using PizzeriaContracts.BindingModels; using PizzeriaContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts; using PizzeriaContracts.SearchModels; using PizzeriaContracts.StoragesContracts; using PizzeriaContracts.ViewModels; using PizzeriaDataModels; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace PizzeriaBusinessLogic { public class OrderLogic : IOrderLogic { private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly IOrderStorage _orderStorage; private readonly IShopLogic _shopLogic; private readonly IPizzaStorage _pizzaStorage; public OrderLogic(ILogger logger, IOrderStorage orderStorage, IShopLogic shopLogic, IPizzaStorage pizzaStorage) { _logger = logger; _orderStorage = orderStorage; _shopLogic = shopLogic; _pizzaStorage = pizzaStorage; } public List? ReadList(OrderSearchModel? model) { _logger.LogInformation("Id:{ Id}", model?.Id); var list = model == null ? _orderStorage.GetFullList() : _orderStorage.GetFilteredList(model); if (list == null) { _logger.LogWarning("ReadList return null list"); return null; } _logger.LogInformation("ReadList. Count:{Count}", list.Count); return list; } public bool CreateOrder(OrderBindingModel model) { CheckModel(model); if (model.Status != OrderStatus.Неизвестен) { _logger.LogWarning("Insert operation failed. Incorrect Order status"); return false; } model.Status = OrderStatus.Принят; if (_orderStorage.Insert(model) == null) { _logger.LogWarning("Insert operation failed"); return false; } return true; } public bool UpdateStatus(OrderBindingModel model, OrderStatus newStatus) { CheckModel(model); if(model.Status + 1 != newStatus) { _logger.LogWarning("Status update to " + newStatus.ToString() + " operation failed. Incorrect Order status."); return false; } model.Status = newStatus; if(newStatus == OrderStatus.Выдан) { model.DateImplement = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.Now, DateTimeKind.Utc); } if (newStatus == OrderStatus.Готов) { var pizza = _pizzaStorage.GetElement(new PizzaSearchModel { Id = model.PizzaId }); if(!TryRestoreShops(pizza, model.Count)) { _logger.LogWarning("Status update to " + newStatus.ToString() + " operation failed. Incorrect count."); throw new ArgumentException("Количество изделий слишком велико"); } } if (_orderStorage.Update(model) == null) { _logger.LogWarning("Update operation failed"); return false; } return true; } public bool TakeOrderInWork(OrderBindingModel model) { return UpdateStatus(model, OrderStatus.Выполняется); } public bool FinishOrder(OrderBindingModel model) { return UpdateStatus(model, OrderStatus.Готов); } public bool DeliveryOrder(OrderBindingModel model) { return UpdateStatus(model, OrderStatus.Выдан); } private void CheckModel(OrderBindingModel model, bool withParams = true) { if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model)); } if (!withParams) { return; } if (model.Count <= 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Количество пицц должно быть больше 0", nameof(model.Count)); } if (model.Sum <= 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Сумма заказа должна быть больше 0", nameof(model.Sum)); } _logger.LogInformation("Sum:{ Sum}. Id: { Id}", model.Sum, model.Id); } private bool TryRestoreShops(IPizzaModel pizza, int count) { int freePlaces = 0; _shopLogic.ReadList(null).ForEach(x => { int currentFreePlaces = x.Capacity; foreach (var pair in x.ShopPizzas) { currentFreePlaces -= pair.Value.Item2; } freePlaces += currentFreePlaces; }); if (freePlaces < count) return false; _shopLogic.ReadList(null).ForEach(x => { if (count <= 0) return; int currentFreePlaces = x.Capacity; foreach (var elem in x.ShopPizzas) { currentFreePlaces -= elem.Value.Item2; } _shopLogic.AddPizza(new ShopSearchModel { Id = x.Id }, pizza, Math.Min(currentFreePlaces, count)); count -= currentFreePlaces; }); return true; } } }