279 lines
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2023-11-30 18:35:42 +04:00
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
var chalk = require('chalk'),
os = require('os'),
httpServer = require('../lib/http-server'),
portfinder = require('portfinder'),
opener = require('opener'),
fs = require('fs'),
url = require('url');
var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2), {
alias: {
tls: 'ssl'
var ifaces = os.networkInterfaces();
process.title = 'http-server';
if (argv.h || argv.help) {
'usage: http-server [path] [options]',
' -p --port Port to use. If 0, look for open port. [8080]',
' -a Address to use []',
' -d Show directory listings [true]',
' -i Display autoIndex [true]',
' -g --gzip Serve gzip files when possible [false]',
' -b --brotli Serve brotli files when possible [false]',
' If both brotli and gzip are enabled, brotli takes precedence',
' -e --ext Default file extension if none supplied [none]',
' -s --silent Suppress log messages from output',
' --cors[=headers] Enable CORS via the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header',
' Optionally provide CORS headers list separated by commas',
' -o [path] Open browser window after starting the server.',
' Optionally provide a URL path to open the browser window to.',
' -c Cache time (max-age) in seconds [3600], e.g. -c10 for 10 seconds.',
' To disable caching, use -c-1.',
' -t Connections timeout in seconds [120], e.g. -t60 for 1 minute.',
' To disable timeout, use -t0',
' -U --utc Use UTC time format in log messages.',
' --log-ip Enable logging of the client\'s IP address',
' -P --proxy Fallback proxy if the request cannot be resolved. e.g.: http://someurl.com',
' --proxy-options Pass options to proxy using nested dotted objects. e.g.: --proxy-options.secure false',
' --username Username for basic authentication [none]',
' Can also be specified with the env variable NODE_HTTP_SERVER_USERNAME',
' --password Password for basic authentication [none]',
' Can also be specified with the env variable NODE_HTTP_SERVER_PASSWORD',
' -S --tls --ssl Enable secure request serving with TLS/SSL (HTTPS)',
' -C --cert Path to TLS cert file (default: cert.pem)',
' -K --key Path to TLS key file (default: key.pem)',
' -r --robots Respond to /robots.txt [User-agent: *\\nDisallow: /]',
' --no-dotfiles Do not show dotfiles',
' --mimetypes Path to a .types file for custom mimetype definition',
' -h --help Print this list and exit.',
' -v --version Print the version and exit.'
var port = argv.p || argv.port || parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10),
host = argv.a || '',
tls = argv.S || argv.tls,
sslPassphrase = process.env.NODE_HTTP_SERVER_SSL_PASSPHRASE,
proxy = argv.P || argv.proxy,
proxyOptions = argv['proxy-options'],
utc = argv.U || argv.utc,
version = argv.v || argv.version,
var proxyOptionsBooleanProps = [
'ws', 'xfwd', 'secure', 'toProxy', 'prependPath', 'ignorePath', 'changeOrigin',
'preserveHeaderKeyCase', 'followRedirects', 'selfHandleResponse'
if (proxyOptions) {
Object.keys(proxyOptions).forEach(function (key) {
if (proxyOptionsBooleanProps.indexOf(key) > -1) {
proxyOptions[key] = proxyOptions[key].toLowerCase() === 'true';
if (!argv.s && !argv.silent) {
logger = {
info: console.log,
request: function (req, res, error) {
var date = utc ? new Date().toUTCString() : new Date();
var ip = argv['log-ip']
? req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || '' + req.connection.remoteAddress
: '';
if (error) {
'[%s] %s "%s %s" Error (%s): "%s"',
date, ip, chalk.red(req.method), chalk.red(req.url),
chalk.red(error.status.toString()), chalk.red(error.message)
else {
'[%s] %s "%s %s" "%s"',
date, ip, chalk.cyan(req.method), chalk.cyan(req.url),
else if (chalk) {
logger = {
info: function () {},
request: function () {}
if (version) {
logger.info('v' + require('../package.json').version);
if (!port) {
portfinder.basePort = 8080;
portfinder.getPort(function (err, port) {
if (err) { throw err; }
else {
function listen(port) {
var options = {
root: argv._[0],
cache: argv.c,
timeout: argv.t,
showDir: argv.d,
autoIndex: argv.i,
gzip: argv.g || argv.gzip,
brotli: argv.b || argv.brotli,
robots: argv.r || argv.robots,
ext: argv.e || argv.ext,
logFn: logger.request,
proxy: proxy,
proxyOptions: proxyOptions,
showDotfiles: argv.dotfiles,
mimetypes: argv.mimetypes,
username: argv.username || process.env.NODE_HTTP_SERVER_USERNAME,
password: argv.password || process.env.NODE_HTTP_SERVER_PASSWORD
if (argv.cors) {
options.cors = true;
if (typeof argv.cors === 'string') {
options.corsHeaders = argv.cors;
if (proxy) {
try {
new url.URL(proxy)
catch (err) {
logger.info(chalk.red('Error: Invalid proxy url'));
if (tls) {
options.https = {
cert: argv.C || argv.cert || 'cert.pem',
key: argv.K || argv.key || 'key.pem',
passphrase: sslPassphrase,
try {
catch (err) {
logger.info(chalk.red('Error: Could not find certificate ' + options.https.cert));
try {
catch (err) {
logger.info(chalk.red('Error: Could not find private key ' + options.https.key));
var server = httpServer.createServer(options);
server.listen(port, host, function () {
var protocol = tls ? 'https://' : 'http://';
chalk.yellow('Starting up http-server, serving '),
tls ? (chalk.yellow(' through') + chalk.cyan(' https')) : ''
logger.info([chalk.yellow('\nhttp-server version: '), chalk.cyan(require('../package.json').version)].join(''));
chalk.yellow('\nhttp-server settings: '),
([chalk.yellow('CORS: '), argv.cors ? chalk.cyan(argv.cors) : chalk.red('disabled')].join('')),
([chalk.yellow('Cache: '), argv.c ? (argv.c === '-1' ? chalk.red('disabled') : chalk.cyan(argv.c + ' seconds')) : chalk.cyan('3600 seconds')].join('')),
([chalk.yellow('Connection Timeout: '), argv.t === '0' ? chalk.red('disabled') : (argv.t ? chalk.cyan(argv.t + ' seconds') : chalk.cyan('120 seconds'))].join('')),
([chalk.yellow('Directory Listings: '), argv.d ? chalk.red('not visible') : chalk.cyan('visible')].join('')),
([chalk.yellow('AutoIndex: '), argv.i ? chalk.red('not visible') : chalk.cyan('visible')].join('')),
([chalk.yellow('Serve GZIP Files: '), argv.g || argv.gzip ? chalk.cyan('true') : chalk.red('false')].join('')),
([chalk.yellow('Serve Brotli Files: '), argv.b || argv.brotli ? chalk.cyan('true') : chalk.red('false')].join('')),
([chalk.yellow('Default File Extension: '), argv.e ? chalk.cyan(argv.e) : (argv.ext ? chalk.cyan(argv.ext) : chalk.red('none'))].join(''))
logger.info(chalk.yellow('\nAvailable on:'));
if (argv.a && host !== '') {
logger.info(` ${protocol}${host}:${chalk.green(port.toString())}`);
} else {
Object.keys(ifaces).forEach(function (dev) {
ifaces[dev].forEach(function (details) {
if (details.family === 'IPv4') {
logger.info((' ' + protocol + details.address + ':' + chalk.green(port.toString())));
if (typeof proxy === 'string') {
if (proxyOptions) {
logger.info('Unhandled requests will be served from: ' + proxy + '. Options: ' + JSON.stringify(proxyOptions));
else {
logger.info('Unhandled requests will be served from: ' + proxy);
logger.info('Hit CTRL-C to stop the server');
if (argv.o) {
const openHost = host === '' ? '' : host;
let openUrl = `${protocol}${openHost}:${port}`;
if (typeof argv.o === 'string') {
openUrl += argv.o[0] === '/' ? argv.o : '/' + argv.o;
logger.info('Open: ' + openUrl);
// Spacing before logs
if (!argv.s) logger.info();
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
}).on('SIGINT', function () {
process.on('SIGINT', function () {
logger.info(chalk.red('http-server stopped.'));
process.on('SIGTERM', function () {
logger.info(chalk.red('http-server stopped.'));