height;
if (_pictureWidth <= _boatWidth || _pictureHeight <= _boatHeight) {
_pictureWidth = 0;
_pictureHeight = 0;
if (_startPosX + _boatWidth > _pictureWidth) {
_startPosX = _pictureWidth - _boatWidth;
if (_startPosY + _boatHeight > _pictureHeight) {
_startPosY = _pictureHeight - _boatHeight;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
package src;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;

src/FormBoat.form Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<form xmlns="" version="1" bind-to-class="src.FormBoat">
<grid id="27dc6" binding="PanelWrapper" layout-manager="GridLayoutManager" row-count="2" column-count="1" same-size-horizontally="false" same-size-vertically="false" hgap="-1" vgap="-1">
<margin top="0" left="0" bottom="0" right="0"/>
<xy x="20" y="20" width="500" height="400"/>
<border type="none"/>
<grid id="5661e" binding="PictureBox" layout-manager="GridLayoutManager" row-count="2" column-count="3" same-size-horizontally="false" same-size-vertically="false" hgap="-1" vgap="-1">
<margin top="0" left="0" bottom="0" right="0"/>
<grid row="0" column="0" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="3" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="3" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false"/>
<border type="none"/>
<hspacer id="476ba">
<grid row="1" column="1" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="1" hsize-policy="6" anchor="0" fill="1" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false"/>
<vspacer id="c6a0e">
<grid row="0" column="0" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="6" hsize-policy="1" anchor="0" fill="2" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false"/>
<grid id="202f2" binding="PanelButtonsMove" layout-manager="GridLayoutManager" row-count="2" column-count="3" same-size-horizontally="false" same-size-vertically="false" hgap="-1" vgap="-1">
<margin top="0" left="0" bottom="0" right="0"/>
<grid row="1" column="2" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="3" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="3" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false"/>
<border type="none"/>
<component id="bf14c" class="javax.swing.JButton" binding="ButtonDown">
<grid row="1" column="1" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="0" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="0" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false">
<minimum-size width="30" height="30"/>
<preferred-size width="30" height="30"/>
<maximum-size width="30" height="30"/>
<icon value="Resources/30px_arrow_down.png"/>
<label value=""/>
<text value=""/>
<component id="cbcd1" class="javax.swing.JButton" binding="ButtonUp">
<grid row="0" column="1" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="0" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="0" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false">
<minimum-size width="30" height="30"/>
<preferred-size width="30" height="30"/>
<maximum-size width="30" height="30"/>
<icon value="Resources/30px_arrow_up.png"/>
<label value=""/>
<text value=""/>
<component id="ce3f1" class="javax.swing.JButton" binding="ButtonLeft">
<grid row="1" column="0" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="0" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="0" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false">
<minimum-size width="30" height="30"/>
<preferred-size width="30" height="30"/>
<maximum-size width="30" height="30"/>
<icon value="Resources/30px_arrow_left.png"/>
<label value=""/>
<text value=""/>
<component id="3b5cd" class="javax.swing.JButton" binding="ButtonRight">
<grid row="1" column="2" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="0" hsize-policy="3" anchor="0" fill="0" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false">
<minimum-size width="30" height="30"/>
<preferred-size width="30" height="30"/>
<maximum-size width="30" height="30"/>
<icon value="Resources/30px_arrow_right.png"/>
<label value=""/>
<text value=""/>
<component id="9b1c5" class="javax.swing.JButton" binding="ButtonCreate">
<grid row="1" column="0" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="0" hsize-policy="3" anchor="2" fill="0" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false">
<minimum-size width="80" height="30"/>
<margin top="0" left="0" bottom="0" right="0"/>
<text value="Создать"/>
<toolbar id="6a652" binding="StatusStrip">
<grid row="1" column="0" row-span="1" col-span="1" vsize-policy="0" hsize-policy="6" anchor="0" fill="1" indent="0" use-parent-layout="false">
<preferred-size width="-1" height="20"/>
<border type="none"/>
<component id="81fb1" class="javax.swing.JLabel" binding="StatusStripLabelSpeed">
<foreground color="-16777216"/>
<text value="Скорость:"/>
<component id="b564e" class="javax.swing.JLabel" binding="StatusStripLabelWeight">
<foreground color="-16777216"/>
<text value="Вес:"/>
<component id="8492d" class="javax.swing.JLabel" binding="StatusStripLabelColor">
<foreground color="-16777216"/>
<text value="Цвет:"/>

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package src;
import javax.swing.*;
public class FormBoat {
JPanel PanelWrapper;
private JPanel PictureBox;
private JToolBar StatusStrip;
private JLabel StatusStripLabelSpeed;
private JLabel StatusStripLabelWeight;
private JLabel StatusStripLabelColor;
private JButton ButtonCreate;
private JPanel PanelButtonsMove;
private JButton ButtonDown;
private JButton ButtonUp;
private JButton ButtonLeft;
private JButton ButtonRight;

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package src;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Program {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Катамаран");
frame.setContentPane(new FormBoat().PanelWrapper);
frame.setLocation(500, 200);
frame.setSize(1000, 500);