Compare commits
No commits in common. "master" and "feature/task-6" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ LOG_STACK=single
# DB_PORT=3306
# DB_DATABASE=laravel
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Models\Admin;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
class AddAdmin extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'app:add-admin';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Create new admin';
* Execute the console command.
public function handle()
$admin = Admin::create();
$user = User::create([
'email' => 'admin' . $admin->id . '@mail',
'password' => 'password',
$this->info('Admin created successfully!');
$this->info('email = ' . $user->email);
$this->info('password = password');
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Models\Grade;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
class AddScores extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'app:add-scores {grade}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Add 4 and 5 scores for students';
* Execute the console command.
public function handle()
$grade = Grade::firstWhere('id', $this->argument('grade'));
$grade->students->random(7)->each(function ($student) {
->syncWithPivotValues($student->lessons()->pluck('id'), ['score' => 4]);
$grade->students->random(5)->each(function ($student) {
->syncWithPivotValues($student->lessons()->pluck('id'), ['score' => 5]);
@ -5,20 +5,11 @@ namespace App\Enums;
enum ScoreEnum: string
enum ScoreEnum: string
case WithoutScore = 'Без оценки';
case WithoutScore = 'Без оценки';
case One = '1';
case Two = '2';
case Two = '2';
case Three = '3';
case Three = '3';
case Four = '4';
case Four = '4';
case Five = '5';
case Five = '5';
case Absent = 'Н';
case Absent = 'Н';
case Sick = 'Б';
case Sick = 'Б';
public static function getNumScores(): array
return [self::Two, self::Three, self::Four, self::Five];
public static function getDebtScores(): array
return [self::Absent, self::Sick];
@ -8,16 +8,4 @@ enum TypeLesson: string
case Classwork = "Работа в классе";
case Classwork = "Работа в классе";
case TestClass = "Самостоятельная работа";
case TestClass = "Самостоятельная работа";
case ExamClass = "Контрольная работа";
case ExamClass = "Контрольная работа";
public static function getShortType($type)
return match ($type) {
self::Homework->value => "д/р",
self::Classwork->value => "кл/р",
self::TestClass->value => "с/р",
self::ExamClass->value => "к/р",
default => "-",
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Export;
use App\Enums\ScoreEnum;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromCollection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\ShouldAutoSize;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithStyles;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithTitle;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Alignment;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet;
class JournalExport implements FromCollection, ShouldAutoSize, WithTitle, WithStyles
protected $lessons;
protected $students;
public function __construct($lessons, $students)
$this->lessons = $lessons;
$this->students = $students;
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public function collection()
$result = collect();
$headRow = collect();
$this->lessons->each(function ($lesson) use ($headRow) {
$headRow = collect();
$this->lessons->each(function ($lesson) use ($headRow) {
$this->students->each(function ($student) use ($result){
$row = collect();
$this->lessons->each(function ($lesson) use ($row, $student) {
$row->push($student->lessons->find($lesson->id)->pivot->score ?? ScoreEnum::WithoutScore);
return $result;
public function title(): string
return 'Журнал';
public function styles(Worksheet $sheet)
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Requests\Auth\LoginRequest;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class AuthenticatedSessionController extends Controller
* Display the login view.
public function create(): View
return view('auth.login');
* Handle an incoming authentication request.
public function store(LoginRequest $request): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->intended(route('dashboard', absolute: false));
* Destroy an authenticated session.
public function destroy(Request $request): RedirectResponse
return redirect('/');
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class ConfirmablePasswordController extends Controller
* Show the confirm password view.
public function show(): View
return view('auth.confirm-password');
* Confirm the user's password.
public function store(Request $request): RedirectResponse
if (! Auth::guard('web')->validate([
'email' => $request->user()->email,
'password' => $request->password,
])) {
throw ValidationException::withMessages([
'password' => __('auth.password'),
$request->session()->put('auth.password_confirmed_at', time());
return redirect()->intended(route('dashboard', absolute: false));
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class EmailVerificationNotificationController extends Controller
* Send a new email verification notification.
public function store(Request $request): RedirectResponse
if ($request->user()->hasVerifiedEmail()) {
return redirect()->intended(route('dashboard', absolute: false));
return back()->with('status', 'verification-link-sent');
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class EmailVerificationPromptController extends Controller
* Display the email verification prompt.
public function __invoke(Request $request): RedirectResponse|View
return $request->user()->hasVerifiedEmail()
? redirect()->intended(route('dashboard', absolute: false))
: view('auth.verify-email');
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\PasswordReset;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Password;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rules;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class NewPasswordController extends Controller
* Display the password reset view.
public function create(Request $request): View
return view('auth.reset-password', ['request' => $request]);
* Handle an incoming new password request.
* @throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException
public function store(Request $request): RedirectResponse
'token' => ['required'],
'email' => ['required', 'email'],
'password' => ['required', 'confirmed', Rules\Password::defaults()],
// Here we will attempt to reset the user's password. If it is successful we
// will update the password on an actual user model and persist it to the
// database. Otherwise we will parse the error and return the response.
$status = Password::reset(
$request->only('email', 'password', 'password_confirmation', 'token'),
function ($user) use ($request) {
'password' => Hash::make($request->password),
'remember_token' => Str::random(60),
event(new PasswordReset($user));
// If the password was successfully reset, we will redirect the user back to
// the application's home authenticated view. If there is an error we can
// redirect them back to where they came from with their error message.
return $status == Password::PASSWORD_RESET
? redirect()->route('login')->with('status', __($status))
: back()->withInput($request->only('email'))
->withErrors(['email' => __($status)]);
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password;
class PasswordController extends Controller
* Update the user's password.
public function update(Request $request): RedirectResponse
$validated = $request->validateWithBag('updatePassword', [
'current_password' => ['required', 'current_password'],
'password' => ['required', Password::defaults(), 'confirmed'],
'password' => Hash::make($validated['password']),
return back()->with('status', 'password-updated');
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Password;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class PasswordResetLinkController extends Controller
* Display the password reset link request view.
public function create(): View
return view('auth.forgot-password');
* Handle an incoming password reset link request.
* @throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException
public function store(Request $request): RedirectResponse
'email' => ['required', 'email'],
// We will send the password reset link to this user. Once we have attempted
// to send the link, we will examine the response then see the message we
// need to show to the user. Finally, we'll send out a proper response.
$status = Password::sendResetLink(
return $status == Password::RESET_LINK_SENT
? back()->with('status', __($status))
: back()->withInput($request->only('email'))
->withErrors(['email' => __($status)]);
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Registered;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rules;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class RegisteredUserController extends Controller
* Display the registration view.
public function create(): View
return view('auth.register');
* Handle an incoming registration request.
* @throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException
public function store(Request $request): RedirectResponse
'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
'email' => ['required', 'string', 'lowercase', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:'.User::class],
'password' => ['required', 'confirmed', Rules\Password::defaults()],
$user = User::create([
'name' => $request->name,
'email' => $request->email,
'password' => Hash::make($request->password),
event(new Registered($user));
return redirect(route('dashboard', absolute: false));
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Verified;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\EmailVerificationRequest;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
class VerifyEmailController extends Controller
* Mark the authenticated user's email address as verified.
public function __invoke(EmailVerificationRequest $request): RedirectResponse
if ($request->user()->hasVerifiedEmail()) {
return redirect()->intended(route('dashboard', absolute: false).'?verified=1');
if ($request->user()->markEmailAsVerified()) {
event(new Verified($request->user()));
return redirect()->intended(route('dashboard', absolute: false).'?verified=1');
@ -4,24 +4,24 @@ namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\GradePostRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\GradePostRequest;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Services\FileService;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use App\Services\GradeService;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class GradeController extends Controller
class GradeController extends Controller
public function __construct(
protected ServiceInterface $service,
) {
* Display a listing of the resource.
* Display a listing of the resource.
public function index(GradeService $service): View
public function index(): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('viewAny', Grade::class)) {
return view('grades.index', [
return view('grades.index', [
'grades' => $service->getGrades(),
'grades' => $this->service->getAll(),
@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ class GradeController extends Controller
public function create(): View
public function create(): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', Grade::class)) {
return view('grades.create');
return view('grades.create');
@ -42,11 +38,7 @@ class GradeController extends Controller
public function store(GradePostRequest $request): RedirectResponse
public function store(GradePostRequest $request): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', Grade::class)) {
return redirect()->route('', $this->service->create($request->validated()));
return redirect()->route('', Grade::create($request->validated()));
@ -54,10 +46,6 @@ class GradeController extends Controller
public function show(Grade $grade): View
public function show(Grade $grade): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('view', $grade)) {
return view('', [
return view('', [
'grade' => $grade,
'grade' => $grade,
'subjects' => $grade->subjects,
'subjects' => $grade->subjects,
@ -69,10 +57,6 @@ class GradeController extends Controller
public function edit(Grade $grade): View
public function edit(Grade $grade): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $grade)) {
return view('grades.edit', [
return view('grades.edit', [
'grade' => $grade,
'grade' => $grade,
@ -83,13 +67,7 @@ class GradeController extends Controller
public function update(GradePostRequest $request, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
public function update(GradePostRequest $request, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $grade)) {
return redirect()->route('', $this->service->update($grade, $request->validated()));
return redirect()->route('', $grade);
@ -97,17 +75,8 @@ class GradeController extends Controller
public function destroy(Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
public function destroy(Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('delete', $grade)) {
return redirect()->route('grades.index');
return redirect()->route('grades.index');
public function listStudents(Grade $grade, FileService $fileService)
return $fileService->exportStudents($grade);
@ -5,47 +5,47 @@ namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\GradeSubjectPostRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\GradeSubjectPostRequest;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Services\FileService;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use App\Services\JournalService;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class GradeSubjectController extends Controller
class GradeSubjectController extends Controller
public function __construct(
protected ServiceInterface $service,
) {
public function create(Grade $grade): View
public function create(Grade $grade): View
return view('grade-subject.create', [
return view('grade-subject.create', [
'grade' => $grade,
'grade' => $grade,
'subjects' => Subject::all(),
'subjects' => $this->service->getAllSubjects(),
public function store(GradeSubjectPostRequest $request, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
public function store(GradeSubjectPostRequest $request, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->route('', $this->service->create($request->validated(), $grade));
return redirect()->route('', $grade);
public function edit(Grade $grade, Subject $subject): View
return view('grade-subject.edit', [
'grade' => $grade,
'updateSubject' => $subject,
'subjects' => $this->service->getAllSubjects(),
public function update(GradeSubjectPostRequest $request, Grade $grade, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->route('',
$this->service->update($grade, $request->validated(), $subject));
public function destroy(Grade $grade, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
public function destroy(Grade $grade, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->route('', $this->service->delete($grade, $subject));
return redirect()->route('', $grade);
public function journal(Grade $grade, Subject $subject, JournalService $service): View
return view('grade-subject.journal', [
'lessons' => $grade->lessons()->where('subject_id', $subject->id)->with('students')->get(),
'students' => $grade->students()->orderBy('last_name')->get(),
'grade' => $grade,
'subject' => $subject,
public function exportToExcel(Grade $grade, Subject $subject, FileService $service)
return $service->exportJournal($grade, $subject);
@ -6,26 +6,30 @@ use App\Http\Requests\GradeTeacherPostRequest;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class GradeTeacherController extends Controller
class GradeTeacherController extends Controller
public function __construct(
protected ServiceInterface $service,
) {
public function create(Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): View
public function create(Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): View
return view('grade-teacher.create', [
return view('grade-teacher.create', [
'teacher' => $teacher,
'teacher' => $teacher,
'subject' => $subject,
'subject' => $subject,
'grades' => $subject->grades,
'grades' => $this->service->getGrades($subject),
public function store(GradeTeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
public function store(GradeTeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->route('', [
return redirect()->route('', [
$this->service->create($request->validated(), $teacher),
@ -36,27 +40,22 @@ class GradeTeacherController extends Controller
'teacher' => $teacher,
'teacher' => $teacher,
'subject' => $subject,
'subject' => $subject,
'updateGrade' => $grade,
'updateGrade' => $grade,
'grades' => $subject->grades,
'grades' => $this->service->getGrades($subject),
public function update(GradeTeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
public function update(GradeTeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->route('', [
return redirect()->route('', [
$this->service->update($teacher, $request->validated(), $grade),
public function destroy(Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
public function destroy(Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->route('', [
return redirect()->route('', [
$this->service->delete($teacher, $grade),
@ -2,35 +2,36 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Enums\ScoreEnum;
use App\Enums\TypeLesson;
use App\Enums\TypeLesson;
use App\Http\Requests\LessonPostRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\LessonPostRequest;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Lesson;
use App\Models\Lesson;
use App\Services\LessonService;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class LessonController extends Controller
class LessonController extends Controller
public function __construct
protected ServiceInterface $service,
public function gradeList(): View
public function gradeList(): View
return view('grade-lesson.grades-list', [
return view('grade-lesson.grades-list', [
'grades' => Grade::all(),
'grades' => $this->service->getGrades(),
* Display a listing of the resource.
* Display a listing of the resource.
public function index(Grade $grade, LessonService $service): View
public function index(Grade $grade): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('viewAny', $grade)) {
return view('grade-lesson.index', [
return view('grade-lesson.index', [
'lessons' => $service->getLessons($grade),
'lessons' => $this->service->getAll($grade),
'grade' => $grade,
'grade' => $grade,
'subjects' => $grade->subjects,
'subjects' => $grade->subjects,
@ -41,10 +42,6 @@ class LessonController extends Controller
public function create(Grade $grade): View
public function create(Grade $grade): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', Lesson::class)) {
return view('grade-lesson.create', [
return view('grade-lesson.create', [
'types' => TypeLesson::cases(),
'types' => TypeLesson::cases(),
'grade' => $grade,
'grade' => $grade,
@ -56,19 +53,10 @@ class LessonController extends Controller
public function store(LessonPostRequest $request, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
public function store(LessonPostRequest $request, Grade $grade): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', [Lesson::class, $grade])) {
$lesson = Lesson::create($request->validated());
->syncWithPivotValues($lesson->grade->students->pluck('id')->all(), ['score' => ScoreEnum::WithoutScore]);
return redirect()->route(
return redirect()->route(
'', [
'', [
@ -78,10 +66,6 @@ class LessonController extends Controller
public function show(Grade $grade, Lesson $lesson): View
public function show(Grade $grade, Lesson $lesson): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('view', $lesson)) {
return view('', [
return view('', [
'lesson' => $lesson,
'lesson' => $lesson,
'grade' => $grade,
'grade' => $grade,
@ -93,10 +77,6 @@ class LessonController extends Controller
public function edit(Grade $grade, Lesson $lesson): View
public function edit(Grade $grade, Lesson $lesson): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $lesson)) {
return view('grade-lesson.edit', [
return view('grade-lesson.edit', [
'lesson' => $lesson,
'lesson' => $lesson,
'grade' => $grade,
'grade' => $grade,
@ -109,13 +89,12 @@ class LessonController extends Controller
public function update(LessonPostRequest $request, Grade $grade, Lesson $lesson): RedirectResponse
public function update(LessonPostRequest $request, Grade $grade, Lesson $lesson): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $lesson)) {
return redirect()->route(
$this->service->update($lesson, $request->validated())
return redirect()->route('',[$grade, $lesson,]);
@ -123,11 +102,7 @@ class LessonController extends Controller
public function destroy(Grade $grade, Lesson $lesson): RedirectResponse
public function destroy(Grade $grade, Lesson $lesson): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $lesson)) {
return redirect()->route('grades.lessons.index', $grade);
return redirect()->route('grades.lessons.index', $grade);
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\ProfileUpdateRequest;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class ProfileController extends Controller
* Display the user's profile form.
public function edit(Request $request): View
return view('profile.edit', [
'user' => $request->user(),
* Update the user's profile information.
public function update(ProfileUpdateRequest $request): RedirectResponse
if ($request->user()->isDirty('email')) {
$request->user()->email_verified_at = null;
return Redirect::route('profile.edit')->with('status', 'profile-updated');
* Delete the user's account.
public function destroy(Request $request): RedirectResponse
$request->validateWithBag('userDeletion', [
'password' => ['required', 'current_password'],
$user = $request->user();
return Redirect::to('/');
@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Enums\ScoreEnum;
use App\Enums\ScoreEnum;
use App\Models\Lesson;
use App\Models\Lesson;
use App\Services\ScoreService;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class ScoreController extends Controller
class ScoreController extends Controller
public function __construct(
public function __construct(
protected ScoreService $service,
protected ServiceInterface $service,
public function show(Lesson $lesson)
public function show(Lesson $lesson)
return view('', [
return view('', [
'students' => $lesson->students()->orderBy('last_name')->get(),
'students' => $this->service->getAll($lesson),
'lesson' => $lesson,
'lesson' => $lesson,
'scores' => ScoreEnum::cases(),
'scores' => ScoreEnum::cases(),
@ -5,16 +5,14 @@ namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\StudentPostRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\StudentPostRequest;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use App\Services\FileService;
use App\Services\StudentService;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class StudentController extends Controller
class StudentController extends Controller
public function __construct(
public function __construct(
protected StudentService $service
protected ServiceInterface $service
) {
) {
@ -23,12 +21,8 @@ class StudentController extends Controller
public function index(): View
public function index(): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('viewAny', Student::class)) {
return view('students.index', [
return view('students.index', [
'students' => Student::filter()->paginate(5)->withQueryString(),
'students' => $this->service->getAll(),
@ -37,10 +31,6 @@ class StudentController extends Controller
public function create(): View
public function create(): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', Student::class)) {
return view('students.create', [
return view('students.create', [
'grades' => Grade::all(),
'grades' => Grade::all(),
@ -51,10 +41,6 @@ class StudentController extends Controller
public function store(StudentPostRequest $request): RedirectResponse
public function store(StudentPostRequest $request): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', Student::class)) {
return redirect()->route(
return redirect()->route(
@ -66,10 +52,6 @@ class StudentController extends Controller
public function show(Student $student): View
public function show(Student $student): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('view', $student)) {
return view('', [
return view('', [
'student' => $student,
'student' => $student,
'grades' => Grade::all(),
'grades' => Grade::all(),
@ -81,10 +63,6 @@ class StudentController extends Controller
public function edit(Student $student): View
public function edit(Student $student): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $student)) {
return view('students.edit', [
return view('students.edit', [
'student' => $student,
'student' => $student,
'grades' => Grade::all(),
'grades' => Grade::all(),
@ -96,10 +74,6 @@ class StudentController extends Controller
public function update(StudentPostRequest $request, Student $student): RedirectResponse
public function update(StudentPostRequest $request, Student $student): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $student)) {
return redirect()->route(
return redirect()->route(
$this->service->update($student, $request->validated())
$this->service->update($student, $request->validated())
@ -111,33 +85,8 @@ class StudentController extends Controller
public function destroy(Student $student): RedirectResponse
public function destroy(Student $student): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('delete', $student)) {
return redirect()->route('students.index');
return redirect()->route('students.index');
public function scores(StudentService $service, Subject $subject): View
return view('students.scores', [
'lessons' => $service->getScores($subject),
'avgScore' => $service->getAvgScore($subject),
public function debts(StudentService $service): View
return view('students.debts', [
'lessons' => $service->getDebts(),
public function exportAvgScores(StudentService $service)
return $service->exportAvgScores();
@ -4,21 +4,24 @@ namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\SubjectPostRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\SubjectPostRequest;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use App\Services\SubjectService;
use App\Services\FileService;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class SubjectController extends Controller
class SubjectController extends Controller
public function __construct(
protected ServiceInterface $service,
) {
* Display a listing of the resource.
* Display a listing of the resource.
public function index(SubjectService $service): View
public function index(): View
return view('subjects.index', [
return view('subjects.index', [
'subjects' => $service->getSubjects(),
'subjects' => $this->service->getAll(),
@ -27,10 +30,6 @@ class SubjectController extends Controller
public function create(): View
public function create(): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', Subject::class)) {
return view('subjects.create');
return view('subjects.create');
@ -39,13 +38,9 @@ class SubjectController extends Controller
public function store(SubjectPostRequest $request): RedirectResponse
public function store(SubjectPostRequest $request): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', Subject::class)) {
return redirect()->route(
return redirect()->route(
@ -64,10 +59,6 @@ class SubjectController extends Controller
public function edit(Subject $subject): View
public function edit(Subject $subject): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $subject)) {
return view('subjects.edit', [
return view('subjects.edit', [
'subject' => $subject,
'subject' => $subject,
@ -78,13 +69,10 @@ class SubjectController extends Controller
public function update(SubjectPostRequest $request, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
public function update(SubjectPostRequest $request, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $subject)) {
return redirect()->route(
$this->service->update($subject, $request->validated())
return redirect()->route('', $subject);
@ -92,17 +80,8 @@ class SubjectController extends Controller
public function destroy(Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
public function destroy(Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('delete', $subject)) {
return redirect()->route('subjects.index');
return redirect()->route('subjects.index');
public function exportToPDF(FileService $fileService)
return $fileService->exportSubjects();
@ -5,32 +5,28 @@ namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\SubjectTeacherPostRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\SubjectTeacherPostRequest;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Services\TeacherService;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class SubjectTeacherController extends Controller
class SubjectTeacherController extends Controller
public function index(Teacher $teacher, TeacherService $service)
public function __construct(
protected ServiceInterface $service,
return view('subject-teacher.index', [
) {
'subjects' => $service->getSubjects($teacher),
public function create(Teacher $teacher): View
public function create(Teacher $teacher): View
return view('subject-teacher.create', [
return view('subject-teacher.create', [
'teacher' => $teacher,
'teacher' => $teacher,
'subjects' => Subject::all(),
'subjects' => $this->service->getAllSubjects(),
public function store(SubjectTeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher): RedirectResponse
public function store(SubjectTeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->route('', $this->service->create($request->validated(), $teacher));
return redirect()->route('', $teacher);
public function show(Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): View
public function show(Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): View
@ -38,10 +34,7 @@ class SubjectTeacherController extends Controller
return view('', [
return view('', [
'teacher' => $teacher,
'teacher' => $teacher,
'subject' => $subject,
'subject' => $subject,
'grades' => $teacher
'grades' => $this->service->getGrades($teacher, $subject),
->join('grade_subject', '', '=', 'grade_subject.grade_id')
->where('subject_id', $subject->id)->get(),
@ -50,22 +43,18 @@ class SubjectTeacherController extends Controller
return view('subject-teacher.edit', [
return view('subject-teacher.edit', [
'teacher' => $teacher,
'teacher' => $teacher,
'updateSubject' => $subject,
'updateSubject' => $subject,
'subjects' => Subject::all(),
'subjects' => $this->service->getAllSubjects(),
public function update(SubjectTeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
public function update(SubjectTeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->route('',
$this->service->update($teacher, $request->validated(), $subject));
return redirect()->route('', $teacher);
public function destroy(Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
public function destroy(Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): RedirectResponse
return redirect()->route('', $this->service->delete($teacher, $subject));
return redirect()->route('', $teacher);
@ -4,28 +4,24 @@ namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Requests\TeacherPostRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\TeacherPostRequest;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Services\TeacherService;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class TeacherController extends Controller
class TeacherController extends Controller
public function __construct(
public function __construct(
protected TeacherService $service
protected ServiceInterface $service
) {
) {
* Display a listing of the resource.
* Display a listing of the resource.
public function index(TeacherService $service): View
public function index(): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('viewAny', Teacher::class)) {
return view('teachers.index', [
return view('teachers.index', [
'teachers' => $service->getTeachers(),
'teachers' => $this->service->getAll(),
@ -34,10 +30,6 @@ class TeacherController extends Controller
public function create(): View
public function create(): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', Teacher::class)) {
return view('teachers.create');
return view('teachers.create');
@ -46,10 +38,6 @@ class TeacherController extends Controller
public function store(TeacherPostRequest $request): RedirectResponse
public function store(TeacherPostRequest $request): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('create', Teacher::class)) {
return redirect()->route(
return redirect()->route(
@ -61,10 +49,6 @@ class TeacherController extends Controller
public function show(Teacher $teacher): View
public function show(Teacher $teacher): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('view', $teacher)) {
return view('', [
return view('', [
'teacher' => $teacher,
'teacher' => $teacher,
'subjects' => $teacher->subjects,
'subjects' => $teacher->subjects,
@ -76,10 +60,6 @@ class TeacherController extends Controller
public function edit(Teacher $teacher): View
public function edit(Teacher $teacher): View
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $teacher)) {
return view('teachers.edit', [
return view('teachers.edit', [
'teacher' => $teacher,
'teacher' => $teacher,
@ -90,10 +70,6 @@ class TeacherController extends Controller
public function update(TeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher): RedirectResponse
public function update(TeacherPostRequest $request, Teacher $teacher): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $teacher)) {
return redirect()->route(
return redirect()->route(
$this->service->update($teacher, $request->validated())
$this->service->update($teacher, $request->validated())
@ -105,12 +81,7 @@ class TeacherController extends Controller
public function destroy(Teacher $teacher): RedirectResponse
public function destroy(Teacher $teacher): RedirectResponse
if(request()->user()->cannot('update', $teacher)) {
return redirect()->route('teachers.index');
return redirect()->route('teachers.index');
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use App\Models\Admin;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class AdminAction
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \Closure(\Illuminate\Http\Request): (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response) $next
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): Response
if (Auth::user()->userable_type != Admin::class) {
return $next($request);
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use App\Models\Student;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class StudentAction
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \Closure(\Illuminate\Http\Request): (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response) $next
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): Response
if (Auth::user()->userable_type != Student::class) {
return $next($request);
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class TeacherAction
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \Closure(\Illuminate\Http\Request): (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response) $next
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): Response
if (Auth::user()->userable_type != Teacher::class) {
return $next($request);
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Requests\Auth;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Lockout;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\RateLimiter;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
class LoginRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
public function authorize(): bool
return true;
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* @return array<string, \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule|array|string>
public function rules(): array
return [
'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email'],
'password' => ['required', 'string'],
* Attempt to authenticate the request's credentials.
* @throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException
public function authenticate(): void
if (! Auth::attempt($this->only('email', 'password'), $this->boolean('remember'))) {
throw ValidationException::withMessages([
'email' => trans('auth.failed'),
* Ensure the login request is not rate limited.
* @throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException
public function ensureIsNotRateLimited(): void
if (! RateLimiter::tooManyAttempts($this->throttleKey(), 5)) {
event(new Lockout($this));
$seconds = RateLimiter::availableIn($this->throttleKey());
throw ValidationException::withMessages([
'email' => trans('auth.throttle', [
'seconds' => $seconds,
'minutes' => ceil($seconds / 60),
* Get the rate limiting throttle key for the request.
public function throttleKey(): string
return Str::transliterate(Str::lower($this->string('email')).'|'.$this->ip());
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
class ProfileUpdateRequest extends FormRequest
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* @return array<string, \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule|array|string>
public function rules(): array
return [
'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
'email' => ['required', 'string', 'lowercase', 'email', 'max:255', Rule::unique(User::class)->ignore($this->user()->id)],
@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
namespace App\Http\Requests;
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
class StudentPostRequest extends FormRequest
class StudentPostRequest extends FormRequest
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ class StudentPostRequest extends FormRequest
'middle_name' => 'required|max:255',
'middle_name' => 'required|max:255',
'birthday' => 'required|date',
'birthday' => 'required|date',
'grade_id' => 'required|exists:grades,id',
'grade_id' => 'required|exists:grades,id',
'email' => ['required', 'string', 'lowercase', 'email', 'max:255', Rule::unique(User::class)->ignore($this->route('student')?->user->id), 'regex:/^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@”]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@”]+)*)|(“.+”))@((\[[0–9]{1,3}\.[0–9]{1,3}\.[0–9]{1,3}\.[0–9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0–9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/'],
'email' => 'required|max:255|lowercase|unique:users,email',
'password' => 'required|max:255',
'password' => 'required|max:255',
@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
namespace App\Http\Requests;
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
class TeacherPostRequest extends FormRequest
class TeacherPostRequest extends FormRequest
@ -28,7 +26,7 @@ class TeacherPostRequest extends FormRequest
'last_name' => 'required|max:255',
'last_name' => 'required|max:255',
'middle_name' => 'required|max:255',
'middle_name' => 'required|max:255',
'birthday' => 'required|date',
'birthday' => 'required|date',
'email' => ['required', 'string', 'lowercase', 'email', 'max:255', Rule::unique(User::class)->ignore($this->route('teacher')?->user->id), 'regex:/^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@”]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@”]+)*)|(“.+”))@((\[[0–9]{1,3}\.[0–9]{1,3}\.[0–9]{1,3}\.[0–9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0–9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/'],
'email' => 'required|max:255|lowercase|unique:users,email',
'password' => 'required|max:255',
'password' => 'required|max:255',
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Mail;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Content;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Envelope;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
class UserCreated extends Mailable
use Queueable, SerializesModels;
* Create a new message instance.
public function __construct(public string $password)
* Get the message envelope.
public function envelope(): Envelope
return new Envelope(
subject: 'Создана учетная запись',
* Get the message content definition.
public function content(): Content
return new Content(
view: 'mails.user_created',
* Get the attachments for the message.
* @return array<int, \Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Attachment>
public function attachments(): array
return [];
@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
namespace App\Models;
namespace App\Models;
use App\Enums\TypeLesson;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
class Lesson extends Model
class Lesson extends Model
@ -53,18 +51,4 @@ class Lesson extends Model
$query->where('subject_id', $subject_id);
$query->where('subject_id', $subject_id);
public function shortType(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
get: fn () => TypeLesson::getShortType($this->type),
protected function date(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
get: fn () => Carbon::parse($this->lesson_date)->format('d-m-Y')
@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ class Student extends Model
public function lessons(): BelongsToMany
public function lessons(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(Lesson::class)->withPivot('score');
return $this->belongsToMany(Lesson::class);
public function scopeFilter(Builder $query): void
public function scopeFilter(Builder $query): void
$name = request('name');
$name = request('name');
$query->when($name, function (Builder $query, $name) {
$query->when($name, function (Builder $query, $name) {
$query->whereRaw('CONCAT (name, \' \', last_name, \' \', middle_name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->whereRaw('CONCAT (name, \' \', surname, \' \', patronymic) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (name, \' \', middle_name, \' \', last_name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (name, \' \', patronymic, \' \', surname) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (last_name, \' \', name, \' \', middle_name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (surname, \' \', name, \' \', patronymic) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (last_name, \' \', middle_name, \' \', name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (surname, \' \', patronymic, \' \', name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (middle_name, \' \', name, \' \', last_name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (patronymic, \' \', name, \' \', surname) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (middle_name, \' \', last_name, \' \', name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (patronymic, \' \', surname, \' \', name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ class Teacher extends Model
$name = request('name');
$name = request('name');
$query->when($name, function (Builder $query, $name) {
$query->when($name, function (Builder $query, $name) {
$query->whereRaw('CONCAT (name, \' \', last_name, \' \', middle_name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->whereRaw('CONCAT (name, \' \', surname, \' \', patronymic) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (name, \' \', middle_name, \' \', last_name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (name, \' \', patronymic, \' \', surname) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (last_name, \' \', name, \' \', middle_name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (surname, \' \', name, \' \', patronymic) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (last_name, \' \', middle_name, \' \', name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (surname, \' \', patronymic, \' \', name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (middle_name, \' \', name, \' \', last_name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (patronymic, \' \', name, \' \', surname) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (middle_name, \' \', last_name, \' \', name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
$query->orWhereRaw('CONCAT (patronymic, \' \', surname, \' \', name) ilike ?', ["$name%"]);
@ -3,15 +3,11 @@
namespace App\Models;
namespace App\Models;
// use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
// use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail;
use App\Observers\UserObserver;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Attributes\ObservedBy;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
class User extends Authenticatable
class User extends Authenticatable
use HasFactory, Notifiable;
use HasFactory, Notifiable;
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Observers;
use App\Mail\UserCreated;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
class UserObserver
* Handle the User "created" event.
public function created(User $user): void
Mail::to($user)->send(new UserCreated(request()->all()['password']));
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Policies;
use App\Models\Admin;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\User;
class GradePolicy
* Determine whether the user can view any models.
public function viewAny(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type != Student::class;
* Determine whether the user can view the model.
public function view(User $user, Grade $grade): bool
return $user->userable_type != Student::class;
* Determine whether the user can create models.
public function create(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can update the model.
public function update(User $user, Grade $grade): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can delete the model.
public function delete(User $user, Grade $grade): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
public function journal(User $user)
return $user->userable_type == Teacher::class;
public function list(User $user)
return $user->userable_type == Teacher::class;
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Policies;
use App\Models\Admin;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Lesson;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\User;
class LessonPolicy
* Determine whether the user can view any models.
public function viewAny(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type == Teacher::class;
* Determine whether the user can view the model.
public function view(User $user, Lesson $lesson): bool
return $user->userable_type == Teacher::class;
* Determine whether the user can create models.
public function create(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type == Teacher::class;
* Determine whether the user can update the model.
public function update(User $user, Lesson $lesson): bool
return $user->userable_type == Teacher::class;
* Determine whether the user can delete the model.
public function delete(User $user, Lesson $lesson): bool
return $user->userable_type == Teacher::class;
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Policies;
use App\Models\Admin;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\User;
class StudentPolicy
* Determine whether the user can view any models.
public function viewAny(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type != Student::class;
* Determine whether the user can view the model.
public function view(User $user, Student $student): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can create models.
public function create(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can update the model.
public function update(User $user, Student $student): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can delete the model.
public function delete(User $user, Student $student): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
public function debts(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type == Student::class;
public function avgScores(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type == Student::class;
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Policies;
use App\Models\Admin;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\User;
class SubjectPolicy
public function viewAny(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type != Teacher::class;
* Determine whether the user can create models.
public function create(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can update the model.
public function update(User $user, Subject $subject): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can delete the model.
public function delete(User $user, Subject $subject): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
public function scores(User $user, Subject $subject): bool
return $user->userable_type == Student::class;
public function pdf(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type == Student::class;
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Policies;
use App\Models\Admin;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\User;
class TeacherPolicy
* Determine whether the user can view any models.
public function viewAny(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type != Teacher::class;
* Determine whether the user can view the model.
public function view(User $user, Teacher $teacher): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can create models.
public function create(User $user): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can update the model.
public function update(User $user, Teacher $teacher): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
* Determine whether the user can delete the model.
public function delete(User $user, Teacher $teacher): bool
return $user->userable_type == Admin::class;
public function teacherSubjects(User $user, Teacher $teacher): bool
return $user->userable_type == Student::class;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Http\Controllers\GradeController;
use App\Http\Controllers\GradeSubjectController;
use App\Http\Controllers\GradeTeacherController;
use App\Http\Controllers\LessonController;
use App\Http\Controllers\ScoreController;
use App\Http\Controllers\StudentController;
use App\Http\Controllers\SubjectController;
use App\Http\Controllers\SubjectTeacherController;
use App\Http\Controllers\TeacherController;
use App\Services\GradeService;
use App\Services\GradeSubjectService;
use App\Services\GradeTeacherService;
use App\Services\LessonService;
use App\Services\ScoreService;
use App\Services\ServiceInterface;
use App\Services\StudentService;
use App\Services\SubjectService;
use App\Services\SubjectTeacherService;
use App\Services\TeacherService;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class ModelServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register services.
public function register(): void
->give(function () {
return new StudentService();
->give(function () {
return new TeacherService();
->give(function () {
return new GradeService();
->give(function () {
return new SubjectService();
->give(function () {
return new SubjectTeacherService();
->give(function () {
return new GradeSubjectService();
->give(function () {
return new GradeTeacherService();
->give(function () {
return new LessonService();
->give(function () {
return new ScoreService();
* Bootstrap services.
public function boot(): void
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Services;
use App\Export\JournalExport;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Subject;
use Barryvdh\DomPDF\Facade\Pdf;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel;
class FileService
public function exportSubjects()
$listSubjects = collect();
$student = Auth::user()->userable;
$subjects = $student->grade->subjects;
$teachers = $student->grade->teachers;
$teachers->each(function ($teacher) use ($subjects, $listSubjects) {
$teacher->subjects->each(function ($subject) use ($subjects, $listSubjects, $teacher) {
if ($subjects->contains($subject)) {
$listSubjects->push(['subject' => $subject->name, 'teacher' => $teacher->fio]);
return Pdf::loadView('subjects.pdf', ['subjects' => $listSubjects])->download('Предметы.pdf');
public function exportStudents(Grade $grade)
$excellentStudents = $this->getMinScore($grade, 5);
$goodStudents = $this->getMinScore($grade, 4);
return Pdf::loadView('grades.list-students', [
'excellentStudents' => $excellentStudents,
'goodStudents' => $goodStudents,
public function getMinScore(Grade $grade, $minScore)
return $grade->students->filter(function ($student) use ($minScore) {
return $student->lessons->min('pivot.score') == $minScore;
public function exportJournal(Grade $grade, Subject $subject)
$lessons = $grade->lessons()->where('subject_id', $subject->id)->with('students')->get();
$students = $grade->students()->orderBy('last_name')->get();
$fileName = $subject->name . '(' . $grade->name . ').xlsx';
return Excel::download(new JournalExport($lessons, $students), $fileName);
@ -3,21 +3,30 @@
namespace App\Services;
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
class GradeService
class GradeService implements ServiceInterface
public function getGrades()
public function getAll(): LengthAwarePaginator
if (Auth::user()->userable_type == Teacher::class) {
return Grade::join('grade_teacher', 'grade_teacher.grade_id', '=', '')
->where('grade_teacher.teacher_id', Auth::user()->userable_id)
return Grade::filter()->paginate(5)->withQueryString();
return Grade::filter()->paginate(5)->withQueryString();
public function create(array $data): Grade
return Grade::create($data);
public function update(Model $model, array $data): Grade
return $model;
public function delete($model): void
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Subject;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class GradeSubjectService implements ServiceInterface
public function getAll(?Grade $grade = null): Collection
return $grade->subjects;
public function getAllSubjects(): Collection
return Subject::all();
public function create(array $data, ?Model $model = null): Grade
return $model;
public function update(Model $model, array $data, ?Model $subject = null): Grade
return $model;
public function delete(Model $model, ?Model $subject = null): Grade
return $model;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class GradeTeacherService implements ServiceInterface
public function getAll(?Teacher $teacher = null, ?Subject $subject = null): Collection
return $teacher
->join('grade_subject', '', '=', 'grade_subject.grade_id')
->where('subject_id', $subject->id)
public function getGrades(Subject $subject): Collection
return $subject->grades;
public function create(array $data, ?Model $model = null): Teacher
return $model;
public function update(Model $model, array $data, ?Model $grade = null): Teacher
return $model;
public function delete(Model $model, ?Model $grade = null): Teacher
return $model;
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Subject;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class JournalService
public function getLessons(Grade $grade, Subject $subject)
return DB::table('lessons')
->where('grade_id', $grade->id)
->where('subject_id', $subject->id)
@ -2,22 +2,44 @@
namespace App\Services;
namespace App\Services;
use App\Enums\ScoreEnum;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Grade;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\Lesson;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class LessonService
class LessonService implements ServiceInterface
public function getLessons(Grade $grade)
if (Auth::user()->userable_type == Teacher::class) {
return $grade
->where('teacher_id', Auth::user()->userable_id)
public function getAll(?Grade $grade = null): Collection
return $grade->lessons()->filter()->get();
return $grade->lessons()->filter()->get();
public function getGrades(): Collection
return Grade::all();
public function create(array $data): Lesson
$lesson = Lesson::create($data);
->syncWithPivotValues($lesson->grade->students->pluck('id')->all(), ['score' => ScoreEnum::WithoutScore]);
return $lesson;
public function update(Model $model, array $data): Lesson
return $model;
public function delete($model): void
@ -3,17 +3,34 @@
namespace App\Services;
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Lesson;
use App\Models\Lesson;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class ScoreService
class ScoreService implements ServiceInterface
public function update(Lesson $lesson, array $data)
public function getAll(?Lesson $lesson = null)
$lesson->students->each(function ($item, $key) use ($data, $lesson) {
return $lesson->students;
public function update(Model $model, array $data)
$model->students->each(function ($item, $key) use ($data, $model) {
if ($data['score' . $item->id]) {
if ($data['score' . $item->id]) {
$lesson->students()->syncWithoutDetaching([$item->id => ['score' => $data['score' . $item->id]]]);
$model->students()->syncWithoutDetaching([$item->id => ['score' => $data['score' . $item->id]]]);
return $lesson;
return $model;
public function delete(Model $model)
// TODO: Implement delete() method.
public function create(array $data)
// TODO: Implement create() method.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace App\Services;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
interface ServiceInterface
public function getAll();
public function create(array $data);
public function update(Model $model, array $data);
public function delete(Model $model);
@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ namespace App\Services;
use App\Enums\ScoreEnum;
use App\Enums\ScoreEnum;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\User;
use Barryvdh\DomPDF\Facade\Pdf;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class StudentService
class StudentService implements ServiceInterface
public function getAll(): LengthAwarePaginator
return Student::filter()->paginate(5)->withQueryString();
public function create(array $data): Student
public function create(array $data): Student
$user = User::create([
$user = User::create([
@ -34,14 +35,14 @@ class StudentService
return $student;
return $student;
public function update(Student $student, array $data): Student
public function update($model, array $data): Student
'email' => $data['email'],
'email' => $data['email'],
'password' => $data['password'],
'password' => $data['password'],
'name' => $data['name'],
'name' => $data['name'],
'last_name' => $data['last_name'],
'last_name' => $data['last_name'],
'middle_name' => $data['middle_name'],
'middle_name' => $data['middle_name'],
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ class StudentService
'grade_id' => $data['grade_id'],
'grade_id' => $data['grade_id'],
return $student;
return $model;
public function delete($model): void
public function delete($model): void
@ -57,44 +58,4 @@ class StudentService
public function getScores(Subject $subject): Collection
$student = Auth::user()->userable;
return $student->lessons()->where('subject_id', $subject->id)->get();
public function getAvgScore(Subject $subject)
$student = Auth::user()->userable;
$scores = $student
->where('subject_id', $subject->id)
->whereIn('score', ScoreEnum::getNumScores())
return round($scores->avg(), 2);
public function getDebts(): Collection
$student = Auth::user()->userable;
return $student->lessons()->whereIn('score', ScoreEnum::getDebtScores())->get();
public function exportAvgScores()
$subjects = Auth::user()->userable->grade->subjects;
$avgScores = collect();
$subjects->each(function ($subject) use ($avgScores) {
$avgScores->put($subject->name, $this->getAvgScore($subject));
return Pdf::loadView('students.avg-scores', [
'avgScores' => $avgScores,
@ -2,21 +2,31 @@
namespace App\Services;
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Subject;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
class SubjectService
class SubjectService implements ServiceInterface
public function getSubjects()
public function getAll(): LengthAwarePaginator
if(Auth::user()->userable_type == Student::class) {
return Subject::whereIn('id', Auth::user()->userable->grade->subjects->pluck('id'))
return Subject::filter()->paginate(5)->withQueryString();
return Subject::filter()->paginate(5)->withQueryString();
public function create(array $data): Subject
return Subject::create($data);
public function update(Model $model, array $data): Subject
return $model;
public function delete(Model $model): void
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class SubjectTeacherService implements ServiceInterface
public function getAll(?Teacher $teacher = null): Collection
return $teacher->subjects;
public function getAllSubjects(): Collection
return Subject::all();
public function getGrades(Teacher $teacher, Subject $subject): Collection
return $teacher
->join('grade_subject', '', '=', 'grade_subject.grade_id')
->where('subject_id', $subject->id)->get();
public function create(array $data, ?Model $model = null): Teacher
return $model;
public function update(Model $model, array $data, ?Model $subject = null): Teacher
return $model;
public function delete(Model $model, ?Model $subject = null): Teacher
return $model;
@ -2,15 +2,17 @@
namespace App\Services;
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\Student;
use App\Models\Subject;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\Teacher;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class TeacherService
class TeacherService implements ServiceInterface
public function getAll(): LengthAwarePaginator
return Teacher::filter()->paginate(5)->withQueryString();
public function create(array $data): Teacher
public function create(array $data): Teacher
$user = User::create([
$user = User::create([
@ -28,52 +30,26 @@ class TeacherService
return $teacher;
return $teacher;
public function update(Teacher $teacher, array $data): Teacher
public function update($model, array $data): Teacher
'email' => $data['email'],
'email' => $data['email'],
'password' => $data['password'],
'password' => $data['password'],
'name' => $data['name'],
'name' => $data['name'],
'last_name' => $data['last_name'],
'last_name' => $data['last_name'],
'middle_name' => $data['middle_name'],
'middle_name' => $data['middle_name'],
'birthday' => $data['birthday'],
'birthday' => $data['birthday'],
return $teacher;
return $model;
public function delete(Teacher $teacher): void
public function delete($model): void
public function getTeachers()
if (Auth::user()->userable_type == Student::class) {
return Teacher::join('grade_teacher', '', '=', 'grade_teacher.teacher_id')
->where('grade_id', Auth::user()->userable->grade_id)
return Teacher::filter()->paginate(5)->withQueryString();
public function getSubjects(Teacher $teacher)
if (Auth::user()->userable_type == Student::class) {
return Subject::join('subject_teacher', 'subject_teacher.subject_id', '=', '')
->join('grade_subject', 'grade_subject.subject_id', '=', '')
->where('grade_subject.grade_id', Auth::user()->userable->grade_id)
->where('subject_teacher.teacher_id', $teacher->id)
return $teacher->subjects;
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
namespace App\View\Components;
use Illuminate\View\Component;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class AppLayout extends Component
* Get the view / contents that represents the component.
public function render(): View
return view('');
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
namespace App\View\Components;
use Illuminate\View\Component;
use Illuminate\View\View;
class GuestLayout extends Component
* Get the view / contents that represents the component.
public function render(): View
return view('layouts.guest');
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ return Application::configure(basePath: dirname(__DIR__))
health: '/up',
health: '/up',
->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {
->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {
->withExceptions(function (Exceptions $exceptions) {
->withExceptions(function (Exceptions $exceptions) {
@ -2,5 +2,6 @@
return [
return [
@ -6,17 +6,13 @@
"license": "MIT",
"license": "MIT",
"require": {
"require": {
"php": "^8.2",
"php": "^8.2",
"barryvdh/laravel-dompdf": "^2.2",
"laravel/framework": "^11.0",
"laravel/framework": "^11.0",
"laravel/telescope": "^5.0",
"laravel/telescope": "^5.0",
"laravel/tinker": "^2.9",
"laravel/tinker": "^2.9",
"laravel/ui": "^4.5",
"laravel/ui": "^4.5"
"maatwebsite/excel": "^3.1"
"require-dev": {
"require-dev": {
"fakerphp/faker": "^1.23",
"fakerphp/faker": "^1.23",
"laravel-lang/lang": "^15.5",
"laravel/breeze": "^2.0",
"laravel/pint": "^1.13",
"laravel/pint": "^1.13",
"laravel/sail": "^1.26",
"laravel/sail": "^1.26",
"mockery/mockery": "^1.6",
"mockery/mockery": "^1.6",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
return array(
| Settings
| Set some default values. It is possible to add all defines that can be set
| in You can also override the entire config file.
'show_warnings' => false, // Throw an Exception on warnings from dompdf
'public_path' => null, // Override the public path if needed
* Dejavu Sans font is missing glyphs for converted entities, turn it off if you need to show € and £.
'convert_entities' => true,
'options' => array(
* The location of the DOMPDF font directory
* The location of the directory where DOMPDF will store fonts and font metrics
* Note: This directory must exist and be writable by the webserver process.
* *Please note the trailing slash.*
* Notes regarding fonts:
* Additional .afm font metrics can be added by executing load_font.php from command line.
* Only the original "Base 14 fonts" are present on all pdf viewers. Additional fonts must
* be embedded in the pdf file or the PDF may not display correctly. This can significantly
* increase file size unless font subsetting is enabled. Before embedding a font please
* review your rights under the font license.
* Any font specification in the source HTML is translated to the closest font available
* in the font directory.
* The pdf standard "Base 14 fonts" are:
* Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-BoldOblique, Courier-Oblique,
* Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-BoldOblique, Helvetica-Oblique,
* Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-BoldItalic, Times-Italic,
* Symbol, ZapfDingbats.
"font_dir" => storage_path('fonts'), // advised by dompdf (
* The location of the DOMPDF font cache directory
* This directory contains the cached font metrics for the fonts used by DOMPDF.
* This directory can be the same as DOMPDF_FONT_DIR
* Note: This directory must exist and be writable by the webserver process.
"font_cache" => storage_path('fonts'),
* The location of a temporary directory.
* The directory specified must be writeable by the webserver process.
* The temporary directory is required to download remote images and when
* using the PDFLib back end.
"temp_dir" => sys_get_temp_dir(),
* ==== IMPORTANT ====
* dompdf's "chroot": Prevents dompdf from accessing system files or other
* files on the webserver. All local files opened by dompdf must be in a
* subdirectory of this directory. DO NOT set it to '/' since this could
* allow an attacker to use dompdf to read any files on the server. This
* should be an absolute path.
* This is only checked on command line call by dompdf.php, but not by
* direct class use like:
* $dompdf = new DOMPDF(); $dompdf->load_html($htmldata); $dompdf->render(); $pdfdata = $dompdf->output();
"chroot" => realpath(base_path()),
* Protocol whitelist
* Protocols and PHP wrappers allowed in URIs, and the validation rules
* that determine if a resouce may be loaded. Full support is not guaranteed
* for the protocols/wrappers specified
* by this array.
* @var array
'allowed_protocols' => [
"file://" => ["rules" => []],
"http://" => ["rules" => []],
"https://" => ["rules" => []]
* @var string
'log_output_file' => null,
* Whether to enable font subsetting or not.
"enable_font_subsetting" => false,
* The PDF rendering backend to use
* Valid settings are 'PDFLib', 'CPDF' (the bundled R&OS PDF class), 'GD' and
* 'auto'. 'auto' will look for PDFLib and use it if found, or if not it will
* fall back on CPDF. 'GD' renders PDFs to graphic files. {@link
* Canvas_Factory} ultimately determines which rendering class to instantiate
* based on this setting.
* Both PDFLib & CPDF rendering backends provide sufficient rendering
* capabilities for dompdf, however additional features (e.g. object,
* image and font support, etc.) differ between backends. Please see
* {@link PDFLib_Adapter} for more information on the PDFLib backend
* and {@link CPDF_Adapter} and lib/class.pdf.php for more information
* on CPDF. Also see the documentation for each backend at the links
* below.
* The GD rendering backend is a little different than PDFLib and
* CPDF. Several features of CPDF and PDFLib are not supported or do
* not make any sense when creating image files. For example,
* multiple pages are not supported, nor are PDF 'objects'. Have a
* look at {@link GD_Adapter} for more information. GD support is
* experimental, so use it at your own risk.
* @link
* @link
* @link
"pdf_backend" => "CPDF",
* PDFlib license key
* If you are using a licensed, commercial version of PDFlib, specify
* your license key here. If you are using PDFlib-Lite or are evaluating
* the commercial version of PDFlib, comment out this setting.
* @link
* If pdflib present in web server and auto or selected explicitely above,
* a real license code must exist!
//"DOMPDF_PDFLIB_LICENSE" => "your license key here",
* html target media view which should be rendered into pdf.
* List of types and parsing rules for future extensions:
* screen, tty, tv, projection, handheld, print, braille, aural, all
* Note: aural is deprecated in CSS 2.1 because it is replaced by speech in CSS 3.
* Note, even though the generated pdf file is intended for print output,
* the desired content might be different (e.g. screen or projection view of html file).
* Therefore allow specification of content here.
"default_media_type" => "screen",
* The default paper size.
* North America standard is "letter"; other countries generally "a4"
* @see CPDF_Adapter::PAPER_SIZES for valid sizes ('letter', 'legal', 'A4', etc.)
"default_paper_size" => "a4",
* The default paper orientation.
* The orientation of the page (portrait or landscape).
* @var string
'default_paper_orientation' => "portrait",
* The default font family
* Used if no suitable fonts can be found. This must exist in the font folder.
* @var string
"default_font" => "serif",
* Image DPI setting
* This setting determines the default DPI setting for images and fonts. The
* DPI may be overridden for inline images by explictly setting the
* image's width & height style attributes (i.e. if the image's native
* width is 600 pixels and you specify the image's width as 72 points,
* the image will have a DPI of 600 in the rendered PDF. The DPI of
* background images can not be overridden and is controlled entirely
* via this parameter.
* For the purposes of DOMPDF, pixels per inch (PPI) = dots per inch (DPI).
* If a size in html is given as px (or without unit as image size),
* this tells the corresponding size in pt.
* This adjusts the relative sizes to be similar to the rendering of the
* html page in a reference browser.
* In pdf, always 1 pt = 1/72 inch
* Rendering resolution of various browsers in px per inch:
* Windows Firefox and Internet Explorer:
* SystemControl->Display properties->FontResolution: Default:96, largefonts:120, custom:?
* Linux Firefox:
* about:config *resolution: Default:96
* (xorg screen dimension in mm and Desktop font dpi settings are ignored)
* Take care about extra font/image zoom factor of browser.
* In images, <img> size in pixel attribute, img css style, are overriding
* the real image dimension in px for rendering.
* @var int
"dpi" => 96,
* Enable inline PHP
* If this setting is set to true then DOMPDF will automatically evaluate
* inline PHP contained within <script type="text/php"> ... </script> tags.
* Enabling this for documents you do not trust (e.g. arbitrary remote html
* pages) is a security risk. Set this option to false if you wish to process
* untrusted documents.
* @var bool
"enable_php" => false,
* Enable inline Javascript
* If this setting is set to true then DOMPDF will automatically insert
* JavaScript code contained within <script type="text/javascript"> ... </script> tags.
* @var bool
"enable_javascript" => true,
* Enable remote file access
* If this setting is set to true, DOMPDF will access remote sites for
* images and CSS files as required.
* This is required for part of test case www/test/image_variants.html through www/examples.php
* Attention!
* This can be a security risk, in particular in combination with DOMPDF_ENABLE_PHP and
* allowing remote access to dompdf.php or on allowing remote html code to be passed to
* $dompdf = new DOMPDF(, $dompdf->load_html(...,
* This allows anonymous users to download legally doubtful internet content which on
* tracing back appears to being downloaded by your server, or allows malicious php code
* in remote html pages to be executed by your server with your account privileges.
* @var bool
"enable_remote" => true,
* A ratio applied to the fonts height to be more like browsers' line height
"font_height_ratio" => 1.1,
* Use the HTML5 Lib parser
* @deprecated This feature is now always on in dompdf 2.x
* @var bool
"enable_html5_parser" => true,
@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel;
return [
'exports' => [
| Chunk size
| When using FromQuery, the query is automatically chunked.
| Here you can specify how big the chunk should be.
'chunk_size' => 1000,
| Pre-calculate formulas during export
'pre_calculate_formulas' => false,
| Enable strict null comparison
| When enabling strict null comparison empty cells ('') will
| be added to the sheet.
'strict_null_comparison' => false,
| CSV Settings
| Configure e.g. delimiter, enclosure and line ending for CSV exports.
'csv' => [
'delimiter' => ',',
'enclosure' => '"',
'line_ending' => PHP_EOL,
'use_bom' => false,
'include_separator_line' => false,
'excel_compatibility' => false,
'output_encoding' => '',
'test_auto_detect' => true,
| Worksheet properties
| Configure e.g. default title, creator, subject,...
'properties' => [
'creator' => '',
'lastModifiedBy' => '',
'title' => '',
'description' => '',
'subject' => '',
'keywords' => '',
'category' => '',
'manager' => '',
'company' => '',
'imports' => [
| Read Only
| When dealing with imports, you might only be interested in the
| data that the sheet exists. By default we ignore all styles,
| however if you want to do some logic based on style data
| you can enable it by setting read_only to false.
'read_only' => true,
| Ignore Empty
| When dealing with imports, you might be interested in ignoring
| rows that have null values or empty strings. By default rows
| containing empty strings or empty values are not ignored but can be
| ignored by enabling the setting ignore_empty to true.
'ignore_empty' => false,
| Heading Row Formatter
| Configure the heading row formatter.
| Available options: none|slug|custom
'heading_row' => [
'formatter' => 'slug',
| CSV Settings
| Configure e.g. delimiter, enclosure and line ending for CSV imports.
'csv' => [
'delimiter' => null,
'enclosure' => '"',
'escape_character' => '\\',
'contiguous' => false,
'input_encoding' => 'UTF-8',
| Worksheet properties
| Configure e.g. default title, creator, subject,...
'properties' => [
'creator' => '',
'lastModifiedBy' => '',
'title' => '',
'description' => '',
'subject' => '',
'keywords' => '',
'category' => '',
'manager' => '',
'company' => '',
| Cell Middleware
| Configure middleware that is executed on getting a cell value
'cells' => [
'middleware' => [
| Extension detector
| Configure here which writer/reader type should be used when the package
| needs to guess the correct type based on the extension alone.
'extension_detector' => [
'xlsx' => Excel::XLSX,
'xlsm' => Excel::XLSX,
'xltx' => Excel::XLSX,
'xltm' => Excel::XLSX,
'xls' => Excel::XLS,
'xlt' => Excel::XLS,
'ods' => Excel::ODS,
'ots' => Excel::ODS,
'slk' => Excel::SLK,
'xml' => Excel::XML,
'gnumeric' => Excel::GNUMERIC,
'htm' => Excel::HTML,
'html' => Excel::HTML,
'csv' => Excel::CSV,
'tsv' => Excel::TSV,
| PDF Extension
| Configure here which Pdf driver should be used by default.
| Available options: Excel::MPDF | Excel::TCPDF | Excel::DOMPDF
'pdf' => Excel::DOMPDF,
| Value Binder
| PhpSpreadsheet offers a way to hook into the process of a value being
| written to a cell. In there some assumptions are made on how the
| value should be formatted. If you want to change those defaults,
| you can implement your own default value binder.
| Possible value binders:
| [x] Maatwebsite\Excel\DefaultValueBinder::class
| [x] PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\StringValueBinder::class
| [x] PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\AdvancedValueBinder::class
'value_binder' => [
'default' => Maatwebsite\Excel\DefaultValueBinder::class,
'cache' => [
| Default cell caching driver
| By default PhpSpreadsheet keeps all cell values in memory, however when
| dealing with large files, this might result into memory issues. If you
| want to mitigate that, you can configure a cell caching driver here.
| When using the illuminate driver, it will store each value in the
| cache store. This can slow down the process, because it needs to
| store each value. You can use the "batch" store if you want to
| only persist to the store when the memory limit is reached.
| Drivers: memory|illuminate|batch
'driver' => 'memory',
| Batch memory caching
| When dealing with the "batch" caching driver, it will only
| persist to the store when the memory limit is reached.
| Here you can tweak the memory limit to your liking.
'batch' => [
'memory_limit' => 60000,
| Illuminate cache
| When using the "illuminate" caching driver, it will automatically use
| your default cache store. However if you prefer to have the cell
| cache on a separate store, you can configure the store name here.
| You can use any store defined in your cache config. When leaving
| at "null" it will use the default store.
'illuminate' => [
'store' => null,
| Cache Time-to-live (TTL)
| The TTL of items written to cache. If you want to keep the items cached
| indefinitely, set this to null. Otherwise, set a number of seconds,
| a \DateInterval, or a callable.
| Allowable types: callable|\DateInterval|int|null
'default_ttl' => 10800,
| Transaction Handler
| By default the import is wrapped in a transaction. This is useful
| for when an import may fail and you want to retry it. With the
| transactions, the previous import gets rolled-back.
| You can disable the transaction handler by setting this to null.
| Or you can choose a custom made transaction handler here.
| Supported handlers: null|db
'transactions' => [
'handler' => 'db',
'db' => [
'connection' => null,
'temporary_files' => [
| Local Temporary Path
| When exporting and importing files, we use a temporary file, before
| storing reading or downloading. Here you can customize that path.
| permissions is an array with the permission flags for the directory (dir)
| and the create file (file).
'local_path' => storage_path('framework/cache/laravel-excel'),
| Local Temporary Path Permissions
| Permissions is an array with the permission flags for the directory (dir)
| and the create file (file).
| If omitted the default permissions of the filesystem will be used.
'local_permissions' => [
// 'dir' => 0755,
// 'file' => 0644,
| Remote Temporary Disk
| When dealing with a multi server setup with queues in which you
| cannot rely on having a shared local temporary path, you might
| want to store the temporary file on a shared disk. During the
| queue executing, we'll retrieve the temporary file from that
| location instead. When left to null, it will always use
| the local path. This setting only has effect when using
| in conjunction with queued imports and exports.
'remote_disk' => null,
'remote_prefix' => null,
| Force Resync
| When dealing with a multi server setup as above, it's possible
| for the clean up that occurs after entire queue has been run to only
| cleanup the server that the last AfterImportJob runs on. The rest of the server
| would still have the local temporary file stored on it. In this case your
| local storage limits can be exceeded and future imports won't be processed.
| To mitigate this you can set this config value to be true, so that after every
| queued chunk is processed the local temporary file is deleted on the server that
| processed it.
'force_resync_remote' => null,
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
return [
| Console Commands
| This option allows you to add additional Artisan commands that should
| be available within the Tinker environment. Once the command is in
| this array you may execute the command in Tinker using its name.
'commands' => [
| Auto Aliased Classes
| Tinker will not automatically alias classes in your vendor namespaces
| but you may explicitly allow a subset of classes to get aliased by
| adding the names of each of those classes to the following list.
'alias' => [
| Classes That Should Not Be Aliased
| Typically, Tinker automatically aliases classes as you require them in
| Tinker. However, you may wish to never alias certain classes, which
| you may accomplish by listing the classes in the following array.
'dont_alias' => [
@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ class StudentFactory extends Factory
public function definition(): array
public function definition(): array
$faker = \Faker\Factory::create('ru_RU');
return [
return [
'name' => fake()->firstNameMale,
'name' => $faker->firstNameMale,
'last_name' => fake()->lastNameMale,
'last_name' => $faker->lastNameMale,
'middle_name' => fake()->middleNameMale,
'middle_name' => $faker->middleNameMale,
'birthday' => fake()->date(),
'birthday' => $faker->date(),
@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ class TeacherFactory extends Factory
public function definition(): array
public function definition(): array
$faker = \Faker\Factory::create('ru_RU');
return [
return [
'name' => fake()->firstNameMale,
'name' => $faker->firstNameMale,
'last_name' => fake()->lastNameMale,
'last_name' => $faker->lastNameMale,
'middle_name' => fake()->middleNameMale,
'middle_name' => $faker->middleNameMale,
'birthday' => fake()->date(),
'birthday' => $faker->date(),
@ -18,39 +18,9 @@ class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
public function run(): void
public function run(): void
$namesSubjects = [
'Русский язык',
'Английский язык',
$subjects = collect();
foreach ($namesSubjects as $name) {
'name' => $name,
$letterGrades = ['A', 'Б', 'В',];
$numberGrades = 11;
$grades = collect();
while($numberGrades > 0) {
foreach ($letterGrades as $letter) {
'name' => $numberGrades . $letter,
$teachers = Teacher::factory(15)->create();
$teachers = Teacher::factory(15)->create();
$grades = Grade::factory(10)->create();
$subjects = Subject::factory(10)->create();
$scores = ScoreEnum::cases();
$scores = ScoreEnum::cases();
$teachers->each(function ($teacher) {
$teachers->each(function ($teacher) {
@ -58,45 +28,33 @@ class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
$teacher = Teacher::factory()->create();
$teacher->user()->save(User::factory()->create(['email' => 'teacher@mail']));
$student = Student::factory()->create(['grade_id' => $grades->first()->id]);
$student->user()->save(User::factory()->create(['email' => 'student@mail']));
$grade = $student->grade;
$lessons = collect();
$subjects->each(function ($item) use ($lessons, $teacher, $student, $grade) {
'description' => 'Выполнение задания №3 на 87 стр. учебника',
'grade_id' => $student->grade_id,
'subject_id' => $item->id,
'teacher_id' => $teacher->id,
$grades->each(function ($grade) use ($subjects, $teachers, $scores){
$grades->each(function ($grade) use ($subjects, $teachers, $scores){
$students = Student::factory(10)->create([
'grade_id' => $grade->id,
'grade_id' => $grade->id,
])->each(function ($student) use ($scores) {
])->each(function ($student) use ($scores) {
$user = User::factory()->create();
$user = User::factory()->create();
$lessons = Lesson::factory(30)->create([
'grade_id' => $grade->id,
'subject_id' => $grade->subjects->random()->id,
'teacher_id' => $grade->teachers->random()->id,
$students->each(function ($student) use ($lessons, $scores) {
$lessons->each(function ($lesson) use ($student, $scores) {
->syncWithoutDetaching([$lesson->id => ['score' => $scores[array_rand($scores)]]]);
$grade->students->each(function ($student) use ($grade, $scores) {
$subjects->each(function ($subject) use ($teachers) {
$grade->lessons->each(function ($lesson) use ($student, $scores) {
$lesson->id => ['score' => $scores[array_rand($scores)]]
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
"(and :count more error)": "(and :count more error)",
"(and :count more errors)": "(and :count more error)|(and :count more errors)|(and :count more errors)",
"A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.",
"A new verification link has been sent to the email address you provided during registration.": "A new verification link has been sent to the email address you provided during registration.",
"A new verification link has been sent to your email address.": "A new verification link has been sent to your email address.",
"All rights reserved.": "All rights reserved.",
"Already registered?": "Already registered?",
"Are you sure you want to delete your account?": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?",
"Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Click here to re-send the verification email.": "Click here to re-send the verification email.",
"click here to request another": "click here to request another",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"Confirm Password": "Confirm Password",
"Current Password": "Current Password",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",
"Delete Account": "Delete Account",
"Email": "Email",
"email": "The :attribute must be a valid email address.",
"Email Address": "Email Address",
"Email Password Reset Link": "Email Password Reset Link",
"Ensure your account is using a long, random password to stay secure.": "Ensure your account is using a long, random password to stay secure.",
"errors": "errors",
"Forbidden": "Forbidden",
"Forgot Your Password?": "Forgot Your Password?",
"Forgot your password?": "Forgot your password?",
"Forgot your password? No problem. Just let us know your email address and we will email you a password reset link that will allow you to choose a new one.": "Forgot your password? No problem. Just let us know your email address and we will email you a password reset link that will allow you to choose a new one.",
"Go to page :page": "Go to page :page",
"Hello!": "Hello!",
"If you did not create an account, no further action is required.": "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.",
"If you did not receive the email": "If you did not receive the email",
"If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.",
"If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser:": "If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser:",
"Invalid JSON was returned from the route.": "Invalid JSON was returned from the route.",
"length": "length",
"Location": "Location",
"Log in": "Log in",
"Log Out": "Log Out",
"Login": "Login",
"Logout": "Logout",
"Name": "Name",
"name": "name",
"New Password": "New Password",
"Not Found": "Not Found",
"of": "of",
"Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted. Before deleting your account, please download any data or information that you wish to retain.": "Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted. Before deleting your account, please download any data or information that you wish to retain.",
"Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted. Please enter your password to confirm you would like to permanently delete your account.": "Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted. Please enter your password to confirm you would like to permanently delete your account.",
"Page Expired": "Page Expired",
"Pagination Navigation": "Pagination Navigation",
"Password": "Password",
"password": "The password is incorrect.",
"Payment Required": "Payment Required",
"Please click the button below to verify your email address.": "Please click the button below to verify your email address.",
"Please confirm your password before continuing.": "Please confirm your password before continuing.",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Profile Information": "Profile Information",
"Regards": "Regards",
"Register": "Register",
"Remember Me": "Remember Me",
"Remember me": "Remember me",
"Resend Verification Email": "Resend Verification Email",
"Reset Password": "Reset Password",
"Reset Password Notification": "Reset Password Notification",
"results": "results",
"Save": "Save",
"Saved.": "Saved.",
"Send Password Reset Link": "Send Password Reset Link",
"Server Error": "Server Error",
"Service Unavailable": "Service Unavailable",
"Showing": "Showing",
"Thanks for signing up! Before getting started, could you verify your email address by clicking on the link we just emailed to you? If you didn't receive the email, we will gladly send you another.": "Thanks for signing up! Before getting started, could you verify your email address by clicking on the link we just emailed to you? If you didn't receive the email, we will gladly send you another.",
"The given data was invalid.": "The given data was invalid.",
"The response is not a streamed response.": "The response is not a streamed response.",
"The response is not a view.": "The response is not a view.",
"This action is unauthorized.": "This action is unauthorized.",
"This is a secure area of the application. Please confirm your password before continuing.": "This is a secure area of the application. Please confirm your password before continuing.",
"This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.": "This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.",
"to": "to",
"Toggle navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"Too Many Requests": "Too Many Requests",
"Unauthorized": "Unauthorized",
"Update Password": "Update Password",
"Update your account's profile information and email address.": "Update your account's profile information and email address.",
"Verify Email Address": "Verify Email Address",
"Verify Your Email Address": "Verify Your Email Address",
"Whoops!": "Whoops!",
"You are logged in!": "You are logged in!",
"You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.",
"You're logged in!": "You're logged in!",
"Your email address is unverified.": "Your email address is unverified."
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
return [
'failed' => 'These credentials do not match our records.',
'password' => 'The password is incorrect.',
'throttle' => 'Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.',
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
return [
'next' => 'Next »',
'previous' => '« Previous',
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
return [
'reset' => 'Your password has been reset.',
'sent' => 'We have emailed your password reset link.',
'throttled' => 'Please wait before retrying.',
'token' => 'This password reset token is invalid.',
'user' => 'We can\'t find a user with that email address.',
@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
return [
'accepted' => 'The :attribute must be accepted.',
'accepted_if' => 'The :attribute must be accepted when :other is :value.',
'active_url' => 'The :attribute is not a valid URL.',
'after' => 'The :attribute must be a date after :date.',
'after_or_equal' => 'The :attribute must be a date after or equal to :date.',
'alpha' => 'The :attribute must only contain letters.',
'alpha_dash' => 'The :attribute must only contain letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.',
'alpha_num' => 'The :attribute must only contain letters and numbers.',
'array' => 'The :attribute must be an array.',
'ascii' => 'The :attribute field must only contain single-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols.',
'before' => 'The :attribute must be a date before :date.',
'before_or_equal' => 'The :attribute must be a date before or equal to :date.',
'between' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.',
'boolean' => 'The :attribute field must be true or false.',
'can' => 'The :attribute field contains an unauthorized value.',
'confirmed' => 'The :attribute confirmation does not match.',
'contains' => 'The :attribute field is missing a required value.',
'current_password' => 'The password is incorrect.',
'date' => 'The :attribute is not a valid date.',
'date_equals' => 'The :attribute must be a date equal to :date.',
'date_format' => 'The :attribute does not match the format :format.',
'decimal' => 'The :attribute field must have :decimal decimal places.',
'declined' => 'The :attribute must be declined.',
'declined_if' => 'The :attribute must be declined when :other is :value.',
'different' => 'The :attribute and :other must be different.',
'digits' => 'The :attribute must be :digits digits.',
'digits_between' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.',
'dimensions' => 'The :attribute has invalid image dimensions.',
'distinct' => 'The :attribute field has a duplicate value.',
'doesnt_end_with' => 'The :attribute field must not end with one of the following: :values.',
'doesnt_start_with' => 'The :attribute field must not start with one of the following: :values.',
'email' => 'The :attribute must be a valid email address.',
'ends_with' => 'The :attribute must end with one of the following: :values.',
'enum' => 'The :attribute field value is not in the list of allowed values.',
'exists' => 'The :attribute field value does not exist.',
'extensions' => 'The :attribute field must have one of the following extensions: :values.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be a file.',
'filled' => 'The :attribute field must have a value.',
'gt' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have more than :value items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than :value kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be greater than :value.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than :value characters.',
'gte' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have :value items or more.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be greater than or equal to :value characters.',
'hex_color' => 'The :attribute field must be a valid hexadecimal color.',
'image' => 'The :attribute must be an image.',
'in' => 'The :attribute field value is not in the list of allowed values.',
'in_array' => 'The :attribute field does not exist in :other.',
'integer' => 'The :attribute must be an integer.',
'ip' => 'The :attribute must be a valid IP address.',
'ipv4' => 'The :attribute must be a valid IPv4 address.',
'ipv6' => 'The :attribute must be a valid IPv6 address.',
'json' => 'The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.',
'list' => 'The :attribute field must be a list.',
'lowercase' => 'The :attribute field must be lowercase.',
'lt' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have less than :value items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be less than :value kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be less than :value.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be less than :value characters.',
'lte' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must not have more than :value items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be less than or equal to :value kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be less than or equal to :value.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be less than or equal to :value characters.',
'mac_address' => 'The :attribute must be a valid MAC address.',
'max' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must not have more than :max items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must not be greater than :max kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must not be greater than :max.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must not be greater than :max characters.',
'max_digits' => 'The :attribute field must not have more than :max digits.',
'mimes' => 'The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.',
'mimetypes' => 'The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.',
'min' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must have at least :min items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min characters.',
'min_digits' => 'The :attribute field must have at least :min digits.',
'missing' => 'The :attribute field must be missing.',
'missing_if' => 'The :attribute field must be missing when :other is :value.',
'missing_unless' => 'The :attribute field must be missing unless :other is :value.',
'missing_with' => 'The :attribute field must be missing when :values is present.',
'missing_with_all' => 'The :attribute field must be missing when :values are present.',
'multiple_of' => 'The :attribute must be a multiple of :value.',
'not_in' => 'The :attribute field must not be in the list.',
'not_regex' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be a number.',
'password' => [
'letters' => 'The :attribute field must contain at least one letter.',
'mixed' => 'The :attribute field must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.',
'numbers' => 'The :attribute field must contain at least one number.',
'symbols' => 'The :attribute field must contain at least one symbol.',
'uncompromised' => 'The given :attribute has appeared in a data leak. Please choose a different :attribute.',
'present' => 'The :attribute field must be present.',
'present_if' => 'The :attribute field must be present when :other is :value.',
'present_unless' => 'The :attribute field must be present unless :other is :value.',
'present_with' => 'The :attribute field must be present when :values is present.',
'present_with_all' => 'The :attribute field must be present when :values are present.',
'prohibited' => 'The :attribute field is prohibited.',
'prohibited_if' => 'The :attribute field is prohibited when :other is :value.',
'prohibited_unless' => 'The :attribute field is prohibited unless :other is in :values.',
'prohibits' => 'The :attribute field prohibits :other from being present.',
'regex' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.',
'required_array_keys' => 'The :attribute field must contain entries for: :values.',
'required_if' => 'The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.',
'required_if_accepted' => 'The :attribute field is required when :other is accepted.',
'required_if_declined' => 'The :attribute field is required when :other is declined.',
'required_unless' => 'The :attribute field is required unless :other is in :values.',
'required_with' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is present.',
'required_with_all' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values are present.',
'required_without' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.',
'required_without_all' => 'The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.',
'same' => 'The :attribute and :other must match.',
'size' => [
'array' => 'The :attribute must contain :size items.',
'file' => 'The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.',
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be :size.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be :size characters.',
'starts_with' => 'The :attribute must start with one of the following: :values.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be a string.',
'timezone' => 'The :attribute must be a valid timezone.',
'ulid' => 'The :attribute field must be a valid ULID.',
'unique' => 'The :attribute has already been taken.',
'uploaded' => 'The :attribute failed to upload.',
'uppercase' => 'The :attribute field must be uppercase.',
'url' => 'The :attribute must be a valid URL.',
'uuid' => 'The :attribute must be a valid UUID.',
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
"(and :count more error)": "(и ещё :count ошибка)",
"(and :count more errors)": "(и ещё :count ошибка)|(и ещё :count ошибки)|(и ещё :count ошибок)",
"A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "Новая ссылка подтверждения отправлена на Ваш адрес электронной почты.",
"A new verification link has been sent to the email address you provided during registration.": "Новая ссылка для подтверждения была отправлена на Ваш адрес электронной почты, указанный при регистрации.",
"A new verification link has been sent to your email address.": "На Ваш адрес электронной почты отправлена новая ссылка для подтверждения.",
"All rights reserved.": "Все права защищены.",
"Already registered?": "Уже зарегистрированы?",
"Are you sure you want to delete your account?": "Вы уверены что хотите удалить свою учётную запись?",
"Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "Прежде чем продолжить, проверьте свою электронную почту на наличие ссылки для подтверждения.",
"Cancel": "Отмена",
"Click here to re-send the verification email.": "Нажмите здесь, чтобы повторно отправить электронное письмо для подтверждения.",
"click here to request another": "нажмите здесь для запроса другой ссылки",
"Confirm": "Подтвердить",
"Confirm Password": "Подтвердить пароль",
"Current Password": "Текущий пароль",
"Dashboard": "Панель",
"Delete Account": "Удалить аккаунт",
"Email": "Адрес электронной почты",
"email": "Значение поля :attribute должно быть действительным электронным адресом.",
"Email Address": "Адрес электронной почты",
"Email Password Reset Link": "Ссылка для сброса пароля",
"Ensure your account is using a long, random password to stay secure.": "В целях безопасности убедитесь, что Вы используете длинный случайный пароль.",
"errors": "ошибки",
"Forbidden": "Запрещено",
"Forgot Your Password?": "Забыли пароль?",
"Forgot your password?": "Забыли пароль?",
"Forgot your password? No problem. Just let us know your email address and we will email you a password reset link that will allow you to choose a new one.": "Забыли пароль? Нет проблем. Просто сообщите Ваш адрес электронной почты и мы пришлём Вам ссылку для сброса пароля.",
"Go to page :page": "Перейти к :page-й странице",
"Hello!": "Здравствуйте!",
"If you did not create an account, no further action is required.": "Если Вы не создавали учетную запись, никаких дополнительных действий не требуется.",
"If you did not receive the email": "Если Вы не получили письмо",
"If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "Если Вы не запрашивали восстановление пароля, никаких дополнительных действий не требуется.",
"If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser:": "Если у Вас возникли проблемы с нажатием кнопки \":actionText\", скопируйте и вставьте приведенный ниже URL-адрес в свой браузер:",
"Invalid JSON was returned from the route.": "Маршрут вернул некорректный JSON.",
"length": "длина",
"Location": "Местоположение",
"Log in": "Войти",
"Log Out": "Выйти",
"Login": "Войти",
"Logout": "Выйти",
"Name": "Имя",
"name": "имя",
"New Password": "Новый пароль",
"Not Found": "Не найдено",
"of": "из",
"Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted. Before deleting your account, please download any data or information that you wish to retain.": "После удаления Вашей учётной записи все её ресурсы и данные будут удалены без возможности восстановления. Перед удалением учётной записи загрузите данные и информацию, которую хотите сохранить.",
"Once your account is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted. Please enter your password to confirm you would like to permanently delete your account.": "После удаления Вашей учётной записи все её ресурсы и данные будут удалены без возможности восстановления. Пожалуйста, введите свой пароль для подтверждения удаления учётной записи.",
"Page Expired": "Страница устарела",
"Pagination Navigation": "Навигация",
"Password": "Пароль",
"password": "Некорректный пароль.",
"Payment Required": "Требуется оплата",
"Please click the button below to verify your email address.": "Пожалуйста, нажмите кнопку ниже, чтобы подтвердить свой адрес электронной почты.",
"Please confirm your password before continuing.": "Пожалуйста, подтвердите свой пароль, прежде чем продолжить.",
"Profile": "Профиль",
"Profile Information": "Информация профиля",
"Regards": "С уважением",
"Register": "Регистрация",
"Remember Me": "Запомнить меня",
"Remember me": "Запомнить меня",
"Resend Verification Email": "Выслать повторно письмо для подтверждения",
"Reset Password": "Сбросить пароль",
"Reset Password Notification": "Оповещение о сбросе пароля",
"results": "результатов",
"Save": "Сохранить",
"Saved.": "Сохранено.",
"Send Password Reset Link": "Отправить ссылку сброса пароля",
"Server Error": "Ошибка сервера",
"Service Unavailable": "Сервис недоступен",
"Showing": "Показано с",
"Thanks for signing up! Before getting started, could you verify your email address by clicking on the link we just emailed to you? If you didn't receive the email, we will gladly send you another.": "Спасибо за регистрацию! Прежде чем начать, не могли бы Вы подтвердить адрес своей электронной почты перейдя по ссылке, которую мы Вам отправили? Если Вы не получили письмо, мы с радостью отправим новое.",
"The given data was invalid.": "Указанные данные недействительны.",
"The response is not a streamed response.": "Ответ не является потоковым.",
"The response is not a view.": "Ответ не является представлением.",
"This action is unauthorized.": "Действие не авторизовано.",
"This is a secure area of the application. Please confirm your password before continuing.": "Это защищённая область приложения. Пожалуйста, подтвердите Ваш пароль, прежде чем продолжить.",
"This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.": "Срок действия ссылки для сброса пароля истекает через :count минут.",
"to": "по",
"Toggle navigation": "Переключить навигацию",
"Too Many Requests": "Слишком много запросов",
"Unauthorized": "Не авторизован",
"Update Password": "Обновить пароль",
"Update your account's profile information and email address.": "Обновите информацию и адрес электронной почты в профиле учётной записи.",
"Verify Email Address": "Подтвердить адрес электронной почты",
"Verify Your Email Address": "Подтвердите Ваш адрес электронной почты",
"Whoops!": "Упс!",
"You are logged in!": "Вы вошли в систему.",
"You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "Вы получили это письмо, потому что мы получили запрос на сброс пароля для Вашей учётной записи.",
"You're logged in!": "Вы уже вошли.",
"Your email address is unverified.": "Ваш адрес электронной почты не подтверждён."
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
return [
'failed' => 'Неверное имя пользователя или пароль.',
'password' => 'Некорректный пароль.',
'throttle' => 'Слишком много попыток входа. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз через :seconds секунд.',
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
return [
'next' => 'Вперёд »',
'previous' => '« Назад',
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
return [
'reset' => 'Ваш пароль был сброшен.',
'sent' => 'Ссылка на сброс пароля была отправлена.',
'throttled' => 'Пожалуйста, подождите перед повторной попыткой.',
'token' => 'Ошибочный код сброса пароля.',
'user' => 'Не удалось найти пользователя с указанным электронным адресом.',
@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
return [
'accepted' => 'Вы должны принять :attribute.',
'accepted_if' => 'Вы должны принять :attribute, когда :other содержит :value.',
'active_url' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть действительным URL адресом.',
'after' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть датой после :date.',
'after_or_equal' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть датой после или равной :date.',
'alpha' => 'Значение поля :attribute может содержать только буквы.',
'alpha_dash' => 'Значение поля :attribute может содержать только буквы, цифры, дефис и нижнее подчеркивание.',
'alpha_num' => 'Значение поля :attribute может содержать только буквы и цифры.',
'array' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть массивом.',
'ascii' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно содержать только однобайтовые цифро-буквенные символы.',
'before' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть датой до :date.',
'before_or_equal' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть датой до или равной :date.',
'between' => [
'array' => 'Количество элементов в поле :attribute должно быть от :min до :max.',
'file' => 'Размер файла в поле :attribute должен быть от :min до :max Кб.',
'numeric' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть от :min до :max.',
'string' => 'Количество символов в поле :attribute должно быть от :min до :max.',
'boolean' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть логического типа.',
'can' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть авторизованным.',
'confirmed' => 'Значение поля :attribute не совпадает с подтверждаемым.',
'contains' => 'В поле :attribute отсутствует необходимое значение.',
'current_password' => 'Неверный пароль.',
'date' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть корректной датой.',
'date_equals' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть датой равной :date.',
'date_format' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно соответствовать формату даты: :format.',
'decimal' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно содержать :decimal цифр десятичных разрядов.',
'declined' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть отклонено.',
'declined_if' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть отклонено, когда :other содержит :value.',
'different' => 'Значения полей :attribute и :other должны различаться.',
'digits' => 'Количество символов в поле :attribute должно быть равным :digits.',
'digits_between' => 'Количество символов в поле :attribute должно быть от :min до :max.',
'dimensions' => 'Изображение, указанное в поле :attribute, имеет недопустимые размеры.',
'distinct' => 'Элементы в значении поля :attribute не должны повторяться.',
'doesnt_end_with' => 'Значение поля :attribute не должно заканчиваться одним из следующих: :values.',
'doesnt_start_with' => 'Значение поля :attribute не должно начинаться с одного из следующих: :values.',
'email' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть действительным электронным адресом.',
'ends_with' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно заканчиваться одним из следующих: :values',
'enum' => 'Значение поля :attribute отсутствует в списке разрешённых.',
'exists' => 'Значение поля :attribute не существует.',
'extensions' => 'Файл в поле :attribute должен иметь одно из следующих расширений: :values.',
'file' => 'В поле :attribute должен быть указан файл.',
'filled' => 'Значение поля :attribute обязательно для заполнения.',
'gt' => [
'array' => 'Количество элементов в поле :attribute должно быть больше :value.',
'file' => 'Размер файла, указанный в поле :attribute, должен быть больше :value Кб.',
'numeric' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть больше :value.',
'string' => 'Количество символов в поле :attribute должно быть больше :value.',
'gte' => [
'array' => 'Количество элементов в поле :attribute должно быть :value или больше.',
'file' => 'Размер файла, указанный в поле :attribute, должен быть :value Кб или больше.',
'numeric' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть :value или больше.',
'string' => 'Количество символов в поле :attribute должно быть :value или больше.',
'hex_color' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть корректным цветом в HEX формате.',
'image' => 'Файл, указанный в поле :attribute, должен быть изображением.',
'in' => 'Значение поля :attribute отсутствует в списке разрешённых.',
'in_array' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть указано в поле :other.',
'integer' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть целым числом.',
'ip' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть действительным IP-адресом.',
'ipv4' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть действительным IPv4-адресом.',
'ipv6' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть действительным IPv6-адресом.',
'json' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть JSON строкой.',
'list' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть списком.',
'lowercase' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть в нижнем регистре.',
'lt' => [
'array' => 'Количество элементов в поле :attribute должно быть меньше :value.',
'file' => 'Размер файла, указанный в поле :attribute, должен быть меньше :value Кб.',
'numeric' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть меньше :value.',
'string' => 'Количество символов в поле :attribute должно быть меньше :value.',
'lte' => [
'array' => 'Количество элементов в поле :attribute должно быть :value или меньше.',
'file' => 'Размер файла, указанный в поле :attribute, должен быть :value Кб или меньше.',
'numeric' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть равным или меньше :value.',
'string' => 'Количество символов в поле :attribute должно быть :value или меньше.',
'mac_address' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть корректным MAC-адресом.',
'max' => [
'array' => 'Количество элементов в поле :attribute не может превышать :max.',
'file' => 'Размер файла в поле :attribute не может быть больше :max Кб.',
'numeric' => 'Значение поля :attribute не может быть больше :max.',
'string' => 'Количество символов в значении поля :attribute не может превышать :max.',
'max_digits' => 'Значение поля :attribute не должно содержать больше :max цифр.',
'mimes' => 'Файл, указанный в поле :attribute, должен быть одного из следующих типов: :values.',
'mimetypes' => 'Файл, указанный в поле :attribute, должен быть одного из следующих типов: :values.',
'min' => [
'array' => 'Количество элементов в поле :attribute должно быть не меньше :min.',
'file' => 'Размер файла, указанный в поле :attribute, должен быть не меньше :min Кб.',
'numeric' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть не меньше :min.',
'string' => 'Количество символов в поле :attribute должно быть не меньше :min.',
'min_digits' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно содержать не меньше :min цифр.',
'missing' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно отсутствовать.',
'missing_if' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно отсутствовать, когда :other содержит :value.',
'missing_unless' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно отсутствовать, когда :other не содержит :value.',
'missing_with' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно отсутствовать, если :values указано.',
'missing_with_all' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно отсутствовать, когда указаны все :values.',
'multiple_of' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть кратным :value',
'not_in' => 'Значение поля :attribute находится в списке запрета.',
'not_regex' => 'Значение поля :attribute имеет некорректный формат.',
'numeric' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть числом.',
'password' => [
'letters' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно содержать хотя бы одну букву.',
'mixed' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно содержать хотя бы одну прописную и одну строчную буквы.',
'numbers' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно содержать хотя бы одну цифру.',
'symbols' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно содержать хотя бы один символ.',
'uncompromised' => 'Значение поля :attribute обнаружено в утёкших данных. Пожалуйста, выберите другое значение для :attribute.',
'present' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть.',
'present_if' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть когда :other содержит :value.',
'present_unless' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть, если только :other не содержит :value.',
'present_with' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть когда одно из :values присутствуют.',
'present_with_all' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть когда все из значений присутствуют: :values.',
'prohibited' => 'Значение поля :attribute запрещено.',
'prohibited_if' => 'Значение поля :attribute запрещено, когда :other содержит :value.',
'prohibited_unless' => 'Значение поля :attribute запрещено, если :other не состоит в :values.',
'prohibits' => 'Значение поля :attribute запрещает присутствие :other.',
'regex' => 'Значение поля :attribute имеет некорректный формат.',
'required' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно.',
'required_array_keys' => 'Массив, указанный в поле :attribute, обязательно должен иметь ключи: :values',
'required_if' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно для заполнения, когда :other содержит :value.',
'required_if_accepted' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно, когда :other принято.',
'required_if_declined' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно, когда :other отклонено.',
'required_unless' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно для заполнения, когда :other не содержит :values.',
'required_with' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно для заполнения, когда :values указано.',
'required_with_all' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно для заполнения, когда :values указано.',
'required_without' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно для заполнения, когда :values не указано.',
'required_without_all' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно для заполнения, когда ни одно из :values не указано.',
'same' => 'Значения полей :attribute и :other должны совпадать.',
'size' => [
'array' => 'Количество элементов в поле :attribute должно быть равным :size.',
'file' => 'Размер файла, указанный в поле :attribute, должен быть равен :size Кб.',
'numeric' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть равным :size.',
'string' => 'Количество символов в поле :attribute должно быть равным :size.',
'starts_with' => 'Поле :attribute должно начинаться с одного из следующих значений: :values',
'string' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть строкой.',
'timezone' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть действительным часовым поясом.',
'ulid' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть корректным ULID.',
'unique' => 'Такое значение поля :attribute уже существует.',
'uploaded' => 'Загрузка файла из поля :attribute не удалась.',
'uppercase' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть в верхнем регистре.',
'url' => 'Значение поля :attribute не является ссылкой или имеет некорректный формат.',
'uuid' => 'Значение поля :attribute должно быть корректным UUID.',
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -7,15 +7,10 @@
"devDependencies": {
"devDependencies": {
"@popperjs/core": "^2.11.6",
"@popperjs/core": "^2.11.6",
"@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.2",
"alpinejs": "^3.4.2",
"autoprefixer": "^10.4.2",
"axios": "^1.6.4",
"axios": "^1.6.4",
"bootstrap": "^5.2.3",
"bootstrap": "^5.2.3",
"laravel-vite-plugin": "^1.0",
"laravel-vite-plugin": "^1.0",
"postcss": "^8.4.31",
"sass": "^1.56.1",
"sass": "^1.56.1",
"tailwindcss": "^3.1.0",
"vite": "^5.0"
"vite": "^5.0"
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
export default {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@ -1,7 +1 @@
import './bootstrap';
import './bootstrap';
import Alpine from 'alpinejs';
window.Alpine = Alpine;
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
<div class="mb-4 text-sm text-gray-600">
{{ __('This is a secure area of the application. Please confirm your password before continuing.') }}
<form method="POST" action="{{ route('password.confirm') }}">
<!-- Password -->
<x-input-label for="password" :value="__('Password')" />
<x-text-input id="password" class="block mt-1 w-full"
required autocomplete="current-password" />
<x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('password')" class="mt-2" />
<div class="flex justify-end mt-4">
{{ __('Confirm') }}
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
<!-- Session Status -->
<x-auth-session-status class="mb-4" :status="session('status')" />
<form method="POST" action="{{ route('login') }}">
<!-- Email Address -->
<x-input-label for="email" :value="__('Email')" />
<x-text-input id="email" class="block mt-1 w-full" type="email" name="email" :value="old('email')" required autofocus autocomplete="username" />
<x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('email')" class="mt-2" />
<!-- Password -->
<div class="mt-4">
<x-input-label for="password" :value="__('Password')" />
<x-text-input id="password" class="block mt-1 w-full"
required autocomplete="current-password" />
<x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('password')" class="mt-2" />
<!-- Remember Me -->
<div class="block mt-4">
<label for="remember_me" class="inline-flex items-center">
<input id="remember_me" type="checkbox" class="rounded border-gray-300 text-indigo-600 shadow-sm focus:ring-indigo-500" name="remember">
<span class="ms-2 text-sm text-gray-600">{{ __('Remember me') }}</span>
<div class="flex items-center justify-end mt-4">
<x-primary-button class="ms-3">
{{ __('Log in') }}
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
<form method="POST" action="{{ route('') }}">
<!-- Password Reset Token -->
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="{{ $request->route('token') }}">
<!-- Email Address -->
<x-input-label for="email" :value="__('Email')" />
<x-text-input id="email" class="block mt-1 w-full" type="email" name="email" :value="old('email', $request->email)" required autofocus autocomplete="username" />
<x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('email')" class="mt-2" />
<!-- Password -->
<div class="mt-4">
<x-input-label for="password" :value="__('Password')" />
<x-text-input id="password" class="block mt-1 w-full" type="password" name="password" required autocomplete="new-password" />
<x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('password')" class="mt-2" />
<!-- Confirm Password -->
<div class="mt-4">
<x-input-label for="password_confirmation" :value="__('Confirm Password')" />
<x-text-input id="password_confirmation" class="block mt-1 w-full"
name="password_confirmation" required autocomplete="new-password" />
<x-input-error :messages="$errors->get('password_confirmation')" class="mt-2" />
<div class="flex items-center justify-end mt-4">
{{ __('Reset Password') }}
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
<div class="mb-4 text-sm text-gray-600">
{{ __('Thanks for signing up! Before getting started, could you verify your email address by clicking on the link we just emailed to you? If you didn\'t receive the email, we will gladly send you another.') }}
@if (session('status') == 'verification-link-sent')
<div class="mb-4 font-medium text-sm text-green-600">
{{ __('A new verification link has been sent to the email address you provided during registration.') }}
<div class="mt-4 flex items-center justify-between">
<form method="POST" action="{{ route('verification.send') }}">
{{ __('Resend Verification Email') }}
<form method="POST" action="{{ route('logout') }}">
<button type="submit" class="underline text-sm text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-900 rounded-md focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-indigo-500">
{{ __('Log Out') }}
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
@if ($status)
<div {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'font-medium text-sm text-green-600']) }}>
{{ $status }}
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<button {{ $attributes->merge(['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 bg-red-600 border border-transparent rounded-md font-semibold text-xs text-white uppercase tracking-widest hover:bg-red-500 active:bg-red-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-red-500 focus:ring-offset-2 transition ease-in-out duration-150']) }}>
{{ $slot }}
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<a {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'block w-full px-4 py-2 text-start text-sm leading-5 text-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-100 focus:outline-none focus:bg-gray-100 transition duration-150 ease-in-out']) }}>{{ $slot }}</a>
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
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case 'right':
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case '48':
$width = 'w-48';
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<div @click="open = ! open">
{{ $trigger }}
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style="display: none;"
@click="open = false">
<div class="rounded-md ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 {{ $contentClasses }}">
{{ $content }}
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
@if ($messages)
<ul {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'text-sm text-red-600 space-y-1']) }}>
@foreach ((array) $messages as $message)
<li>{{ $message }}</li>
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
<label {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'block font-medium text-sm text-gray-700']) }}>
{{ $value ?? $slot }}
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
'show' => false,
'maxWidth' => '2xl'
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'sm' => 'sm:max-w-sm',
'md' => 'sm:max-w-md',
'lg' => 'sm:max-w-lg',
'xl' => 'sm:max-w-xl',
'2xl' => 'sm:max-w-2xl',
show: @js($show),
focusables() {
// All focusable element types...
let selector = 'a, button, input:not([type=\'hidden\']), textarea, select, details, [tabindex]:not([tabindex=\'-1\'])'
return [...$el.querySelectorAll(selector)]
// All non-disabled elements...
.filter(el => ! el.hasAttribute('disabled'))
firstFocusable() { return this.focusables()[0] },
lastFocusable() { return this.focusables().slice(-1)[0] },
nextFocusable() { return this.focusables()[this.nextFocusableIndex()] || this.firstFocusable() },
prevFocusable() { return this.focusables()[this.prevFocusableIndex()] || this.lastFocusable() },
nextFocusableIndex() { return (this.focusables().indexOf(document.activeElement) + 1) % (this.focusables().length + 1) },
prevFocusableIndex() { return Math.max(0, this.focusables().indexOf(document.activeElement)) -1 },
x-init="$watch('show', value => {
if (value) {
{{ $attributes->has('focusable') ? 'setTimeout(() => firstFocusable().focus(), 100)' : '' }}
} else {
x-on:open-modal.window="$event.detail == '{{ $name }}' ? show = true : null"
x-on:close-modal.window="$event.detail == '{{ $name }}' ? show = false : null"
x-on:close.stop="show = false"
x-on:keydown.escape.window="show = false"
||||||"$event.shiftKey || nextFocusable().focus()"
class="fixed inset-0 overflow-y-auto px-4 py-6 sm:px-0 z-50"
style="display: {{ $show ? 'block' : 'none' }};"
class="fixed inset-0 transform transition-all"
x-on:click="show = false"
x-transition:enter="ease-out duration-300"
x-transition:leave="ease-in duration-200"
<div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gray-500 opacity-75"></div>
class="mb-6 bg-white rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl transform transition-all sm:w-full {{ $maxWidth }} sm:mx-auto"
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x-transition:leave-start="opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100"
x-transition:leave-end="opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95"
{{ $slot }}
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
$classes = ($active ?? false)
? 'inline-flex items-center px-1 pt-1 border-b-2 border-indigo-400 text-sm font-medium leading-5 text-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:border-indigo-700 transition duration-150 ease-in-out'
: 'inline-flex items-center px-1 pt-1 border-b-2 border-transparent text-sm font-medium leading-5 text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 hover:border-gray-300 focus:outline-none focus:text-gray-700 focus:border-gray-300 transition duration-150 ease-in-out';
<a {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => $classes]) }}>
{{ $slot }}
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<button {{ $attributes->merge(['type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 bg-gray-800 border border-transparent rounded-md font-semibold text-xs text-white uppercase tracking-widest hover:bg-gray-700 focus:bg-gray-700 active:bg-gray-900 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:ring-offset-2 transition ease-in-out duration-150']) }}>
{{ $slot }}
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
$classes = ($active ?? false)
? 'block w-full ps-3 pe-4 py-2 border-l-4 border-indigo-400 text-start text-base font-medium text-indigo-700 bg-indigo-50 focus:outline-none focus:text-indigo-800 focus:bg-indigo-100 focus:border-indigo-700 transition duration-150 ease-in-out'
: 'block w-full ps-3 pe-4 py-2 border-l-4 border-transparent text-start text-base font-medium text-gray-600 hover:text-gray-800 hover:bg-gray-50 hover:border-gray-300 focus:outline-none focus:text-gray-800 focus:bg-gray-50 focus:border-gray-300 transition duration-150 ease-in-out';
<a {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => $classes]) }}>
{{ $slot }}
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<button {{ $attributes->merge(['type' => 'button', 'class' => 'inline-flex items-center px-4 py-2 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-md font-semibold text-xs text-gray-700 uppercase tracking-widest shadow-sm hover:bg-gray-50 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:ring-offset-2 disabled:opacity-25 transition ease-in-out duration-150']) }}>
{{ $slot }}
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@props(['disabled' => false])
<input {{ $disabled ? 'disabled' : '' }} {!! $attributes->merge(['class' => 'border-gray-300 focus:border-indigo-500 focus:ring-indigo-500 rounded-md shadow-sm']) !!}>
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Block a user