2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00

52 lines
2.4 KiB

import * as React from 'react';
import type { BaseInfo, PanelMode, PickerRef, SharedPickerProps, SharedTimeProps, ValueDate } from '../interface';
export interface BasePickerProps<DateType extends object = any> extends SharedPickerProps<DateType> {
id?: string;
/** Not support `time` or `datetime` picker */
multiple?: boolean;
removeIcon?: React.ReactNode;
/** Only work when `multiple` is in used */
maxTagCount?: number | 'responsive';
value?: DateType | DateType[] | null;
defaultValue?: DateType | DateType[];
onChange?: (date: DateType | DateType[], dateString: string | string[]) => void;
onCalendarChange?: (date: DateType | DateType[], dateString: string | string[], info: BaseInfo) => void;
/** */
onOk?: (value?: DateType | DateType[]) => void;
placeholder?: string;
* Config the popup panel date.
* Every time active the input to open popup will reset with `defaultPickerValue`.
* Note: `defaultPickerValue` priority is higher than `value` for the first open.
defaultPickerValue?: DateType | null;
* Config each start & end field popup panel date.
* When config `pickerValue`, you must also provide `onPickerValueChange` to handle changes.
pickerValue?: DateType | null;
* Each popup panel `pickerValue` change will trigger the callback.
* @param date The changed picker value
* @param info.source `panel` from the panel click. `reset` from popup open or field typing.
onPickerValueChange?: (date: DateType, info: {
source: 'reset' | 'panel';
mode: PanelMode;
}) => void;
presets?: ValueDate<DateType>[];
disabled?: boolean;
mode?: PanelMode;
onPanelChange?: (values: DateType, modes: PanelMode) => void;
export interface PickerProps<DateType extends object = any> extends BasePickerProps<DateType>, Omit<SharedTimeProps<DateType>, 'format' | 'defaultValue'> {
/** Internal usage. For cross function get same aligned props */
export type ReplacedPickerProps<DateType extends object = any> = {
onChange?: (date: DateType | DateType[], dateString: string | string[]) => void;
onCalendarChange?: (date: DateType | DateType[], dateString: string | string[], info: BaseInfo) => void;
declare const RefPicker: <DateType extends object = any>(props: PickerProps<DateType> & React.RefAttributes<PickerRef>) => React.ReactElement;
export default RefPicker;