import * as React from 'react'; import { NodeDragEventHandler, NodeDragEventParams, NodeMouseEventHandler, NodeMouseEventParams } from './contextTypes'; import DropIndicator from './DropIndicator'; import { BasicDataNode, DataNode, Direction, EventDataNode, FieldNames, FlattenNode, IconType, Key, KeyEntities, NodeInstance, SafeKey, ScrollTo } from './interface'; import { NodeListRef } from './NodeList'; export interface CheckInfo { event: 'check'; node: EventDataNode; checked: boolean; nativeEvent: MouseEvent; checkedNodes: TreeDataType[]; checkedNodesPositions?: { node: TreeDataType; pos: string; }[]; halfCheckedKeys?: Key[]; } export interface AllowDropOptions { dragNode: TreeDataType; dropNode: TreeDataType; dropPosition: -1 | 0 | 1; } export type AllowDrop = (options: AllowDropOptions) => boolean; export type DraggableFn = (node: DataNode) => boolean; export type DraggableConfig = { icon?: React.ReactNode | false; nodeDraggable?: DraggableFn; }; export type ExpandAction = false | 'click' | 'doubleClick'; export interface TreeProps { prefixCls: string; className?: string; style?: React.CSSProperties; focusable?: boolean; activeKey?: Key | null; tabIndex?: number; children?: React.ReactNode; treeData?: TreeDataType[]; fieldNames?: FieldNames; showLine?: boolean; showIcon?: boolean; icon?: IconType; selectable?: boolean; expandAction?: ExpandAction; disabled?: boolean; multiple?: boolean; checkable?: boolean | React.ReactNode; checkStrictly?: boolean; draggable?: DraggableFn | boolean | DraggableConfig; defaultExpandParent?: boolean; autoExpandParent?: boolean; defaultExpandAll?: boolean; defaultExpandedKeys?: Key[]; expandedKeys?: Key[]; defaultCheckedKeys?: Key[]; checkedKeys?: Key[] | { checked: Key[]; halfChecked: Key[]; }; defaultSelectedKeys?: Key[]; selectedKeys?: Key[]; allowDrop?: AllowDrop; titleRender?: (node: TreeDataType) => React.ReactNode; dropIndicatorRender?: (props: { dropPosition: -1 | 0 | 1; dropLevelOffset: number; indent: number; prefixCls: string; direction: Direction; }) => React.ReactNode; onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler; onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler; onKeyDown?: React.KeyboardEventHandler; onContextMenu?: React.MouseEventHandler; onClick?: NodeMouseEventHandler; onDoubleClick?: NodeMouseEventHandler; onScroll?: React.UIEventHandler; onExpand?: (expandedKeys: Key[], info: { node: EventDataNode; expanded: boolean; nativeEvent: MouseEvent; }) => void; onCheck?: (checked: { checked: Key[]; halfChecked: Key[]; } | Key[], info: CheckInfo) => void; onSelect?: (selectedKeys: Key[], info: { event: 'select'; selected: boolean; node: EventDataNode; selectedNodes: TreeDataType[]; nativeEvent: MouseEvent; }) => void; onLoad?: (loadedKeys: Key[], info: { event: 'load'; node: EventDataNode; }) => void; loadData?: (treeNode: EventDataNode) => Promise; loadedKeys?: Key[]; onMouseEnter?: (info: NodeMouseEventParams) => void; onMouseLeave?: (info: NodeMouseEventParams) => void; onRightClick?: (info: { event: React.MouseEvent; node: EventDataNode; }) => void; onDragStart?: (info: NodeDragEventParams) => void; onDragEnter?: (info: NodeDragEventParams & { expandedKeys: Key[]; }) => void; onDragOver?: (info: NodeDragEventParams) => void; onDragLeave?: (info: NodeDragEventParams) => void; onDragEnd?: (info: NodeDragEventParams) => void; onDrop?: (info: NodeDragEventParams & { dragNode: EventDataNode; dragNodesKeys: Key[]; dropPosition: number; dropToGap: boolean; }) => void; /** * Used for `rc-tree-select` only. * Do not use in your production code directly since this will be refactor. */ onActiveChange?: (key: Key) => void; filterTreeNode?: (treeNode: EventDataNode) => boolean; motion?: any; switcherIcon?: IconType; height?: number; itemHeight?: number; itemScrollOffset?: number; virtual?: boolean; direction?: Direction; rootClassName?: string; rootStyle?: React.CSSProperties; } interface TreeState { keyEntities: KeyEntities; indent: number | null; selectedKeys: Key[]; checkedKeys: Key[]; halfCheckedKeys: Key[]; loadedKeys: Key[]; loadingKeys: Key[]; expandedKeys: Key[]; draggingNodeKey: Key; dragChildrenKeys: Key[]; dropPosition: -1 | 0 | 1 | null; dropLevelOffset: number | null; dropContainerKey: Key | null; dropTargetKey: Key | null; dropTargetPos: string | null; dropAllowed: boolean; dragOverNodeKey: Key | null; treeData: TreeDataType[]; flattenNodes: FlattenNode[]; focused: boolean; activeKey: Key | null; listChanging: boolean; prevProps: TreeProps; fieldNames: FieldNames; } declare class Tree extends React.Component, TreeState> { static defaultProps: { prefixCls: string; showLine: boolean; showIcon: boolean; selectable: boolean; multiple: boolean; checkable: boolean; disabled: boolean; checkStrictly: boolean; draggable: boolean; defaultExpandParent: boolean; autoExpandParent: boolean; defaultExpandAll: boolean; defaultExpandedKeys: any[]; defaultCheckedKeys: any[]; defaultSelectedKeys: any[]; dropIndicatorRender: typeof DropIndicator; allowDrop: () => boolean; expandAction: boolean; }; static TreeNode: React.FC>; destroyed: boolean; delayedDragEnterLogic: Record; loadingRetryTimes: Record; state: TreeState; dragStartMousePosition: any; dragNode: NodeInstance; currentMouseOverDroppableNodeKey: any; listRef: React.RefObject; componentDidMount(): void; componentDidUpdate(): void; onUpdated(): void; componentWillUnmount(): void; static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: TreeProps, prevState: TreeState): Partial>; onNodeDragStart: NodeDragEventHandler; /** * [Legacy] Select handler is smaller than node, * so that this will trigger when drag enter node or select handler. * This is a little tricky if customize css without padding. * Better for use mouse move event to refresh drag state. * But let's just keep it to avoid event trigger logic change. */ onNodeDragEnter: (event: React.DragEvent, node: NodeInstance) => void; onNodeDragOver: (event: React.DragEvent, node: NodeInstance) => void; onNodeDragLeave: NodeDragEventHandler; onWindowDragEnd: (event: any) => void; onNodeDragEnd: NodeDragEventHandler; onNodeDrop: (event: React.DragEvent, node: any, outsideTree?: boolean) => void; resetDragState(): void; cleanDragState: () => void; triggerExpandActionExpand: NodeMouseEventHandler; onNodeClick: NodeMouseEventHandler; onNodeDoubleClick: NodeMouseEventHandler; onNodeSelect: NodeMouseEventHandler; onNodeCheck: (e: React.MouseEvent, treeNode: EventDataNode, checked: boolean) => void; onNodeLoad: (treeNode: EventDataNode) => Promise; onNodeMouseEnter: NodeMouseEventHandler; onNodeMouseLeave: NodeMouseEventHandler; onNodeContextMenu: NodeMouseEventHandler; onFocus: React.FocusEventHandler; onBlur: React.FocusEventHandler; getTreeNodeRequiredProps: () => { expandedKeys: React.Key[]; selectedKeys: React.Key[]; loadedKeys: React.Key[]; loadingKeys: React.Key[]; checkedKeys: React.Key[]; halfCheckedKeys: React.Key[]; dragOverNodeKey: React.Key; dropPosition: 0 | 1 | -1; keyEntities: KeyEntities; }; /** Set uncontrolled `expandedKeys`. This will also auto update `flattenNodes`. */ setExpandedKeys: (expandedKeys: Key[]) => void; onNodeExpand: (e: React.MouseEvent, treeNode: EventDataNode) => void; onListChangeStart: () => void; onListChangeEnd: () => void; onActiveChange: (newActiveKey: Key | null) => void; getActiveItem: () => FlattenNode; offsetActiveKey: (offset: number) => void; onKeyDown: React.KeyboardEventHandler; /** * Only update the value which is not in props */ setUncontrolledState: (state: Partial>, atomic?: boolean, forceState?: Partial> | null) => void; scrollTo: ScrollTo; render(): React.JSX.Element; } export default Tree;