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2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00
import type { TSESTree } from '@typescript-eslint/types';
import { type IBulkSuppressionsConfig, type ISuppression } from './bulk-suppressions-file';
declare const SUPPRESSION_SYMBOL: unique symbol;
interface IProblem {
config: IBulkSuppressionsConfig;
suppression: ISuppression;
serializedSuppression: string;
export declare function shouldBulkSuppress(params: {
filename: string;
currentNode: TSESTree.Node;
ruleId: string;
problem: IProblem;
}): boolean;
export declare function prune(): void;
export declare function write(): void;
export declare function requireFromPathToLinterJS(importPath: string): import('eslint').Linter;
export declare function patchClass<T, U extends T>(originalClass: new () => T, patchedClass: new () => U): void;
* This returns a wrapped version of the "verify" function from ESLint's Linter class
* that postprocesses rule violations that weren't suppressed by comments. This postprocessing
* records suppressions that weren't otherwise suppressed by comments to be used
* by the "suppress" and "prune" commands.
export declare function extendVerifyFunction(originalFn: (this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => IProblem[] | undefined): (this: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => IProblem[] | undefined;
export {};
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