2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00

252 lines
8.3 KiB

'use strict';
var $ = require('../internals/export');
var DESCRIPTORS = require('../internals/descriptors');
var globalThis = require('../internals/global-this');
var getBuiltIn = require('../internals/get-built-in');
var uncurryThis = require('../internals/function-uncurry-this');
var call = require('../internals/function-call');
var isCallable = require('../internals/is-callable');
var isObject = require('../internals/is-object');
var isArray = require('../internals/is-array');
var hasOwn = require('../internals/has-own-property');
var toString = require('../internals/to-string');
var lengthOfArrayLike = require('../internals/length-of-array-like');
var createProperty = require('../internals/create-property');
var fails = require('../internals/fails');
var parseJSONString = require('../internals/parse-json-string');
var NATIVE_SYMBOL = require('../internals/symbol-constructor-detection');
var JSON = globalThis.JSON;
var Number = globalThis.Number;
var SyntaxError = globalThis.SyntaxError;
var nativeParse = JSON && JSON.parse;
var enumerableOwnProperties = getBuiltIn('Object', 'keys');
// eslint-disable-next-line es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor -- safe
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var at = uncurryThis(''.charAt);
var slice = uncurryThis(''.slice);
var exec = uncurryThis(/./.exec);
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var IS_DIGIT = /^\d$/;
var IS_NON_ZERO_DIGIT = /^[1-9]$/;
var IS_NUMBER_START = /^[\d-]$/;
var IS_WHITESPACE = /^[\t\n\r ]$/;
var PRIMITIVE = 0;
var OBJECT = 1;
var $parse = function (source, reviver) {
source = toString(source);
var context = new Context(source, 0, '');
var root = context.parse();
var value = root.value;
var endIndex = context.skip(IS_WHITESPACE, root.end);
if (endIndex < source.length) {
throw new SyntaxError('Unexpected extra character: "' + at(source, endIndex) + '" after the parsed data at: ' + endIndex);
return isCallable(reviver) ? internalize({ '': value }, '', reviver, root) : value;
var internalize = function (holder, name, reviver, node) {
var val = holder[name];
var unmodified = node && val === node.value;
var context = unmodified && typeof node.source == 'string' ? { source: node.source } : {};
var elementRecordsLen, keys, len, i, P;
if (isObject(val)) {
var nodeIsArray = isArray(val);
var nodes = unmodified ? node.nodes : nodeIsArray ? [] : {};
if (nodeIsArray) {
elementRecordsLen = nodes.length;
len = lengthOfArrayLike(val);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
internalizeProperty(val, i, internalize(val, '' + i, reviver, i < elementRecordsLen ? nodes[i] : undefined));
} else {
keys = enumerableOwnProperties(val);
len = lengthOfArrayLike(keys);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
P = keys[i];
internalizeProperty(val, P, internalize(val, P, reviver, hasOwn(nodes, P) ? nodes[P] : undefined));
return call(reviver, holder, name, val, context);
var internalizeProperty = function (object, key, value) {
var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key);
if (descriptor && !descriptor.configurable) return;
if (value === undefined) delete object[key];
else createProperty(object, key, value);
var Node = function (value, end, source, nodes) {
this.value = value;
this.end = end;
this.source = source;
this.nodes = nodes;
var Context = function (source, index) {
this.source = source;
this.index = index;
// https://www.json.org/json-en.html
Context.prototype = {
fork: function (nextIndex) {
return new Context(this.source, nextIndex);
parse: function () {
var source = this.source;
var i = this.skip(IS_WHITESPACE, this.index);
var fork = this.fork(i);
var chr = at(source, i);
if (exec(IS_NUMBER_START, chr)) return fork.number();
switch (chr) {
case '{':
return fork.object();
case '[':
return fork.array();
case '"':
return fork.string();
case 't':
return fork.keyword(true);
case 'f':
return fork.keyword(false);
case 'n':
return fork.keyword(null);
} throw new SyntaxError('Unexpected character: "' + chr + '" at: ' + i);
node: function (type, value, start, end, nodes) {
return new Node(value, end, type ? null : slice(this.source, start, end), nodes);
object: function () {
var source = this.source;
var i = this.index + 1;
var expectKeypair = false;
var object = {};
var nodes = {};
while (i < source.length) {
i = this.until(['"', '}'], i);
if (at(source, i) === '}' && !expectKeypair) {
// Parsing the key
var result = this.fork(i).string();
var key = result.value;
i = result.end;
i = this.until([':'], i) + 1;
// Parsing value
i = this.skip(IS_WHITESPACE, i);
result = this.fork(i).parse();
createProperty(nodes, key, result);
createProperty(object, key, result.value);
i = this.until([',', '}'], result.end);
var chr = at(source, i);
if (chr === ',') {
expectKeypair = true;
} else if (chr === '}') {
return this.node(OBJECT, object, this.index, i, nodes);
array: function () {
var source = this.source;
var i = this.index + 1;
var expectElement = false;
var array = [];
var nodes = [];
while (i < source.length) {
i = this.skip(IS_WHITESPACE, i);
if (at(source, i) === ']' && !expectElement) {
var result = this.fork(i).parse();
push(nodes, result);
push(array, result.value);
i = this.until([',', ']'], result.end);
if (at(source, i) === ',') {
expectElement = true;
} else if (at(source, i) === ']') {
return this.node(OBJECT, array, this.index, i, nodes);
string: function () {
var index = this.index;
var parsed = parseJSONString(this.source, this.index + 1);
return this.node(PRIMITIVE, parsed.value, index, parsed.end);
number: function () {
var source = this.source;
var startIndex = this.index;
var i = startIndex;
if (at(source, i) === '-') i++;
if (at(source, i) === '0') i++;
else if (exec(IS_NON_ZERO_DIGIT, at(source, i))) i = this.skip(IS_DIGIT, i + 1);
else throw new SyntaxError('Failed to parse number at: ' + i);
if (at(source, i) === '.') i = this.skip(IS_DIGIT, i + 1);
if (at(source, i) === 'e' || at(source, i) === 'E') {
if (at(source, i) === '+' || at(source, i) === '-') i++;
var exponentStartIndex = i;
i = this.skip(IS_DIGIT, i);
if (exponentStartIndex === i) throw new SyntaxError("Failed to parse number's exponent value at: " + i);
return this.node(PRIMITIVE, Number(slice(source, startIndex, i)), startIndex, i);
keyword: function (value) {
var keyword = '' + value;
var index = this.index;
var endIndex = index + keyword.length;
if (slice(this.source, index, endIndex) !== keyword) throw new SyntaxError('Failed to parse value at: ' + index);
return this.node(PRIMITIVE, value, index, endIndex);
skip: function (regex, i) {
var source = this.source;
for (; i < source.length; i++) if (!exec(regex, at(source, i))) break;
return i;
until: function (array, i) {
i = this.skip(IS_WHITESPACE, i);
var chr = at(this.source, i);
for (var j = 0; j < array.length; j++) if (array[j] === chr) return i;
throw new SyntaxError('Unexpected character: "' + chr + '" at: ' + i);
var NO_SOURCE_SUPPORT = fails(function () {
var unsafeInt = '9007199254740993';
var source;
nativeParse(unsafeInt, function (key, value, context) {
source = context.source;
return source !== unsafeInt;
var PROPER_BASE_PARSE = NATIVE_SYMBOL && !fails(function () {
// Safari 9 bug
return 1 / nativeParse('-0 \t') !== -Infinity;
// `JSON.parse` method
// https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-json.parse
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-json-parse-with-source
$({ target: 'JSON', stat: true, forced: NO_SOURCE_SUPPORT }, {
parse: function parse(text, reviver) {
return PROPER_BASE_PARSE && !isCallable(reviver) ? nativeParse(text) : $parse(text, reviver);