468 lines
17 KiB
468 lines
17 KiB
import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty";
import _toConsumableArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray";
import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2";
import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray";
/* eslint-disable react-hooks/exhaustive-deps */
import classNames from 'classnames';
import ResizeObserver from 'rc-resize-observer';
import useEvent from "rc-util/es/hooks/useEvent";
import { useComposeRef } from "rc-util/es/ref";
import * as React from 'react';
import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import TabContext from "../TabContext";
import useIndicator from "../hooks/useIndicator";
import useOffsets from "../hooks/useOffsets";
import useSyncState from "../hooks/useSyncState";
import useTouchMove from "../hooks/useTouchMove";
import useUpdate, { useUpdateState } from "../hooks/useUpdate";
import useVisibleRange from "../hooks/useVisibleRange";
import { genDataNodeKey, stringify } from "../util";
import AddButton from "./AddButton";
import ExtraContent from "./ExtraContent";
import OperationNode from "./OperationNode";
import TabNode from "./TabNode";
var getTabSize = function getTabSize(tab, containerRect) {
// tabListRef
var offsetWidth = tab.offsetWidth,
offsetHeight = tab.offsetHeight,
offsetTop = tab.offsetTop,
offsetLeft = tab.offsetLeft;
var _tab$getBoundingClien = tab.getBoundingClientRect(),
width = _tab$getBoundingClien.width,
height = _tab$getBoundingClien.height,
x = _tab$getBoundingClien.x,
y = _tab$getBoundingClien.y;
// Use getBoundingClientRect to avoid decimal inaccuracy
if (Math.abs(width - offsetWidth) < 1) {
return [width, height, x - containerRect.x, y - containerRect.y];
return [offsetWidth, offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetTop];
var getSize = function getSize(refObj) {
var _ref = refObj.current || {},
_ref$offsetWidth = _ref.offsetWidth,
offsetWidth = _ref$offsetWidth === void 0 ? 0 : _ref$offsetWidth,
_ref$offsetHeight = _ref.offsetHeight,
offsetHeight = _ref$offsetHeight === void 0 ? 0 : _ref$offsetHeight;
// Use getBoundingClientRect to avoid decimal inaccuracy
if (refObj.current) {
var _refObj$current$getBo = refObj.current.getBoundingClientRect(),
width = _refObj$current$getBo.width,
height = _refObj$current$getBo.height;
if (Math.abs(width - offsetWidth) < 1) {
return [width, height];
return [offsetWidth, offsetHeight];
* Convert `SizeInfo` to unit value. Such as [123, 456] with `top` position get `123`
var getUnitValue = function getUnitValue(size, tabPositionTopOrBottom) {
return size[tabPositionTopOrBottom ? 0 : 1];
var TabNavList = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) {
var className = props.className,
style = props.style,
id = props.id,
animated = props.animated,
activeKey = props.activeKey,
rtl = props.rtl,
extra = props.extra,
editable = props.editable,
locale = props.locale,
tabPosition = props.tabPosition,
tabBarGutter = props.tabBarGutter,
children = props.children,
onTabClick = props.onTabClick,
onTabScroll = props.onTabScroll,
indicator = props.indicator;
var _React$useContext = React.useContext(TabContext),
prefixCls = _React$useContext.prefixCls,
tabs = _React$useContext.tabs;
var containerRef = useRef(null);
var extraLeftRef = useRef(null);
var extraRightRef = useRef(null);
var tabsWrapperRef = useRef(null);
var tabListRef = useRef(null);
var operationsRef = useRef(null);
var innerAddButtonRef = useRef(null);
var tabPositionTopOrBottom = tabPosition === 'top' || tabPosition === 'bottom';
var _useSyncState = useSyncState(0, function (next, prev) {
if (tabPositionTopOrBottom && onTabScroll) {
direction: next > prev ? 'left' : 'right'
_useSyncState2 = _slicedToArray(_useSyncState, 2),
transformLeft = _useSyncState2[0],
setTransformLeft = _useSyncState2[1];
var _useSyncState3 = useSyncState(0, function (next, prev) {
if (!tabPositionTopOrBottom && onTabScroll) {
direction: next > prev ? 'top' : 'bottom'
_useSyncState4 = _slicedToArray(_useSyncState3, 2),
transformTop = _useSyncState4[0],
setTransformTop = _useSyncState4[1];
var _useState = useState([0, 0]),
_useState2 = _slicedToArray(_useState, 2),
containerExcludeExtraSize = _useState2[0],
setContainerExcludeExtraSize = _useState2[1];
var _useState3 = useState([0, 0]),
_useState4 = _slicedToArray(_useState3, 2),
tabContentSize = _useState4[0],
setTabContentSize = _useState4[1];
var _useState5 = useState([0, 0]),
_useState6 = _slicedToArray(_useState5, 2),
addSize = _useState6[0],
setAddSize = _useState6[1];
var _useState7 = useState([0, 0]),
_useState8 = _slicedToArray(_useState7, 2),
operationSize = _useState8[0],
setOperationSize = _useState8[1];
var _useUpdateState = useUpdateState(new Map()),
_useUpdateState2 = _slicedToArray(_useUpdateState, 2),
tabSizes = _useUpdateState2[0],
setTabSizes = _useUpdateState2[1];
var tabOffsets = useOffsets(tabs, tabSizes, tabContentSize[0]);
// ========================== Unit =========================
var containerExcludeExtraSizeValue = getUnitValue(containerExcludeExtraSize, tabPositionTopOrBottom);
var tabContentSizeValue = getUnitValue(tabContentSize, tabPositionTopOrBottom);
var addSizeValue = getUnitValue(addSize, tabPositionTopOrBottom);
var operationSizeValue = getUnitValue(operationSize, tabPositionTopOrBottom);
var needScroll = containerExcludeExtraSizeValue < tabContentSizeValue + addSizeValue;
var visibleTabContentValue = needScroll ? containerExcludeExtraSizeValue - operationSizeValue : containerExcludeExtraSizeValue - addSizeValue;
// ========================== Util =========================
var operationsHiddenClassName = "".concat(prefixCls, "-nav-operations-hidden");
var transformMin = 0;
var transformMax = 0;
if (!tabPositionTopOrBottom) {
transformMin = Math.min(0, visibleTabContentValue - tabContentSizeValue);
transformMax = 0;
} else if (rtl) {
transformMin = 0;
transformMax = Math.max(0, tabContentSizeValue - visibleTabContentValue);
} else {
transformMin = Math.min(0, visibleTabContentValue - tabContentSizeValue);
transformMax = 0;
function alignInRange(value) {
if (value < transformMin) {
return transformMin;
if (value > transformMax) {
return transformMax;
return value;
// ========================= Mobile ========================
var touchMovingRef = useRef(null);
var _useState9 = useState(),
_useState10 = _slicedToArray(_useState9, 2),
lockAnimation = _useState10[0],
setLockAnimation = _useState10[1];
function doLockAnimation() {
function clearTouchMoving() {
if (touchMovingRef.current) {
useTouchMove(tabsWrapperRef, function (offsetX, offsetY) {
function doMove(setState, offset) {
setState(function (value) {
var newValue = alignInRange(value + offset);
return newValue;
// Skip scroll if place is enough
if (!needScroll) {
return false;
if (tabPositionTopOrBottom) {
doMove(setTransformLeft, offsetX);
} else {
doMove(setTransformTop, offsetY);
return true;
useEffect(function () {
if (lockAnimation) {
touchMovingRef.current = setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
return clearTouchMoving;
}, [lockAnimation]);
// ===================== Visible Range =====================
// Render tab node & collect tab offset
var _useVisibleRange = useVisibleRange(tabOffsets,
// Container
// Transform
tabPositionTopOrBottom ? transformLeft : transformTop,
// Tabs
// Add
// Operation
operationSizeValue, _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, props), {}, {
tabs: tabs
_useVisibleRange2 = _slicedToArray(_useVisibleRange, 2),
visibleStart = _useVisibleRange2[0],
visibleEnd = _useVisibleRange2[1];
// ========================= Scroll ========================
var scrollToTab = useEvent(function () {
var key = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : activeKey;
var tabOffset = tabOffsets.get(key) || {
width: 0,
height: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0
if (tabPositionTopOrBottom) {
// ============ Align with top & bottom ============
var newTransform = transformLeft;
// RTL
if (rtl) {
if (tabOffset.right < transformLeft) {
newTransform = tabOffset.right;
} else if (tabOffset.right + tabOffset.width > transformLeft + visibleTabContentValue) {
newTransform = tabOffset.right + tabOffset.width - visibleTabContentValue;
// LTR
else if (tabOffset.left < -transformLeft) {
newTransform = -tabOffset.left;
} else if (tabOffset.left + tabOffset.width > -transformLeft + visibleTabContentValue) {
newTransform = -(tabOffset.left + tabOffset.width - visibleTabContentValue);
} else {
// ============ Align with left & right ============
var _newTransform = transformTop;
if (tabOffset.top < -transformTop) {
_newTransform = -tabOffset.top;
} else if (tabOffset.top + tabOffset.height > -transformTop + visibleTabContentValue) {
_newTransform = -(tabOffset.top + tabOffset.height - visibleTabContentValue);
// ========================== Tab ==========================
var tabNodeStyle = {};
if (tabPosition === 'top' || tabPosition === 'bottom') {
tabNodeStyle[rtl ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft'] = tabBarGutter;
} else {
tabNodeStyle.marginTop = tabBarGutter;
var tabNodes = tabs.map(function (tab, i) {
var key = tab.key;
return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TabNode, {
id: id,
prefixCls: prefixCls,
key: key,
tab: tab
/* first node should not have margin left */,
style: i === 0 ? undefined : tabNodeStyle,
closable: tab.closable,
editable: editable,
active: key === activeKey,
renderWrapper: children,
removeAriaLabel: locale === null || locale === void 0 ? void 0 : locale.removeAriaLabel,
onClick: function onClick(e) {
onTabClick(key, e);
onFocus: function onFocus() {
if (!tabsWrapperRef.current) {
// Focus element will make scrollLeft change which we should reset back
if (!rtl) {
tabsWrapperRef.current.scrollLeft = 0;
tabsWrapperRef.current.scrollTop = 0;
// Update buttons records
var updateTabSizes = function updateTabSizes() {
return setTabSizes(function () {
var _tabListRef$current;
var newSizes = new Map();
var listRect = (_tabListRef$current = tabListRef.current) === null || _tabListRef$current === void 0 ? void 0 : _tabListRef$current.getBoundingClientRect();
tabs.forEach(function (_ref2) {
var _tabListRef$current2;
var key = _ref2.key;
var btnNode = (_tabListRef$current2 = tabListRef.current) === null || _tabListRef$current2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _tabListRef$current2.querySelector("[data-node-key=\"".concat(genDataNodeKey(key), "\"]"));
if (btnNode) {
var _getTabSize = getTabSize(btnNode, listRect),
_getTabSize2 = _slicedToArray(_getTabSize, 4),
width = _getTabSize2[0],
height = _getTabSize2[1],
left = _getTabSize2[2],
top = _getTabSize2[3];
newSizes.set(key, {
width: width,
height: height,
left: left,
top: top
return newSizes;
useEffect(function () {
}, [tabs.map(function (tab) {
return tab.key;
var onListHolderResize = useUpdate(function () {
// Update wrapper records
var containerSize = getSize(containerRef);
var extraLeftSize = getSize(extraLeftRef);
var extraRightSize = getSize(extraRightRef);
setContainerExcludeExtraSize([containerSize[0] - extraLeftSize[0] - extraRightSize[0], containerSize[1] - extraLeftSize[1] - extraRightSize[1]]);
var newAddSize = getSize(innerAddButtonRef);
var newOperationSize = getSize(operationsRef);
// Which includes add button size
var tabContentFullSize = getSize(tabListRef);
setTabContentSize([tabContentFullSize[0] - newAddSize[0], tabContentFullSize[1] - newAddSize[1]]);
// Update buttons records
// ======================== Dropdown =======================
var startHiddenTabs = tabs.slice(0, visibleStart);
var endHiddenTabs = tabs.slice(visibleEnd + 1);
var hiddenTabs = [].concat(_toConsumableArray(startHiddenTabs), _toConsumableArray(endHiddenTabs));
// =================== Link & Operations ===================
var activeTabOffset = tabOffsets.get(activeKey);
var _useIndicator = useIndicator({
activeTabOffset: activeTabOffset,
horizontal: tabPositionTopOrBottom,
indicator: indicator,
rtl: rtl
indicatorStyle = _useIndicator.style;
// ========================= Effect ========================
useEffect(function () {
}, [activeKey, transformMin, transformMax, stringify(activeTabOffset), stringify(tabOffsets), tabPositionTopOrBottom]);
// Should recalculate when rtl changed
useEffect(function () {
// eslint-disable-next-line
}, [rtl]);
// ========================= Render ========================
var hasDropdown = !!hiddenTabs.length;
var wrapPrefix = "".concat(prefixCls, "-nav-wrap");
var pingLeft;
var pingRight;
var pingTop;
var pingBottom;
if (tabPositionTopOrBottom) {
if (rtl) {
pingRight = transformLeft > 0;
pingLeft = transformLeft !== transformMax;
} else {
pingLeft = transformLeft < 0;
pingRight = transformLeft !== transformMin;
} else {
pingTop = transformTop < 0;
pingBottom = transformTop !== transformMin;
return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ResizeObserver, {
onResize: onListHolderResize
}, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
ref: useComposeRef(ref, containerRef),
role: "tablist",
className: classNames("".concat(prefixCls, "-nav"), className),
style: style,
onKeyDown: function onKeyDown() {
// No need animation when use keyboard
}, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ExtraContent, {
ref: extraLeftRef,
position: "left",
extra: extra,
prefixCls: prefixCls
}), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ResizeObserver, {
onResize: onListHolderResize
}, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
className: classNames(wrapPrefix, _defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty({}, "".concat(wrapPrefix, "-ping-left"), pingLeft), "".concat(wrapPrefix, "-ping-right"), pingRight), "".concat(wrapPrefix, "-ping-top"), pingTop), "".concat(wrapPrefix, "-ping-bottom"), pingBottom)),
ref: tabsWrapperRef
}, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ResizeObserver, {
onResize: onListHolderResize
}, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
ref: tabListRef,
className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-nav-list"),
style: {
transform: "translate(".concat(transformLeft, "px, ").concat(transformTop, "px)"),
transition: lockAnimation ? 'none' : undefined
}, tabNodes, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(AddButton, {
ref: innerAddButtonRef,
prefixCls: prefixCls,
locale: locale,
editable: editable,
style: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, tabNodes.length === 0 ? undefined : tabNodeStyle), {}, {
visibility: hasDropdown ? 'hidden' : null
}), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", {
className: classNames("".concat(prefixCls, "-ink-bar"), _defineProperty({}, "".concat(prefixCls, "-ink-bar-animated"), animated.inkBar)),
style: indicatorStyle
}))))), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(OperationNode, _extends({}, props, {
removeAriaLabel: locale === null || locale === void 0 ? void 0 : locale.removeAriaLabel,
ref: operationsRef,
prefixCls: prefixCls,
tabs: hiddenTabs,
className: !hasDropdown && operationsHiddenClassName,
tabMoving: !!lockAnimation
})), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(ExtraContent, {
ref: extraRightRef,
position: "right",
extra: extra,
prefixCls: prefixCls
/* eslint-enable */
export default TabNavList; |