# ---> Android # Gradle files .gradle/ build/ # Local configuration file (sdk path, etc) local.properties # Log/OS Files *.log # Android Studio generated files and folders captures/ .externalNativeBuild/ .cxx/ *.apk output.json # IntelliJ *.iml .idea/ misc.xml deploymentTargetDropDown.xml render.experimental.xml # Keystore files *.jks *.keystore # Google Services (e.g. APIs or Firebase) google-services.json # Android Profiling *.hprof # ---> Dart # See https://www.dartlang.org/guides/libraries/private-files # Files and directories created by pub .dart_tool/ .packages build/ # If you're building an application, you may want to check-in your pubspec.lock pubspec.lock # Directory created by dartdoc # If you don't generate documentation locally you can remove this line. doc/api/ # dotenv environment variables file .env* # Avoid committing generated Javascript files: *.dart.js *.info.json # Produced by the --dump-info flag. *.js # When generated by dart2js. Don't specify *.js if your # project includes source files written in JavaScript. *.js_ *.js.deps *.js.map .flutter-plugins .flutter-plugins-dependencies