2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00

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import type { CSSMotionProps } from 'rc-motion';
import * as React from 'react';
import type { ActionType, AlignType, AnimationType, ArrowTypeOuter, BuildInPlacements, TransitionNameType } from './interface';
export type { ActionType, AlignType, ArrowTypeOuter as ArrowType, BuildInPlacements, };
export interface TriggerRef {
nativeElement: HTMLElement;
popupElement: HTMLDivElement;
forceAlign: VoidFunction;
export interface TriggerProps {
children: React.ReactElement;
action?: ActionType | ActionType[];
showAction?: ActionType[];
hideAction?: ActionType[];
prefixCls?: string;
zIndex?: number;
onPopupAlign?: (element: HTMLElement, align: AlignType) => void;
stretch?: string;
popupVisible?: boolean;
defaultPopupVisible?: boolean;
onPopupVisibleChange?: (visible: boolean) => void;
afterPopupVisibleChange?: (visible: boolean) => void;
getPopupContainer?: (node: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;
forceRender?: boolean;
autoDestroy?: boolean;
/** @deprecated Please use `autoDestroy` instead */
destroyPopupOnHide?: boolean;
mask?: boolean;
maskClosable?: boolean;
/** Set popup motion. You can ref `rc-motion` for more info. */
popupMotion?: CSSMotionProps;
/** Set mask motion. You can ref `rc-motion` for more info. */
maskMotion?: CSSMotionProps;
/** @deprecated Please us `popupMotion` instead. */
popupTransitionName?: TransitionNameType;
/** @deprecated Please us `popupMotion` instead. */
popupAnimation?: AnimationType;
/** @deprecated Please us `maskMotion` instead. */
maskTransitionName?: TransitionNameType;
/** @deprecated Please us `maskMotion` instead. */
maskAnimation?: AnimationType;
mouseEnterDelay?: number;
mouseLeaveDelay?: number;
focusDelay?: number;
blurDelay?: number;
popup: React.ReactNode | (() => React.ReactNode);
popupPlacement?: string;
builtinPlacements?: BuildInPlacements;
popupAlign?: AlignType;
popupClassName?: string;
popupStyle?: React.CSSProperties;
getPopupClassNameFromAlign?: (align: AlignType) => string;
onPopupClick?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLDivElement>;
alignPoint?: boolean;
* Trigger will memo content when close.
* This may affect the case if want to keep content update.
* Set `fresh` to `false` will always keep update.
fresh?: boolean;
arrow?: boolean | ArrowTypeOuter;
/** @deprecated Add `className` on `children`. Please add `className` directly instead. */
className?: string;
* @private Get trigger DOM node.
* Used for some component is function component which can not access by `findDOMNode`
getTriggerDOMNode?: (node: React.ReactInstance) => HTMLElement;
export declare function generateTrigger(PortalComponent?: React.ComponentType<any>): React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<TriggerProps & React.RefAttributes<TriggerRef>>;
declare const _default: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<TriggerProps & React.RefAttributes<TriggerRef>>;
export default _default;