import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty"; import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2"; import _toConsumableArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray"; import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties"; import _classCallCheck from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck"; import _createClass from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass"; import _inherits from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inherits"; import _createSuper from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createSuper"; var _excluded = ["title", "attribute", "elementRef"], _excluded2 = ["style", "className", "eventKey", "warnKey", "disabled", "itemIcon", "children", "role", "onMouseEnter", "onMouseLeave", "onClick", "onKeyDown", "onFocus"], _excluded3 = ["active"]; import classNames from 'classnames'; import Overflow from 'rc-overflow'; import KeyCode from "rc-util/es/KeyCode"; import omit from "rc-util/es/omit"; import { useComposeRef } from "rc-util/es/ref"; import warning from "rc-util/es/warning"; import * as React from 'react'; import { useMenuId } from "./context/IdContext"; import { MenuContext } from "./context/MenuContext"; import { useFullPath, useMeasure } from "./context/PathContext"; import PrivateContext from "./context/PrivateContext"; import useActive from "./hooks/useActive"; import useDirectionStyle from "./hooks/useDirectionStyle"; import Icon from "./Icon"; import { warnItemProp } from "./utils/warnUtil"; // Since Menu event provide the `info.item` which point to the MenuItem node instance. // We have to use class component here. // This should be removed from doc & api in future. var LegacyMenuItem = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) { _inherits(LegacyMenuItem, _React$Component); var _super = _createSuper(LegacyMenuItem); function LegacyMenuItem() { _classCallCheck(this, LegacyMenuItem); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } _createClass(LegacyMenuItem, [{ key: "render", value: function render() { var _this$props = this.props, title = _this$props.title, attribute = _this$props.attribute, elementRef = _this$props.elementRef, restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_this$props, _excluded); // Here the props are eventually passed to the DOM element. // React does not recognize non-standard attributes. // Therefore, remove the props that is not used here. // ref: var passedProps = omit(restProps, ['eventKey', 'popupClassName', 'popupOffset', 'onTitleClick']); warning(!attribute, '`attribute` of Menu.Item is deprecated. Please pass attribute directly.'); return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Overflow.Item, _extends({}, attribute, { title: typeof title === 'string' ? title : undefined }, passedProps, { ref: elementRef })); } }]); return LegacyMenuItem; }(React.Component); /** * Real Menu Item component */ var InternalMenuItem = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) { var _classNames; var style =, className = props.className, eventKey = props.eventKey, warnKey = props.warnKey, disabled = props.disabled, itemIcon = props.itemIcon, children = props.children, role = props.role, onMouseEnter = props.onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave = props.onMouseLeave, onClick = props.onClick, onKeyDown = props.onKeyDown, onFocus = props.onFocus, restProps = _objectWithoutProperties(props, _excluded2); var domDataId = useMenuId(eventKey); var _React$useContext = React.useContext(MenuContext), prefixCls = _React$useContext.prefixCls, onItemClick = _React$useContext.onItemClick, contextDisabled = _React$useContext.disabled, overflowDisabled = _React$useContext.overflowDisabled, contextItemIcon = _React$useContext.itemIcon, selectedKeys = _React$useContext.selectedKeys, onActive = _React$useContext.onActive; var _React$useContext2 = React.useContext(PrivateContext), _internalRenderMenuItem = _React$useContext2._internalRenderMenuItem; var itemCls = "".concat(prefixCls, "-item"); var legacyMenuItemRef = React.useRef(); var elementRef = React.useRef(); var mergedDisabled = contextDisabled || disabled; var mergedEleRef = useComposeRef(ref, elementRef); var connectedKeys = useFullPath(eventKey); // ================================ Warn ================================ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && warnKey) { warning(false, 'MenuItem should not leave undefined `key`.'); } // ============================= Info ============================= var getEventInfo = function getEventInfo(e) { return { key: eventKey, // Note: For legacy code is reversed which not like other antd component keyPath: _toConsumableArray(connectedKeys).reverse(), item: legacyMenuItemRef.current, domEvent: e }; }; // ============================= Icon ============================= var mergedItemIcon = itemIcon || contextItemIcon; // ============================ Active ============================ var _useActive = useActive(eventKey, mergedDisabled, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave), active =, activeProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_useActive, _excluded3); // ============================ Select ============================ var selected = selectedKeys.includes(eventKey); // ======================== DirectionStyle ======================== var directionStyle = useDirectionStyle(connectedKeys.length); // ============================ Events ============================ var onInternalClick = function onInternalClick(e) { if (mergedDisabled) { return; } var info = getEventInfo(e); onClick === null || onClick === void 0 ? void 0 : onClick(warnItemProp(info)); onItemClick(info); }; var onInternalKeyDown = function onInternalKeyDown(e) { onKeyDown === null || onKeyDown === void 0 ? void 0 : onKeyDown(e); if (e.which === KeyCode.ENTER) { var info = getEventInfo(e); // Legacy. Key will also trigger click event onClick === null || onClick === void 0 ? void 0 : onClick(warnItemProp(info)); onItemClick(info); } }; /** * Used for accessibility. Helper will focus element without key board. * We should manually trigger an active */ var onInternalFocus = function onInternalFocus(e) { onActive(eventKey); onFocus === null || onFocus === void 0 ? void 0 : onFocus(e); }; // ============================ Render ============================ var optionRoleProps = {}; if (props.role === 'option') { optionRoleProps['aria-selected'] = selected; } var renderNode = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(LegacyMenuItem, _extends({ ref: legacyMenuItemRef, elementRef: mergedEleRef, role: role === null ? 'none' : role || 'menuitem', tabIndex: disabled ? null : -1, "data-menu-id": overflowDisabled && domDataId ? null : domDataId }, restProps, activeProps, optionRoleProps, { component: "li", "aria-disabled": disabled, style: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, directionStyle), style), className: classNames(itemCls, (_classNames = {}, _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(itemCls, "-active"), active), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(itemCls, "-selected"), selected), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(itemCls, "-disabled"), mergedDisabled), _classNames), className), onClick: onInternalClick, onKeyDown: onInternalKeyDown, onFocus: onInternalFocus }), children, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Icon, { props: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, props), {}, { isSelected: selected }), icon: mergedItemIcon })); if (_internalRenderMenuItem) { renderNode = _internalRenderMenuItem(renderNode, props, { selected: selected }); } return renderNode; }); function MenuItem(props, ref) { var eventKey = props.eventKey; // ==================== Record KeyPath ==================== var measure = useMeasure(); var connectedKeyPath = useFullPath(eventKey); // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return React.useEffect(function () { if (measure) { measure.registerPath(eventKey, connectedKeyPath); return function () { measure.unregisterPath(eventKey, connectedKeyPath); }; } }, [connectedKeyPath]); if (measure) { return null; } // ======================== Render ======================== return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InternalMenuItem, _extends({}, props, { ref: ref })); } export default /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(MenuItem);