lab-6 correct some mistakes

This commit is contained in:
Zakharov_Rostislav 2024-05-24 21:58:59 +04:00
parent 82c15131d0
commit 816024499f
4 changed files with 125 additions and 120 deletions

View File

@ -20,92 +20,98 @@
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
dataGridView1 = new DataGridView();
CreateButton = new Button();
ChangeButton = new Button();
DeleteButton = new Button();
RefreshButton = new Button();
// dataGridView1
dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
dataGridView1.Location = new Point(12, 12);
dataGridView1.Name = "dataGridView1";
dataGridView1.RowHeadersWidth = 51;
dataGridView1.RowTemplate.Height = 29;
dataGridView1.Size = new Size(565, 426);
dataGridView1.TabIndex = 0;
// CreateButton
CreateButton.Location = new Point(583, 12);
CreateButton.Name = "CreateButton";
CreateButton.Size = new Size(205, 29);
CreateButton.TabIndex = 1;
CreateButton.Text = "Создать";
CreateButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
CreateButton.Click += CreateButton_Click;
// ChangeButton
ChangeButton.Location = new Point(583, 47);
ChangeButton.Name = "ChangeButton";
ChangeButton.Size = new Size(205, 29);
ChangeButton.TabIndex = 2;
ChangeButton.Text = "Изменить";
ChangeButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
ChangeButton.Click += ChangeButton_Click;
// DeleteButton
DeleteButton.Location = new Point(583, 82);
DeleteButton.Name = "DeleteButton";
DeleteButton.Size = new Size(205, 29);
DeleteButton.TabIndex = 3;
DeleteButton.Text = "Удалить";
DeleteButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
DeleteButton.Click += DeleteButton_Click;
// RefreshButton
RefreshButton.Location = new Point(583, 117);
RefreshButton.Name = "RefreshButton";
RefreshButton.Size = new Size(205, 29);
RefreshButton.TabIndex = 4;
RefreshButton.Text = "Обновить";
RefreshButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
RefreshButton.Click += RefreshButton_Click;
// ImplementersForm
AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(8F, 20F);
AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
ClientSize = new Size(800, 450);
Name = "ImplementersForm";
Text = "Исполнители";
Load += ImplementersForm_Load;
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
dataGridView = new DataGridView();
CreateButton = new Button();
ChangeButton = new Button();
DeleteButton = new Button();
RefreshButton = new Button();
// dataGridView
dataGridView.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize;
dataGridView.Location = new Point(10, 9);
dataGridView.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
dataGridView.Name = "dataGridView";
dataGridView.RowHeadersWidth = 51;
dataGridView.RowTemplate.Height = 29;
dataGridView.Size = new Size(494, 320);
dataGridView.TabIndex = 0;
// CreateButton
CreateButton.Location = new Point(510, 9);
CreateButton.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
CreateButton.Name = "CreateButton";
CreateButton.Size = new Size(179, 22);
CreateButton.TabIndex = 1;
CreateButton.Text = "Создать";
CreateButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
CreateButton.Click += CreateButton_Click;
// ChangeButton
ChangeButton.Location = new Point(510, 35);
ChangeButton.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
ChangeButton.Name = "ChangeButton";
ChangeButton.Size = new Size(179, 22);
ChangeButton.TabIndex = 2;
ChangeButton.Text = "Изменить";
ChangeButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
ChangeButton.Click += ChangeButton_Click;
// DeleteButton
DeleteButton.Location = new Point(510, 62);
DeleteButton.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
DeleteButton.Name = "DeleteButton";
DeleteButton.Size = new Size(179, 22);
DeleteButton.TabIndex = 3;
DeleteButton.Text = "Удалить";
DeleteButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
DeleteButton.Click += DeleteButton_Click;
// RefreshButton
RefreshButton.Location = new Point(510, 88);
RefreshButton.Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
RefreshButton.Name = "RefreshButton";
RefreshButton.Size = new Size(179, 22);
RefreshButton.TabIndex = 4;
RefreshButton.Text = "Обновить";
RefreshButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
RefreshButton.Click += RefreshButton_Click;
// ImplementersForm
AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(7F, 15F);
AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;
ClientSize = new Size(700, 338);
Margin = new Padding(3, 2, 3, 2);
Name = "ImplementersForm";
Text = "Исполнители";
Load += ImplementersForm_Load;
private DataGridView dataGridView1;
private DataGridView dataGridView;
private Button CreateButton;
private Button ChangeButton;
private Button DeleteButton;

View File

@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ namespace BlacksmithWorkshop
var list = _logic.ReadList(null);
if (list != null)
dataGridView1.DataSource = list;
dataGridView1.Columns["Id"].Visible = false;
dataGridView1.Columns["ImplementerFIO"].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
dataGridView1.Columns["Password"].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
dataGridView1.Columns["Qualification"].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
dataGridView1.Columns["WorkExperience"].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
dataGridView.DataSource = list;
dataGridView.Columns["Id"].Visible = false;
dataGridView.Columns["ImplementerFIO"].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
dataGridView.Columns["Password"].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
dataGridView.Columns["Qualification"].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
dataGridView.Columns["WorkExperience"].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
_logger.LogInformation("Загрузка компонентов");
@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ namespace BlacksmithWorkshop
private void ChangeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
if (dataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
var service =
if (service is ImplementerForm form)
form.Id = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value);
form.Id = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value);
if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ namespace BlacksmithWorkshop
private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
if (dataGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
if (MessageBox.Show("Удалить запись?", "Вопрос",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value);
int id = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Id"].Value);
_logger.LogInformation("Удаление компонента");

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Microsoft ResX Schema
Version 2.0
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
associated with the data types.
... headers & schema ...
<resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
<resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
@ -26,36 +26,36 @@
<value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
<comment>This is a comment</comment>
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
name/value pairs.
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
mimetype set.
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
Note - application/ is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
Note - application/ is the format
that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
read any of the formats listed below.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized with
value : The object must be serialized with
: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.
mimetype: application/
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
: using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
: and then encoded with base64 encoding.

View File

@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BlacksmithWorkshopDataModels.Models
public interface IImplementerModel
public interface IImplementerModel : IId
string ImplementerFIO { get; }
string Password { get; }
int WorkExperience { get; }
int Qualification { get; }