'use strict'; var path = require('path'); var minimatch = require('minimatch'); var createDebug = require('debug'); var objectSchema = require('@humanwhocodes/object-schema'); /** * @fileoverview ConfigSchema * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const NOOP_STRATEGY = { required: false, merge() { return undefined; }, validate() { } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Exports //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * The base schema that every ConfigArray uses. * @type Object */ const baseSchema = Object.freeze({ name: { required: false, merge() { return undefined; }, validate(value) { if (typeof value !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Property must be a string.'); } } }, files: NOOP_STRATEGY, ignores: NOOP_STRATEGY }); /** * @fileoverview ConfigSchema * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Asserts that a given value is an array. * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {void} * @throws {TypeError} When the value is not an array. */ function assertIsArray(value) { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { throw new TypeError('Expected value to be an array.'); } } /** * Asserts that a given value is an array containing only strings and functions. * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {void} * @throws {TypeError} When the value is not an array of strings and functions. */ function assertIsArrayOfStringsAndFunctions(value, name) { assertIsArray(value); if (value.some(item => typeof item !== 'string' && typeof item !== 'function')) { throw new TypeError('Expected array to only contain strings and functions.'); } } /** * Asserts that a given value is a non-empty array. * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {void} * @throws {TypeError} When the value is not an array or an empty array. */ function assertIsNonEmptyArray(value) { if (!Array.isArray(value) || value.length === 0) { throw new TypeError('Expected value to be a non-empty array.'); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Exports //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * The schema for `files` and `ignores` that every ConfigArray uses. * @type Object */ const filesAndIgnoresSchema = Object.freeze({ files: { required: false, merge() { return undefined; }, validate(value) { // first check if it's an array assertIsNonEmptyArray(value); // then check each member value.forEach(item => { if (Array.isArray(item)) { assertIsArrayOfStringsAndFunctions(item); } else if (typeof item !== 'string' && typeof item !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Items must be a string, a function, or an array of strings and functions.'); } }); } }, ignores: { required: false, merge() { return undefined; }, validate: assertIsArrayOfStringsAndFunctions } }); /** * @fileoverview ConfigArray * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Minimatch = minimatch.Minimatch; const minimatchCache = new Map(); const negatedMinimatchCache = new Map(); const debug = createDebug('@hwc/config-array'); const MINIMATCH_OPTIONS = { // matchBase: true, dot: true }; const CONFIG_TYPES = new Set(['array', 'function']); const FILES_AND_IGNORES_SCHEMA = new objectSchema.ObjectSchema(filesAndIgnoresSchema); /** * Shorthand for checking if a value is a string. * @param {any} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} True if a string, false if not. */ function isString(value) { return typeof value === 'string'; } /** * Asserts that the files and ignores keys of a config object are valid as per base schema. * @param {object} config The config object to check. * @returns {void} * @throws {TypeError} If the files and ignores keys of a config object are not valid. */ function assertValidFilesAndIgnores(config) { if (!config || typeof config !== 'object') { return; } const validateConfig = { }; if ('files' in config) { validateConfig.files = config.files; } if ('ignores' in config) { validateConfig.ignores = config.ignores; } FILES_AND_IGNORES_SCHEMA.validate(validateConfig); } /** * Wrapper around minimatch that caches minimatch patterns for * faster matching speed over multiple file path evaluations. * @param {string} filepath The file path to match. * @param {string} pattern The glob pattern to match against. * @param {object} options The minimatch options to use. * @returns */ function doMatch(filepath, pattern, options = {}) { let cache = minimatchCache; if (options.flipNegate) { cache = negatedMinimatchCache; } let matcher = cache.get(pattern); if (!matcher) { matcher = new Minimatch(pattern, Object.assign({}, MINIMATCH_OPTIONS, options)); cache.set(pattern, matcher); } return matcher.match(filepath); } /** * Normalizes a `ConfigArray` by flattening it and executing any functions * that are found inside. * @param {Array} items The items in a `ConfigArray`. * @param {Object} context The context object to pass into any function * found. * @param {Array<string>} extraConfigTypes The config types to check. * @returns {Promise<Array>} A flattened array containing only config objects. * @throws {TypeError} When a config function returns a function. */ async function normalize(items, context, extraConfigTypes) { const allowFunctions = extraConfigTypes.includes('function'); const allowArrays = extraConfigTypes.includes('array'); async function* flatTraverse(array) { for (let item of array) { if (typeof item === 'function') { if (!allowFunctions) { throw new TypeError('Unexpected function.'); } item = item(context); if (item.then) { item = await item; } } if (Array.isArray(item)) { if (!allowArrays) { throw new TypeError('Unexpected array.'); } yield* flatTraverse(item); } else if (typeof item === 'function') { throw new TypeError('A config function can only return an object or array.'); } else { yield item; } } } /* * Async iterables cannot be used with the spread operator, so we need to manually * create the array to return. */ const asyncIterable = await flatTraverse(items); const configs = []; for await (const config of asyncIterable) { configs.push(config); } return configs; } /** * Normalizes a `ConfigArray` by flattening it and executing any functions * that are found inside. * @param {Array} items The items in a `ConfigArray`. * @param {Object} context The context object to pass into any function * found. * @param {Array<string>} extraConfigTypes The config types to check. * @returns {Array} A flattened array containing only config objects. * @throws {TypeError} When a config function returns a function. */ function normalizeSync(items, context, extraConfigTypes) { const allowFunctions = extraConfigTypes.includes('function'); const allowArrays = extraConfigTypes.includes('array'); function* flatTraverse(array) { for (let item of array) { if (typeof item === 'function') { if (!allowFunctions) { throw new TypeError('Unexpected function.'); } item = item(context); if (item.then) { throw new TypeError('Async config functions are not supported.'); } } if (Array.isArray(item)) { if (!allowArrays) { throw new TypeError('Unexpected array.'); } yield* flatTraverse(item); } else if (typeof item === 'function') { throw new TypeError('A config function can only return an object or array.'); } else { yield item; } } } return [...flatTraverse(items)]; } /** * Determines if a given file path should be ignored based on the given * matcher. * @param {Array<string|() => boolean>} ignores The ignore patterns to check. * @param {string} filePath The absolute path of the file to check. * @param {string} relativeFilePath The relative path of the file to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the path should be ignored and false if not. */ function shouldIgnorePath(ignores, filePath, relativeFilePath) { // all files outside of the basePath are ignored if (relativeFilePath.startsWith('..')) { return true; } return ignores.reduce((ignored, matcher) => { if (!ignored) { if (typeof matcher === 'function') { return matcher(filePath); } // don't check negated patterns because we're not ignored yet if (!matcher.startsWith('!')) { return doMatch(relativeFilePath, matcher); } // otherwise we're still not ignored return false; } // only need to check negated patterns because we're ignored if (typeof matcher === 'string' && matcher.startsWith('!')) { return !doMatch(relativeFilePath, matcher, { flipNegate: true }); } return ignored; }, false); } /** * Determines if a given file path is matched by a config based on * `ignores` only. * @param {string} filePath The absolute file path to check. * @param {string} basePath The base path for the config. * @param {Object} config The config object to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the file path is matched by the config, * false if not. */ function pathMatchesIgnores(filePath, basePath, config) { /* * For both files and ignores, functions are passed the absolute * file path while strings are compared against the relative * file path. */ const relativeFilePath = path.relative(basePath, filePath); return Object.keys(config).length > 1 && !shouldIgnorePath(config.ignores, filePath, relativeFilePath); } /** * Determines if a given file path is matched by a config. If the config * has no `files` field, then it matches; otherwise, if a `files` field * is present then we match the globs in `files` and exclude any globs in * `ignores`. * @param {string} filePath The absolute file path to check. * @param {string} basePath The base path for the config. * @param {Object} config The config object to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the file path is matched by the config, * false if not. */ function pathMatches(filePath, basePath, config) { /* * For both files and ignores, functions are passed the absolute * file path while strings are compared against the relative * file path. */ const relativeFilePath = path.relative(basePath, filePath); // match both strings and functions const match = pattern => { if (isString(pattern)) { return doMatch(relativeFilePath, pattern); } if (typeof pattern === 'function') { return pattern(filePath); } throw new TypeError(`Unexpected matcher type ${pattern}.`); }; // check for all matches to config.files let filePathMatchesPattern = config.files.some(pattern => { if (Array.isArray(pattern)) { return pattern.every(match); } return match(pattern); }); /* * If the file path matches the config.files patterns, then check to see * if there are any files to ignore. */ if (filePathMatchesPattern && config.ignores) { filePathMatchesPattern = !shouldIgnorePath(config.ignores, filePath, relativeFilePath); } return filePathMatchesPattern; } /** * Ensures that a ConfigArray has been normalized. * @param {ConfigArray} configArray The ConfigArray to check. * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} When the `ConfigArray` is not normalized. */ function assertNormalized(configArray) { // TODO: Throw more verbose error if (!configArray.isNormalized()) { throw new Error('ConfigArray must be normalized to perform this operation.'); } } /** * Ensures that config types are valid. * @param {Array<string>} extraConfigTypes The config types to check. * @returns {void} * @throws {Error} When the config types array is invalid. */ function assertExtraConfigTypes(extraConfigTypes) { if (extraConfigTypes.length > 2) { throw new TypeError('configTypes must be an array with at most two items.'); } for (const configType of extraConfigTypes) { if (!CONFIG_TYPES.has(configType)) { throw new TypeError(`Unexpected config type "${configType}" found. Expected one of: "object", "array", "function".`); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const ConfigArraySymbol = { isNormalized: Symbol('isNormalized'), configCache: Symbol('configCache'), schema: Symbol('schema'), finalizeConfig: Symbol('finalizeConfig'), preprocessConfig: Symbol('preprocessConfig') }; // used to store calculate data for faster lookup const dataCache = new WeakMap(); /** * Represents an array of config objects and provides method for working with * those config objects. */ class ConfigArray extends Array { /** * Creates a new instance of ConfigArray. * @param {Iterable|Function|Object} configs An iterable yielding config * objects, or a config function, or a config object. * @param {string} [options.basePath=""] The path of the config file * @param {boolean} [options.normalized=false] Flag indicating if the * configs have already been normalized. * @param {Object} [options.schema] The additional schema * definitions to use for the ConfigArray schema. * @param {Array<string>} [options.configTypes] List of config types supported. */ constructor(configs, { basePath = '', normalized = false, schema: customSchema, extraConfigTypes = [] } = {} ) { super(); /** * Tracks if the array has been normalized. * @property isNormalized * @type boolean * @private */ this[ConfigArraySymbol.isNormalized] = normalized; /** * The schema used for validating and merging configs. * @property schema * @type ObjectSchema * @private */ this[ConfigArraySymbol.schema] = new objectSchema.ObjectSchema( Object.assign({}, customSchema, baseSchema) ); /** * The path of the config file that this array was loaded from. * This is used to calculate filename matches. * @property basePath * @type string */ this.basePath = basePath; assertExtraConfigTypes(extraConfigTypes); /** * The supported config types. * @property configTypes * @type Array<string> */ this.extraConfigTypes = Object.freeze([...extraConfigTypes]); /** * A cache to store calculated configs for faster repeat lookup. * @property configCache * @type Map * @private */ this[ConfigArraySymbol.configCache] = new Map(); // init cache dataCache.set(this, { explicitMatches: new Map(), directoryMatches: new Map(), files: undefined, ignores: undefined }); // load the configs into this array if (Array.isArray(configs)) { this.push(...configs); } else { this.push(configs); } } /** * Prevent normal array methods from creating a new `ConfigArray` instance. * This is to ensure that methods such as `slice()` won't try to create a * new instance of `ConfigArray` behind the scenes as doing so may throw * an error due to the different constructor signature. * @returns {Function} The `Array` constructor. */ static get [Symbol.species]() { return Array; } /** * Returns the `files` globs from every config object in the array. * This can be used to determine which files will be matched by a * config array or to use as a glob pattern when no patterns are provided * for a command line interface. * @returns {Array<string|Function>} An array of matchers. */ get files() { assertNormalized(this); // if this data has been cached, retrieve it const cache = dataCache.get(this); if (cache.files) { return cache.files; } // otherwise calculate it const result = []; for (const config of this) { if (config.files) { config.files.forEach(filePattern => { result.push(filePattern); }); } } // store result cache.files = result; dataCache.set(this, cache); return result; } /** * Returns ignore matchers that should always be ignored regardless of * the matching `files` fields in any configs. This is necessary to mimic * the behavior of things like .gitignore and .eslintignore, allowing a * globbing operation to be faster. * @returns {string[]} An array of string patterns and functions to be ignored. */ get ignores() { assertNormalized(this); // if this data has been cached, retrieve it const cache = dataCache.get(this); if (cache.ignores) { return cache.ignores; } // otherwise calculate it const result = []; for (const config of this) { /* * We only count ignores if there are no other keys in the object. * In this case, it acts list a globally ignored pattern. If there * are additional keys, then ignores act like exclusions. */ if (config.ignores && Object.keys(config).length === 1) { /* * If there are directory ignores, then we need to double up * the patterns to be ignored. For instance, `foo` will also * need `foo/**` in order to account for subdirectories. */ config.ignores.forEach(ignore => { result.push(ignore); if (typeof ignore === 'string') { // unignoring files won't work unless we unignore directories too if (ignore.startsWith('!')) { if (ignore.endsWith('/**')) { result.push(ignore.slice(0, ignore.length - 3)); } else if (ignore.endsWith('/*')) { result.push(ignore.slice(0, ignore.length - 2)); } } // directories should work with or without a trailing slash if (ignore.endsWith('/')) { result.push(ignore.slice(0, ignore.length - 1)); result.push(ignore + '**'); } else if (!ignore.endsWith('*')) { result.push(ignore + '/**'); } } }); } } // store result cache.ignores = result; dataCache.set(this, cache); return result; } /** * Indicates if the config array has been normalized. * @returns {boolean} True if the config array is normalized, false if not. */ isNormalized() { return this[ConfigArraySymbol.isNormalized]; } /** * Normalizes a config array by flattening embedded arrays and executing * config functions. * @param {ConfigContext} context The context object for config functions. * @returns {Promise<ConfigArray>} The current ConfigArray instance. */ async normalize(context = {}) { if (!this.isNormalized()) { const normalizedConfigs = await normalize(this, context, this.extraConfigTypes); this.length = 0; this.push(...normalizedConfigs.map(this[ConfigArraySymbol.preprocessConfig].bind(this))); this.forEach(assertValidFilesAndIgnores); this[ConfigArraySymbol.isNormalized] = true; // prevent further changes Object.freeze(this); } return this; } /** * Normalizes a config array by flattening embedded arrays and executing * config functions. * @param {ConfigContext} context The context object for config functions. * @returns {ConfigArray} The current ConfigArray instance. */ normalizeSync(context = {}) { if (!this.isNormalized()) { const normalizedConfigs = normalizeSync(this, context, this.extraConfigTypes); this.length = 0; this.push(...normalizedConfigs.map(this[ConfigArraySymbol.preprocessConfig].bind(this))); this.forEach(assertValidFilesAndIgnores); this[ConfigArraySymbol.isNormalized] = true; // prevent further changes Object.freeze(this); } return this; } /** * Finalizes the state of a config before being cached and returned by * `getConfig()`. Does nothing by default but is provided to be * overridden by subclasses as necessary. * @param {Object} config The config to finalize. * @returns {Object} The finalized config. */ [ConfigArraySymbol.finalizeConfig](config) { return config; } /** * Preprocesses a config during the normalization process. This is the * method to override if you want to convert an array item before it is * validated for the first time. For example, if you want to replace a * string with an object, this is the method to override. * @param {Object} config The config to preprocess. * @returns {Object} The config to use in place of the argument. */ [ConfigArraySymbol.preprocessConfig](config) { return config; } /** * Determines if a given file path explicitly matches a `files` entry * and also doesn't match an `ignores` entry. Configs that don't have * a `files` property are not considered an explicit match. * @param {string} filePath The complete path of a file to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the file path matches a `files` entry * or false if not. */ isExplicitMatch(filePath) { assertNormalized(this); const cache = dataCache.get(this); // first check the cache to avoid duplicate work let result = cache.explicitMatches.get(filePath); if (typeof result == 'boolean') { return result; } // TODO: Maybe move elsewhere? Maybe combine with getConfig() logic? const relativeFilePath = path.relative(this.basePath, filePath); if (shouldIgnorePath(this.ignores, filePath, relativeFilePath)) { debug(`Ignoring ${filePath}`); // cache and return result cache.explicitMatches.set(filePath, false); return false; } // filePath isn't automatically ignored, so try to find a match for (const config of this) { if (!config.files) { continue; } if (pathMatches(filePath, this.basePath, config)) { debug(`Matching config found for ${filePath}`); cache.explicitMatches.set(filePath, true); return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the config object for a given file path. * @param {string} filePath The complete path of a file to get a config for. * @returns {Object} The config object for this file. */ getConfig(filePath) { assertNormalized(this); const cache = this[ConfigArraySymbol.configCache]; // first check the cache for a filename match to avoid duplicate work if (cache.has(filePath)) { return cache.get(filePath); } let finalConfig; // next check to see if the file should be ignored // check if this should be ignored due to its directory if (this.isDirectoryIgnored(path.dirname(filePath))) { debug(`Ignoring ${filePath} based on directory pattern`); // cache and return result - finalConfig is undefined at this point cache.set(filePath, finalConfig); return finalConfig; } // TODO: Maybe move elsewhere? const relativeFilePath = path.relative(this.basePath, filePath); if (shouldIgnorePath(this.ignores, filePath, relativeFilePath)) { debug(`Ignoring ${filePath} based on file pattern`); // cache and return result - finalConfig is undefined at this point cache.set(filePath, finalConfig); return finalConfig; } // filePath isn't automatically ignored, so try to construct config const matchingConfigIndices = []; let matchFound = false; const universalPattern = /\/\*{1,2}$/; this.forEach((config, index) => { if (!config.files) { if (!config.ignores) { debug(`Anonymous universal config found for ${filePath}`); matchingConfigIndices.push(index); return; } if (pathMatchesIgnores(filePath, this.basePath, config)) { debug(`Matching config found for ${filePath} (based on ignores: ${config.ignores})`); matchingConfigIndices.push(index); return; } debug(`Skipped config found for ${filePath} (based on ignores: ${config.ignores})`); return; } /* * If a config has a files pattern ending in /** or /*, and the * filePath only matches those patterns, then the config is only * applied if there is another config where the filePath matches * a file with a specific extensions such as *.js. */ const universalFiles = config.files.filter( pattern => universalPattern.test(pattern) ); // universal patterns were found so we need to check the config twice if (universalFiles.length) { debug('Universal files patterns found. Checking carefully.'); const nonUniversalFiles = config.files.filter( pattern => !universalPattern.test(pattern) ); // check that the config matches without the non-universal files first if ( nonUniversalFiles.length && pathMatches( filePath, this.basePath, { files: nonUniversalFiles, ignores: config.ignores } ) ) { debug(`Matching config found for ${filePath}`); matchingConfigIndices.push(index); matchFound = true; return; } // if there wasn't a match then check if it matches with universal files if ( universalFiles.length && pathMatches( filePath, this.basePath, { files: universalFiles, ignores: config.ignores } ) ) { debug(`Matching config found for ${filePath}`); matchingConfigIndices.push(index); return; } // if we make here, then there was no match return; } // the normal case if (pathMatches(filePath, this.basePath, config)) { debug(`Matching config found for ${filePath}`); matchingConfigIndices.push(index); matchFound = true; return; } }); // if matching both files and ignores, there will be no config to create if (!matchFound) { debug(`No matching configs found for ${filePath}`); // cache and return result - finalConfig is undefined at this point cache.set(filePath, finalConfig); return finalConfig; } // check to see if there is a config cached by indices finalConfig = cache.get(matchingConfigIndices.toString()); if (finalConfig) { // also store for filename for faster lookup next time cache.set(filePath, finalConfig); return finalConfig; } // otherwise construct the config finalConfig = matchingConfigIndices.reduce((result, index) => { return this[ConfigArraySymbol.schema].merge(result, this[index]); }, {}, this); finalConfig = this[ConfigArraySymbol.finalizeConfig](finalConfig); cache.set(filePath, finalConfig); cache.set(matchingConfigIndices.toString(), finalConfig); return finalConfig; } /** * Determines if the given filepath is ignored based on the configs. * @param {string} filePath The complete path of a file to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the path is ignored, false if not. * @deprecated Use `isFileIgnored` instead. */ isIgnored(filePath) { return this.isFileIgnored(filePath); } /** * Determines if the given filepath is ignored based on the configs. * @param {string} filePath The complete path of a file to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the path is ignored, false if not. */ isFileIgnored(filePath) { return this.getConfig(filePath) === undefined; } /** * Determines if the given directory is ignored based on the configs. * This checks only default `ignores` that don't have `files` in the * same config. A pattern such as `/foo` be considered to ignore the directory * while a pattern such as `/foo/**` is not considered to ignore the * directory because it is matching files. * @param {string} directoryPath The complete path of a directory to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the directory is ignored, false if not. Will * return true for any directory that is not inside of `basePath`. * @throws {Error} When the `ConfigArray` is not normalized. */ isDirectoryIgnored(directoryPath) { assertNormalized(this); const relativeDirectoryPath = path.relative(this.basePath, directoryPath) .replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (relativeDirectoryPath.startsWith('..')) { return true; } // first check the cache const cache = dataCache.get(this).directoryMatches; if (cache.has(relativeDirectoryPath)) { return cache.get(relativeDirectoryPath); } const directoryParts = relativeDirectoryPath.split('/'); let relativeDirectoryToCheck = ''; let result = false; /* * In order to get the correct gitignore-style ignores, where an * ignored parent directory cannot have any descendants unignored, * we need to check every directory starting at the parent all * the way down to the actual requested directory. * * We aggressively cache all of this info to make sure we don't * have to recalculate everything for every call. */ do { relativeDirectoryToCheck += directoryParts.shift() + '/'; result = shouldIgnorePath( this.ignores, path.join(this.basePath, relativeDirectoryToCheck), relativeDirectoryToCheck ); cache.set(relativeDirectoryToCheck, result); } while (!result && directoryParts.length); // also cache the result for the requested path cache.set(relativeDirectoryPath, result); return result; } } exports.ConfigArray = ConfigArray; exports.ConfigArraySymbol = ConfigArraySymbol;