266 lines
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266 lines
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import type { ReactElement } from 'react';
import type { DeepNamePath } from './namePathType';
import type { ReducerAction } from './useForm';
export type InternalNamePath = (string | number)[];
export type NamePath<T = any> = DeepNamePath<T>;
export type StoreValue = any;
export type Store = Record<string, StoreValue>;
export interface Meta {
touched: boolean;
validating: boolean;
errors: string[];
warnings: string[];
name: InternalNamePath;
validated: boolean;
export interface InternalFieldData extends Meta {
value: StoreValue;
* Used by `setFields` config
export interface FieldData<Values = any> extends Partial<Omit<InternalFieldData, 'name'>> {
name: NamePath<Values>;
export type RuleType = 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'method' | 'regexp' | 'integer' | 'float' | 'object' | 'enum' | 'date' | 'url' | 'hex' | 'email';
type Validator = (rule: RuleObject, value: StoreValue, callback: (error?: string) => void) => Promise<void | any> | void;
export type RuleRender = (form: FormInstance) => RuleObject;
export interface ValidatorRule {
warningOnly?: boolean;
message?: string | ReactElement;
validator: Validator;
interface BaseRule {
warningOnly?: boolean;
enum?: StoreValue[];
len?: number;
max?: number;
message?: string | ReactElement;
min?: number;
pattern?: RegExp;
required?: boolean;
transform?: (value: StoreValue) => StoreValue;
type?: RuleType;
whitespace?: boolean;
/** Customize rule level `validateTrigger`. Must be subset of Field `validateTrigger` */
validateTrigger?: string | string[];
type AggregationRule = BaseRule & Partial<ValidatorRule>;
interface ArrayRule extends Omit<AggregationRule, 'type'> {
type: 'array';
defaultField?: RuleObject;
export type RuleObject = AggregationRule | ArrayRule;
export type Rule = RuleObject | RuleRender;
export interface ValidateErrorEntity<Values = any> {
values: Values;
errorFields: {
name: InternalNamePath;
errors: string[];
outOfDate: boolean;
export interface FieldEntity {
onStoreChange: (store: Store, namePathList: InternalNamePath[] | null, info: ValuedNotifyInfo) => void;
isFieldTouched: () => boolean;
isFieldDirty: () => boolean;
isFieldValidating: () => boolean;
isListField: () => boolean;
isList: () => boolean;
isPreserve: () => boolean;
validateRules: (options?: InternalValidateOptions) => Promise<RuleError[]>;
getMeta: () => Meta;
getNamePath: () => InternalNamePath;
getErrors: () => string[];
getWarnings: () => string[];
props: {
name?: NamePath;
rules?: Rule[];
dependencies?: NamePath[];
initialValue?: any;
export interface FieldError {
name: InternalNamePath;
errors: string[];
warnings: string[];
export interface RuleError {
errors: string[];
rule: RuleObject;
export interface ValidateOptions {
* Validate only and not trigger UI and Field status update
validateOnly?: boolean;
* Recursive validate. It will validate all the name path that contains the provided one.
* e.g. [['a']] will validate ['a'] , ['a', 'b'] and ['a', 1].
recursive?: boolean;
/** Validate when a field is dirty (validated or touched) */
dirty?: boolean;
export type ValidateFields<Values = any> = {
(opt?: ValidateOptions): Promise<Values>;
(nameList?: NamePath[], opt?: ValidateOptions): Promise<Values>;
export interface InternalValidateOptions extends ValidateOptions {
triggerName?: string;
validateMessages?: ValidateMessages;
export type InternalValidateFields<Values = any> = {
(options?: InternalValidateOptions): Promise<Values>;
(nameList?: NamePath[], options?: InternalValidateOptions): Promise<Values>;
interface ValueUpdateInfo {
type: 'valueUpdate';
source: 'internal' | 'external';
interface ValidateFinishInfo {
type: 'validateFinish';
interface ResetInfo {
type: 'reset';
interface RemoveInfo {
type: 'remove';
interface SetFieldInfo {
type: 'setField';
data: FieldData;
interface DependenciesUpdateInfo {
type: 'dependenciesUpdate';
* Contains all the related `InternalNamePath[]`.
* a <- b <- c : change `a`
* relatedFields=[a, b, c]
relatedFields: InternalNamePath[];
export type NotifyInfo = ValueUpdateInfo | ValidateFinishInfo | ResetInfo | RemoveInfo | SetFieldInfo | DependenciesUpdateInfo;
export type ValuedNotifyInfo = NotifyInfo & {
store: Store;
export interface Callbacks<Values = any> {
onValuesChange?: (changedValues: any, values: Values) => void;
onFieldsChange?: (changedFields: FieldData[], allFields: FieldData[]) => void;
onFinish?: (values: Values) => void;
onFinishFailed?: (errorInfo: ValidateErrorEntity<Values>) => void;
export type WatchCallBack = (values: Store, allValues: Store, namePathList: InternalNamePath[]) => void;
export interface WatchOptions<Form extends FormInstance = FormInstance> {
form?: Form;
preserve?: boolean;
export interface InternalHooks {
dispatch: (action: ReducerAction) => void;
initEntityValue: (entity: FieldEntity) => void;
registerField: (entity: FieldEntity) => () => void;
useSubscribe: (subscribable: boolean) => void;
setInitialValues: (values: Store, init: boolean) => void;
destroyForm: (clearOnDestroy?: boolean) => void;
setCallbacks: (callbacks: Callbacks) => void;
registerWatch: (callback: WatchCallBack) => () => void;
getFields: (namePathList?: InternalNamePath[]) => FieldData[];
setValidateMessages: (validateMessages: ValidateMessages) => void;
setPreserve: (preserve?: boolean) => void;
getInitialValue: (namePath: InternalNamePath) => StoreValue;
/** Only return partial when type is not any */
type RecursivePartial<T> = NonNullable<T> extends object ? {
[P in keyof T]?: NonNullable<T[P]> extends (infer U)[] ? RecursivePartial<U>[] : NonNullable<T[P]> extends object ? RecursivePartial<T[P]> : T[P];
} : T;
export type FilterFunc = (meta: Meta) => boolean;
export type GetFieldsValueConfig = {
strict?: boolean;
filter?: FilterFunc;
export interface FormInstance<Values = any> {
getFieldValue: (name: NamePath<Values>) => StoreValue;
getFieldsValue: (() => Values) & ((nameList: NamePath<Values>[] | true, filterFunc?: FilterFunc) => any) & ((config: GetFieldsValueConfig) => any);
getFieldError: (name: NamePath<Values>) => string[];
getFieldsError: (nameList?: NamePath<Values>[]) => FieldError[];
getFieldWarning: (name: NamePath<Values>) => string[];
isFieldsTouched: ((nameList?: NamePath<Values>[], allFieldsTouched?: boolean) => boolean) & ((allFieldsTouched?: boolean) => boolean);
isFieldTouched: (name: NamePath<Values>) => boolean;
isFieldValidating: (name: NamePath<Values>) => boolean;
isFieldsValidating: (nameList?: NamePath<Values>[]) => boolean;
resetFields: (fields?: NamePath<Values>[]) => void;
setFields: (fields: FieldData<Values>[]) => void;
setFieldValue: (name: NamePath<Values>, value: any) => void;
setFieldsValue: (values: RecursivePartial<Values>) => void;
validateFields: ValidateFields<Values>;
submit: () => void;
export type FormRef<Values = any> = FormInstance<Values> & {
nativeElement?: HTMLElement;
export type InternalFormInstance = Omit<FormInstance, 'validateFields'> & {
validateFields: InternalValidateFields;
* Passed by field context props
prefixName?: InternalNamePath;
validateTrigger?: string | string[] | false;
* Form component should register some content into store.
* We pass the `HOOK_MARK` as key to avoid user call the function.
getInternalHooks: (secret: string) => InternalHooks | null;
/** @private Internal usage. Do not use it in your production */
_init?: boolean;
export type EventArgs = any[];
type ValidateMessage = string | (() => string);
export interface ValidateMessages {
default?: ValidateMessage;
required?: ValidateMessage;
enum?: ValidateMessage;
whitespace?: ValidateMessage;
date?: {
format?: ValidateMessage;
parse?: ValidateMessage;
invalid?: ValidateMessage;
types?: {
string?: ValidateMessage;
method?: ValidateMessage;
array?: ValidateMessage;
object?: ValidateMessage;
number?: ValidateMessage;
date?: ValidateMessage;
boolean?: ValidateMessage;
integer?: ValidateMessage;
float?: ValidateMessage;
regexp?: ValidateMessage;
email?: ValidateMessage;
url?: ValidateMessage;
hex?: ValidateMessage;
string?: {
len?: ValidateMessage;
min?: ValidateMessage;
max?: ValidateMessage;
range?: ValidateMessage;
number?: {
len?: ValidateMessage;
min?: ValidateMessage;
max?: ValidateMessage;
range?: ValidateMessage;
array?: {
len?: ValidateMessage;
min?: ValidateMessage;
max?: ValidateMessage;
range?: ValidateMessage;
pattern?: {
mismatch?: ValidateMessage;
export {};