import type { CSSProperties } from 'react'; import type { FullToken, GetDefaultToken } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 描述区域最大宽度 * @descEN Max width of description area */ descriptionMaxWidth: number; /** * @desc 自定义图标容器尺寸 * @descEN Size of custom icon container */ customIconSize: number; /** * @desc 自定义图标 top * @descEN Top of custom icon */ customIconTop: number; /** * @desc 自定义图标大小 * @descEN Font size of custom icon */ customIconFontSize: number; /** * @desc 图标容器尺寸 * @descEN Size of icon container */ iconSize: number; /** * @desc 图标 top * @descEN Top of icon */ iconTop: number; /** * @desc 图标大小 * @descEN Size of icon */ iconFontSize: number; /** * @desc 点状步骤点大小 * @descEN Size of dot */ dotSize: number; /** * @desc 点状步骤点当前大小 * @descEN Current size of dot */ dotCurrentSize: number; /** * @desc 可跳转步骤条箭头颜色 * @descEN Color of arrow in nav */ navArrowColor: string; /** * @desc 可跳转步骤条内容最大宽度 * @descEN Max width of nav content */ navContentMaxWidth: CSSProperties['maxWidth']; /** * @desc 小号步骤条图标大小 * @descEN Size of small steps icon */ iconSizeSM: number; /** * @desc 标题行高 * @descEN Line height of title */ titleLineHeight: number | string; } export interface StepsToken extends FullToken<'Steps'> { processTailColor: string; processIconColor: string; processTitleColor: string; processDescriptionColor: string; processIconBgColor: string; processIconBorderColor: string; processDotColor: string; waitTitleColor: string; waitDescriptionColor: string; waitTailColor: string; waitDotColor: string; finishIconColor: string; finishTitleColor: string; finishDescriptionColor: string; finishTailColor: string; finishDotColor: string; errorIconColor: string; errorTitleColor: string; errorDescriptionColor: string; errorTailColor: string; errorIconBgColor: string; errorIconBorderColor: string; errorDotColor: string; stepsNavActiveColor: string; stepsProgressSize: number; inlineDotSize: number; inlineTitleColor: string; inlineTailColor: string; } export declare const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Steps'>; declare const _default: (prefixCls: string, rootCls?: string) => readonly [(node: import("react").ReactElement) => import("react").ReactElement, string, string]; export default _default;