"use strict"; var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault").default; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.fillIndex = fillIndex; exports.getFromDate = getFromDate; exports.getRowFormat = getRowFormat; exports.leftPad = leftPad; exports.pickProps = pickProps; exports.toArray = toArray; var _toConsumableArray2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray")); function leftPad(str, length) { var fill = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '0'; var current = String(str); while (current.length < length) { current = "".concat(fill).concat(current); } return current; } /** * Convert `value` to array. Will provide `[]` if is null or undefined. */ function toArray(val) { if (val === null || val === undefined) { return []; } return Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val]; } function fillIndex(ori, index, value) { var clone = (0, _toConsumableArray2.default)(ori); clone[index] = value; return clone; } /** Pick props from the key list. Will filter empty value */ function pickProps(props, keys) { var clone = {}; var mergedKeys = keys || Object.keys(props); mergedKeys.forEach(function (key) { if (props[key] !== undefined) { clone[key] = props[key]; } }); return clone; } function getRowFormat(picker, locale, format) { if (format) { return format; } switch (picker) { // All from the `locale.fieldXXXFormat` first case 'time': return locale.fieldTimeFormat; case 'datetime': return locale.fieldDateTimeFormat; case 'month': return locale.fieldMonthFormat; case 'year': return locale.fieldYearFormat; case 'quarter': return locale.fieldQuarterFormat; case 'week': return locale.fieldWeekFormat; default: return locale.fieldDateFormat; } } function getFromDate(calendarValues, activeIndexList, activeIndex) { var mergedActiveIndex = activeIndex !== undefined ? activeIndex : activeIndexList[activeIndexList.length - 1]; var firstValuedIndex = activeIndexList.find(function (index) { return calendarValues[index]; }); return mergedActiveIndex !== firstValuedIndex ? calendarValues[firstValuedIndex] : undefined; }