 * @module run-task
 * @author Toru Nagashima
 * @copyright 2015 Toru Nagashima. All rights reserved.
 * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
"use strict"

// Requirements

const path = require("path")
const chalk = require("chalk")
const parseArgs = require("shell-quote").parse
const padEnd = require("string.prototype.padend")
const createHeader = require("./create-header")
const createPrefixTransform = require("./create-prefix-transform-stream")
const spawn = require("./spawn")

// Helpers

const colors = [chalk.cyan, chalk.green, chalk.magenta, chalk.yellow, chalk.red]

let colorIndex = 0
const taskNamesToColors = new Map()

 * Select a color from given task name.
 * @param {string} taskName - The task name.
 * @returns {function} A colorize function that provided by `chalk`
function selectColor(taskName) {
    let color = taskNamesToColors.get(taskName)
    if (!color) {
        color = colors[colorIndex]
        colorIndex = (colorIndex + 1) % colors.length
        taskNamesToColors.set(taskName, color)
    return color

 * Wraps stdout/stderr with a transform stream to add the task name as prefix.
 * @param {string} taskName - The task name.
 * @param {stream.Writable} source - An output stream to be wrapped.
 * @param {object} labelState - An label state for the transform stream.
 * @returns {stream.Writable} `source` or the created wrapped stream.
function wrapLabeling(taskName, source, labelState) {
    if (source == null || !labelState.enabled) {
        return source

    const label = padEnd(taskName, labelState.width)
    const color = source.isTTY ? selectColor(taskName) : (x) => x
    const prefix = color(`[${label}] `)
    const stream = createPrefixTransform(prefix, labelState)


    return stream

 * Converts a given stream to an option for `child_process.spawn`.
 * @param {stream.Readable|stream.Writable|null} stream - An original stream to convert.
 * @param {process.stdin|process.stdout|process.stderr} std - A standard stream for this option.
 * @returns {string|stream.Readable|stream.Writable} An option for `child_process.spawn`.
function detectStreamKind(stream, std) {
    return (
        stream == null ? "ignore" :
        // `|| !std.isTTY` is needed for the workaround of https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/5620
        stream !== std || !std.isTTY ? "pipe" :
        /* else */ stream

 * Ensure the output of shell-quote's `parse()` is acceptable input to npm-cli.
 * The `parse()` method of shell-quote sometimes returns special objects in its
 * output array, e.g. if it thinks some elements should be globbed. But npm-cli
 * only accepts strings and will throw an error otherwise.
 * See https://github.com/substack/node-shell-quote#parsecmd-env
 * @param {object|string} arg - Item in the output of shell-quote's `parse()`.
 * @returns {string} A valid argument for npm-cli.
function cleanTaskArg(arg) {
    return arg.pattern || arg.op || arg

// Interface

 * Run a npm-script of a given name.
 * The return value is a promise which has an extra method: `abort()`.
 * The `abort()` kills the child process to run the npm-script.
 * @param {string} task - A npm-script name to run.
 * @param {object} options - An option object.
 * @param {stream.Readable|null} options.stdin -
 *   A readable stream to send messages to stdin of child process.
 *   If this is `null`, ignores it.
 *   If this is `process.stdin`, inherits it.
 *   Otherwise, makes a pipe.
 * @param {stream.Writable|null} options.stdout -
 *   A writable stream to receive messages from stdout of child process.
 *   If this is `null`, cannot send.
 *   If this is `process.stdout`, inherits it.
 *   Otherwise, makes a pipe.
 * @param {stream.Writable|null} options.stderr -
 *   A writable stream to receive messages from stderr of child process.
 *   If this is `null`, cannot send.
 *   If this is `process.stderr`, inherits it.
 *   Otherwise, makes a pipe.
 * @param {string[]} options.prefixOptions -
 *   An array of options which are inserted before the task name.
 * @param {object} options.labelState - A state object for printing labels.
 * @param {boolean} options.printName - The flag to print task names before running each task.
 * @returns {Promise}
 *   A promise object which becomes fullfilled when the npm-script is completed.
 *   This promise object has an extra method: `abort()`.
 * @private
module.exports = function runTask(task, options) {
    let cp = null
    const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const stdin = options.stdin
        const stdout = wrapLabeling(task, options.stdout, options.labelState)
        const stderr = wrapLabeling(task, options.stderr, options.labelState)
        const stdinKind = detectStreamKind(stdin, process.stdin)
        const stdoutKind = detectStreamKind(stdout, process.stdout)
        const stderrKind = detectStreamKind(stderr, process.stderr)
        const spawnOptions = { stdio: [stdinKind, stdoutKind, stderrKind] }

        // Print task name.
        if (options.printName && stdout != null) {

        // Execute.
        const npmPath = options.npmPath || process.env.npm_execpath //eslint-disable-line no-process-env
        const npmPathIsJs = typeof npmPath === "string" && /\.m?js/.test(path.extname(npmPath))
        const execPath = (npmPathIsJs ? process.execPath : npmPath || "npm")
        const isYarn = path.basename(npmPath || "npm").startsWith("yarn")
        const spawnArgs = ["run"]

        if (npmPathIsJs) {
        if (!isYarn) {
            Array.prototype.push.apply(spawnArgs, options.prefixOptions)
        else if (options.prefixOptions.indexOf("--silent") !== -1) {
        Array.prototype.push.apply(spawnArgs, parseArgs(task).map(cleanTaskArg))

        cp = spawn(execPath, spawnArgs, spawnOptions)

        // Piping stdio.
        if (stdinKind === "pipe") {
        if (stdoutKind === "pipe") {
            cp.stdout.pipe(stdout, { end: false })
        if (stderrKind === "pipe") {
            cp.stderr.pipe(stderr, { end: false })

        // Register
        cp.on("error", (err) => {
            cp = null
        cp.on("close", (code) => {
            cp = null
            resolve({ task, code })

    promise.abort = function abort() {
        if (cp != null) {
            cp = null

    return promise