280 lines
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280 lines
8.5 KiB
"""Migrating IPython < 4.0 to Jupyter
This *copies* configuration and resources to their new locations in Jupyter
- .ipython/
- nbextensions -> JUPYTER_DATA_DIR/nbextensions
- kernels -> JUPYTER_DATA_DIR/kernels
- .ipython/profile_default/
- static/custom -> .jupyter/custom
- nbconfig -> .jupyter/nbconfig
- security/
- notebook_secret, notebook_cookie_secret, nbsignatures.db -> JUPYTER_DATA_DIR
- ipython_{notebook,nbconvert,qtconsole}_config.py -> .jupyter/jupyter_{name}_config.py
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import re
import shutil
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from traitlets.config.loader import JSONFileConfigLoader, PyFileConfigLoader
from traitlets.log import get_logger
from .application import JupyterApp
from .paths import jupyter_config_dir, jupyter_data_dir
from .utils import ensure_dir_exists
# mypy: disable-error-code="no-untyped-call"
migrations = {
str(Path("{ipython_dir}", "nbextensions")): str(Path("{jupyter_data}", "nbextensions")),
str(Path("{ipython_dir}", "kernels")): str(Path("{jupyter_data}", "kernels")),
str(Path("{profile}", "nbconfig")): str(Path("{jupyter_config}", "nbconfig")),
custom_src_t = str(Path("{profile}", "static", "custom"))
custom_dst_t = str(Path("{jupyter_config}", "custom"))
for security_file in ("notebook_secret", "notebook_cookie_secret", "nbsignatures.db"):
src = str(Path("{profile}", "security", security_file))
dst = str(Path("{jupyter_data}", security_file))
migrations[src] = dst
config_migrations = ["notebook", "nbconvert", "qtconsole"]
regex = re.compile
config_substitutions = {
regex(r"\bIPythonQtConsoleApp\b"): "JupyterQtConsoleApp",
regex(r"\bIPythonWidget\b"): "JupyterWidget",
regex(r"\bRichIPythonWidget\b"): "RichJupyterWidget",
regex(r"\bIPython\.html\b"): "notebook",
regex(r"\bIPython\.nbconvert\b"): "nbconvert",
def get_ipython_dir() -> str:
"""Return the IPython directory location.
Not imported from IPython because the IPython implementation
ensures that a writable directory exists,
creating a temporary directory if not.
We don't want to trigger that when checking if migration should happen.
We only need to support the IPython < 4 behavior for migration,
so importing for forward-compatibility and edge cases is not important.
return os.environ.get("IPYTHONDIR", str(Path("~/.ipython").expanduser()))
def migrate_dir(src: str, dst: str) -> bool:
"""Migrate a directory from src to dst"""
log = get_logger()
if not os.listdir(src):
log.debug("No files in %s", src)
return False
if Path(dst).exists():
if os.listdir(dst):
# already exists, non-empty
log.debug("%s already exists", dst)
return False
log.info("Copying %s -> %s", src, dst)
shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=True)
return True
def migrate_file(src: str | Path, dst: str | Path, substitutions: Any = None) -> bool:
"""Migrate a single file from src to dst
substitutions is an optional dict of {regex: replacement} for performing replacements on the file.
log = get_logger()
if Path(dst).exists():
# already exists
log.debug("%s already exists", dst)
return False
log.info("Copying %s -> %s", src, dst)
shutil.copy(src, dst)
if substitutions:
with Path.open(Path(dst), encoding="utf-8") as f:
text = f.read()
for pat, replacement in substitutions.items():
text = pat.sub(replacement, text)
with Path.open(Path(dst), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return True
def migrate_one(src: str, dst: str) -> bool:
"""Migrate one item
dispatches to migrate_dir/_file
log = get_logger()
if Path(src).is_file():
return migrate_file(src, dst)
if Path(src).is_dir():
return migrate_dir(src, dst)
log.debug("Nothing to migrate for %s", src)
return False
def migrate_static_custom(src: str, dst: str) -> bool:
"""Migrate non-empty custom.js,css from src to dst
src, dst are 'custom' directories containing custom.{js,css}
log = get_logger()
migrated = False
custom_js = Path(src, "custom.js")
custom_css = Path(src, "custom.css")
# check if custom_js is empty:
custom_js_empty = True
if Path(custom_js).is_file():
with Path.open(custom_js, encoding="utf-8") as f:
js = f.read().strip()
for line in js.splitlines():
if not (line.isspace() or line.strip().startswith(("/*", "*", "//"))):
custom_js_empty = False
# check if custom_css is empty:
custom_css_empty = True
if Path(custom_css).is_file():
with Path.open(custom_css, encoding="utf-8") as f:
css = f.read().strip()
custom_css_empty = css.startswith("/*") and css.endswith("*/")
if custom_js_empty:
log.debug("Ignoring empty %s", custom_js)
if custom_css_empty:
log.debug("Ignoring empty %s", custom_css)
if custom_js_empty and custom_css_empty:
# nothing to migrate
return False
if not custom_js_empty or not custom_css_empty:
if not custom_js_empty and migrate_file(custom_js, Path(dst, "custom.js")):
migrated = True
if not custom_css_empty and migrate_file(custom_css, Path(dst, "custom.css")):
migrated = True
return migrated
def migrate_config(name: str, env: Any) -> list[Any]:
"""Migrate a config file.
Includes substitutions for updated configurable names.
log = get_logger()
src_base = str(Path(f"{env['profile']}", f"ipython_{name}_config"))
dst_base = str(Path(f"{env['jupyter_config']}", f"jupyter_{name}_config"))
loaders = {
".py": PyFileConfigLoader,
".json": JSONFileConfigLoader,
migrated = []
for ext in (".py", ".json"):
src = src_base + ext
dst = dst_base + ext
if Path(src).exists():
cfg = loaders[ext](src).load_config()
if cfg:
if migrate_file(src, dst, substitutions=config_substitutions):
# don't migrate empty config files
log.debug("Not migrating empty config file: %s", src)
return migrated
def migrate() -> bool:
"""Migrate IPython configuration to Jupyter"""
env = {
"jupyter_data": jupyter_data_dir(),
"jupyter_config": jupyter_config_dir(),
"ipython_dir": get_ipython_dir(),
"profile": str(Path(get_ipython_dir(), "profile_default")),
migrated = False
for src_t, dst_t in migrations.items():
src = src_t.format(**env)
dst = dst_t.format(**env)
if Path(src).exists() and migrate_one(src, dst):
migrated = True
for name in config_migrations:
if migrate_config(name, env):
migrated = True
custom_src = custom_src_t.format(**env)
custom_dst = custom_dst_t.format(**env)
if Path(custom_src).exists() and migrate_static_custom(custom_src, custom_dst):
migrated = True
# write a marker to avoid re-running migration checks
with Path.open(Path(env["jupyter_config"], "migrated"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return migrated
class JupyterMigrate(JupyterApp):
"""A Jupyter Migration App."""
name = "jupyter-migrate"
description = """
Migrate configuration and data from .ipython prior to 4.0 to Jupyter locations.
This migrates:
- config files in the default profile
- kernels in ~/.ipython/kernels
- notebook javascript extensions in ~/.ipython/extensions
- custom.js/css to .jupyter/custom
to their new Jupyter locations.
All files are copied, not moved.
If the destinations already exist, nothing will be done.
def start(self) -> None:
"""Start the application."""
if not migrate():
self.log.info("Found nothing to migrate.")
main = JupyterMigrate.launch_instance
if __name__ == "__main__":