import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; import _toConsumableArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toConsumableArray"; import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray"; import _typeof from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof"; import classNames from 'classnames'; import useMergedState from "rc-util/es/hooks/useMergedState"; import warning from "rc-util/es/warning"; import React from 'react'; import useItems from "./hooks/useItems"; import CollapsePanel from "./Panel"; import pickAttrs from "rc-util/es/pickAttrs"; function getActiveKeysArray(activeKey) { var currentActiveKey = activeKey; if (!Array.isArray(currentActiveKey)) { var activeKeyType = _typeof(currentActiveKey); currentActiveKey = activeKeyType === 'number' || activeKeyType === 'string' ? [currentActiveKey] : []; } return (key) { return String(key); }); } var Collapse = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) { var _props$prefixCls = props.prefixCls, prefixCls = _props$prefixCls === void 0 ? 'rc-collapse' : _props$prefixCls, _props$destroyInactiv = props.destroyInactivePanel, destroyInactivePanel = _props$destroyInactiv === void 0 ? false : _props$destroyInactiv, style =, accordion = props.accordion, className = props.className, children = props.children, collapsible = props.collapsible, openMotion = props.openMotion, expandIcon = props.expandIcon, rawActiveKey = props.activeKey, defaultActiveKey = props.defaultActiveKey, _onChange = props.onChange, items = props.items; var collapseClassName = classNames(prefixCls, className); var _useMergedState = useMergedState([], { value: rawActiveKey, onChange: function onChange(v) { return _onChange === null || _onChange === void 0 ? void 0 : _onChange(v); }, defaultValue: defaultActiveKey, postState: getActiveKeysArray }), _useMergedState2 = _slicedToArray(_useMergedState, 2), activeKey = _useMergedState2[0], setActiveKey = _useMergedState2[1]; var onItemClick = function onItemClick(key) { return setActiveKey(function () { if (accordion) { return activeKey[0] === key ? [] : [key]; } var index = activeKey.indexOf(key); var isActive = index > -1; if (isActive) { return activeKey.filter(function (item) { return item !== key; }); } return [].concat(_toConsumableArray(activeKey), [key]); }); }; // ======================== Children ======================== warning(!children, '[rc-collapse] `children` will be removed in next major version. Please use `items` instead.'); var mergedChildren = useItems(items, children, { prefixCls: prefixCls, accordion: accordion, openMotion: openMotion, expandIcon: expandIcon, collapsible: collapsible, destroyInactivePanel: destroyInactivePanel, onItemClick: onItemClick, activeKey: activeKey }); // ======================== Render ======================== return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({ ref: ref, className: collapseClassName, style: style, role: accordion ? 'tablist' : undefined }, pickAttrs(props, { aria: true, data: true })), mergedChildren); }); export default Object.assign(Collapse, { /** * @deprecated use `items` instead, will be removed in `v4.0.0` */ Panel: CollapsePanel });