using AutomobilePlantBusinessLogic.MailWorker; using AutomobilePlantContracts.BindingModels; using AutomobilePlantContracts.BusinessLogicsContracts; using AutomobilePlantContracts.SearchModels; using AutomobilePlantContracts.StoragesContracts; using AutomobilePlantContracts.ViewModels; using AutomobilePlantDataModels.Enums; using AutomobilePlantDataModels.Models; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AutomobilePlantBusinessLogic.BusinessLogics { public class OrderLogic : IOrderLogic { private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly IOrderStorage _orderStorage; private readonly IShopStorage _shopStorage; private readonly IShopLogic _shopLogic; private readonly ICarStorage _carStorage; private readonly AbstractMailWorker _mailWorker; private readonly IClientLogic _clientLogic; static readonly object locker = new object(); public OrderLogic(ILogger logger, IOrderStorage orderStorage, AbstractMailWorker mailWorker, IClientLogic clientLogic, IShopLogic shopLogic, ICarStorage carStorage, IShopStorage shopStorage) { _logger = logger; _orderStorage = orderStorage; _mailWorker = mailWorker; _clientLogic = clientLogic; _shopLogic = shopLogic; _carStorage = carStorage; _shopStorage = shopStorage; } public List? ReadList(OrderSearchModel? model) { _logger.LogInformation("ReadList. Id:{ Id}", model?.Id); var list = model == null ? _orderStorage.GetFullList() : _orderStorage.GetFilteredList(model); if (list == null) { _logger.LogWarning("ReadList return null list"); return null; } _logger.LogInformation("ReadList. Count:{Count}", list.Count); return list; } public OrderViewModel? ReadElement(OrderSearchModel model) { if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model)); } _logger.LogInformation("ReadElement. Id:{ Id}", model.Id); var element = _orderStorage.GetElement(model); if (element == null) { _logger.LogWarning("ReadElement element not found"); return null; } _logger.LogInformation("ReadElement find. Id:{Id}", element.Id); return element; } public bool CreateOrder(OrderBindingModel model) { CheckModel(model); if (model.Status != OrderStatus.Неизвестен) return false; model.Status = OrderStatus.Принят; var result = _orderStorage.Insert(model); if (result == null) { model.Status = OrderStatus.Неизвестен; _logger.LogWarning("Insert operation failed"); return false; } SendOrderStatusMail(result.ClientId, $"A new order has been created. Order number #{result.Id}", $"Order #{result.Id} from {result.DateCreate} for the amount {result.Sum:0.00} {result.Status}"); return true; } public bool CheckThenSupplyMany(ICarModel car, int count) { if (count <= 0) { _logger.LogWarning("Check then supply operation error. Car count < 0."); return false; } int freeSpace = 0; foreach (var shop in _shopStorage.GetFullList()) { freeSpace += shop.MaxCountCars; foreach (var c in shop.ShopCars) { freeSpace -= c.Value.Item2; } } if (freeSpace < count) { _logger.LogWarning("Check then supply operation error. There's no place for new cars in shops."); return false; } foreach (var shop in _shopStorage.GetFullList()) { freeSpace = shop.MaxCountCars; foreach (var c in shop.ShopCars) freeSpace -= c.Value.Item2; if (freeSpace <= 0) continue; if (freeSpace >= count) { if (_shopLogic.SupplyCars(new ShopSearchModel() { Id = shop.Id }, car, count)) count = 0; else { _logger.LogWarning("Supply error"); return false; } } if (freeSpace < count) { if (_shopLogic.SupplyCars(new ShopSearchModel() { Id = shop.Id }, car, freeSpace)) count -= freeSpace; else { _logger.LogWarning("Supply error"); return false; } } if (count <= 0) { return true; } } return false; } public bool ChangeStatus(OrderBindingModel model, OrderStatus status) { CheckModel(model, false); var element = _orderStorage.GetElement(new OrderSearchModel { Id = model.Id }); if (element == null) { _logger.LogWarning("Read operation failed"); return false; } if (element.Status != status - 1 && element.Status != OrderStatus.Ожидание) { _logger.LogWarning("Status change operation failed"); throw new InvalidOperationException("Текущий статус заказа не может быть переведен в выбранный"); } if (element.ImplementerId.HasValue) model.ImplementerId = element.ImplementerId; if (model.CarId == 0) model.CarId = element.CarId; if (model.Count == 0) model.Count = element.Count; if (status == OrderStatus.Выдан) { var car = _carStorage.GetElement(new CarSearchModel() { Id = model.CarId }); if (car == null) { _logger.LogWarning("Status change operation failed. Car not found."); return false; } if (!CheckThenSupplyMany(car, model.Count)) { _logger.LogWarning("Status change operation failed. Shop supply error."); model.Status = OrderStatus.Ожидание; if (_orderStorage.Update(model) == null) _logger.LogWarning("Update operation failed"); return false; } } model.Status = status; if (model.Status == OrderStatus.Выдан) model.DateImplement = DateTime.Now; var result = _orderStorage.Update(model); if (result == null) { _logger.LogWarning("Update operation failed"); return false; } SendOrderStatusMail(result.ClientId, $"Status of order #{result.Id} has been changed", $"Order #{result.Id} status has been changed to {result.Status}"); return true; } public bool TakeOrderInWork(OrderBindingModel model) { lock (locker) { return ChangeStatus(model, OrderStatus.Выполняется); } } public bool FinishOrder(OrderBindingModel model) { return ChangeStatus(model, OrderStatus.Готов); } public bool DeliveryOrder(OrderBindingModel model) { return ChangeStatus(model, OrderStatus.Выдан); } private void CheckModel(OrderBindingModel model, bool withParams = true) { if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model)); } if (!withParams) { return; } if (model.CarId < 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Некорректный идентификатор машин", nameof(model.CarId)); } if (model.Count <= 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Количество машин в заказе должно быть больше 0", nameof(model.Count)); } if (model.Sum <= 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Цена заказа должна быть больше 0", nameof(model.Sum)); } if (model.Count <= 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Количество элементов в заказе должно быть больше 0", nameof(model.Count)); } _logger.LogInformation("Order. Sum:{ Cost}. Id: { Id}", model.Sum, model.Id); } private bool SendOrderStatusMail(int clientId, string subject, string text) { var client = _clientLogic.ReadElement(new() { Id = clientId }); if (client == null) { return false; } _mailWorker.MailSendAsync(new() { MailAddress = client.Email, Subject = subject, Text = text }); return true; } } }