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PostCSS HWB Function PostCSS Logo

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PostCSS HWB Function lets you use hwb color functions in CSS, following the CSS Color specification.

a {
	color: hwb(194 0% 0%);
	color: hwb(194 0% 0% / .5);

/* becomes */

a {
	color: rgb(0, 195, 255);
	color: rgba(0, 195, 255, .5);


Add PostCSS HWB Function to your project:

npm install postcss @csstools/postcss-hwb-function --save-dev

Use it as a PostCSS plugin:

const postcss = require('postcss');
const postcssHWBFunction = require('@csstools/postcss-hwb-function');

  postcssHWBFunction(/* pluginOptions */)
]).process(YOUR_CSS /*, processOptions */);

PostCSS HWB Function runs in all Node environments, with special instructions for:

Node PostCSS CLI Webpack Create React App Gulp Grunt



The preserve option determines whether the original functional color notation is preserved. By default, it is not preserved.

postcssHWBFunction({ preserve: true })
a {
	color: hwb(194 0% 0%);
	color: hwb(194 0% 0% / .5);

/* becomes */

a {
	color: rgb(0, 195, 255);
	color: hwb(194 0% 0%);
	color: rgba(0, 195, 255, .5);
	color: hwb(194 0% 0% / .5);