2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00

1 line
34 KiB

{"ast":null,"code":"const t = t => \"object\" == typeof t && null != t && 1 === t.nodeType,\n e = (t, e) => (!e || \"hidden\" !== t) && \"visible\" !== t && \"clip\" !== t,\n n = (t, n) => {\n if (t.clientHeight < t.scrollHeight || t.clientWidth < t.scrollWidth) {\n const o = getComputedStyle(t, null);\n return e(o.overflowY, n) || e(o.overflowX, n) || (t => {\n const e = (t => {\n if (!t.ownerDocument || !t.ownerDocument.defaultView) return null;\n try {\n return t.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement;\n } catch (t) {\n return null;\n }\n })(t);\n return !!e && (e.clientHeight < t.scrollHeight || e.clientWidth < t.scrollWidth);\n })(t);\n }\n return !1;\n },\n o = (t, e, n, o, l, r, i, s) => r < t && i > e || r > t && i < e ? 0 : r <= t && s <= n || i >= e && s >= n ? r - t - o : i > e && s < n || r < t && s > n ? i - e + l : 0,\n l = t => {\n const e = t.parentElement;\n return null == e ? t.getRootNode().host || null : e;\n },\n r = (e, r) => {\n var i, s, d, h;\n if (\"undefined\" == typeof document) return [];\n const {\n scrollMode: c,\n block: f,\n inline: u,\n boundary: a,\n skipOverflowHiddenElements: g\n } = r,\n p = \"function\" == typeof a ? a : t => t !== a;\n if (!t(e)) throw new TypeError(\"Invalid target\");\n const m = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement,\n w = [];\n let W = e;\n for (; t(W) && p(W);) {\n if (W = l(W), W === m) {\n w.push(W);\n break;\n }\n null != W && W === document.body && n(W) && !n(document.documentElement) || null != W && n(W, g) && w.push(W);\n }\n const b = null != (s = null == (i = window.visualViewport) ? void 0 : i.width) ? s : innerWidth,\n H = null != (h = null == (d = window.visualViewport) ? void 0 : d.height) ? h : innerHeight,\n {\n scrollX: y,\n scrollY: M\n } = window,\n {\n height: v,\n width: E,\n top: x,\n right: C,\n bottom: I,\n left: R\n } = e.getBoundingClientRect(),\n {\n top: T,\n right: B,\n bottom: F,\n left: V\n } = (t => {\n const e = window.getComputedStyle(t);\n return {\n top: parseFloat(e.scrollMarginTop) || 0,\n right: parseFloat(e.scrollMarginRight) || 0,\n bottom: parseFloat(e.scrollMarginBottom) || 0,\n left: parseFloat(e.scrollMarginLeft) || 0\n };\n })(e);\n let k = \"start\" === f || \"nearest\" === f ? x - T : \"end\" === f ? I + F : x + v / 2 - T + F,\n D = \"center\" === u ? R + E / 2 - V + B : \"end\" === u ? C + B : R - V;\n const L = [];\n for (let t = 0; t < w.length; t++) {\n const e = w[t],\n {\n height: n,\n width: l,\n top: r,\n right: i,\n bottom: s,\n left: d\n } = e.getBoundingClientRect();\n if (\"if-needed\" === c && x >= 0 && R >= 0 && I <= H && C <= b && x >= r && I <= s && R >= d && C <= i) return L;\n const h = getComputedStyle(e),\n a = parseInt(h.borderLeftWidth, 10),\n g = parseInt(h.borderTopWidth, 10),\n p = parseInt(h.borderRightWidth, 10),\n W = parseInt(h.borderBottomWidth, 10);\n let T = 0,\n B = 0;\n const F = \"offsetWidth\" in e ? e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth - a - p : 0,\n V = \"offsetHeight\" in e ? e.offsetHeight - e.clientHeight - g - W : 0,\n S = \"offsetWidth\" in e ? 0 === e.offsetWidth ? 0 : l / e.offsetWidth : 0,\n X = \"offsetHeight\" in e ? 0 === e.offsetHeight ? 0 : n / e.offsetHeight : 0;\n if (m === e) T = \"start\" === f ? k : \"end\" === f ? k - H : \"nearest\" === f ? o(M, M + H, H, g, W, M + k, M + k + v, v) : k - H / 2, B = \"start\" === u ? D : \"center\" === u ? D - b / 2 : \"end\" === u ? D - b : o(y, y + b, b, a, p, y + D, y + D + E, E), T = Math.max(0, T + M), B = Math.max(0, B + y);else {\n T = \"start\" === f ? k - r - g : \"end\" === f ? k - s + W + V : \"nearest\" === f ? o(r, s, n, g, W + V, k, k + v, v) : k - (r + n / 2) + V / 2, B = \"start\" === u ? D - d - a : \"center\" === u ? D - (d + l / 2) + F / 2 : \"end\" === u ? D - i + p + F : o(d, i, l, a, p + F, D, D + E, E);\n const {\n scrollLeft: t,\n scrollTop: h\n } = e;\n T = 0 === X ? 0 : Math.max(0, Math.min(h + T / X, e.scrollHeight - n / X + V)), B = 0 === S ? 0 : Math.max(0, Math.min(t + B / S, e.scrollWidth - l / S + F)), k += h - T, D += t - B;\n }\n L.push({\n el: e,\n top: T,\n left: B\n });\n }\n return L;\n };\nexport { r as compute };","map":{"version":3,"names":["t","nodeType","e","n","clientHeight","scrollHeight","clientWidth","scrollWidth","o","getComputedStyle","overflowY","overflowX","ownerDocument","defaultView","frameElement","l","r","i","s","parentElement","getRootNode","host","d","h","document","scrollMode","c","block","f","inline","u","boundary","a","skipOverflowHiddenElements","g","p","TypeError","m","scrollingElement","documentElement","w","W","push","body","b","window","visualViewport","width","innerWidth","H","height","innerHeight","scrollX","y","scrollY","M","v","E","top","x","right","C","bottom","I","left","R","getBoundingClientRect","T","B","F","V","parseFloat","scrollMarginTop","scrollMarginRight","scrollMarginBottom","scrollMarginLeft","k","D","L","length","parseInt","borderLeftWidth","borderTopWidth","borderRightWidth","borderBottomWidth","offsetWidth","offsetHeight","S","X","Math","max","scrollLeft","scrollTop","min","el","compute"],"sources":["C:\\Users\\Аришина)\\source\\repos\\PromoCursed\\node_modules\\compute-scroll-into-view\\src\\index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["// Compute what scrolling needs to be done on required scrolling boxes for target to be in view\n\n// The type names here are named after the spec to make it easier to find more information around what they mean:\n// To reduce churn and reduce things that need be maintained things from the official TS DOM library is used here\n//\n\n// For a definition on what is \"block flow direction\" exactly, check this:\n\n/**\n * This new option is tracked in this PR, which is the most likely candidate at the time:\n * @public\n */\nexport type ScrollMode = 'always' | 'if-needed'\n\n/** @public */\nexport interface Options {\n /**\n * Control the logical scroll position on the y-axis. The spec states that the `block` direction is related to the [writing-mode](, but this is not implemented yet in this library.\n * This means that `block: 'start'` aligns to the top edge and `block: 'end'` to the bottom.\n * @defaultValue 'center'\n */\n block?: ScrollLogicalPosition\n /**\n * Like `block` this is affected by the [writing-mode]( In left-to-right pages `inline: 'start'` will align to the left edge. In right-to-left it should be flipped. This will be supported in a future release.\n * @defaultValue 'nearest'\n */\n inline?: ScrollLogicalPosition\n /**\n * This is a proposed addition to the spec that you can track here:\n *\n * This library will be updated to reflect any changes to the spec and will provide a migration path.\n * To be backwards compatible with `Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded` if something is not 100% visible it will count as \"needs scrolling\". If you need a different visibility ratio your best option would be to implement an [Intersection Observer](\n * @defaultValue 'always'\n */\n scrollMode?: ScrollMode\n /**\n * By default there is no boundary. All the parent elements of your target is checked until it reaches the viewport ([`document.scrollingElement`]( when calculating layout and what to scroll.\n * By passing a boundary you can short-circuit this loop depending on your needs:\n * \n * - Prevent the browser window from scrolling.\n * - Scroll elements into view in a list, without scrolling container elements.\n * \n * You can also pass a function to do more dynamic checks to override the scroll scoping:\n * \n * ```js\n * let actions = compute(target, {\n * boundary: (parent) => {\n * // By default `overflow: hidden` elements are allowed, only `overflow: visible | clip` is skipped as\n * // this is required by the CSSOM spec\n * if (getComputedStyle(parent)['overflow'] === 'hidden') {\n * return false\n * }\n\n * return true\n * },\n * })\n * ```\n * @defaultValue null\n */\n boundary?: Element | ((parent: Element) => boolean) | null\n /**\n * New option that skips auto-scrolling all nodes with overflow: hidden set\n * See FF implementation:\n * @defaultValue false\n * @public\n */\n skipOverflowHiddenElements?: boolean\n}\n\n/** @public */\nexport interface ScrollAction {\n el: Element\n top: number\n left: number\n}\n\n// @TODO better shadowdom test, 11 = document fragment\nconst isElement = (el: any): el is Element =>\n typeof el === 'object' && el != null && el.nodeType === 1\n\nconst canOverflow = (\n overflow: string | null,\n skipOverflowHiddenElements?: boolean\n) => {\n if (skipOverflowHiddenElements && overflow === 'hidden') {\n return false\n }\n\n return overflow !== 'visible' && overflow !== 'clip'\n}\n\nconst getFrameElement = (el: Element) => {\n if (!el.ownerDocument || !el.ownerDocument.defaultView) {\n return null\n }\n\n try {\n return el.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement\n } catch (e) {\n return null\n }\n}\n\nconst isHiddenByFrame = (el: Element): boolean => {\n const frame = getFrameElement(el)\n if (!frame) {\n return false\n }\n\n return (\n frame.clientHeight < el.scrollHeight || frame.clientWidth < el.scrollWidth\n )\n}\n\nconst isScrollable = (el: Element, skipOverflowHiddenElements?: boolean) => {\n if (el.clientHeight < el.scrollHeight || el.clientWidth < el.scrollWidth) {\n const style = getComputedStyle(el, null)\n return (\n canOverflow(style.overflowY, skipOverflowHiddenElements) ||\n canOverflow(style.overflowX, skipOverflowHiddenElements) ||\n isHiddenByFrame(el)\n )\n }\n\n return false\n}\n/**\n * Find out which edge to align against when logical scroll position is \"nearest\"\n * Interesting fact: \"nearest\" works similarily to \"if-needed\", if the element is fully visible it will not scroll it\n *\n * Legends:\n * ┌────────┐ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * │ target │ frame\n * └────────┘ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n */\nconst alignNearest = (\n scrollingEdgeStart: number,\n scrollingEdgeEnd: number,\n scrollingSize: number,\n scrollingBorderStart: number,\n scrollingBorderEnd: number,\n elementEdgeStart: number,\n elementEdgeEnd: number,\n elementSize: number\n) => {\n /**\n * If element edge A and element edge B are both outside scrolling box edge A and scrolling box edge B\n *\n * ┌──┐\n * ┏━│━━│━┓\n * │ │\n * ┃ │ │ ┃ do nothing\n * │ │\n * ┗━│━━│━┛\n * └──┘\n *\n * If element edge C and element edge D are both outside scrolling box edge C and scrolling box edge D\n *\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───────────┐\n * │┃ ┃│ do nothing\n * └───────────┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n */\n if (\n (elementEdgeStart < scrollingEdgeStart &&\n elementEdgeEnd > scrollingEdgeEnd) ||\n (elementEdgeStart > scrollingEdgeStart && elementEdgeEnd < scrollingEdgeEnd)\n ) {\n return 0\n }\n\n /**\n * If element edge A is outside scrolling box edge A and element height is less than scrolling box height\n *\n * ┌──┐\n * ┏━│━━│━┓ ┏━┌━━┐━┓\n * └──┘ │ │\n * from ┃ ┃ to ┃ └──┘ ┃\n *\n * ┗━ ━━ ━┛ ┗━ ━━ ━┛\n *\n * If element edge B is outside scrolling box edge B and element height is greater than scrolling box height\n *\n * ┏━ ━━ ━┓ ┏━┌━━┐━┓\n * │ │\n * from ┃ ┌──┐ ┃ to ┃ │ │ ┃\n * │ │ │ │\n * ┗━│━━│━┛ ┗━│━━│━┛\n * │ │ └──┘\n * │ │\n * └──┘\n *\n * If element edge C is outside scrolling box edge C and element width is less than scrolling box width\n *\n * from to\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───┐ ┌───┐\n * │ ┃ │ ┃ ┃ │ ┃\n * └───┘ └───┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n *\n * If element edge D is outside scrolling box edge D and element width is greater than scrolling box width\n *\n * from to\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐\n * ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ ┃ │\n * └───────────┘ └───────────┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n */\n if (\n (elementEdgeStart <= scrollingEdgeStart && elementSize <= scrollingSize) ||\n (elementEdgeEnd >= scrollingEdgeEnd && elementSize >= scrollingSize)\n ) {\n return elementEdgeStart - scrollingEdgeStart - scrollingBorderStart\n }\n\n /**\n * If element edge B is outside scrolling box edge B and element height is less than scrolling box height\n *\n * ┏━ ━━ ━┓ ┏━ ━━ ━┓\n *\n * from ┃ ┃ to ┃ ┌──┐ ┃\n * ┌──┐ │ │\n * ┗━│━━│━┛ ┗━└━━┘━┛\n * └──┘\n *\n * If element edge A is outside scrolling box edge A and element height is greater than scrolling box height\n *\n * ┌──┐\n * │ │\n * │ │ ┌──┐\n * ┏━│━━│━┓ ┏━│━━│━┓\n * │ │ │ │\n * from ┃ └──┘ ┃ to ┃ │ │ ┃\n * │ │\n * ┗━ ━━ ━┛ ┗━└━━┘━┛\n *\n * If element edge C is outside scrolling box edge C and element width is greater than scrolling box width\n *\n * from to\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐\n * │ ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ ┃\n * └───────────┘ └───────────┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n *\n * If element edge D is outside scrolling box edge D and element width is less than scrolling box width\n *\n * from to\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───┐ ┌───┐\n * ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃\n * └───┘ └───┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n *\n */\n if (\n (elementEdgeEnd > scrollingEdgeEnd && elementSize < scrollingSize) ||\n (elementEdgeStart < scrollingEdgeStart && elementSize > scrollingSize)\n ) {\n return elementEdgeEnd - scrollingEdgeEnd + scrollingBorderEnd\n }\n\n return 0\n}\n\nconst getParentElement = (element: Node): Element | null => {\n const parent = element.parentElement\n if (parent == null) {\n return (element.getRootNode() as ShadowRoot).host || null\n }\n return parent\n}\n\nconst getScrollMargins = (target: Element) => {\n const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(target)\n return {\n top: parseFloat(computedStyle.scrollMarginTop) || 0,\n right: parseFloat(computedStyle.scrollMarginRight) || 0,\n bottom: parseFloat(computedStyle.scrollMarginBottom) || 0,\n left: parseFloat(computedStyle.scrollMarginLeft) || 0,\n }\n}\n\n/** @public */\nexport const compute = (target: Element, options: Options): ScrollAction[] => {\n if (typeof document === 'undefined') {\n // If there's no DOM we assume it's not in a browser environment\n return []\n }\n\n const { scrollMode, block, inline, boundary, skipOverflowHiddenElements } =\n options\n // Allow using a callback to check the boundary\n // The default behavior is to check if the current target matches the boundary element or not\n // If undefined it'll check that target is never undefined (can happen as we recurse up the tree)\n const checkBoundary =\n typeof boundary === 'function' ? boundary : (node: any) => node !== boundary\n\n if (!isElement(target)) {\n throw new TypeError('Invalid target')\n }\n\n // Used to handle the top most element that can be scrolled\n const scrollingElement = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement\n\n // Collect all the scrolling boxes, as defined in the spec:\n const frames: Element[] = []\n let cursor: Element | null = target\n while (isElement(cursor) && checkBoundary(cursor)) {\n // Move cursor to parent\n cursor = getParentElement(cursor)\n\n // Stop when we reach the viewport\n if (cursor === scrollingElement) {\n frames.push(cursor)\n break\n }\n\n // Skip document.body if it's not the scrollingElement and documentElement isn't independently scrollable\n if (\n cursor != null &&\n cursor === document.body &&\n isScrollable(cursor) &&\n !isScrollable(document.documentElement)\n ) {\n continue\n }\n\n // Now we check if the element is scrollable, this code only runs if the loop haven't already hit the viewport or a custom boundary\n if (cursor != null && isScrollable(cursor, skipOverflowHiddenElements)) {\n frames.push(cursor)\n }\n }\n\n // Support pinch-zooming properly, making sure elements scroll into the visual viewport\n // Browsers that don't support visualViewport will report the layout viewport dimensions on document.documentElement.clientWidth/Height\n // and viewport dimensions on window.innerWidth/Height\n //\n //\n const viewportWidth = window.visualViewport?.width ?? innerWidth\n const viewportHeight = window.visualViewport?.height ?? innerHeight\n const { scrollX, scrollY } = window\n\n const {\n height: targetHeight,\n width: targetWidth,\n top: targetTop,\n right: targetRight,\n bottom: targetBottom,\n left: targetLeft,\n } = target.getBoundingClientRect()\n const {\n top: marginTop,\n right: marginRight,\n bottom: marginBottom,\n left: marginLeft,\n } = getScrollMargins(target)\n\n // These values mutate as we loop through and generate scroll coordinates\n let targetBlock: number =\n block === 'start' || block === 'nearest'\n ? targetTop - marginTop\n : block === 'end'\n ? targetBottom + marginBottom\n : targetTop + targetHeight / 2 - marginTop + marginBottom // block === 'center\n let targetInline: number =\n inline === 'center'\n ? targetLeft + targetWidth / 2 - marginLeft + marginRight\n : inline === 'end'\n ? targetRight + marginRight\n : targetLeft - marginLeft // inline === 'start || inline === 'nearest\n\n // Collect new scroll positions\n const computations: ScrollAction[] = []\n // In chrome there's no longer a difference between caching the `frames.length` to a var or not, so we don't in this case (size > speed anyways)\n for (let index = 0; index < frames.length; index++) {\n const frame = frames[index]\n\n // @TODO add a shouldScroll hook here that allows userland code to take control\n\n const { height, width, top, right, bottom, left } =\n frame.getBoundingClientRect()\n\n // If the element is already visible we can end it here\n // @TODO targetBlock and targetInline should be taken into account to be compliant with\n if (\n scrollMode === 'if-needed' &&\n targetTop >= 0 &&\n targetLeft >= 0 &&\n targetBottom <= viewportHeight &&\n targetRight <= viewportWidth &&\n targetTop >= top &&\n targetBottom <= bottom &&\n targetLeft >= left &&\n targetRight <= right\n ) {\n // Break the loop and return the computations for things that are not fully visible\n return computations\n }\n\n const frameStyle = getComputedStyle(frame)\n const borderLeft = parseInt(frameStyle.borderLeftWidth as string, 10)\n const borderTop = parseInt(frameStyle.borderTopWidth as string, 10)\n const borderRight = parseInt(frameStyle.borderRightWidth as string, 10)\n const borderBottom = parseInt(frameStyle.borderBottomWidth as string, 10)\n\n let blockScroll: number = 0\n let inlineScroll: number = 0\n\n // The property existance checks for offfset[Width|Height] is because only HTMLElement objects have them, but any Element might pass by here\n // @TODO find out if the \"as HTMLElement\" overrides can be dropped\n const scrollbarWidth =\n 'offsetWidth' in frame\n ? (frame as HTMLElement).offsetWidth -\n (frame as HTMLElement).clientWidth -\n borderLeft -\n borderRight\n : 0\n const scrollbarHeight =\n 'offsetHeight' in frame\n ? (frame as HTMLElement).offsetHeight -\n (frame as HTMLElement).clientHeight -\n borderTop -\n borderBottom\n : 0\n\n const scaleX =\n 'offsetWidth' in frame\n ? (frame as HTMLElement).offsetWidth === 0\n ? 0\n : width / (frame as HTMLElement).offsetWidth\n : 0\n const scaleY =\n 'offsetHeight' in frame\n ? (frame as HTMLElement).offsetHeight === 0\n ? 0\n : height / (frame as HTMLElement).offsetHeight\n : 0\n\n if (scrollingElement === frame) {\n // Handle viewport logic (document.documentElement or document.body)\n\n if (block === 'start') {\n blockScroll = targetBlock\n } else if (block === 'end') {\n blockScroll = targetBlock - viewportHeight\n } else if (block === 'nearest') {\n blockScroll = alignNearest(\n scrollY,\n scrollY + viewportHeight,\n viewportHeight,\n borderTop,\n borderBottom,\n scrollY + targetBlock,\n scrollY + targetBlock + targetHeight,\n targetHeight\n )\n } else {\n // block === 'center' is the default\n blockScroll = targetBlock - viewportHeight / 2\n }\n\n if (inline === 'start') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline\n } else if (inline === 'center') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - viewportWidth / 2\n } else if (inline === 'end') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - viewportWidth\n } else {\n // inline === 'nearest' is the default\n inlineScroll = alignNearest(\n scrollX,\n scrollX + viewportWidth,\n viewportWidth,\n borderLeft,\n borderRight,\n scrollX + targetInline,\n scrollX + targetInline + targetWidth,\n targetWidth\n )\n }\n\n // Apply scroll position offsets and ensure they are within bounds\n // @TODO add more test cases to cover this 100%\n blockScroll = Math.max(0, blockScroll + scrollY)\n inlineScroll = Math.max(0, inlineScroll + scrollX)\n } else {\n // Handle each scrolling frame that might exist between the target and the viewport\n if (block === 'start') {\n blockScroll = targetBlock - top - borderTop\n } else if (block === 'end') {\n blockScroll = targetBlock - bottom + borderBottom + scrollbarHeight\n } else if (block === 'nearest') {\n blockScroll = alignNearest(\n top,\n bottom,\n height,\n borderTop,\n borderBottom + scrollbarHeight,\n targetBlock,\n targetBlock + targetHeight,\n targetHeight\n )\n } else {\n // block === 'center' is the default\n blockScroll = targetBlock - (top + height / 2) + scrollbarHeight / 2\n }\n\n if (inline === 'start') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - left - borderLeft\n } else if (inline === 'center') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - (left + width / 2) + scrollbarWidth / 2\n } else if (inline === 'end') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - right + borderRight + scrollbarWidth\n } else {\n // inline === 'nearest' is the default\n inlineScroll = alignNearest(\n left,\n right,\n width,\n borderLeft,\n borderRight + scrollbarWidth,\n targetInline,\n targetInline + targetWidth,\n targetWidth\n )\n }\n\n const { scrollLeft, scrollTop } = frame\n // Ensure scroll coordinates are not out of bounds while applying scroll offsets\n blockScroll =\n scaleY === 0\n ? 0\n : Math.max(\n 0,\n Math.min(\n scrollTop + blockScroll / scaleY,\n frame.scrollHeight - height / scaleY + scrollbarHeight\n )\n )\n inlineScroll =\n scaleX === 0\n ? 0\n : Math.max(\n 0,\n Math.min(\n scrollLeft + inlineScroll / scaleX,\n frame.scrollWidth - width / scaleX + scrollbarWidth\n )\n )\n\n // Cache the offset so that parent frames can scroll this into view correctly\n targetBlock += scrollTop - blockScroll\n targetInline += scrollLeft - inlineScroll\n }\n\n computations.push({ el: frame, top: blockScroll, left: inlineScroll })\n }\n\n return computations\n}\n"],"mappings":"AA6EA,MAAMA,CAAA,GAAaA,CAAA,IACH,mBAAPA,CAAA,IAAyB,QAANA,CAAA,IAA8B,MAAhBA,CAAA,CAAGC,QAAA;EAEvCC,CAAA,GAAcA,CAClBF,CAAA,EACAE,CAAA,OAEIA,CAAA,IAA2C,aAAbF,CAAA,KAId,cAAbA,CAAA,IAAuC,WAAbA,CAAA;EA0B7BG,CAAA,GAAeA,CAACH,CAAA,EAAaG,CAAA;IACjC,IAAIH,CAAA,CAAGI,YAAA,GAAeJ,CAAA,CAAGK,YAAA,IAAgBL,CAAA,CAAGM,WAAA,GAAcN,CAAA,CAAGO,WAAA,EAAa;MAClE,MAAAC,CAAA,GAAQC,gBAAA,CAAiBT,CAAA,EAAI;MAEjC,OAAAE,CAAA,CAAYM,CAAA,CAAME,SAAA,EAAWP,CAAA,KAC7BD,CAAA,CAAYM,CAAA,CAAMG,SAAA,EAAWR,CAAA,KAhBV,CAAAH,CAAA;QACjB,MAAAE,CAAA,GAbiB,CAAAF,CAAA;UACvB,KAAKA,CAAA,CAAGY,aAAA,KAAkBZ,CAAA,CAAGY,aAAA,CAAcC,WAAA,EAClC;UAGL;YACK,OAAAb,CAAA,CAAGY,aAAA,CAAcC,WAAA,CAAYC,YAAA;UAAA,SAC7Bd,CAAA;YACA,WACT;UAAA;QAAA,GAI8BA,CAAA;QAC9B,SAAKE,CAAA,KAKHA,CAAA,CAAME,YAAA,GAAeJ,CAAA,CAAGK,YAAA,IAAgBH,CAAA,CAAMI,WAAA,GAAcN,CAAA,CAAGO,WAAA;MAAA,GAU7CP,CAAA,CAEpB;IAAA;IAEO;EAAA;EAWHQ,CAAA,GAAeA,CACnBR,CAAA,EACAE,CAAA,EACAC,CAAA,EACAK,CAAA,EACAO,CAAA,EACAC,CAAA,EACAC,CAAA,EACAC,CAAA,KAsBGF,CAAA,GAAmBhB,CAAA,IAClBiB,CAAA,GAAiBf,CAAA,IAClBc,CAAA,GAAmBhB,CAAA,IAAsBiB,CAAA,GAAiBf,CAAA,GAEpD,IA2CNc,CAAA,IAAoBhB,CAAA,IAAsBkB,CAAA,IAAef,CAAA,IACzDc,CAAA,IAAkBf,CAAA,IAAoBgB,CAAA,IAAef,CAAA,GAE/Ca,CAAA,GAAmBhB,CAAA,GAAqBQ,CAAA,GA4C9CS,CAAA,GAAiBf,CAAA,IAAoBgB,CAAA,GAAcf,CAAA,IACnDa,CAAA,GAAmBhB,CAAA,IAAsBkB,CAAA,GAAcf,CAAA,GAEjDc,CAAA,GAAiBf,CAAA,GAAmBa,CAAA,GAGtC;EAGHA,CAAA,GAAoBf,CAAA;IACxB,MAAME,CAAA,GAASF,CAAA,CAAQmB,aAAA;IACvB,OAAc,QAAVjB,CAAA,GACMF,CAAA,CAAQoB,WAAA,GAA6BC,IAAA,IAAQ,OAEhDnB,CAAA;EAAA;EAcIc,CAAA,GAAUA,CAACd,CAAA,EAAiBc,CAAA;IA/RzC,IAAAC,CAAA,EAAAC,CAAA,EAAAI,CAAA,EAAAC,CAAA;IAgSM,IAAoB,sBAAbC,QAAA,EAET,OAAO;IAGT;QAAMC,UAAA,EAAEC,CAAA;QAAYC,KAAA,EAAAC,CAAA;QAAAC,MAAA,EAAOC,CAAA;QAAQC,QAAA,EAAAC,CAAA;QAAAC,0BAAA,EAAUC;MAAA,IAC3ClB,CAAA;MAIImB,CAAA,GACgB,qBAAbH,CAAA,GAA0BA,CAAA,GAAYhC,CAAA,IAAcA,CAAA,KAASgC,CAAA;IAElE,KAAChC,CAAA,CAAUE,CAAA,GACP,UAAIkC,SAAA,CAAU;IAIhB,MAAAC,CAAA,GAAmBb,QAAA,CAASc,gBAAA,IAAoBd,QAAA,CAASe,eAAA;MAGzDC,CAAA,GAAoB;IAC1B,IAAIC,CAAA,GAAyBvC,CAAA;IAC7B,OAAOF,CAAA,CAAUyC,CAAA,KAAWN,CAAA,CAAcM,CAAA,IAAS;MAKjD,IAHAA,CAAA,GAAS1B,CAAA,CAAiB0B,CAAA,GAGtBA,CAAA,KAAWJ,CAAA,EAAkB;QAC/BG,CAAA,CAAOE,IAAA,CAAKD,CAAA;QACZ;MACF;MAIY,QAAVA,CAAA,IACAA,CAAA,KAAWjB,QAAA,CAASmB,IAAA,IACpBxC,CAAA,CAAasC,CAAA,MACZtC,CAAA,CAAaqB,QAAA,CAASe,eAAA,KAMX,QAAVE,CAAA,IAAkBtC,CAAA,CAAasC,CAAA,EAAQP,CAAA,KACzCM,CAAA,CAAOE,IAAA,CAAKD,CAAA,CAEhB;IAAA;IAOA,MAAMG,CAAA,GAAgB,SAAA1B,CAAA,YAAAD,CAAA,GAAA4B,MAAA,CAAOC,cAAA,SAAP,IAAA7B,CAAA,CAAuB8B,KAAA,IAAS7B,CAAA,GAAA8B,UAAA;MAChDC,CAAA,GAAiB,SAAA1B,CAAA,YAAAD,CAAA,GAAAuB,MAAA,CAAOC,cAAA,SAAP,IAAAxB,CAAA,CAAuB4B,MAAA,IAAU3B,CAAA,GAAA4B,WAAA;MAAA;QAClDC,OAAA,EAAEC,CAAA;QAASC,OAAA,EAAAC;MAAA,IAAYV,MAAA;MAAA;QAG3BK,MAAA,EAAQM,CAAA;QACRT,KAAA,EAAOU,CAAA;QACPC,GAAA,EAAKC,CAAA;QACLC,KAAA,EAAOC,CAAA;QACPC,MAAA,EAAQC,CAAA;QACRC,IAAA,EAAMC;MAAA,IACJ/D,CAAA,CAAOgE,qBAAA;MAAA;QAETR,GAAA,EAAKS,CAAA;QACLP,KAAA,EAAOQ,CAAA;QACPN,MAAA,EAAQO,CAAA;QACRL,IAAA,EAAMM;MAAA,IAlFgB,CAAAtE,CAAA;QAClB,MAAAE,CAAA,GAAgB2C,MAAA,CAAOpC,gBAAA,CAAiBT,CAAA;QACvC;UACL0D,GAAA,EAAKa,UAAA,CAAWrE,CAAA,CAAcsE,eAAA,KAAoB;UAClDZ,KAAA,EAAOW,UAAA,CAAWrE,CAAA,CAAcuE,iBAAA,KAAsB;UACtDX,MAAA,EAAQS,UAAA,CAAWrE,CAAA,CAAcwE,kBAAA,KAAuB;UACxDV,IAAA,EAAMO,UAAA,CAAWrE,CAAA,CAAcyE,gBAAA,KAAqB;QAAA,CACtD;MAAA,GA4EqBzE,CAAA;IAGrB,IAAI0E,CAAA,GACQ,YAAVhD,CAAA,IAA+B,cAAVA,CAAA,GACjB+B,CAAA,GAAYQ,CAAA,GACF,UAAVvC,CAAA,GACAmC,CAAA,GAAeM,CAAA,GACfV,CAAA,GAAYH,CAAA,GAAe,IAAIW,CAAA,GAAYE,CAAA;MAC7CQ,CAAA,GACS,aAAX/C,CAAA,GACImC,CAAA,GAAaR,CAAA,GAAc,IAAIa,CAAA,GAAaF,CAAA,GACjC,UAAXtC,CAAA,GACA+B,CAAA,GAAcO,CAAA,GACdH,CAAA,GAAaK,CAAA;IAGnB,MAAMQ,CAAA,GAA+B;IAErC,SAAS9E,CAAA,GAAQ,GAAGA,CAAA,GAAQwC,CAAA,CAAOuC,MAAA,EAAQ/E,CAAA,IAAS;MAC5C,MAAAE,CAAA,GAAQsC,CAAA,CAAOxC,CAAA;QAAA;UAIfkD,MAAA,EAAE/C,CAAA;UAAA4C,KAAA,EAAQhC,CAAA;UAAO2C,GAAA,EAAA1C,CAAA;UAAA4C,KAAA,EAAK3C,CAAA;UAAA6C,MAAA,EAAO5C,CAAA;UAAQ8C,IAAA,EAAA1C;QAAA,IACzCpB,CAAA,CAAMgE,qBAAA;MAIR,IACiB,gBAAfxC,CAAA,IACAiC,CAAA,IAAa,KACbM,CAAA,IAAc,KACdF,CAAA,IAAgBd,CAAA,IAChBY,CAAA,IAAejB,CAAA,IACfe,CAAA,IAAa3C,CAAA,IACb+C,CAAA,IAAgB7C,CAAA,IAChB+C,CAAA,IAAc3C,CAAA,IACduC,CAAA,IAAe5C,CAAA,EAGR,OAAA6D,CAAA;MAGH,MAAAvD,CAAA,GAAad,gBAAA,CAAiBP,CAAA;QAC9B8B,CAAA,GAAagD,QAAA,CAASzD,CAAA,CAAW0D,eAAA,EAA2B;QAC5D/C,CAAA,GAAY8C,QAAA,CAASzD,CAAA,CAAW2D,cAAA,EAA0B;QAC1D/C,CAAA,GAAc6C,QAAA,CAASzD,CAAA,CAAW4D,gBAAA,EAA4B;QAC9D1C,CAAA,GAAeuC,QAAA,CAASzD,CAAA,CAAW6D,iBAAA,EAA6B;MAEtE,IAAIjB,CAAA,GAAsB;QACtBC,CAAA,GAAuB;MAIrB,MAAAC,CAAA,GACJ,iBAAiBnE,CAAA,GACZA,CAAA,CAAsBmF,WAAA,GACtBnF,CAAA,CAAsBI,WAAA,GACvB0B,CAAA,GACAG,CAAA,GACA;QACAmC,CAAA,GACJ,kBAAkBpE,CAAA,GACbA,CAAA,CAAsBoF,YAAA,GACtBpF,CAAA,CAAsBE,YAAA,GACvB8B,CAAA,GACAO,CAAA,GACA;QAEA8C,CAAA,GACJ,iBAAiBrF,CAAA,GAC0B,MAAtCA,CAAA,CAAsBmF,WAAA,GACrB,IACAtE,CAAA,GAASb,CAAA,CAAsBmF,WAAA,GACjC;QACAG,CAAA,GACJ,kBAAkBtF,CAAA,GAC0B,MAAvCA,CAAA,CAAsBoF,YAAA,GACrB,IACAnF,CAAA,GAAUD,CAAA,CAAsBoF,YAAA,GAClC;MAEN,IAAIjD,CAAA,KAAqBnC,CAAA,EAIPiE,CAAA,GADF,YAAVvC,CAAA,GACYgD,CAAA,GACK,UAAVhD,CAAA,GACKgD,CAAA,GAAc3B,CAAA,GACT,cAAVrB,CAAA,GACKpB,CAAA,CACZ+C,CAAA,EAC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