Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting url. ## Install ~~~ npm install url-join ~~~ ## Usage ~~~javascript var urljoin = require('url-join'); var fullUrl = urljoin('', 'a', '/b/cd', '?foo=123'); console.log(fullUrl); ~~~ Prints: ~~~ '' ~~~ ## Browser and AMD It also works in the browser, you can either include ```lib/url-join.js``` in your page: ~~~html <script src="url-join.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> urljoin('', 'foo?a=1') </script> ~~~ Or using an AMD module system like requirejs: ~~~javascript define(['path/url-join.js'], function (urljoin) { urljoin('', 'foo?a=1'); }); ~~~ ## License MIT