221 lines
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2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00
"use strict";
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.
// See LICENSE in the project root for license information.
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.generatePatchedLinterJsFileIfDoesNotExist = void 0;
const fs_1 = __importDefault(require("fs"));
const constants_1 = require("./constants");
* Dynamically generate file to properly patch many versions of ESLint
* @param inputFilePath - Must be an iteration of https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/main/lib/linter/linter.js
* @param outputFilePath - Some small changes to linter.js
function generatePatchedLinterJsFileIfDoesNotExist(inputFilePath, outputFilePath) {
const generateEnvVarValue = process.env[constants_1.ESLINT_BULK_FORCE_REGENERATE_PATCH_ENV_VAR_NAME];
if (generateEnvVarValue !== 'true' && generateEnvVarValue !== '1' && fs_1.default.existsSync(outputFilePath)) {
const inputFile = fs_1.default.readFileSync(inputFilePath).toString();
let inputIndex = 0;
* Extract from the stream until marker is reached. When matching marker,
* ignore whitespace in the stream and in the marker. Return the extracted text.
function scanUntilMarker(marker) {
const trimmedMarker = marker.replace(/\s/g, '');
let output = '';
let trimmed = '';
while (inputIndex < inputFile.length) {
const char = inputFile[inputIndex++];
output += char;
if (!/^\s$/.test(char)) {
trimmed += char;
if (trimmed.endsWith(trimmedMarker)) {
return output;
throw new Error('Unexpected end of input while looking for ' + JSON.stringify(marker));
function scanUntilNewline() {
let output = '';
while (inputIndex < inputFile.length) {
const char = inputFile[inputIndex++];
output += char;
if (char === '\n') {
return output;
throw new Error('Unexpected end of input while looking for new line');
function scanUntilEnd() {
const output = inputFile.substring(inputIndex);
inputIndex = inputFile.length;
return output;
* Returns index of next public method
* @param fromIndex - index of inputFile to search if public method still exists
* @returns -1 if public method does not exist or index of next public method
function getIndexOfNextPublicMethod(fromIndex) {
const rest = inputFile.substring(fromIndex);
const endOfClassIndex = rest.indexOf('\n}');
const markerForStartOfClassMethod = '\n */\n ';
const startOfClassMethodIndex = rest.indexOf(markerForStartOfClassMethod);
if (startOfClassMethodIndex === -1 || startOfClassMethodIndex > endOfClassIndex) {
return -1;
const afterMarkerIndex = rest.indexOf(markerForStartOfClassMethod) + markerForStartOfClassMethod.length;
const isPublicMethod = rest[afterMarkerIndex] !== '_' &&
rest[afterMarkerIndex] !== '#' &&
!rest.substring(afterMarkerIndex, rest.indexOf('\n', afterMarkerIndex)).includes('static') &&
!rest.substring(afterMarkerIndex, rest.indexOf('\n', afterMarkerIndex)).includes('constructor');
if (isPublicMethod) {
return fromIndex + afterMarkerIndex;
return getIndexOfNextPublicMethod(fromIndex + afterMarkerIndex);
function scanUntilIndex(indexToScanTo) {
const output = inputFile.substring(inputIndex, indexToScanTo);
inputIndex = indexToScanTo;
return output;
let outputFile = '';
// Match this:
// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // Requirements
// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
outputFile += scanUntilMarker('// Requirements');
outputFile += scanUntilMarker('//--');
outputFile += scanUntilNewline();
outputFile += `
const bulkSuppressionsPatch = require(process.env.${constants_1.ESLINT_BULK_PATCH_PATH_ENV_VAR_NAME});
const requireFromPathToLinterJS = bulkSuppressionsPatch.requireFromPathToLinterJS;
// Match this:
// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // Typedefs
// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const requireSection = scanUntilMarker('// Typedefs');
// Match something like this:
// const path = require('path'),
// eslintScope = require('eslint-scope'),
// evk = require('eslint-visitor-keys'),
// Convert to something like this:
// const path = require('path'),
// eslintScope = requireFromPathToLinterJS('eslint-scope'),
// evk = requireFromPathToLinterJS('eslint-visitor-keys'),
outputFile += requireSection.replace(/require\s*\((?:'([^']+)'|"([^"]+)")\)/g, (match, p1, p2) => {
var _a;
const importPath = (_a = p1 !== null && p1 !== void 0 ? p1 : p2) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
if (importPath !== 'path') {
if (p1) {
return `requireFromPathToLinterJS('${p1}')`;
if (p2) {
return `requireFromPathToLinterJS("${p2}")`;
// Keep as-is
return match;
outputFile += `--- END MONKEY PATCH ---
// Match this:
// ```
// if (reportTranslator === null) {
// reportTranslator = createReportTranslator({
// ruleId,
// severity,
// sourceCode,
// messageIds,
// disableFixes
// });
// }
// const problem = reportTranslator(...args);
// if (problem.fix && !(rule.meta && rule.meta.fixable)) {
// throw new Error("Fixable rules must set the `meta.fixable` property to \"code\" or \"whitespace\".");
// }
// ```
// Convert to something like this:
// ```
// if (reportTranslator === null) {
// reportTranslator = createReportTranslator({
// ruleId,
// severity,
// sourceCode,
// messageIds,
// disableFixes
// });
// }
// const problem = reportTranslator(...args);
// // --- BEGIN MONKEY PATCH ---
// if (bulkSuppressionsPatch.shouldBulkSuppress({ filename, currentNode, ruleId })) return;
// // --- END MONKEY PATCH ---
// if (problem.fix && !(rule.meta && rule.meta.fixable)) {
// throw new Error("Fixable rules must set the `meta.fixable` property to \"code\" or \"whitespace\".");
// }
// ```
outputFile += scanUntilMarker('const problem = reportTranslator(...args);');
outputFile += `
if (bulkSuppressionsPatch.shouldBulkSuppress({ filename, currentNode, ruleId, problem })) return;
outputFile += scanUntilMarker('nodeQueue.forEach(traversalInfo => {');
outputFile += scanUntilMarker('});');
outputFile += scanUntilNewline();
outputFile += scanUntilMarker('class Linter {');
outputFile += scanUntilNewline();
outputFile += `
* We intercept ESLint execution at the .eslintrc.js file, but unfortunately the Linter class is
* initialized before the .eslintrc.js file is executed. This means the internalSlotsMap that all
* the patched methods refer to is not initialized. This method checks if the internalSlotsMap is
* initialized, and if not, initializes it.
_conditionallyReinitialize({ cwd, configType } = {}) {
if (internalSlotsMap.get(this) === undefined) {
internalSlotsMap.set(this, {
cwd: normalizeCwd(cwd),
lastConfigArray: null,
lastSourceCode: null,
lastSuppressedMessages: [],
configType, // TODO: Remove after flat config conversion
parserMap: new Map([['espree', espree]]),
ruleMap: new Rules()
this.version = pkg.version;
let indexOfNextPublicMethod = getIndexOfNextPublicMethod(inputIndex);
while (indexOfNextPublicMethod !== -1) {
outputFile += scanUntilIndex(indexOfNextPublicMethod);
outputFile += scanUntilNewline();
outputFile += ` // --- BEGIN MONKEY PATCH ---
indexOfNextPublicMethod = getIndexOfNextPublicMethod(inputIndex);
outputFile += scanUntilEnd();
fs_1.default.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, outputFile);
exports.generatePatchedLinterJsFileIfDoesNotExist = generatePatchedLinterJsFileIfDoesNotExist;
//# sourceMappingURL=generate-patched-file.js.map