[](https://travis-ci.org/JSBizon/node-memorystream) # Introduction node-memorystream - this module allow create streams in memory. It can be used for emulating file streams, filtering/mutating data between one stream and another, buffering incoming data, being the gap between two data/network streams of variable rates, etc. MemoryStream support read/write states or only read state or only write state. The API is meant to follow node's Stream implementation. Module supports streams for node > 0.10 now. Original module is here git://github.com/ollym/memstream.git was remade and improved. ## Installation If you have npm installed, you can simply type: npm install memorystream Or you can clone this repository using the git command: git clone git://github.com/JSBizon/node-memorystream.git ## Usage Some examples how to use memorystream module. #### Basic I/O Operation In this example I illustrate the basic I/O operations of the memory stream. var MemoryStream = require('memorystream'); var memStream = new MemoryStream(['Hello',' ']); var data = ''; memStream.on('data', function(chunk) { data += chunk.toString(); }); memStream.write('World'); memStream.on('end', function() { // outputs 'Hello World!' console.log(data); }); memStream.end('!'); #### Piping In this example I'm piping all data from the memory stream to the process's stdout stream. var MemoryStream = require('memorystream'); var memStream = new MemoryStream(); memStream.pipe(process.stdout, { end: false }); memStream.write('Hello World!'); In this example I'm piping all data from the response stream to the memory stream. var http = require('http'), MemoryStream = require('memorystream'); var options = { host: 'google.com' }; var memStream = new MemoryStream(null, { readable : false }); var req = http.get(options, function(res) { res.pipe(memStream); res.on('end', function() { console.log(memStream.toString()); }); }); #### Delayed Response In the example below, we first pause the stream before writing the data to it. The stream is then resumed after 1 second, and the data is written to the console. var MemoryStream = require('memorystream'); var memStream = new MemoryStream('Hello'); var data = ''; memStream.on('data', function(chunk) { data += chunk; }); memStream.pause(); memStream.write('World!'); setTimeout(function() { memStream.resume(); }, 1000); ## Documentation The memory stream adopts all the same methods and events as node's Stream implementation. Documentation is [available here](http://github.com/JSBizon/node-memorystream/wiki/API/ "Documentation").