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2024-08-20 23:25:37 +04:00
{"ast":null,"code":"export const FontGap = 3;\nfunction prepareCanvas(width, height) {\n let ratio = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 1;\n const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\n const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');\n const realWidth = width * ratio;\n const realHeight = height * ratio;\n canvas.setAttribute('width', `${realWidth}px`);\n canvas.setAttribute('height', `${realHeight}px`);\n;\n return [ctx, canvas, realWidth, realHeight];\n}\n/**\n * Get the clips of text content.\n * This is a lazy hook function since SSR no need this\n */\nexport default function useClips() {\n // Get single clips\n function getClips(content, rotate, ratio, width, height, font, gapX, gapY) {\n // ================= Text / Image =================\n const [ctx, canvas, contentWidth, contentHeight] = prepareCanvas(width, height, ratio);\n if (content instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\n // Image\n ctx.drawImage(content, 0, 0, contentWidth, contentHeight);\n } else {\n // Text\n const {\n color,\n fontSize,\n fontStyle,\n fontWeight,\n fontFamily,\n textAlign\n } = font;\n const mergedFontSize = Number(fontSize) * ratio;\n ctx.font = `${fontStyle} normal ${fontWeight} ${mergedFontSize}px/${height}px ${fontFamily}`;\n ctx.fillStyle = color;\n ctx.textAlign = textAlign;\n ctx.textBaseline = 'top';\n const contents = Array.isArray(content) ? content : [content];\n contents === null || contents === void 0 ? void 0 : contents.forEach((item, index) => {\n ctx.fillText(item !== null && item !== void 0 ? item : '', contentWidth / 2, index * (mergedFontSize + FontGap * ratio));\n });\n }\n // ==================== Rotate ====================\n const angle = Math.PI / 180 * Number(rotate);\n const maxSize = Math.max(width, height);\n const [rCtx, rCanvas, realMaxSize] = prepareCanvas(maxSize, maxSize, ratio);\n // Copy from `ctx` and rotate\n rCtx.translate(realMaxSize / 2, realMaxSize / 2);\n rCtx.rotate(angle);\n if (contentWidth > 0 && contentHeight > 0) {\n rCtx.drawImage(canvas, -contentWidth / 2, -contentHeight / 2);\n }\n // Get boundary of rotated text\n function getRotatePos(x, y) {\n const targetX = x * Math.cos(angle) - y * Math.sin(angle);\n const targetY = x * Math.sin(angle) + y * Math.cos(angle);\n return [targetX, targetY];\n }\n let left = 0;\n let right = 0;\n let top = 0;\n let bottom = 0;\n const halfWidth = contentWidth / 2;\n const halfHeight = contentHeight / 2;\n const points = [[0 - halfWidth, 0 - halfHeight], [0 + halfWidth, 0 - halfHeight], [0 + halfWidth, 0 + halfHeight], [0 - halfWidth, 0 + halfHeight]];\n points.forEach(_ref => {\n let [x, y] = _ref;\n const [targetX, targetY] = getRotatePos(x, y);\n left = Math.min(left, targetX);\n right = Math.max(right, targetX);\n top = Math.min(top, targetY);\n bottom = Math.max(bottom, targetY);\n });\n const cutLeft = left + realMaxSize / 2;\n const cutTop = top + realMaxSize / 2;\n const cutWidth = right - left;\n const cutHeight = bottom - top;\n // ================ Fill Alternate ================\n const realGapX = gapX * ratio;\n const realGapY = gapY * ratio;\n const filledWidth = (cutWidth + realGapX) * 2;\n const filledHeight = cutHeight + realGapY;\n const [fCtx, fCanvas] = prepareCanvas(filledWidth, filledHeight);\n function drawImg() {\n let targetX = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0;\n let targetY = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;\n fCtx.drawImage(rCanvas, cutLeft, cutTop, cutWidth, cutHeight, targetX, targetY, cutWidth, cutHeight);\n }\n drawImg();\n drawImg(cutWidth + realGapX, -cutHeight / 2 - realGapY / 2);\n drawImg(cutWidth + realGapX, +cutHeight / 2 + realGapY / 2);\n return [fCanvas.toDataURL(), filledWidth / ratio, filledHeigh