2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00
2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00
2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00
2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00
2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00
2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00


NPM version npm download build status Codecov bundle size dumi



  • support ie9,ie9+,chrome,firefox,safari


  • Open mentions (focus input || focus and click)
  • KeyDown/KeyUp/Enter to navigate menu




basic use

 * inline: true
import Mentions from 'rc-mentions';
// Import the default styles
import './index.less';

const { Option } = Mentions;

var Demo = (
    <Option value="light">Light</Option>
    <Option value="bamboo">Bamboo</Option>
    <Option value="cat">Cat</Option>
React.render(<Demo />, container);

Note: We use index.less for styling, you can convert them into css and properly reference them to the code above.


Mentions props

name description type default
autoFocus Auto get focus when component mounted boolean false
defaultValue Default value string -
filterOption Customize filter option logic false | (input: string, option: OptionProps) => boolean -
notFoundContent Set mentions content when not match ReactNode 'Not Found'
placement Set popup placement 'top' | 'bottom' 'bottom'
direction Set popup direction 'ltr' | 'rtl' 'ltr'
prefix Set trigger prefix keyword string | string[] '@'
rows Set row count number 1
split Set split string before and after selected mention string ' '
silent Used in transition phase, does not respond to keyboard enter events when equal to true boolean false
validateSearch Customize trigger search logic (text: string, props: MentionsProps) => void -
value Set value of mentions string -
onChange Trigger when value changed (text: string) => void -
onKeyDown Trigger when user hits a key React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement> -
onKeyUp Trigger when user releases a key React.KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement> -
onSelect Trigger when user select the option (option: OptionProps, prefix: string) => void -
onSearch Trigger when prefix hit (text: string, prefix: string) => void -
onFocus Trigger when mentions get focus React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement> -
onBlur Trigger when mentions lose focus React.FocusEventHandler<HTMLTextAreaElement> -
getPopupContainer DOM Container for suggestions () => HTMLElement -
autoSize Textarea height autosize feature, can be set to true|false or an object { minRows: 2, maxRows: 6 } boolean | object -
onPressEnter The callback function that is triggered when Enter key is pressed function(e) -
onResize The callback function that is triggered when textarea resize function({ width, height }) -


name description
focus() Component get focus
blur() Component lose focus


npm install
npm start



online example: http://react-component.github.io/mentions/

Test Case

npm test


npm run coverage


rc-mentions is released under the MIT license.