363 lines
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363 lines
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/// <reference types="react" />
import type { AlignType, BuildInPlacements } from '@rc-component/trigger';
import type { GenerateConfig } from './generate';
export type NullableDateType<DateType> = DateType | null | undefined;
export type Locale = {
locale: string;
/** @deprecated Please use `fieldDateFormat` instead */
dateFormat?: string;
/** @deprecated Please use `fieldDateTimeFormat` instead */
dateTimeFormat?: string;
/** Input field formatter like YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss */
fieldDateTimeFormat?: string;
/** Input field formatter like YYYY-MM-DD */
fieldDateFormat?: string;
/** Input field formatter like HH:mm:ss */
fieldTimeFormat?: string;
/** Input field formatter like YYYY-MM */
fieldMonthFormat?: string;
/** Input field formatter like YYYY */
fieldYearFormat?: string;
/** Input field formatter like wwww-go */
fieldWeekFormat?: string;
/** Input field formatter like YYYY-Q */
fieldQuarterFormat?: string;
/** Display month before year in date panel header */
monthBeforeYear?: boolean;
/** year format in header panel */
yearFormat?: string;
/** month format in header panel */
monthFormat?: string;
/** year format in body panel */
cellYearFormat?: string;
/** quarter format in body panel */
cellQuarterFormat?: string;
/** @deprecated Please use `cellDateFormat` instead */
dayFormat?: string;
/** day format in body panel */
cellDateFormat?: string;
/** meridiem format in body panel */
cellMeridiemFormat?: string;
today: string;
now: string;
backToToday: string;
ok: string;
timeSelect: string;
dateSelect: string;
weekSelect?: string;
clear: string;
month: string;
year: string;
previousMonth: string;
nextMonth: string;
monthSelect: string;
yearSelect: string;
decadeSelect: string;
previousYear: string;
nextYear: string;
previousDecade: string;
nextDecade: string;
previousCentury: string;
nextCentury: string;
shortWeekDays?: string[];
shortMonths?: string[];
export type PanelMode = 'time' | 'date' | 'week' | 'month' | 'quarter' | 'year' | 'decade';
export type InternalMode = PanelMode | 'datetime';
export type PickerMode = Exclude<PanelMode, 'datetime' | 'decade'>;
export type DisabledDate<DateType = any> = (date: DateType, info: {
type: PanelMode;
* Only work in RangePicker.
* Tell the first date user selected on this range selection.
* This is not care about what field user click.
from?: DateType;
}) => boolean;
export interface BaseInfo {
range?: 'start' | 'end';
export interface CellRenderInfo<DateType> extends BaseInfo {
prefixCls: string;
originNode: React.ReactElement;
today: DateType;
type: PanelMode;
locale?: Locale;
subType?: 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second' | 'millisecond' | 'meridiem';
export type CellRender<DateType, CurrentType = DateType | number | string> = (current: CurrentType, info: CellRenderInfo<DateType>) => React.ReactNode;
export interface ValueDate<DateType = any> {
label: React.ReactNode;
value: DateType | (() => DateType);
export interface DisabledTimes {
disabledHours?: () => number[];
disabledMinutes?: (hour: number) => number[];
disabledSeconds?: (hour: number, minute: number) => number[];
disabledMilliseconds?: (hour: number, minute: number, second: number) => number[];
export interface SharedTimeProps<DateType extends object = any> {
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
format?: string;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
showNow?: boolean;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
showHour?: boolean;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
showMinute?: boolean;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
showSecond?: boolean;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
showMillisecond?: boolean;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
use12Hours?: boolean;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
hourStep?: IntRange<1, 23>;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
minuteStep?: IntRange<1, 59>;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
secondStep?: IntRange<1, 59>;
* Only work in picker is `time`.
* Note that too small step will cause performance issue.
millisecondStep?: IntRange<1, 999>;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
hideDisabledOptions?: boolean;
/** @deprecated Use `defaultOpenValue` instead */
defaultValue?: DateType;
/** Set default value template when empty selection */
defaultOpenValue?: DateType;
/** @deprecated Please use `disabledTime` instead. */
disabledHours?: DisabledTimes['disabledHours'];
/** @deprecated Please use `disabledTime` instead. */
disabledMinutes?: DisabledTimes['disabledMinutes'];
/** @deprecated Please use `disabledTime` instead. */
disabledSeconds?: DisabledTimes['disabledSeconds'];
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
disabledTime?: (date: DateType) => DisabledTimes;
/** Only work in picker is `time` */
changeOnScroll?: boolean;
export type RangeTimeProps<DateType extends object = any> = Omit<SharedTimeProps<DateType>, 'defaultValue' | 'defaultOpenValue' | 'disabledTime'> & {
/** @deprecated Use `defaultOpenValue` instead. */
defaultValue?: DateType[];
defaultOpenValue?: DateType[];
disabledTime?: (date: DateType, range: 'start' | 'end', info: {
from?: DateType;
}) => DisabledTimes;
export type OnPanelChange<DateType> = (value: DateType, mode: PanelMode) => void;
export type LimitDate<DateType extends object = any> = DateType | ((info: {
* Tell the first date user selected on this range selection.
* This is not care about what field user click.
from?: DateType;
}) => DateType | null | undefined);
export interface SharedPanelProps<DateType extends object = any> {
prefixCls: string;
locale: Locale;
generateConfig: GenerateConfig<DateType>;
pickerValue: DateType;
onPickerValueChange: (date: DateType) => void;
value?: DateType;
* Should trigger when user select the cell.
* PickerPanel will mark as `value` in single mode,
* Or toggle `values` in multiple mode.
onSelect: (date: DateType) => void;
* Used for `multiple` mode.
* When not `multiple`, it will be `[value]`.
values?: DateType[];
onModeChange: (mode: PanelMode, date?: DateType) => void;
disabledDate?: DisabledDate<DateType>;
minDate?: DateType;
maxDate?: DateType;
cellRender?: CellRender<DateType>;
/** @private Only used for RangePicker passing. */
hoverRangeValue: [start: DateType, end: DateType] | null;
/** @private Only used for SinglePicker passing. */
hoverValue: DateType[] | null;
onHover?: (value: DateType | null) => void;
* Only used for `date` mode.
showTime?: SharedTimeProps<DateType>;
* Only used for `date` mode.
showWeek?: boolean;
prevIcon?: React.ReactNode;
nextIcon?: React.ReactNode;
superPrevIcon?: React.ReactNode;
superNextIcon?: React.ReactNode;
export type Components<DateType extends object = any> = Partial<Record<InternalMode, React.ComponentType<SharedPanelProps<DateType>>> & {
button?: React.ComponentType<any> | string;
input?: React.ComponentType<any> | string;
export type SemanticStructure = 'popup';
export type CustomFormat<DateType> = (value: DateType) => string;
export type FormatType<DateType = any> = string | CustomFormat<DateType>;
export type SharedHTMLAttrs = Omit<React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, 'value' | 'defaultValue' | 'onChange' | 'placeholder' | 'id' | 'onInvalid' | 'disabled' | 'onFocus' | 'onBlur' | 'onSelect' | 'min' | 'max' | 'onKeyDown' | 'size'>;
export type PickerFocusEventHandler = (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement>, info: BaseInfo) => void;
export type LegacyOnKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>, preventDefault: VoidFunction) => void;
export interface SharedPickerProps<DateType extends object = any> extends SharedHTMLAttrs, Pick<SharedPanelProps<DateType>, 'prevIcon' | 'nextIcon' | 'superPrevIcon' | 'superNextIcon'> {
direction?: 'ltr' | 'rtl';
prefixCls?: string;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
styles?: Partial<Record<SemanticStructure, React.CSSProperties>>;
classNames?: Partial<Record<SemanticStructure, string>>;
locale: Locale;
generateConfig: GenerateConfig<DateType>;
picker?: PickerMode;
/** Only work when picker is `date` or `time` */
showTime?: boolean | SharedTimeProps<DateType>;
/** Only work when picker is `date` */
showWeek?: boolean;
* Config the input field parse and format.
* When set `format.type`, it will force user input type with your input,
* it's only support basic format mask: YYYY, MM, DD, HH, mm, ss, SSS.
* Once use config mode, it must be fill with format your config.
format?: FormatType<DateType> | FormatType<DateType>[] | {
format: string;
type?: 'mask';
suffixIcon?: React.ReactNode;
allowClear?: boolean | {
clearIcon?: React.ReactNode;
/** @deprecated Please use `allowClear.clearIcon` instead */
clearIcon?: React.ReactNode;
onFocus?: PickerFocusEventHandler;
onBlur?: PickerFocusEventHandler;
/** `preventDefault` is deprecated which will remove from future version. */
onKeyDown?: LegacyOnKeyDown;
inputReadOnly?: boolean;
/** Default will always order of selection after submit */
order?: boolean;
disabledDate?: DisabledDate<DateType>;
/** Limit the selectable range. This will limit picker navigation also */
minDate?: DateType;
/** Limit the selectable range. This will limit picker navigation also */
maxDate?: DateType;
defaultOpenValue?: DateType;
defaultOpen?: boolean;
open?: boolean;
onOpenChange?: (open: boolean) => void;
popupAlign?: AlignType;
getPopupContainer?: (node: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
placement?: string;
builtinPlacements?: BuildInPlacements;
* By default. Only `time` or `datetime` show the confirm button in panel.
* `true` to make every picker need confirm.
* `false` to trigger change on every time panel closed by the mode = picker.
needConfirm?: boolean;
* @deprecated. This is removed and not work anymore.
* Value will always be update if user type correct date type.
* You can use `needConfirm` for confirm requirement.
changeOnBlur?: boolean;
* When user input invalidate date, keep it in the input field.
* This is only used for strong a11y requirement which do not want modify after blur.
preserveInvalidOnBlur?: boolean;
transitionName?: string;
components?: Components<DateType>;
/** @deprecated Please use `components.input` instead. */
inputRender?: (props: React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>) => React.ReactNode;
cellRender?: CellRender<DateType>;
/** @deprecated use cellRender instead of dateRender */
dateRender?: (currentDate: DateType, today: DateType) => React.ReactNode;
/** @deprecated use cellRender instead of monthCellRender */
monthCellRender?: (currentDate: DateType, locale: Locale) => React.ReactNode;
* When use `date` picker,
* Show the button to set current datetime.
showNow?: boolean;
/** @deprecated Please use `showNow` instead */
showToday?: boolean;
panelRender?: (originPanel: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode;
renderExtraFooter?: (mode: PanelMode) => React.ReactNode;
export interface PickerRef {
nativeElement: HTMLDivElement;
focus: (options?: FocusOptions) => void;
blur: VoidFunction;
export interface RangePickerRef extends Omit<PickerRef, 'focus'> {
focus: (index?: number | (FocusOptions & {
index?: number;
})) => void;
export interface OpenConfig {
index?: number;
* Keep open if prev state is open but set close within the same frame.
* This is used for RangePicker input switch to another one.
inherit?: boolean;
* By default. Close popup will delay for one frame. `force` will trigger immediately.
force?: boolean;
export type OnOpenChange = (open: boolean, config?: OpenConfig) => void;
export interface SelectorProps<DateType = any> extends SharedHTMLAttrs {
picker: PickerMode;
clearIcon?: React.ReactNode;
suffixIcon?: React.ReactNode;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
/** Add `-placeholder` className as a help info */
activeHelp?: boolean;
focused: boolean;
onFocus: (event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>, index?: number) => void;
onBlur: (event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>, index?: number) => void;
/** Trigger by `enter` key */
onSubmit: VoidFunction;
/** `preventDefault` is deprecated which will remove from future version. */
onKeyDown?: LegacyOnKeyDown;
locale: Locale;
generateConfig: GenerateConfig<DateType>;
direction?: 'ltr' | 'rtl';
onClick: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>;
onClear: VoidFunction;
format: FormatType<DateType>[];
* Convert with user typing for the format template.
* This will force align the input with template mask.
maskFormat?: string;
onInputChange: VoidFunction;
onInvalid: (valid: boolean, index?: number) => void;
/** When user input invalidate date, keep it in the input field */
* By default value in input field will be reset with previous valid value when blur.
* Set to `false` will keep invalid text in input field when blur.
preserveInvalidOnBlur?: boolean;
open: boolean;
/** Trigger when need open by selector */
onOpenChange: OnOpenChange;
inputReadOnly?: boolean;
type Enumerate<N extends number, Acc extends number[] = []> = Acc['length'] extends N ? Acc[number] : Enumerate<N, [...Acc, Acc['length']]>;
export type IntRange<F extends number, T extends number> = Exclude<Enumerate<T>, Enumerate<F>>;
export type ReplaceListType<List, Type> = {
[P in keyof List]: Type;
export {};