using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Squirrel.BusinessLogicsContracts; using Squirrel.DataModels; using Squirrel.Enums; using Squirrel.Exceptions; using Squirrel.Extensions; using Squirrel.StoragesContracts; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SquirelBusinessLogic.Implementations; internal class SaleBusinessLogicContract(ISaleStorageContract saleStorageContract, ILogger logger) : ISaleBusinessLogicContract { private readonly ILogger _logger = logger; private readonly ISaleStorageContract _saleStorageContract = saleStorageContract; public List GetAllSalesByPeriod(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { _logger.LogInformation("GetAllSales params: {fromDate}, {toDate}", fromDate, toDate); if (fromDate.IsDateNotOlder(toDate)) { throw new IncorrectDatesException(fromDate, toDate); } return _saleStorageContract.GetList(fromDate, toDate) ?? throw new NullListException(); } public List GetAllSalesByWorkerByPeriod(string workerId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { _logger.LogInformation("GetAllSales params: {workerId}, {fromDate}, {toDate}", workerId, fromDate, toDate); if (fromDate.IsDateNotOlder(toDate)) { throw new IncorrectDatesException(fromDate, toDate); } if (workerId.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(workerId)); } if (!workerId.IsGuid()) { throw new ValidationException("The value in the field workerId is not a unique identifier."); } return _saleStorageContract.GetList(fromDate, toDate, workerId: workerId) ?? throw new NullListException(); } public List GetAllSalesByGuestByPeriod(string guestId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { _logger.LogInformation("GetAllSales params: {guestId}, {fromDate}, { toDate} ", guestId, fromDate, toDate); if (fromDate.IsDateNotOlder(toDate)) { throw new IncorrectDatesException(fromDate, toDate); } if (guestId.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(guestId)); } if (!guestId.IsGuid()) { throw new ValidationException("The value in the field guestId is not a unique identifier."); } return _saleStorageContract.GetList(fromDate, toDate, guestId: guestId) ?? throw new NullListException(); } public List GetAllSalesByProductByPeriod(string productId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { _logger.LogInformation("GetAllSales params: {productId}, {fromDate}, { toDate}", productId, fromDate, toDate); if (fromDate.IsDateNotOlder(toDate)) { throw new IncorrectDatesException(fromDate, toDate); } if (productId.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(productId)); } if (!productId.IsGuid()) { throw new ValidationException("The value in the field productId is not a unique identifier."); } return _saleStorageContract.GetList(fromDate, toDate, productId: productId) ?? throw new NullListException(); } public SaleDataModel GetSaleByData(string data) { _logger.LogInformation("Get element by data: {data}", data); if (data.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data)); } if (!data.IsGuid()) { throw new ValidationException("Id is not a unique identifier"); } return _saleStorageContract.GetElementById(data) ?? throw new ElementNotFoundException(data); } public void InsertSale(SaleDataModel saleDataModel) { _logger.LogInformation("New data: {json}", JsonSerializer.Serialize(saleDataModel)); ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(saleDataModel); saleDataModel.Validate(); _saleStorageContract.AddElement(saleDataModel); } public void CancelSale(string id) { _logger.LogInformation("Cancel by id: {id}", id); if (id.IsEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id)); } if (!id.IsGuid()) { throw new ValidationException("Id is not a unique identifier"); } _saleStorageContract.DelElement(id); } }