import type { FullToken, GetDefaultToken } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 下拉菜单 z-index * @descEN z-index of dropdown menu */ zIndexPopup: number; /** * @desc 卡片标签页背景色 * @descEN Background color of card tab */ cardBg: string; /** * @desc 卡片标签页高度 * @descEN Height of card tab */ cardHeight: number | string; /** * @desc 卡片标签页内间距 * @descEN Padding of card tab */ cardPadding: string; /** * @desc 小号卡片标签页内间距 * @descEN Padding of small card tab */ cardPaddingSM: string; /** * @desc 大号卡片标签页内间距 * @descEN Padding of large card tab */ cardPaddingLG: string; /** * @desc 标齐页标题文本大小 * @descEN Font size of title */ titleFontSize: number; /** * @desc 大号标签页标题文本大小 * @descEN Font size of large title */ titleFontSizeLG: number; /** * @desc 小号标签页标题文本大小 * @descEN Font size of small title */ titleFontSizeSM: number; /** * @desc 指示条颜色 * @descEN Color of indicator */ inkBarColor: string; /** * @desc 横向标签页外间距 * @descEN Horizontal margin of horizontal tab */ horizontalMargin: string; /** * @desc 横向标签页标签间距 * @descEN Horizontal gutter of horizontal tab */ horizontalItemGutter: number; /** * @desc 横向标签页标签外间距 * @descEN Horizontal margin of horizontal tab item */ horizontalItemMargin: string; /** * @desc 横向标签页标签外间距(RTL) * @descEN Horizontal margin of horizontal tab item (RTL) */ horizontalItemMarginRTL: string; /** * @desc 横向标签页标签内间距 * @descEN Horizontal padding of horizontal tab item */ horizontalItemPadding: string; /** * @desc 大号横向标签页标签内间距 * @descEN Horizontal padding of large horizontal tab item */ horizontalItemPaddingLG: string; /** * @desc 小号横向标签页标签内间距 * @descEN Horizontal padding of small horizontal tab item */ horizontalItemPaddingSM: string; /** * @desc 纵向标签页标签内间距 * @descEN Vertical padding of vertical tab item */ verticalItemPadding: string; /** * @desc 纵向标签页标签外间距 * @descEN Vertical margin of vertical tab item */ verticalItemMargin: string; /** * @desc 标签文本颜色 * @descEN Text color of tab */ itemColor: string; /** * @desc 标签激活态文本颜色 * @descEN Text color of active tab */ itemActiveColor: string; /** * @desc 标签悬浮态文本颜色 * @descEN Text color of hover tab */ itemHoverColor: string; /** * @desc 标签选中态文本颜色 * @descEN Text color of selected tab */ itemSelectedColor: string; /** * @desc 卡片标签间距 * @descEN Gutter of card tab */ cardGutter: number; } export interface TabsToken extends FullToken<'Tabs'> { tabsCardPadding: string; dropdownEdgeChildVerticalPadding: number; tabsNavWrapPseudoWidth: number; tabsActiveTextShadow: string; tabsDropdownHeight: number | string; tabsDropdownWidth: number | string; tabsHorizontalItemMargin: string; tabsHorizontalItemMarginRTL: string; } export declare const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Tabs'>; declare const _default: (prefixCls: string, rootCls?: string) => readonly [(node: import("react").ReactElement) => import("react").ReactElement, string, string]; export default _default;