219 lines
7.7 KiB
219 lines
7.7 KiB
import _toConsumableArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray";
import * as React from 'react';
/** Format the value in the range of [min, max] */
/** Format value align with step */
/** Format value align with step & marks */
export default function useOffset(min, max, step, markList, allowCross, pushable) {
var formatRangeValue = React.useCallback(function (val) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, val));
}, [min, max]);
var formatStepValue = React.useCallback(function (val) {
if (step !== null) {
var stepValue = min + Math.round((formatRangeValue(val) - min) / step) * step;
// Cut number in case to be like 0.30000000000000004
var getDecimal = function getDecimal(num) {
return (String(num).split('.')[1] || '').length;
var maxDecimal = Math.max(getDecimal(step), getDecimal(max), getDecimal(min));
var fixedValue = Number(stepValue.toFixed(maxDecimal));
return min <= fixedValue && fixedValue <= max ? fixedValue : null;
return null;
}, [step, min, max, formatRangeValue]);
var formatValue = React.useCallback(function (val) {
var formatNextValue = formatRangeValue(val);
// List align values
var alignValues = markList.map(function (mark) {
return mark.value;
if (step !== null) {
// min & max
alignValues.push(min, max);
// Align with marks
var closeValue = alignValues[0];
var closeDist = max - min;
alignValues.forEach(function (alignValue) {
var dist = Math.abs(formatNextValue - alignValue);
if (dist <= closeDist) {
closeValue = alignValue;
closeDist = dist;
return closeValue;
}, [min, max, markList, step, formatRangeValue, formatStepValue]);
// ========================== Offset ==========================
// Single Value
var offsetValue = function offsetValue(values, offset, valueIndex) {
var mode = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 'unit';
if (typeof offset === 'number') {
var nextValue;
var originValue = values[valueIndex];
// Only used for `dist` mode
var targetDistValue = originValue + offset;
// Compare next step value & mark value which is best match
var potentialValues = [];
markList.forEach(function (mark) {
// Min & Max
potentialValues.push(min, max);
// In case origin value is align with mark but not with step
// Put offset step value also
var sign = offset > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (mode === 'unit') {
potentialValues.push(formatStepValue(originValue + sign * step));
} else {
// Find close one
potentialValues = potentialValues.filter(function (val) {
return val !== null;
// Remove reverse value
.filter(function (val) {
return offset < 0 ? val <= originValue : val >= originValue;
if (mode === 'unit') {
// `unit` mode can not contain itself
potentialValues = potentialValues.filter(function (val) {
return val !== originValue;
var compareValue = mode === 'unit' ? originValue : targetDistValue;
nextValue = potentialValues[0];
var valueDist = Math.abs(nextValue - compareValue);
potentialValues.forEach(function (potentialValue) {
var dist = Math.abs(potentialValue - compareValue);
if (dist < valueDist) {
nextValue = potentialValue;
valueDist = dist;
// Out of range will back to range
if (nextValue === undefined) {
return offset < 0 ? min : max;
// `dist` mode
if (mode === 'dist') {
return nextValue;
// `unit` mode may need another round
if (Math.abs(offset) > 1) {
var cloneValues = _toConsumableArray(values);
cloneValues[valueIndex] = nextValue;
return offsetValue(cloneValues, offset - sign, valueIndex, mode);
return nextValue;
} else if (offset === 'min') {
return min;
} else if (offset === 'max') {
return max;
/** Same as `offsetValue` but return `changed` mark to tell value changed */
var offsetChangedValue = function offsetChangedValue(values, offset, valueIndex) {
var mode = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 'unit';
var originValue = values[valueIndex];
var nextValue = offsetValue(values, offset, valueIndex, mode);
return {
value: nextValue,
changed: nextValue !== originValue
var needPush = function needPush(dist) {
return pushable === null && dist === 0 || typeof pushable === 'number' && dist < pushable;
// Values
var offsetValues = function offsetValues(values, offset, valueIndex) {
var mode = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 'unit';
var nextValues = values.map(formatValue);
var originValue = nextValues[valueIndex];
var nextValue = offsetValue(nextValues, offset, valueIndex, mode);
nextValues[valueIndex] = nextValue;
if (allowCross === false) {
// >>>>> Allow Cross
var pushNum = pushable || 0;
// ============ AllowCross ===============
if (valueIndex > 0 && nextValues[valueIndex - 1] !== originValue) {
nextValues[valueIndex] = Math.max(nextValues[valueIndex], nextValues[valueIndex - 1] + pushNum);
if (valueIndex < nextValues.length - 1 && nextValues[valueIndex + 1] !== originValue) {
nextValues[valueIndex] = Math.min(nextValues[valueIndex], nextValues[valueIndex + 1] - pushNum);
} else if (typeof pushable === 'number' || pushable === null) {
// >>>>> Pushable
// =============== Push ==================
// >>>>>> Basic push
// End values
for (var i = valueIndex + 1; i < nextValues.length; i += 1) {
var changed = true;
while (needPush(nextValues[i] - nextValues[i - 1]) && changed) {
var _offsetChangedValue = offsetChangedValue(nextValues, 1, i);
nextValues[i] = _offsetChangedValue.value;
changed = _offsetChangedValue.changed;
// Start values
for (var _i = valueIndex; _i > 0; _i -= 1) {
var _changed = true;
while (needPush(nextValues[_i] - nextValues[_i - 1]) && _changed) {
var _offsetChangedValue2 = offsetChangedValue(nextValues, -1, _i - 1);
nextValues[_i - 1] = _offsetChangedValue2.value;
_changed = _offsetChangedValue2.changed;
// >>>>> Revert back to safe push range
// End to Start
for (var _i2 = nextValues.length - 1; _i2 > 0; _i2 -= 1) {
var _changed2 = true;
while (needPush(nextValues[_i2] - nextValues[_i2 - 1]) && _changed2) {
var _offsetChangedValue3 = offsetChangedValue(nextValues, -1, _i2 - 1);
nextValues[_i2 - 1] = _offsetChangedValue3.value;
_changed2 = _offsetChangedValue3.changed;
// Start to End
for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < nextValues.length - 1; _i3 += 1) {
var _changed3 = true;
while (needPush(nextValues[_i3 + 1] - nextValues[_i3]) && _changed3) {
var _offsetChangedValue4 = offsetChangedValue(nextValues, 1, _i3 + 1);
nextValues[_i3 + 1] = _offsetChangedValue4.value;
_changed3 = _offsetChangedValue4.changed;
return {
value: nextValues[valueIndex],
values: nextValues
return [formatValue, offsetValues];
} |