"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.prepareComponentToken = exports.default = void 0; var _cssinjs = require("@ant-design/cssinjs"); var _style = require("../../style"); var _internal = require("../../theme/internal"); const genTransferCustomizeStyle = token => { const { antCls, componentCls, listHeight, controlHeightLG } = token; const tableCls = `${antCls}-table`; const inputCls = `${antCls}-input`; return { [`${componentCls}-customize-list`]: { [`${componentCls}-list`]: { flex: '1 1 50%', width: 'auto', height: 'auto', minHeight: listHeight }, // =================== Hook Components =================== [`${tableCls}-wrapper`]: { [`${tableCls}-small`]: { border: 0, borderRadius: 0, [`${tableCls}-selection-column`]: { width: controlHeightLG, minWidth: controlHeightLG } }, [`${tableCls}-pagination${tableCls}-pagination`]: { margin: 0, padding: token.paddingXS } }, [`${inputCls}[disabled]`]: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' } } }; }; const genTransferStatusColor = (token, color) => { const { componentCls, colorBorder } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-list`]: { borderColor: color, '&-search:not([disabled])': { borderColor: colorBorder } } }; }; const genTransferStatusStyle = token => { const { componentCls } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-status-error`]: Object.assign({}, genTransferStatusColor(token, token.colorError)), [`${componentCls}-status-warning`]: Object.assign({}, genTransferStatusColor(token, token.colorWarning)) }; }; const genTransferListStyle = token => { const { componentCls, colorBorder, colorSplit, lineWidth, itemHeight, headerHeight, transferHeaderVerticalPadding, itemPaddingBlock, controlItemBgActive, colorTextDisabled, listHeight, listWidth, listWidthLG, fontSizeIcon, marginXS, paddingSM, lineType, antCls, iconCls, motionDurationSlow, controlItemBgHover, borderRadiusLG, colorBgContainer, colorText, controlItemBgActiveHover } = token; return { display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', width: listWidth, height: listHeight, border: `${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(lineWidth)} ${lineType} ${colorBorder}`, borderRadius: token.borderRadiusLG, '&-with-pagination': { width: listWidthLG, height: 'auto' }, '&-search': { [`${iconCls}-search`]: { color: colorTextDisabled } }, '&-header': { display: 'flex', flex: 'none', alignItems: 'center', height: headerHeight, // border-top is on the transfer dom. We should minus 1px for this padding: `${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(token.calc(transferHeaderVerticalPadding).sub(lineWidth).equal())} ${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(paddingSM)} ${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(transferHeaderVerticalPadding)}`, color: colorText, background: colorBgContainer, borderBottom: `${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(lineWidth)} ${lineType} ${colorSplit}`, borderRadius: `${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(borderRadiusLG)} ${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(borderRadiusLG)} 0 0`, '> *:not(:last-child)': { marginInlineEnd: 4 // This is magic and fixed number, DO NOT use token since it may change. }, '> *': { flex: 'none' }, '&-title': Object.assign(Object.assign({}, _style.textEllipsis), { flex: 'auto', textAlign: 'end' }), '&-dropdown': Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0, _style.resetIcon)()), { fontSize: fontSizeIcon, transform: 'translateY(10%)', cursor: 'pointer', '&[disabled]': { cursor: 'not-allowed' } }) }, '&-body': { display: 'flex', flex: 'auto', flexDirection: 'column', fontSize: token.fontSize, // https://blog.csdn.net/qq449245884/article/details/107373672/ minHeight: 0, '&-search-wrapper': { position: 'relative', flex: 'none', padding: paddingSM } }, '&-content': { flex: 'auto', margin: 0, padding: 0, overflow: 'auto', listStyle: 'none', '&-item': { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', minHeight: itemHeight, padding: `${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(itemPaddingBlock)} ${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(paddingSM)}`, transition: `all ${motionDurationSlow}`, '> *:not(:last-child)': { marginInlineEnd: marginXS }, '> *': { flex: 'none' }, '&-text': Object.assign(Object.assign({}, _style.textEllipsis), { flex: 'auto' }), '&-remove': { position: 'relative', color: colorBorder, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `all ${motionDurationSlow}`, '&:hover': { color: token.colorLinkHover }, '&::after': { position: 'absolute', inset: `-${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(itemPaddingBlock)} -50%`, content: '""' } }, [`&:not(${componentCls}-list-content-item-disabled)`]: { '&:hover': { backgroundColor: controlItemBgHover, cursor: 'pointer' }, [`&${componentCls}-list-content-item-checked:hover`]: { backgroundColor: controlItemBgActiveHover } }, '&-checked': { backgroundColor: controlItemBgActive }, '&-disabled': { color: colorTextDisabled, cursor: 'not-allowed' } }, // Do not change hover style when `oneWay` mode [`&-show-remove ${componentCls}-list-content-item:not(${componentCls}-list-content-item-disabled):hover`]: { background: 'transparent', cursor: 'default' } }, '&-pagination': { padding: token.paddingXS, textAlign: 'end', borderTop: `${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(lineWidth)} ${lineType} ${colorSplit}`, [`${antCls}-pagination-options`]: { paddingInlineEnd: token.paddingXS } }, '&-body-not-found': { flex: 'none', width: '100%', margin: 'auto 0', color: colorTextDisabled, textAlign: 'center' }, '&-footer': { borderTop: `${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(lineWidth)} ${lineType} ${colorSplit}` }, // fix: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/44489 '&-checkbox': { lineHeight: 1 } }; }; const genTransferStyle = token => { const { antCls, iconCls, componentCls, marginXS, marginXXS, fontSizeIcon, colorBgContainerDisabled } = token; return { [componentCls]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0, _style.resetComponent)(token)), { position: 'relative', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'stretch', [`${componentCls}-disabled`]: { [`${componentCls}-list`]: { background: colorBgContainerDisabled } }, [`${componentCls}-list`]: genTransferListStyle(token), [`${componentCls}-operation`]: { display: 'flex', flex: 'none', flexDirection: 'column', alignSelf: 'center', margin: `0 ${(0, _cssinjs.unit)(marginXS)}`, verticalAlign: 'middle', gap: marginXXS, [`${antCls}-btn ${iconCls}`]: { fontSize: fontSizeIcon } } }) }; }; const genTransferRTLStyle = token => { const { componentCls } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-rtl`]: { direction: 'rtl' } }; }; const prepareComponentToken = token => { const { fontSize, lineHeight, controlHeight, controlHeightLG, lineWidth } = token; const fontHeight = Math.round(fontSize * lineHeight); return { listWidth: 180, listHeight: 200, listWidthLG: 250, headerHeight: controlHeightLG, itemHeight: controlHeight, itemPaddingBlock: (controlHeight - fontHeight) / 2, transferHeaderVerticalPadding: Math.ceil((controlHeightLG - lineWidth - fontHeight) / 2) }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== exports.prepareComponentToken = prepareComponentToken; var _default = exports.default = (0, _internal.genStyleHooks)('Transfer', token => { const transferToken = (0, _internal.mergeToken)(token); return [genTransferStyle(transferToken), genTransferCustomizeStyle(transferToken), genTransferStatusStyle(transferToken), genTransferRTLStyle(transferToken)]; }, prepareComponentToken);